Marvel One Shots

By Dumbass_Child99

51.6K 1.5K 1.1K

Thank You guys for being so patient... :3 More

Pranks aren't always fun
Part 2
You dim sum, you loose some (Ian Sterling)
Hmmmmm VOTE
I always thought that I'd see you again
Heh Heh Heh
PoP TArTs NeD, pOp TaRtS!!!!
Hmmmmmmmmmm VOTE 2
He's mine forever
Holy Shit
A Christmas Miracle
So um
Im definitely not okay with this: Part 1
I'm definitely not okay with this: Part 2
I'm not okay with this: Part 3
I can't
I'm not dead unfortunately.
I Larb You The Most
Legit just cat photos for @megannotmeghan
Trans @DidntFinishTheMilk
Hop, Skip and a Jump
A Sticky Situation
Welp, fuck this shit. Life's too fucking hard
What the actual fuck
You didn't see that coming?
Jeez It's Been a While
Late Apologies
So uh- hey

You Didn't See That Coming?

807 40 23
By Dumbass_Child99

Plot point summary thing: Peter was in Hydra from the age of 2 until 14 when he escaped, faked his death and ended up in streets. A woman found him and took him in to child services. Peter has PTSD, triggers are the russian language and hospitals. Pete is now 16. Abusive adoption centre. Spider man since 15. Pietro (Fight me, i'm all powerful, you can't stop me!) and Clint are looking for a child. Civil War never happened. Fuck Infinity War.


Clint's POV:

Pietro and Buck had been making cookies all day. Ever since this morning he's been very secretive and suspicious. To be completely honest i was upset that he didn't spend the day with me. My grumpy ass was sitting on the sofa playing Mario kart with Sam when my beautiful husband came into the room with a pile of my favourite cookies in his left hand and a tall glass of milk in his right.

"What are you trying to bribe me into doing?"

He chuckled lightly. His lips parting slightly before he gulped.

"I love you so much Clint-"

"I should hope you do, we're married Sonic" i smirk, cutting him off.

He sighs "let me finish asshole" he clips, his sokovian accent coming through.

I put a hand over my heart and fake hurt and he smiles back, laughing lightly.

"I love you so much Clint and nothing will ever change that, but i want to take the next step." I give him a confused look.

"We've already had sex babe." He glares at me.

"Look,  I think we should adopt. I want to be a dad, Clint. Hydra took my dad from me, took my family."  I noticed Bucky flinch slightly, he was sitting on the floor with Sam eating popcorn. "Clint, I only have you and Wanda and a kid is out there with no one. I think we're ready. We are practically children ourselves and you can play Mario with them and-" I cut Pietro off with a soft kiss on the lips

"I didn't see that coming" I laughed.

"So?" He questioned.

"I'd love to" I whispered, looking deep into his icy blue eyes and fiddling with his hair.

"Really?" He asked excitedly. I chuckled and gave him a small nod.

"I can't wait to be a dad!" He smiled brightly, before i peck him on the lips.


"Awwwwwwwwwwww!" We turn and see Sam holding his hands to his cheeks.

"Fuck you"

Peter's POV:

I trudged into the care home absolutely soaked. My tears masked with rain drops. I looked up to the clock on the wall and shivered. It's 4:42. I'm 12 minutes late. Shit.

"Where have you been?!" Came Ms Trevault. I mean I could tell her the truth but I don't think that's a good idea. I don't think she would be happy with the answer that i got the subway late because i was talking to my boyfriend. Especially because she is a homophobic piece of trash.

Instead, I opt for staying silent. A bad choice on my part, due to the stinging pain on my cheek. Her face was red with anger, a face i'm far too familiar with. That look in her face brings back memories of the Hydra agents slicing into my skin, injecting me with needles. In one hit, years of torture flashes through my mind.

I blink rapidly. I'm back at the hell house on the floor, Ms Trevault standing over me. Kicks and punches thrown in every direction. It's only after 20 minutes that she gets tired and leaves, slamming the front door.

I lay there in a pile of my blood, wishing to be out of this hell hole. 

"Peter?" Came a small voice beside me. I turned to see Betty beside me, her small frame shaking. "a-are y-you dead?!" Her 5 year old voice shaking and trembling.

"I'm not dead" I confirm. She exhales. "Betty, I need you to get Alex. They'll know what to do." Betty nods slightly, running upstairs. Alex is a few months older than me and they want to be a doctor.

I could hear a stomping before Alex was in front of me, their eyes filled with what looks like pain. In seconds they lifted my underweight body and started carrying me. My eyes started drooping and the last thing I heard was "You'll be ok" before everything went black.


I woke up with a pounding headache and look down to see bandages everywhere. Thank god for Alex. I turn to the side and see my alarm clock ticking. 12.40. Nice.

I can hear talking downstairs thanks to the 15th experiment Hydra did on me. Honestly, Fuck them. It sounds like a couple are looking to adopt. That's fun. Most people want Young Kids like Betty, so I'll just stay here. I'm comfortable anyways. I see some ibuprofen and a glass of water that I happily take.

"Pete, you should come down, they are looking for older kids" Alex says as they walk into out shared bedroom. It had been 5 minutes.

"Don't want me as your roommate anymore?, huh?" They chuckle.

"I'll stay here, everything hurts." They give me a raised eyebrow as I yawn.

"I'm bringing them here. If anyone should get out, it's you Pete. You are the only person who she hurts-" 

"And I prefer it that way" I cut them off. "I can take it"

"Dumbass" They mumble, leaving the room. 

"Ugh! Ok!" I moan before trudging down the stairs after them.

Pietro's POV

 I was jumping with excitement when I woke this morning. I was up at 5 like usual, mentally cursing Hydra for programming it into me. I went to the kitchen and found Natasha, Wanda and Bucky sitting there. We gave each other a knowing look before I took a couple of pancakes off the stack and sat down.

It wasn't until 6 that Steve woke up, kissing Bucky before they left to go for a run. The next to wake up was Tony, though I doubt he slept at all. FINALLY, my husband trudged out of our room, wiping the sleep out of his eyes. He looked at me and I grinned. 

"It's today" he whispered lightly, excitement laced his features.

"It's today" I repeated. Within moments we were both jumping up and down excitedly.

I looked at the time. 11:30. It would take Clint at least half an hour to get ready. 

"Go get changed" I started, "I'll find an adoption place for us to go to. Hurry up though."

He nodded in response and ran back to our room. 

"Mrs ceiling?" 

"Yes sir, and my name is FRIDAY"

"Ok, Mrs FRIDAY, can you search for the closest adoption agency please?"

There was a moment of silence before the voice came back again.

"The closest adoption agency is located 30 minutes away by car and is called Madame Trevaults'"

"Thank you" I say. She doesn't respond, but I figure that she heard it.

For the next half an hour I read. 

"I'm ready!" He shouts, running back into the room.


"The place is 30 minutes away, let's go."

I speed to the lab, quickly shout 'we're taking your car' to Tony and then I'm back standing by Clint.

"To the orphanage"

-x-x-x-x Fun fact, I accidentally wrote 'To the Orphans' the first time around. x-x-x-x-

We arrived at 12:3. I didn't like the feeling of the place but we went in.

We were greeted with a bunch of children playing on the floor. There weren't many teens, only about 5. There were a couple of teens sitting at a desk writing, presumably doing homework, and the rest were looking after the younger kids. A woman was sitting in another room, smoking. She wasn't looking at the kids whatsoever, her main focus on her phone. 

Clint cleared his throat, and she shot up.

"Hi," her gravely voice came, "Which one of you is looking to adopt?" She said, her voice sickly sweet. Fake. I thought. 

Clint gave her a 'really?'  look.

"We both are. We're married"

"Oh." She scowled.

'Bitch' I signed to my husband. He cracked a smile.

"We're looking for a teen preferably" I said, noticing one of the kids that was writing perk up.

"Dylan, Sam, Tyler, Maia, Susan" She growled the last name. The kids came over.

The one that perked up reached out a hand "Alex. My pronouns are They/Them. Susan is my deadname." They shot a glare at the woman.

"Nice to meet you Alex" Clint said shaking their hand. Alex smiled, whereas the woman huffed and walked away.

"I agree, she is a bitch," They say, looking at me. I shoot them a look. "My mum was deaf" They explain."

"Oh, i'm sorry for your loss", came Clint. 

The others greet us and we talk to them all for 10 minutes. So far i think that Alex would be perfect for our dysfunctional family.

"Are their anymore teens we haven't met?" Clint asks.

"Yes, Peter. He came in when he was 14. Madame  hates him because he's gay. he's a year younger than me. He doesn't talk about why he's here. I have known him the longest, but even i have no idea what happened. All i know is he has PTSD from it, came in with loads of scars, still has them. I can go get him if you'd like?" They ask. 

Clint and I share a look before nodding. As they are going to get Peter, Clint gives me a look, the other kids go back to what they were doing before. 

"I was set on Alex, but Peter sounds perfect. What do you think?"

"We haven't met him yet babe, but yes, he sounds great."

I look up when I hear 2 sets of footsteps coming down the stairs. He looks up, and I can't stop staring. His hair is a brown, fluffy bundle of curls and his eyes are a beautiful shade of hazel. I could swear i've seen those eyes before. 

When he sees me he freezes. His eyes filled with terror, until he suddenly snaps out of it. He turns to Clint,

"Hi, my name is Peter, it's nice to meet you."



There is a silence for a few seconds. 

"So what shit has this fucker told you?" He jokes, lightly punching Alex.

"Nothing bad, I hope. And just so you know, they're lying, they ate the tub of Vanilla ice cream, not me. I prefer chocolate anyways."

"Asshole, that was a secret!"

"You were the one that blamed me!"

Clint and I laugh.

"I must say Alex did not bring up any ice cream stealing."

Alex gave Peter a look.

"Oops, sorry"

"You should feel guilty, fucker"

I laugh again. I give Clint a look as the 2 bicker. Alex sees it and smiles. Whilst still bickering with Peter they sign 'Peter needs this more than I do. Take him.He knows sign language too, aswell as Russian'  Peter doesn't notice the signing.

"Excuse us a second" I say, before Clint and I walk over to the woman. 

"We'll take Peter" I say. She looks shocked. 

"Ok," She huffs "glad that faggot is finally going to leave" she mumbles. 

Clint doesn't hear, but I do. I glare at her.

We sign the papers and walk over.

The two have stopped bickering, Alex getting back to their homework and Peter playing with a small girl, no older than 5.

"Hey Pete?" He looks up and walks over. "Pack your bags buddy, you're coming with us" Clint said.

"That is if you're ok with it?" I add.

Peter nods and he and Alex goes upstairs to get his stuff. 

"Shit, we haven't told Tin Can" says Clint. 

"Fuck. I got it." 

I call Tony. "Hey Stark, Clint and I have just adopted a 16 year old boy and he is going to live at the tower with us, Thanks, bye!" I hang up, not letting him say anything.

"Sorted." Clint chuckles.

I put my phone on silent and ignore all of Stark's incoming calls. 

Peter's POV:

Shit. Quicksilver Is adopting me. Does he know who I am? Is he going to take me back to Hydra? I'm brought out of my thoughts by Alex throwing my pillow at my head.

"Stop over thinking Pete."

"Yeah yeah." I look at them.

"I'm not going to see you again am I? We go to different schools" There face says it all.

"Nope. But you need this Pete, get out of this hell hole and live your life."

I think for a second then let out a shakey breath. "My name is Peter Benjamin Parker, when I was 2 years old my parents and my aunt and uncle were murdered in front of me. They were the last of my living family. I was kidnapped by Hydra and was tortured and beaten for years. I was mind controlled and brainwashed to forget everything and be the perfect soldier. They injected me with Spider DNA, turning me into half spider. I killed 89 people before faking my death on a mission at the age of 14. I lived on the streets for a couple of months before an old lady found me and brought me here."

I looked up. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I still have PTSD from the experiments and beatings. I felt like you should know"

Alex came over to me with tears in their eyes and hugged me. "Oh Pete. You didn't have to tell me, but I'm glad you trusted me. Let's stay in touch, ok?"


"Now, get your ass downstairs and go get yourself a life where you aren't being Hurt." They pushed the bag of my belongings into my hands and guided me to the stairs.

"I'll miss you" I say, looking down.

"I'll miss you too."

I go downstairs and we leave.

It's half an hour later that we arrive at what seems to be their house.

"Welcome to Avenger's Tower!"

I look up in awe.

"Let's go!" 


"FRIDAY, add Peter to the system."

"Of course Mr Barton."

I look up confused. Pietro laughs.

"I did that too, to be honest I still don't understand it." He laughed. 

"I'm guessing it's an AI, I just didn't expect it to be in the ceiling."

"FRIDAY prefers she"

"Oh, sorry Mrs FRIDAY, ma'am."

"Not a problem Peter"


Tony FREAKING Stark looks at me. 

"What's your name bud?" I notice Pietro and Clint do a double-take

"P-Peter Parker," I hear Clint say 'Barton-Maximoff' under his breath, "Mr Tony Stark, sir" 

"Ok, you can keep him." Mr Stark huffs.

"Yay!" Clint cheers.

-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- Time skip because I have 32 minutes and there is so much more -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-

My room was massive. WAY bigger than the cell at Hydra and 5x the size of my shared bedroom at the orphanage. I put my stuff away before taking a quick shower in the ensuite.

After I got changed i asked FRIDAY to ask Clint what I should do.

"Mr Barton says to come to the kitchen to meet everyone and to get a drink and some lunch."

"Thanks FRI, tell him i'm coming"

( I shouldn't be proud i wrote that in 2 minutes)

I ask FRIDAY to give me directions before leaving my room.

when I get to the kitchen there is a bunch of people staring at me.

"Umm hi?" I say to the room full of strangers.

"Everyone this is our son, Peter" Pietro says, coming up behind me and placing a hand on my shoulder. I flinch slightly. A woman with red hair seems to notice but says nothing.

The Scarlet Witch seemed to recognize me slightly, but shrugged it off. "Hiya Peter, I'm your new Aunt" I waved.

A chorus of 'Hi's' and 'Welcome's'  came and everyone introduced themselves.

"Oh My God! You're Dr Bruce Banner!" I say.

"Yeah, you like the hulk, huh?"

I look at him confused. "No? I read your work on Gamma Radiation. It was fascinating! You're my favorite scientist!"   There is a small 'Hey!' from Mr Stark, but I ignore it.

"How old are you kid?"


"You understood it?" I give him a confused look.



"The Mr Roger-Barnes' have arrived" FRIDAY's robotic voice calls out.

"Who's that?" I question out loud.

"They are married, Steve and James. They live here too."


The elevator dings, but i ignore it taking a sip of my water.

"Who's that?" A voice says.

"This is Pietro and Clint's new son, they adopted him this morning Capsicle"

I start to turn around.

"Hello My name's P-"

"Peter?" I turn and see Bucky as memories rush through my brain.

"I thought you were dead Spider. They told me you died in mission 2 years ago."

"I escaped. Lived on the streets for a few months before i was taken into an agency"

Pietro and Wanda gasped. "Winter Spider?" Pietro asks. I shivered. I hated that name.

"I knew i'd seen you before!" Wanda said.

"What the fuck?" Came Clint's very confused voice.

"yeah, what birdbrain said" Said Mr Stark.

I took a shaky breath.

"My name is Peter Benjamin Parker, when I was 2 years old my parents and my aunt and uncle were murdered in front of me. They were the last of my living family. I was kidnapped by Hydra and was tortured and beaten for years. I was mind controlled and brainwashed to forget everything and be the perfect soldier. They injected me with Spider DNA, turning me into half spider. They wanted me to be the next Bucky, even planned to cut off my arm. For the first half of my life I was kept in Sokovia. I was young. I was in a cell opposite from Peitro and Wanda. When i was 7 i was relocated to Russia. I was already one of their best soldiers. They put me up against Bucky and I won. We shared a cell from then on. I killed 189 people before faking my death on a mission at the age of 14. I had had enough and put the tracker into a dude that had been blown up so they couldn't tell it was me. I lived on the streets for a couple of months before an old lady found me and brought me to the orphanage. I came out as gay and my roommate was really accepting of me but Ms Trevault, a real bitch actually, had it out for me. She abused me every night. I was fine though. I attended Midtown High where i was bullied, but I made 2 best friends and i got a boyfriend. Today I woke up and walked downstairs to see Pietro and i froze. They adopted me and now we are here."

Bucky came and hugged me.

"I missed you spider."

"Missed you too"

I looked around and everyone had tears in their eyes. I realized that when I hugged Bucky my T-Shirt rolled up and they could see my tag. 'HAIL HYDRA' imprinted on the lower part of my back.

"I DEFINATELY didn't see that coming" Said Clint.


Sorry it took so long. I have been writing all day. Bare in mind that this was an idea for a whole book, so... If you think i should make it tell me, but for now, here you are. I will leave you with a cat.

Remember to put any ships you want to see.

3297 Words

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