The Silver Paladin

By Rubyrose645

292K 5.9K 1.3K

I remember nothing of my past, but when I look up at the sky, I felt like I belonged somewhere other than her... More

The first meeting
The Beginning
The Blue Lion
Today, We Are Paladins
The Rise of Voltron
Some Assembly Required
Return of the Gladiator
First Battle
Fall of the Castle of Lions
Tears of Balmera
Taking Flight
Return to the Balmera
Crystal Venom
Collection and Extraction
The Black Paladin
This Can't Be.....
Shiro's Escape
Greening the Cube
Killer Cube
The Eye of the Storm
Escaping the Storm
Ark of Taujeer
Ark of Taujeer pt. 2
Space Mall
The Blade of Marmora
Escape from Beta Traz
Stayin' Alive
Best Laid Plans
Time to Fight
Changing of the Guard
Red Paladin
New Roles
The Hunted
Hole in the Sky
The Alternate Reality
Track a Comet
Tailing a Comet
Lellal's Tale
The Legend Begins
The Light: A New Discovery
Black Site
The Clans
Hello Grandfather
The Battle begins
The Light
Begin the Blitz
A New Defender
The Prisoner
Blood Duel
Kral Zera
The White Lion
White Lion Pt. 2
Omega Shield
The Colony
Black Paladins
All Good Things
Defender of All Universes
Past Memories
The Road Home
The Way Forward
The Ruins
Journey Within
The Last Stand pt. 1
The Last Stand pt. 2
The Last Stand Pt. 3
Know Your Enemy
Our First Step
Heart of the Lion
Trial By Fire
Lion's Pride pt. 1
Lion's Pride pt 2
Lion's Pride pt. 3
The Aftermath
Launch Date
Prisoner's Dilemma
Battle Scars
The Grudge
The Genesis
Day Forty-seven
Day Forty-seven Pt. 2
Clear Day
Knights of Light pt.1
Knights of Light Pt. 2
Knights of Light pt. 3
Uncharted Regions
The Zenith
The Last Time I Make You Cry
To Wait
Years Passed....
The Dawn of a New Beginning
Our Final Light

Code of Honor

2.2K 53 13
By Rubyrose645


A couple months had passed, and so far there was no sign of Lotor or his generals. And during that time, I took the opportunity to learn more about my brother, when we weren't on missions or putting on show of arms parades for the people.

It turns out that my brother is a skilled healer, and even though he didn't have technology on the Dark Moon, once he picked up a piece of equipment, he was able to code, program and configure it with ease. Not to mention that he could write complex code in a language he created himself. He was teaching me how to read it.

It was almost like having a male Pidge, but not as wild.

But there were other new developments that were brought to attention. Mainly, with Keith.

I was really beginning to worry about him. He hadn't been working with Voltron, and spending most of his time with the Blade of Marmora. I wondered if he would leave us for the Blades.

Right now we were sent on a mission to escort refugees in the Fimm System. It was important that we get them to safety. We attached out lions to the ships and began to take off towards the meeting point on Olkarion.

Just as we were about to leave, the Black Lion swung around and grabbed the remaining ship.

"Well, look who decided to show up." Pidge said annoyed by Keith's lateness.

"Yeah, are you even taking this seriously?" Lance asked equally annoyed.

"Sorry I'm late." Keith said, genuinely sorry for his tardiness.

"It's all right, Keith. As long as you came to help." I said, trying to make him feel better, but I could tell that it wasn't working well.

We brought the refugees back to Olkarion safe and sound a couple hours later, just when the sun was setting.

I got out of my lion and took off my helmet, shaking my hair back into place. But then I noticed twisting energies close by. I looked up and saw the Black Lion with two people standing in front of it.

Keith and Shiro, the two conflicting Paladins of the Black Lion. I could only sigh and watch as they seemed to be talking.

I knew Keith was concerned about his role as leader. But does he understand how this doubt about being leader would affect us? Affect me?


I stood on the roof of a nearby building with Shiro and the Black Lion. So many thing were going on and I didn't know how to make sense of it all.

I was torn between the Blades, and my duty to Voltron.

"Were you able to speak with Koliva. Avkut the intel?" I asked.

"I did, and we need tk find out all we can about that quintessence." Shiro answered before turning to me, "But more importantly, Voltron needs a strong leader."

"I know they do and it should be you." I said. I could never be the leader Shiro and Saoirsr thought that I could be. I couldn't lead the team properly.

Sometimes I think that it's best if I just stick with the Blades."

Shiro frowned, the topic being brought up times before, "Keith, we've discussed this before. Besides, we both know that the Black Lion has chosen you."

"You only tried once." I said, "You had a connection with the Black Lion and I know it's still there. If you just give it another shot--"

"Keith, we all have a part to play." Shiro cut me off, "This is mine now. I've come to terms with it. Now you need to."

I looked down, not wanting to see Shiro's face of disappointment and concern.

"I support your decision to continue with your Marmora training... but not at the expense of the team. They need you, Keith. They need you to be their leader."

I didn't say anything back. What would I say? No? I can't be their leader?

All of them didn't sound right.

So instead I sighed and began to walk away.

"You know..." Shiro said stopping me, "Saoirse is worried about you. You seem to be pushing her away like the rest of us."

I stayed quiet.

"Out of everyone on the team, you're closest to her. To see that you're pushing her away is painful. Not just to us, but to her."

He turned and walked up next to me, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I know she'll accept whatever decision you make, and I know that you really care about her. Just, try to think about it, okay?"

Shiro walked away, leaving alone to think about the best choice for both me and my teammates. Saoirse popped into my mind a lot. She was so jappy and excited when I became the Black Paladin. She was there for me through thick and thin as kids and this is how I repay her? By thinking about leaving her and the team.

I just didn't know what to do.


We stood on the bridge of the Castle, waiting for Coran to give us the next instructions and missions for us to complete. My brother Lellal was also present at this meeting.

He may be young, but he was part of this team now until we found our family on the Dark Moon, so he was present in most meetings. Other times he's trying to find Teshiria again on radars and rebel intelligence.

"Okay, everybody, today, we'll be heading to Reiphod, a planet recently liberated from Galra forces." Coran informed us.

"This is embarrassing." Keith said annoyed, "We're basically the grand marshal of a parade."

"Not a parade. A show of arms!" Coran rephrased flexing his arm to emphasize his point.

"Whatever it is, this the second one of these we've done just this week." Pidge said.

"I know it's not exactly battling the Galra, but believe it or not, this helps us boost morale and strengthen alliances." Allura said.

"Right, right, strongholds, blah-dy, blah-dy, blah." Lance said, as Allura had explained this to us before, "Now, I say we go over our lion choreography one more time. I don't want a repeat if what happened last time, Hunk."

"I thought my lion had more room." Hunk said, sheepishly grabbing his arm and looking down in embarrassment.

I sighed, "All of this is beginning to become exhausting." Lellal said slumping his shoulders, "You all never have a chance to rest with all this rebel activity and worrying over Lotor's whereabouts. I suppose the only time you do relax is during a show of arms."

Lellal was right. Sometimes I felt as if I would fall to my knees in exhaustion.

All of a sudden, Kolivan's face appeared on-screen, his expression being serious.

"Shiro, my apologies for interrupting, but this is an urgent matter." The screen changed to show us coordinates of a Galra supply ship, "A Galra supply ship has been spotted passing through Quadrant Omega-Raylar-Six."

"What's it doing so far from the normal supply routes?" Shiro asked.

"We can't be certain, but taken together with the fact that Lotor hasn't been seen in quite some time and the emergence of this new form quintessence, we feel compelled to investigate. Normally, we would wait for better intel, but I believe we should act on this now."

"I'll send Voltron to intercept." Shiro said, but I knew what this type of mission would call for.

"An infiltration mission would make more sense. We can plant a tracker and see just how far the supply route extends. With all the Galra activity as of late, my agents are spread thin."

"Not anymore. Count me in." Keith agreed without hesitation. We all looked back at him surprised and confused. I felt my scar burn. Something was not going to go well in the future.

"Hey, what about our performance? Lance asked leaning close to Keith with narrowed eyes, "We can't razzle-dazzle the crowd with just five lions."

"This mission is more important than a show of arms." Keith argued back, "Shiro?"

We turned back to Kolivan, "How long will it take?" Shiro asked.

"Not long, but we must act fast, or we risk the ship jumping into hyperspace."

Shiro turned around towards Keith, "Go. But when you're done, meet us on Reiphod."

Keith nodded and ran out of the room, rushing to accompany Kolivan on the mission.

Keith nodded and rushed out the Castle to meet Kolivan for the mission. But he wouldn't meet us on Reiphod. I knew he wouldn't be able to make it.

I stayed in my room for the majority of the trip, staring at the picture of my family, still wondering how they were doing at this moment.

"Sister? Are you all right?" I heard Lella ask from the other side of the room. We tried to get him his own room, but it seemed that he either didn't want to leave me, or that he eas so used to sleeping with other people that he wasn't comfortable sleeping alone. I sometimes think that it was more of the first reason.

I looked up and smiled at him, trying to hide that I was oeverwhelmed in thought.

"I'm all right, Lellal. Just thinking about a few things." I answered.

"It's about that boy, isn't it?" He asked, making me freeze and almost drop my stone.

I looked straight at him and he smiled.

"You like him, don't you?" He asked, but I think he already knew the answer.

"I've noticed the way you look at Keith. It isn't the same look you give the others, and it's almost like the way Mother and Father look at each other. You like Keith Kogane more than a friend."

I wanted to deny it, but I couldn't. I really did like Keith more than just a friend. I'd go as far to say that I loved him.

I sighed and looked back down at my stone.

"Yes, I won't deny I have feelings for Keith, but I can't say anything right now. I don't want to ruin the friendship we have right now. Especially with everything that's happening. He might be joining the Balde of Marmora permanently, and if i tell him now, it might be a distraction for him in his decision." I said.

Lellal got up from his seat in the corner and sat next to me, putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"I don't think Keith would end your friendship because of your feelings towards him. It'll take some time, but I think you should tell him about how you feel before it's too late."

I looked back at my brother, surprised by what he said. I smiled back at him and hugged him tightly.

"Thanks for that, Lellal." I said with a small laugh, "I never would've thought that I'd get relationship advice from my little brother."

Lellal laughed and blushed bright red.

"Yeah, well, Mother and Father were great teachers. They knew we would one day escape the Dark Moon after you returned to save us. They taught me all sorts of things so that I would be able to live in society. That also included relationships."

I laughed and hugged him tighter. It was nice to have more family in my life. I wondered for a long time whether my family was out there looking for me, and now I had my answers.

And I was going to find them.

We landed on Reiphod a couple hours later, and all of us were ready to perform for the citizens.

Although, I had a different plan in mind for this show of arms. One that would further reassure the people that they were safe and protected.

I let Silver fly herself while I got ready with Lellal. Finally, I wiuod actually be able to soar.

"Citizens of Reiphod, on this day, we honor you fir your perseverance. Your refusal to bow down in the face of such adversity is a testament to the fighting spirit of your people. You've put aside your differences and united to dispel the oppressive Galra regime, bringing freedom to all!" Coran said.

The crowds of people cheered with excitement and delight in their victory over the Galra.

"We thank you for joining the coalition and continuing the fight against the Galra that began with the reemergence of the six Lions of Voltron."

Coran raised his arm high into the air and the five Lion flew through the sky.

Coran looked a little forgetful, "Right, uh... five lions." He chuckled nervously.

I peeked out from behind the curtains, seeing the lions fly high into the air in perfect coordinated formation.

"We have to hurry, Lellal, they'll be on the next part in a few seconds." I said nervous and rushed to finish getting ready.

"I know, I know, big sister. But be patient, there's time before the finale. These Terhisian robes are difficult to tie."

I decided since the last show of arms, to let the universe know that there is also a Teshirian watching over them. Most know my people as angels, so why not lift their spirits more with an angel watching over them during these harsh times?

And for that, I asked Lellal to help me during the nights to create Teshirian clothes for me. I had some experience with sewing, so it wasn't too hard.

"And just as Voltron has shown what can be done when five individuals combine their powers together so, too, can we combine our powers with those on Planet Reiphod and grow even stronger. For it us the individual willing to take up arms that strengthens the whole. And with that strength, we will be unstoppable! And cue Voltron with sword..." Coran said cueing for Voltron.

However, the five Lion simply hovered in place, and the crowd stood silent.

"Oh, quiznak, only five lions! I keep forgetting that." He cursed himself for forgetting.

Lellal snapping on the last of the ribbons on my body with a golden clip.

"Okay, you're good to go." He said happily, "Ready to take flight?"

I nodded happily and transformed into my Teshirian form. I let my wings spread before flying up onto the sky.

Lellal ran out from behind the curtain and smiled at Shiro and Coran.

"Lellal, what are you doing here?" Coran asked.

"Just wait and see. Saoirse has something amazing planned." He answered.

I laughed as I flew through the air, seeing the shocked faces of my teammates and the people below. Then, the crowd cheered, shouting their admiration of their angel. For me.

"People of Reiphod!" I shouted hovering in the air above the Lions, "We thank you for bravery and courage in this fight. Even if it is just a small hand holding ours to bring us to our feet, it is more than enough to help us fight for the freedom of the universe. We swear as the Voltron pilots, that we will do everything and give our all to setting this universe free from the dark forces that hold it in their claws!"

I flew down to the crowd and held my hands out towards the sky, feeling the energy of the stars rush through me. I felt as if i was dancing on air as I formed light in my hands from the stars above.

Then, when I felt enough energy within me, I held the ball of light in my hands and shot it into the sky. A bright light covered the dark sky, and when it faded, the sky had changed completely. It was so bright that the sky shone like jewels. A lion roared loudly as the crowd cheered at the amazing creation I made.

After that, the show of arms ended and I flew back down to my brother, who immediately ran up to me and squeezed me tightly.

"That was amazing, Saoirse! I knew you were powerful but to control the stars and create such an amazing cosmic phenomenon was beyond anything I could have ever imagined."

I smiled and hugged him back, "I'm glad you liked it. I'm positive that the people of Reiphod are even more assured that the universe in good hands."

"Saoirse!" I heard my teammates shout behind us.

I saw everyone run up to me with bright smiles on their faces.

"Saoirse, that was amazing!" Allura said.

"How the heck did you create that giant lion in the sky?" Lance exclaimed.

"I collected the energy of the stars and used my powers to move them, forming a cosmic phenomenon in the shape of a lion." I explained, and even though they didn't understand how I created the Lion in the sky, they were still amazed by the abilities i had.

Pidge looked me up and down, mostly at my attire.

"What's with the new outfit?" She asked.

"It's the style of Teshirian dancers." Lellal answered, "Teshirians prefer lighter clothing that flows like the wind so that it's easier to fly. Mostly they wear this style to dance in the air during festivals and celebrations."

We stood there talking about what I had done before we all went back to our own business, but not before we heard news about Keith's mission with the Blades. Apparently they had lost a team member in a rigged ship.

I needed to see him, especially after he had lost a comrade.

I could feel his energy enter the hallway closest to my room, so I went to wait for him.

Just a minute later, Keith came through the door with his hood up and a frown on his face.

"Saoirse, what's the matter?" He asked.

"I wanted to see if you were okay." I said, "We heard about what happened on your mission."


We stood for a second in silence before I broke it.

"Keith.... are you planning on leaving us for the Blades?" I asked. My answer was brought to light when Keith turned his head away.

"I see." I sighed, "I won't stop you. The Blades of Marmora are great allies to us, but from your latest mission, I'm afraid that you won't come back again."

"I'll be careful, Saoirse. I'll always come back to you and the others."

"But you can't promise that!" I shouted, surprising Keith since I hardly shout.

"People might say that they'll come back, but there's always some sort of doubt inside us. Because you promise to always come back, I'm even more afraid that it won't happen. Please, Keith, the Blade of Mamora can go on without you, just like they did for thousands of years. Voltron however cannot. The team cannot. I cannot."

I lifted my head when I felt two arms wrap around my shoulders, holding me tightly.

"I'm sorry, Saoirse." Keith whispered in my ear, "I'm sorry that I'm making you feel this way. But I have to do this."

He let me go and then walked away, leaving me to just watch as his back disappeared down the halls.

In the following weeks, we stayed on Olkarion handling the refugee camps set up there. And for that entire time, I barely saw Keith at all.

"What's going on?" Allura asked.

"We received a distress signal." Coran explained, "One of our convoys has been ambushed by a squadron of Galra cruisers."

"Our medical supply ships." Shiro said, "We can't allow the Galra to get them."

"We must leave immediately." Allura said, "Voltron can keep those cruisers occupied long enough for the supply ships to make their escape."

"Actually, Voltron can't. Keith is gone." Pidge pointed out.

"They're probably on a mission. I knew this would happen sooner or later." Shiro said, "You'll have to go without Keith. The convoy needs you immediately. I'll send him to help as soon as I find him."

We didn't waste any time running to prepare and aid the convoy, but it was strange without Keith by our side.

We quickly flew to where the distress signal originated and saw the situation.

One of the ships was caught in a tractor beam while the others were being fired at by the Galra cruisers.

"We gotta get that ship out of the tractor beam!" Lance said.

"I'll try to ram it our. Cover me!" Hunk sped off the ship trying to ram it out, but was quickly overwhelmed by several fighters flying out of the cruiser.

"Ah! Never mind! There's too many! I can't ram that many!"

We tried to retreat for the moment, but another set of Galra cruisers suddenly appeared out of hyperspace, blocking our escape.

"Someone must've called for backup!" Hunk shouted.

"They're everywhere!" Lance shouted dodging all the fighters who tried to attack him.

"There are more fighters than we have ever seen." Pidge said.

"Allura, I need your help! I've got two on my tail!" Lance yelled.

"I'm sorry, I can't get to you! They're all over me!" Allura shouted back.

I growled as I barrel rolled away from the shots fired at me. I activated my Lion's ability and sucked out the energy from a few of the fighters before shooting back at them. But that took time and with every ship I took down, three more showed up to replace it.

"I've got one but two more replaced it!" Hunk shouted.

"The supply ship is almost captured! Can anyone get to it?" Allura asked.

"I'm trying!" Lance shouted back.

"They're everywhere!" Lance shouted dodging all the fighters who tried to attack him.

"There are more fighters than we have ever seen." Pidge said.

"Allura, I need your help! I've got two on my tail!" Lance yelled.

"I'm sorry, I can't get to you! They're all over me!" Allura shouted back.

We flew around the cruisers trying to escape them and help the rebel crafts, but they were too much for us to handle.

"There's no way we can handle this many fighters with just five lions." Hunk exclaimed.

"You don't have to!" A familiar voice said through the radios.

We cheered happily when we saw the Black Lion fly across the sky and take out several fighters in his path. However, it wasn't Keith flying the Black Lion. It was Shiro.

"All right, converge on me. It's time to form Voltron!"

We nodded and began to form our respective pieces of Voltron. I felt complete with the power of Voltron, but there was something different this time. It wasn't the same as before.

Voltron sped through space, quickly taking out fighters and cruisers alike. It barely took any time for the battle to and.

We flew up to the rebel craft, their flames from what I could see were quieted down and flickering in relief.

"Rebel craft, you're safe. We'll escort you the rest of the way to Olkarion." Shiro said. And we followed his words, safely escorting the craft back to Olkarion.

Once we got back, we waited for Keith to return. I could tell that there would be a bad scolding from Shiro when he got back. And I was afraid that would push us even further apart.

We waited for a while before Keith came through the door and stepped onto the bridge.

"Guys, I-" he said stopping to look at everyone's disappointed faces. But mine was just sadness and worry.

"I heard what happened. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help." He said.

"You keep saying you're sorry, but your actions say otherwise." Allura said angrily, "Do you realize that your absence put the team in jeopardy?"

"And not just the team, the refugees as well." Lance added.

"Matter of fact, the entire qaudrant was in danger." Pidge added.

Keith looked away, feeling the shame of letting his team down and hearing their harsh words.

"This is not now I wanted this to happen, but, if there's a bright side to any of this, it's that my absence allowed Shiro to reestablish his bond with the Black Lion. He can finally be the leader I was unable to be. I'm not meant to pilot the Black Lion."

"Is that why you've been pulling away from us?" Allura asked.

"Yeah. I suppose that's part of it." Keith answered softly.

"Part of it? What's the other part?" Hunk asked.

"The Blades have been making real headway tracking the source of this new quintessence. They've been able to piece together a large network of hidden supply lines that have been secretly transporting it for who knows how long. And there's good reason to believe it could lead us directly to Lotor. A mission is being planned to infiltrate the supply line." Keith explained, "It could take weeks, maybe even months to pull off, but... if there is a chance... we have... I have to take it." He answered.

I felt my heart drop at the sound of this mission, but I knew that Keith was determined to be a part of it. I couldn't keep him away, none of us could.

"Shiro, you are the rightful leader of this team, and you proved it today by reconnecting with the Black Lion. It was always meant to be yours."

Shiro walked up to us and put his hand on Keith's shoulder.

"Keith," he said, "if this is what you feel is right, then we won't try to stop you. Just know that we're here for you whenever you need us."

Keith smiled, "I know you are. And I can't tell uou how much that means to me."

The two hugged, reestablishing the bond they had before. I smiled and walked up to them, hugging them from the outside.

"I can't be left out of this." Hunk cried as everyone gathered for a giant group hug, him, Pidge and Coran sobbing loudly.

"We're really gonna miss you." Pidge sobbed.

"Yeah, who am I gonna make fun of?" Lance joked.

"I'll know you'll make us proud." Allura said.

We pulled apart form each after a few minutes, most of us waving goodbye to Keith before he left. Suddenly, Keith stopped, turning back towards me.

"Saoirse, before I go, can I talk to you?" He asked.

Surprised, I stood still for a moment, but then nodded and followed Keith out the door.

We walked until we reached far enough down the hallway so that no one would be able to hear us.

"Saoirse..." Keith said finally stopping.

"Hmm? What is it Keith?" I asked as his back faced me.

"You.... you'll never leave me, right? You'll always be my side, no matter what happens?" He asked.

I was thrown off guard by his sudden question, but I already knew the answer to it.

I smiled and hugged him from the back, leaning my head against his broad and strong back.

"Of course I wouldn't leave you." I answered, "We've been through so much together, that I couldnt leave you so suddenly. And I know that you would never leave me either."

I felt his hand be placed over mine as he turned around, still holding my hands in his.

He looked at me with such kind eyes, something I haven't seen in many years.

"Keith? Are you o--" I was silenced by something warm and soft gently being ppace on my lips.

I was in so much shock that I didn't realize what had happened until it was over.

Keith just kissed me!

He kissed me!

He stared at me and then pulled into another hug.

"I promise, I will come back. And I don't break my promises." He said before he let me go, placed a kiss on my forehead, turned around and left me to stand there in utter shock.

I gently pressed my fingers on my lips, still feeling the warmth of Keith tingling on them.

Did he...

Did he happen to feel the same way as I did?


I did it.

I actually kissed her.

But I was worried, she didn't return it.

Did I ruin our friendship? Why did I do that in the first place? Why did I do that without knowing if she felt the same way I did?

But then again, she was blushing after I pulled away.

Could she have felt the same way?

I guess I'll have to ask her the next time we see each other.

I just hope that she doesn't hate me for doing that.

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