Beautiful Nightmare (The Beau...

By rosylnx

239K 9K 8.6K

Hera Hawkins gets herself locked in the school library and that's not even the worst part. Because she is stu... More

| welcome |
01 | now
02 | then
03 | now
04 | then
05 | now
06 | then
07 | now
08 | then
09 | now
10 | then
11 | now
12 | then
13 | now
14 | then
16 | then
17 | now
18 | then
19 | now
20 | then
21 | now
22 | then
23 | now
24 | then
25 | now
| epilogue |

15 | now

7.5K 306 268
By rosylnx

Noble Creek High,
Senior year,
Present day

As I walked away, I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I couldn't bring myself to feel anymore. I didn't want to feel anymore. Exhaustion took over my entire body as I felt the last bit of energy I had in me leaving faster than ever.

All I wanted was to get out of here. I wanted to go home to my bed. I wanted to feel the comfort of my mattress and the coziness of my pillow. I wanted to close my eyes and let sleep take over me so desperately.

I walked back to the same aisle I was at earlier and sat down on the floor with my back resting on the wall. I crossed my legs—Indian style—as I rested the back of my head against the wall and just stared ahead with no thoughts floating inside my wretched head.

Sooner or later, I felt the heaviness in my eyelids, and I didn't even bother fighting it as I let the much-needed sleep take over me fully and bring me to dreamland. Or wherever my subconscious mind decides to take me. I just hope it's not back to that awful day that never leaves me even when I desperately want it to.

After what felt like hours, I finally started to regain consciousness. As I was in the midst of waking up ever so slowly, I felt something against the side of my face. Something muscly yet comfy. Something that felt nice and warm. Something I was familiar with.

That can't be right.

I slowly opened my eyes and took in the view, reminding myself where I was and what situation I was in. It seems like I'm still stuck in the library. With my ex-boyfriend. I almost thought that it was just a nightmare that I was having like how I have every other day. But turns out, I am living my nightmare. And it doesn't seem to freaking end.

My brain finally started to process everything. Including the fact that I was sleeping on something. I immediately moved my head away from that something and felt my eyes widening.

How the hell did I end up sleeping on Hunter's shoulder?

Hunter was wide awake and looking a little embarrassed. "Hey."

"Hi," I said rather awkwardly.

"You're probably wondering how this happened." He then scratched the back of his neck as if he was nervous to continue. "I came to check on you because you didn't look too well earlier. So, when I came here, I saw that you were asleep. And you were about to fall and hit your head on the shelf."

My cheeks flushed as I felt the humiliation spreading through my skin. Hunter saw me sleeping in my total unglamorous state. Damn it! This nightmare keeps getting worse.

"But don't worry because I stopped you from falling and that's how we ended up like this. Sorry if I crossed a line or something." He said sincerely.

That was actually kind of nice of him. Especially considering the fact that I practically said some harsh things to him earlier on.

"No, you didn't. It's fine. In fact, it's me who should be thanking you. You know, since you prevented me from cracking my head open." I said and added a peal of awkward laughter along with it.

He chuckled. "Yeah. I guess that's valid. And it's no problem. It's the least I could do." He smiled with his eyes sparkling at me, making my heart pound.

I forgot what his grey eyes do to me. I forgot what he does to me. It's been a while since I felt this. Felt whole and alive. No one—and I really mean no one—could make me feel the way he does.

After the break-up, all I felt was numb and hollow. There was something missing from my life. It felt like a huge part of me was just stolen away from me. Every single time I tried to fill the emptiness with something else, it never worked.

But now, looking at Hunter, remembering everything about our past, I finally know what's been missing from my life. He is the one—the only one—who can give me back my liveliness and fill the empty.

Looking away from his soft and sincere gaze, I took a breather. 'Okay Hera, you're only thinking things like these because of the whole locked-in-the-library situation you're in. You're vulnerable and going insane. That's all. Get a grip, Hera Hawkins!' I reminded myself.

Just then, I noticed that my right hand was laced with something. And that something is Hunter's hand. Were our hands in each other's embrace the entire time I was asleep?

Looking at the sight of our intertwined hands, I can't help but go through the memories of our sweet times. Those were such beautiful days. Those were the days I was the happiest. He made me the happiest girl on Earth. I don't know how he managed to do that. But he did. Without any struggle.

"I don't know if you remember this but one day, when we were both on a.....outing-" I said refusing to use the word 'date'. "-with Nina and Dare. You know, the one where we went to the carnival at the amusement park? You refused to let go of my hand the entire day. Do you remember?" I said as that particular memory resurfaced in my brain.

Hunter smiled and looked away probably feeling embarrassed. "Oh my God, you remember that? I was hoping you forget that."

I grinned. "How could I ever forget that? You were so damn nervous! And not because of me-" I burst out laughing. "-but because of the freaking rides! You constantly denied that you were afraid but then you held my hand so tightly that I thought my blood was going to stop circulating."

He groaned. "Well, I'm sorry that I'm not an adrenaline junkie like you, Nina, and Dare. You guys are seriously on another level." He said distastefully in a playful way.

"I know. Not everyone can be as awesome as us." I grinned.

Hunter rolled his eyes. "But in all honesty, that was a fun day. You know what was my favorite part?"


"Watching the fireworks."

"Oh yeah, I remember how you love watching the fireworks because it was something you shared with Ray, Emma, and Rudy when you were younger," I said remembering the time he told me about this cute little memory of him when he was little.

"No, it wasn't because of that."


He moved his gaze to me and for some reason, he knocked the breath out of me with the way he was looking at me. It was a familiar gaze and one that I was unable to get enough of once upon a time. But why was Hunter looking at me like that right now?

"It was my favorite part of the day because I got to watch the fireworks with you." He said with his grey eyes captivating me.

Once again, he took my breath away in literal terms and rendered me speechless. I had no idea that Hunter even had a favorite part to that day and now he is telling me that watching fireworks—something that's special to him—with me was the highlight of his day?

I felt my heart swelling with joy. I haven't felt this way in three whole months. The time we spent apart. Every single feeling and emotion I had reserved just for him came rushing back in the speed of The Flash.

I should be telling my heart to stop and get away from him. I should be running away to protect myself. But I didn't want to. I wanted to stay close to Hunter.

Maybe I'm going crazy. Maybe I can't think straight anymore. Maybe I'm completely out of my mind. Maybe I just miss this—us—too much to let it go. I couldn't run away now even if I tried.

The two of us just sat there, with our shoulders touching, our fingers interlaced together while staring into each other's mesmerizing eyes. It was as if everything disappeared and it was just the two of us. No haunting memories and no ugly past. Nothing.

I felt my self-control vanishing slowly as my eyes flickered to his lips. With Hunter staring into my eyes this close to me, I can't help but think about kissing him. His breathtaking kisses were something I could never get enough of no matter what. And as much as I try to deny it, I missed them so much.

Hunter seemed to realize what I was thinking about as he suddenly looked nervous. Honestly, I thought he would smirk at my weakness. So, that is why his reaction surprised me. And I reveled in the fact that he was equally nervous as I was.

Just then, I realized that the space between us was decreasing. And not so subtly. Because the both of us were leaning in unknowingly. It looks like our bodies know just what it wants.

We were getting closer and closer and soon my free hand found its way to Hunter's familiar chest. That's when I felt his heart racing against his chest and underneath my palm. Feeling his erratic heartbeat, I suppressed a smile that tried to make its way to my face.

Hunter then moved in closer to me. He was so damn close, and my heart reacted wildly to his proximity. Like always. All he had left was one move. One movement and his lip will reach mine perfectly.

Just as he was about to execute that move, we heard a strange noise. A noise that made me go bright red. A noise that let mortification creep into my body. I immediately backed away and avoided Hunter's amused gaze.

Out of all the moments that my stomach could have growled in, it chose now?! Seriously? What. A. Nightmare.

"Feeling hungry?" Hunter asked teasing me.

I glared at him. "Ha. Ha. Funny. I didn't get to eat anything, okay?"

"Why am I not surprised? You never eat."

"We are not discussing this. I'll just get hungrier if you talk about food now." I said holding my stomach to prevent it from making more embarrassing noises.

Hunter suddenly got up and looked down at me. "Come on, let's go and check Emily's front desk. She might have something there." He said reaching out his hand to me.

Oh. My. God. There is the slightest chance that there is food in here! Mr. man-above-the-skies, please help me out just this once. Please let there be food! Please!

"Are you praying for there to be food?" Hunter asked with a little smile, clearly amused.


"You're an idiot, Hera."

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