Moonsun One-Shot Collection

By mysockswhitesocks

10.1K 218 145

Just a bunch of cute (and sometimes... many times... smutty) little one-shots I've come up with! uwu More


Green, a little jealous (M)

2.8K 55 85
By mysockswhitesocks

This is not for children, please do not get traumatized. And I know the majority of the population here does not enjoy top Yong that much, so how about some power bottom Yong? 👀

The night was chilly. Not cold. Not warm. Chilly. One of those nights where it's too warm to wear a jacket, but a little bit too cold not to. Yongsun was grateful to have gotten a table inside, where the walls protected them against the cold summer breeze.

It was Mamamoo's first night out in three months. The girls had been busy with their comeback. Promotions, fan meetings, even summer festivals had taken quite a toll on them, so their manager encouraged them to take advantage of the small break they had to unwind and eat out, which was exactly what they were doing.

They agreed to meet in front of Yongsun's apartment building, thinking that they would walk from there since it was such a small distance. As usual, Byulyi arrived almost twenty minutes before the agreed time, not counting with the cold wind that chilled her body. Hugging her bare arms to try and warm herself up, she rang the doorbell to Yongsun's apartment to wait there for Hyejin and Wheein girls, who, of course, weren't surprised to see the brunette following the blonde out of the building.

Yongsun and Byulyi weren't exactly dating. They had never kissed, never been involved in actions more intimate than cuddling and soft kisses on each other's shoulders in their most vulnerable moments. But they also weren't just friends. They were on a limbo between friendship and a romantic relationship, but neither of them risked to cross the line to either side. They knew they had feelings, they were aware of the other's, but it was like there was an invisible glass wall that stopped them from stepping over to the romance side. And they had hit their heads on the glass wall several times.

Yongsun had booked a table for four in a small restaurant one block away from her apartment. She had never been there before, but she had heard from her older sister that they served the best hamburgers in town. The owner was American, so the restaurant was inspired in a retro diner. The floor was checkered, in black and white, and the seats were arranged in booths with red seats. Obviously, Byulyi took her seat right next to Yongsun, who sat by the window.

"Unnie, this place is adorable." Wheein started, taking a menu from the center of the rectangular table. "How did you say you found it again?"

"Yonghee unnie told me about it." Yongsun replied, getting closer to Byulyi and swinging a leg over hers, to be as close as possible so that she could see her menu. Byul naturally turned the menu so that the both of them could see.

Hyejin and Wheein looked at each other and sighed before looking at their own menus, ignoring their two obviously lovesick friends quietly discuss their dinner choices with dorky smiles plastered on their faces.

"When do you think they'll do something about... that?" Hyejin asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Wheein shrugged.

"Honestly, they seem pretty happy. It's not like they don't know they're in love, they're so blatantly obvious." She replied in the same tone of voice.

A blonde waitress approached the table, dressed in a blue skirt that ended mid-thigh and a quite revealing white button up, with the sleeves rolled up, top buttons undone showing her cleavage and tucked into the skirt.

"Good evening, are you ready to order?" She asked in a chirpy voice, catching Byulyi's attention. She didn't seem to recognize them. Yongsun noticed that her best friend was no longer focused on her and glanced at her, only to catch her staring at the waitress's cleavage. With a raise of her eyebrow, she discreetly nudged Byul's arm, making her look at her questioningly. However, Yongsun looked away, and Byul's eyes met a very annoyed Yongsun.

"What's wrong, Ddun?" Byul asked, gently squeezing Yongsun's thigh. Yongsun pushed Byul's hand and moved away from her, grabbing another menu to look at.

"Nothing. Just order." She replied coldly. Wheein and Hyejin awkwardly laughed and told the kind, oblivious waitress what they wanted. Yongsun did so as well, but with a slight rude tone to her voice, which was unlike her, and earned her a pointed look from her friends. Byul turned to the waitress and smirked.

"I'm sorry." She said, feigning innocence. "There's something wrong with my menu."

The waitress looked at her confused and leaned just a tad bit in to see what she was talking about. Wheein had heard this one before, and rolled her eyes, but at the same time she was attentive of Yongsun's reaction. The eldest girl was gripping the menu hard, her fingertips turning white from the pressure. Her eyebrows met at the center of her forehead, furrowed in irritation. Wheein understood right away that her leader was jealous.

"I'm sorry, I don't see anything wrong?" The waitress replied confused.

"It's just... I don't see you in it." Byul finished, her smirk widening. The waitress widened her eyes and blushed hard. Yongsun slammed the menu hard on the table and flashed the waitress a fake smile.

"She'll have the same as me." She snarled, taking all four menus and pushing them towards her.

The flustered, red-faced waitress haphazardly took the menus before bowing and scrambling away.

An awkward silence fell upon the table. Wheein and Hyejin awkwardly exchanged glances as their leader crossed her arms and moved closer to the window, pouting. Byul looked around confused. She didn't understand the reason of Yongsun's attitude, nor her younger friend's awkwardness.

"What?" She asked when Wheein looked at her pointedly.

"Do you really have to flirt with every woman we pass by?" Her smaller friend asked quietly. Byul frowned.

"I wasn't flirting with her." She argued. "I was just messing with her, didn't you see how her face turned red?"

Hyejin rolled her eyes.

"Unnie, now she thinks you're into her. Look at her staring at you from the counter."

Byul looked towards the direction Hyejin pointed her too, and there was the blonde girl staring at her. Once Byul laid her eyes in her though, she blushed yet again and looked away.

"But... It was such a lame pickup line?" Byul was genuinely confused. Whenever she used pickup lines with Yongsun, she merely received a roll of her eyes, a slap on her arm and a soft smile she always tried to hide. Why did the waitress actually take her seriously?

"Just try to absorb your own grease while we're here, please." Wheein begged, not for herself, but for the blonde woman who was pouting towards the window, not participating in the conversation.

Byul got closer to Yongsun once again, oblivious to her annoyance, and pinched her cheek.

"Yah, Kim Yongsun! Why are you pouting? It's supposed to be a happy night!" She exclaimed. Yongsun looked baffled at Byulyi, and then at Wheein and Hyejin.

Is she actually serious?, She asked them with her eyes. The short haired blonde merely shrugged. Byulyi tried to place an arm around Yongsun's waist, but she pulled away quickly. Byul frowned.

"Okay, then."

After a moment of tense silence, the waitress returned with their drinks.

"Here you go, ladies!" She exclaimed, placing everyone's drinks on the table, Byulyi's with special care. The waitress shot Byul a look, blushing when the orange haired girl smiled at her, and rushing off.

Yongsun was getting angrier with every one of the waitress's visits. Byulyi was still confused as to why she was that way, but she chose to ignore it for the time being. She was probably being moody again.

"Don't you think it's kinda gross to drink a milkshake with a burger?" Byul asked Hyejin, who shrugged, taking a sip of her banana milkshake.

"I've seen it in movies, and I had to try it." She replied, slightly leaning away from her milkshake to give Wheein space to try it.

"Mm." Wheein hummed. "It's better than the strawberry one!" She pouted, looking at her own pink-ish milkshake. Hyejin gave it a try.

"Wanna switch?" She asked, since she had liked the strawberry better.

Yongsun was completely out of it. It wasn't like her to get that jealous over Byulyi. She usually got angry, but this was a whole new level. She got better at hiding it after the whole "Krystal" incident at a fan meeting a couple of years back. The fans immediately understood her reaction and the rumours about their relationship began once again.

But this time, Byulyi was the one flirting. And she was using the lame pickup lines she only used on her. They were Yongsun's lame pickup lines.

The waitress came back to the table with the burgers, shooting Byulyi suggestive looks once again. But this time, Byulyi was looking at Yongsun, who didn't even notice the huge ass hamburger being placed in front of her. The waitress left, disappointed but with a plan in mind.

"Yong, your hamburge-" Byul started.

"I know damn well my hamburger is here, I'm not blind, Moon Byulyi." Yongsun retorted, shooting her an angry look. Byulyi frowned at her friend, her own anger bubbling inside her.

"Hey, I thought we were supposed to unwind today, what's with you?" She asked a bit louder than she intended. Yongsun scoffed.

"Oh, now you're trying to blame me for this, okay."

"Guys, let's just eat in silence, shall we?" Hyejin asked, sick of her friends' antics. The tension was riding up on the table, and she knew that if she didn't stop them, it would explode in a big fight.

It had been obvious to her and Wheein that they didn't have a normal friendship. Even them, who had been friends for years, weren't that intimate with each other. They didn't understand how the both of them didn't get sick of the tightrope they were in. How they didn't want to leave their limbo.

The older girls nodded, Yongsun pouting, and Byulyi furrowing her eyebrows. To say it was an awkward dinner is an understatement.

Yonghee was right. The hamburgers were the best they had ever eaten, but they were slightly ruined by the atmosphere.

When they finished, Wheein asked for the check, and the waitress came back with two pieces of paper: the check, which she placed on the center of the table, and a small folded paper, which she passed to Byulyi with a shy smirk.

As soon as she turned her back to the table, Byulyi opened the piece of paper, to find a phone number with a tiny heart by its side. She felt Yongsun's breath near her neck, indicating that she was also reading it.

All of a sudden, Yongsun grabbed the piece of paper and crumpled it, throwing it aside. Byul looked at her annoyed, and opened her mouth to protest, but Yongsun was quicker.

"That's it. Stand up, now." She growled, pointedly looking at the girl in front of her. Byulyi, in between being scared and turned on, stood up and looked at Yongsun, who pushed her away so that she could also stand up.

"If you don't mind, pay for the check, we'll pay for our part tomorrow." Yongsun asked her youngest friends, not even waiting for an answer before grabbing Byul's wrist and dragging her out of the restaurant, ignoring the waitress's curious stare, which only made her more furious.

They stepped into the chilly night, Byulyi's skin covering with goosebumps. It was not a good day to have forgotten a jacket.

"Hey, Yongsun, wait!" Byulyi said, scrambling to keep up with Yongsun, who was walking in front of her, her heels sounding on the concrete floor with every step. The long-haired girl ignored her and continued moving. Byul noticed they were heading towards her apartment building.

"Yongsun, what the hell?" Byul asked. Yongsun stopped abruptly and turned around, fiery eyes staring into Byul's, and approaching slowly, her mouth in a dangerous proximity to Byul's.

"You have no fucking right to ask me anything after that little show." She said. "So you better do as I say."

Byul gulped and nodded, not wanting to piss her friend off any further. Yongsun turned towards her apartment building and took the key out of her purse, opening the door and letting Byulyi enter first.

Byulyi was still very confused, she assumed Yongsun was taking her to her apartment to yell at her about something.

However, Yongsun wordlessly but irritatedly opened the door and let Byulyi enter her apartment first, before forcefully closing the door. They both stopped at the entrance to kick off their shoes.

"Unnie?" Yongsun called for her sister, checking if she was home. After looking in every division, she concluded that she was probably on a date, so she returned to the living room, where Byulyi stood, her form tiny, her eyes slightly afraid.

"In my room." She ordered, signaling for the younger girl to follow her.

She closed the her bedroom's door and turned to Byul, pushing her against the wall.

"So you flirt with other girls now, huh?" Yongsun snarled, her lips close to Byul's ear.

"I wasn't flirting with her." Byul argued, her body getting warm with Yongsun's proximity. "Why, are you jealous?"

"You told her a lame pickup line." Yongsun continued, ignoring the question. Her tone sounded more hurt than angry for a moment. "You only tell lame pickup lines to me."

"You don't even like them!"

"Of course I fucking do!" Yongsun admitted, huffing. "You're so fucking oblivious sometimes, I swear."

"Well maybe if you didn't send so many mixed signals, I would've done something already don't you think?!" Byulyi retorted. Yongsun looked at her and laughed.

"You want me to be direct?" She sneered, leaning just a tiny bit further. "Fine, I'll be direct. I want you to fuck me right now, in my bed. Direct enough for you?"

Yongsun watched as Byul's eyes changed from a confused state, to an aroused one, her pupils dilating, making them darken.

"A-Are you sure?" She asked. Byul didn't want Yongsun to do something she didn't want. Yongsun sighed in frustration.

"If I weren't sure, would I be asking?" Yongsun retorted, impatient. Byul smiled softly and nodded to herself. "Stop smiling. I'm still angry." Yongsun ordered. Byulyi smirked and leaned in closer.

"Can I kiss you, then?" Yongsun wanted nothing more than to slap the cocky smirk off Byulyi's face. Or kiss it off. Figuring the former would ruin the mood, she roughly grabbed Byul by her neck, pulling her in and joining their lips in a fervent kiss.

Byul wasn't expecting Yongsun to be this rough, so she gasped into the kiss, her hands grabbing her waist and pulling her in, until their stomachs touched. Yongsun took Byul's hands and placed them over her breasts squeezing them so that Byulyi would understand what she wanted.

Byul was surprised. She never thought Yongsun would be like that, so straightforward. With a soft moan, she caressed Yong's chest as her lips continued pressed against hers. In a swift move, she turned around and pressed Yongsun against the wall, hard. The force made the older girl grunt against the Byul's mouth.

"Take me to the fucking bed, Byulyi." Yongsun ordered, impatient. Byul pressed Yongsun further, and leaned in, whispering in her ear.

"What makes you think you're in charge here?" Yongsun grunted and pushed her away, grabbing her arm and pining her against the wall, holding her arm on her lower back. Byul's breath hitched as Yongsun pressed herself against her, her front against her back. Byul's chest was being forced into the wall and she couldn't help but moan softly.

"I think I made my point." Yongsun murmured in her ear, before lowering her head to kiss down Byul's neck. "Now take me to the bed, and fuck me hard."

Byul nodded wordlessly and took Yongsun's hand, guiding her towards her neatly made bed in the darkness. Neither of them had bothered to turn on the light.

She made Yongsun sit on the edge of the bed, then she sat on her lap, a leg on each side of her. Yongsun placed her hands on Byul's thighs and gave them a hard squeeze as the younger girl kissed her again, roughly. Byul's hands tangled in Yongsun's now disheveled hair, using it to tug Yongsun closer.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted you like this." Byul whispered against Yongsun's lips as she unbuttoned the two buttons of her blouse. Yongsun lifted her arms and Byulyi was able to take her shirt off, tossing her to the carpeted floor of the bedroom. Yongsun took off Byul's sweater, who had the same fate as her own shirt: the floor.

Their breaths was ragged, both because if the roughness of their actions and their need for each other. In the apartment, nothing was heard besides their hitched breaths, soft moans and kisses.

Yongsun's hand traveled along Byul's spine until she reached the younger one's bra. With a quick movement, she unclasped it and took it off. Byul pulled away and wrapped her arms around her chest, visibly uncomfortable.

Yongsun's anger seemed to have slipped away at the sight of Byulyi feeling so self-conscious. She searched for Byul's eyes, who seemed to look everywhere but to her. A gentle hand reached out to caress her cheek. Another brushed her bangs out of her forehead. Together, they brought Byul's face closer to Yongsun's, who pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

"I've seen you like this before, Byul-ah. What's wrong?" She asked. Byul finally looked at her.

"Not like this. You didn't want to fuck me then." She said quietly. Yongsun chuckled.

"Yes I did. I was just better at hiding it." She admitted. Then, slowly, she reached for Byul's arms and gently pulled them away from her chest. Her eyes never left Byul's as her hands wrapped around her breasts. Byul couldn't help it but to close her eyes when Yong's skilled hands started massaging them.

"Yong..." She whispered when Yongsun brought her closer, taking one of her boobs into her mouth. Her tongue drew circles around her nipple, then over it, teasing the girl.

"I thought..." Byul started, interrupting herself with a moan when Yongsun softly bit into her breast. "I thought I was supposed to be fucking you." Yongsun pulled away from her breast with a pop, wandering hands grabbing her ass and squeezing roughly, making Byul grind her hips against Yongsun.

"I was going to tease you for a little bit longer, but since you're so eager..." Yongsun smirked, pushing Byul off her lap and standing up. Then, she slowly got out of her jeans and got rid of her panties, standing in front of Byul completely naked.

Byul's eyes raked Yongsun's body, taking in every detail, from the small mole just above her hip bone, to the toned thighs she loved to much. Yongsun beckoned her to come closer, which she did. The blonde girl took Byul's hand and placed it over her core. The younger girl moaned at the feeling of the other's wetness.

"Jesus, Yongsun." She breathed as she ran her fingers through her folds. Yongsun pulled away, as much as it pained her, and lied on the bed, waiting for Byulyi with a mischievous smirk on her lips. Byulyi let a breath out and shook her head.

"You're gonna be the death of me, woman." She said, climbing on top of Yongsun. Byul supported herself with her left arm, while she ran her fingertips along Yongsun's thigh, then her stomach, stopping there, and leaning down to kiss Yongsun fully on the lips. Yongsun opened her mouth, allowing Byul to press their tongues together for the umpteenth time that even.

Byulyi could feel a bead of sweat trickle down her back as she kissed Yongsun hard, just like she had asked. Yongsun groaned when Byulyi bit into her lower lip rather roughly.

Without even a slight warning, Byul's hand went down to Yongsun's core and two fingers were easily slipped inside, due to her arousal.

"Shit, Byul!" Yongsun gasped, her back arching up from the bed. Byul smirked and began to move her hand, slowly at first, allowing Yongsun to get used to it. "Harder." Yongsun said authoritatively, to which Byulyi complied.

She began slamming her fingers in and out,  curling them inside and using her thumb to stimulate her clit simultaneously. Yongsun was panting, cursing, calling out Byul's name and she was loving every second.

Byulyi could feel Yongsun's walls get tighter around her fingers. Her hands clenched the sheets below her as she approached her high.

"Fuck... Another one, quickly..." Yong ordered, moaning when Byul inserted yet another finger. "That's it, make me yours, Byul-ah." Yongsun groaned in pleasure.

Byul clenched her own thighs, Yongsun's words making her even wetter and desperate.

Finally, Yongsun hit her climax, her walls clenching violently around Byulyi's fingers. She was a mess, breath short, sweat making her hair stuck to her forehead.

Byulyi slowly removed them and Yongsun watched as she licked them clean, biting her lip.

"Again." Yongsun said, shakily sitting up and grabbing a large plastic box from under the bed. "And this time, use this."

Byulyi looked at the box curiously and blushed violently once Yongsun removed the lid, revealing several sex toys. She took out a strap-on harness and a dildo.

"Take off your pants." Yongsun ordered. Byul jumped out of the bed eagerly and did as she was told, tossing both her pants and her underwear aside.

Byul thought Yongsun couldn't surprise her even more.

She took the harness and wrapped it around herself loosely.

"Don't forget the dildo." Yongsun reminded.

Byulyi nodded and Yongsun picked it up, attaching it to the harness. Byulyi looked at her and gulped slightly nervous.

At that sight, Yongsun softened again, and cupped her cheek.

"If you're uncomfortable just say so and we can stop." She clarified. Byul nodded, but she knew that wasn't gonna happen.

Yongsun pushed Byulyi down and straddled her, her hands roaming around her abs and breasts. Leaning down, she kissed Byulyi passionately. Byul turned them around into a more favorable position.

She spread Yongsun's legs farther and placed herself in between them, one hand on either side of Yong's head, and smiled down at her

"What?" She asked with a frown.

"You're beautiful." Byul replied. Yongsun rolled her eyes.

"Should've thought about that earlier instead of flirting with a stranger, am I right?" She asked, gritting her teeth. Byulyi sighed, before entering Yongsun roughly. Yong gasped and wrapped her arms around Byul's neck, who began thrusting her hips hard and deep into the other girl, her cries of pleasure sounding in the room.

Yongsun felt like the dildo wasn't going deep enough, though, so she lifted one of her legs and placed it over Byul's shoulder. The younger girl got the memo and grabbed her waist, continuing to thrust fast.

Yong's breasts were jumping up and down with each thrust, her expression contorted into pleasure. Her mouth was open, her eyes closed, one of her hands was gripping the pillow above her, and the other gripping Byul's arm.

The base of the dildo was grinding hard on Byul's clit, making her own high approach.

"Oh, fuck, Byul!" She moaned. Byulyi continued roughly. Yongsun wanted Byul to feel how much she wanted her. She wanted Byul to know she was hers.

They moaned together with each thrust, each feeling a known build-up in their stomachs.

"Are you going to come now?" Byul asked, never breaking her rhythm, as herself was close. Yong moaned and nodded, unable to speak as she was near her high for the second time that evening.

All it took was a couple more thrusts for both of them to come undone. Byul slowed her movements, riding down their orgasms until she pulled away completely, lying next to an exhausted Yongsun, after taking off the harness.

Yongsun felt her core throb because of the roughness and sighed contently, cuddling closer to Byulyi.

"I'm sorry." Byul said, stroking her back softly. "I knew you had feelings for me and I still flirted with the waitress. I shouldn't have."

Yongsun, still trying to catch her breath, nodded.

"But why did you do it?" She asked softly, an innocent fingertip caressing Byul's abs.

"I guess I just wanted to see if you would do something about it." Byul admitted. "I was too scared to make a move on you."

Yongsun turned around in her arms, her bare chest pressing against Byul's as she captured her lips in a gentle kiss.

"We both know I'd be the first, don't we?" She asked, smirking. Byul frowned.

"What are you implying?" She asked, pouting.

"Nothing." Yong said, turning around. Byul sighed and wrapped an arm around her waist, only to be pushed away.

"Oh, no." She said. "Did I forget to tell you? You sleep on the couch tonight." Yongsun finished with a mocking smile. Byul widened her eyes.

"B-But! I-"

"You flirted with another woman and proceeded to lie about it." Yongsun said. "Off you go. Unless you want to go home, that's also a viable option." She reasoned.

Byul pouted and shook her head.

"Good night Yong." She said, standing up and pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, before getting dressed and venturing into the living room. Yongsun smiled at the kiss and sighed, covering herself with the sheets.

It didn't take her long to get cold though. Byul's absence was something she did not enjoy in the slightest.

Cursing at her own inability to punish her, she stood up and put on her panties and Byul's shirt, completely forgetting about Yonghee's presence (or future presence) in the apartment.

She tip toed to the living room and found Byul sleeping already, with a blanket draped over her. Carefully, not to wake her up, she lifted the blanket and tried to squeeze herself in the little space she had.

She realized what a mistake it was not to wake Byul up when she nearly fell off the couch. Thankfully, Byul was a light sleeper, and was able to wrap an arm around her waist and pull her closer.

She opened one eye to look at Yongsun and smiled gently, a smile that was reciprocated.

"Shut up and sleep." Yongsun said, burying her face in Byul's neck. Byul chuckled.

"You know..." She said quietly. "We have to talk about this."

Yongsun sighed and pulled away slightly to look at Byul.

"There's not much to talk about." Yongsun said, tangling her legs in Byul's. "I love you. I was led to believe you love me back. It's that simple, isn't it?" Yongsun asked, smiling at Byul. Byul smiled back and leaned in to kiss Yongsun gently.

"I guess." She said. "And I do love you back."

Yongsun took a good look at Byulyi, her hand running up and down her arm.

"Do you believe in soulmates?" She asked. Byulyi smiled softly at her and poked her nose.

"Yes."  She said. Yongsun blushed and smiled back.

"...And?" Yongsun said, asking Byul to proceed. Byul laughed.

"And you're my soulmate, Kim Yongsun." She whispered, watching as Yongsun's eyes turned into that crescent moon shape she loved so much and her smile lit up the otherwise dark room.

Yongsun was, indeed, her soulmate. And that is something she had known ever since she had met her.

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