Gotham's Spider

By MPereira_T2

636K 19.3K 4.9K

Penny Parker lives in an abusive foster home in Gotham city. One day after the Justice League have a huge fig... More

The Slap


16.2K 565 302
By MPereira_T2

When it was time for the tour to restart, the different tour guides gathered all the groups together and took all the students through the Hall. The walk was probably about 5 minutes but to everyone else it felt longer. Every student is so anxious and excited to meet some members of the Justice League, that time feels like its going slower than it should. Penny, Ned, and MJ all talk quietly, not wanting to draw any attention to themselves. They were told to be quiet, and to just follow the tour guides to the doors, so they don't want to get in trouble. 

When the tour group stopped, they stopped in front of a very large metal door. It's tucked in a back corner of the Hall, and if someone were to come to it by accident, they'd probably think that it was some door to a garage or something. One of the tour guides put his security badge on the key pad next to the door. He typed in a few numbers, and then the door slid open. 

All the students filed into the room, it's so big. Everyone looked at their surroundings in awe. There are TV's, computers, chairs, and mechanical circles on one wall. It's so cool. Just as the door slid shut behind the students the mechanical circles lit up, and a computer's voice could be heard around the room. 

"01-Superman, 08-Green Arrow, 04-Flash, 13-Black Canary, 03-Wonder Woman, 02-Batman."

From the bright lights emitting from the mechanical circles, the select members to the Justice League, who's names and numbers were said, stepped into the room. Everyone fell silent, their eyes widened, and even a few mouths opened in shock. That was the coolest thing they have seen all day. Members of the Justice League used portal technology to enter a room filled with Midtown High's students.

Ned immediately started freaking out. He kept whispering 'oh my god it's her' while repeatedly tapping Penny. Ned's eyes never left Wonder Woman. He loves her, and he hopes that she sees his hat. Ned wants Wonder Woman to know that he loves her. MJ was more reserved with his star-struckness. He loves the Flash, and there he is right in front of him. He is so happy and hopes to speak with him, but his face doesn't show it. The only way you could tell that he as happy and excited was the fact that he was tapping his fingers on his leg. Penny's noticed that MJ does that when he's happy or excited about something. Penny though, she has a big smile on her face. Not only is Batman here, the coolest out of all the Justice League, but her friends are happy. 

When the six members of the Justice league got closer to the group of students, Cindy, a girl in Penny's Spanish class, fainted. Apparently this was a lot for her to handle. A girl named Jenna crouched down next to her, looked up at the group and then chuckled. 

"She faints when she gets over excited, she'll be fine."

Superman ended up picking Cindy up and bringing her over to one of the chairs. A chair is probably a better place to wake up after fainting than the floor. When Superman rejoined the rest of the group, that's when the head tour guide took charge. 

"Ok, everyone. Please split into your four tour groups. Meet your guide and head over to the area they direct you to. You'll get more directions afterwards."

As everyone started heading to their tour guides, Ned turned to face Penny. he grabbed her arm and smiled very brightly. He made a small squealing sound, jumped up and down for a few seconds. After he was finished with that, Penny laughed at him, grabbed shoulders, and pushed him to follow MJ to their group. Once everyone was settled and with their tour guides, they were told what was going to happen. Each member of the Justice league that are here, will take turns going to each group and talking to them. They'd answer questions and even take pictures with the students if they wanted. Since there are six members and only four groups, there would be two members at a time that wouldn't be with a group, but they're all going to speak with the students. For Penny's group this is the order for the members. First is Superman, second is Black Canary, third is the Arrow, fourth is the Flash, fifth is Wonder Woman, and last will be Batman.

When Superman got to their group, he talked about a lot. He first talked about Truth, Justice, and the American way. In Penny's opinion it was kind of corny, but she didn't say anything. After he was done talking about that he answered questions. He took two pictures with the two students who wanted it. He looked at Penny at some point and recognized her as the girl who's foster home he destroyed, but he didn't say anything. 

When Black Canary got to the group she talked firstly about how there are many forms of Justice, and that they should be careful in who they trust. After that she took pictures, and answered questions. She seemed to not like the question about if she's ever gotten fishnet tan lines. She did like the question about how strong her Canary cry is. She told them her cry is 300 decibels. 

The Arrow when he got over to the group didn't talk about anything. Instead he said that he'd answer questions and take pictures. He didn't have anything planned to tell the kids, unlike most of the Justice league. 

When the Arrow left, in a split second the Flash appeared right in front if the group. He talked about science, and that since they go to a Stem school they must love science. MJ ended up taking a picture with him, and when he goes to look at it later, he'll see that it looks like their are two Flash's. One on the right and another on the left. During the question part the Flash was asked about how fast he can run, to which he responded with, Mach 3.3 or 2,532 miles per hour.

When Wonder Woman got to their group she talked a little about how she was trained and that it's important to never give up on something that you're passionate about. Ned was the first in line to take a picture with her. She ended up telling him that she really likes his hat, which ended up to her signing the hat. Ned was ecstatic, and when he got over to Penny he couldn't keep the smile off his face. He even changed his wallpapers to him and Wonder Woman.

Finally it was Batman's turn to talk with Penny's group. Even though Penny has briefly met him before, something about him felt familiar. But she just couldn't place it. He talked about working with the police in Gotham, and that if they ever had a problem they can trust Commissioner Gordon. Even though Batman is the favorite of Penny's she decided against getting a picture with him. For some reason Batman was different than the other members. Her senses warned her of danger when the other members were around, but for some reason not around Batman. This only really happen if someone was a threat to others, but wasn't to her specifically. When no one decided to get a picture with him, he started to answer questions. One question was, 'who was the first villain you ever fought?' That's when something crazy happened, something crazy that Penny just happened to notice about Batman. When he was thinking of the answer, which is Dr. Hugo Strange, he put his right hand up to his chin and used his thumb to rub the submandibular soft spot medial to the glands (its the area under the chin). 

Penny saw this and thought, 'Huh, Bruce does that too.'

She looked away from him for a moment, and then what she thought registered in her head. She snapped her head back to look at him, and then her eyes widened. 

'Batman and Bruce are both roughly the same height, and he looks like he's the same build at Bruce. They're both tall, have broad shoulders, have square jaws, and they both have the same rubbing mannerism when they're thinking.' Then she came to another realization that is further proving her thoughts, 'The only Young Justice members that aren't at her home are the Robins. There are four Robins, and Bruce has four boys. They all appear to be roughly the same ages as the Robins, and the only reason they wouldn't be with the Young Justice is if their secret identities were at risk. Plus, Batman not counting as a threat or danger to me, in my senses could be because I live with him...'

Penny continued to stare at Batman. She didn't listen to anything else he was saying. No one, not even Ned, MJ, or even Batman seemed to realize that Penny wasn't listening and just staring at him. 

'Holy shit, Bruce Wayne is Batman.'


After the tour, and when all the Midtown High students were back on the bus, and on their way home, Penny was spaced out. She seemed to forget that she was sitting next to MJ, but he didn't take her silence offensive. He just talked to Ned for the majority, and relaxed for other times. Penny though couldn't stop thinking about what she had discovered. Bruce Wayne is Batman?! She can't tell anyone, and she has to get more proof. Obviously he has to have some sort of base, and it's probably at the house since that's the easiest way for him to go out and get back home. She can't ask anyone about it, the boys are the Robins, and Alfred most likely knows too. 

Penny just kept thinking, and when MJ tapped her shoulder to ask her a very important question, she waved him off and said, "Hold on Ned, I'm thinking."

MJ then realized that Penny was so deep into her thoughts that she didn't realize that she was sitting next to him.

"Penny, I'm not Ned."

When these words reached her ears, she remembered. Her head snapped over to look at MJ, right, she's sitting next to MJ. Her mouth dropped, and she immediately felt terrible. She's ignored MJ this whole time, and then she just waved him off and called him Ned. That's not very good.

Penny's face went bright red, "I am so sorry! I though you were Ned because I completely forgot that I was sitting next to you, I was just thinking... I didn't mean to be rude, or brush you off, I just was so deep in my thoughts. Also I'm sorry about basically ignoring you this whole time, I feel terrible... I..."

MJ cut her off. "It's ok. I'm not offended at all... I just wanted to ask you a question since we're going to be back at school soon."

Penny relaxed, "OK... Um what do you want to ask me?" All her attention is on him now, and for some reason he seems a little nervous. 

"Well, I wanted to know if you'd like to go on a date with me?"

Penny's eyes widened, and her mouth dropped. Did Michael Jones, her crush since the fourth grade just ask her out on a date?! Her thoughts swirled around her head, and for a moment she forgot all about Bruce being Batman, about Ned, and all about everything. She stared at MJ in shock, and she didn't realize that he took it the wrong way.

MJ deflated at her reaction, "I'm guessing that's a no then?"

Penny snapped out of her thoughts and jumped raising her hands, "NO!"

"Yeah, I already got that."

"NO, I mean no to what you said." Penny took a breath and smiled the most genuine smile in the whole world, "I'd love to go on a date with you."

MJ's whole demeanor changed, "Really? You want to go on a date with me?"

"Yes! I don't know if you knew this but, I've had a crush on you since like the fourth grade. I was just so surprised, I thought you didn't like me in the same way."

MJ smiles brightly, "Well I do, and since we're at the school and we don't have a lot of time... I'll text o...or call you about making plans... and I'll see you tomorrow at school too."

Penny nods, and returns his bright smile, "Ok."

She has a date with MJ!

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