I Choose You ( discontinued )


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A prequel to the original Across the Stars series following Al Galleia, a Jedi padawan apprentice to Aayla Se... More

Chapter 1: Traded Away
Chapter 2: A New Life
Chapter 3: Not Alone
Chapter 4: Separated
Chapter 5: Nothing Less Than Victory
Chapter 6: A Home in the Skies
Chapter 7: The Soldier
Chapter 8: An Unnecessary Bond
Chapter 10: Feelings of Affection
Chapter 11: Brotherly Love
Chapter 12: Scarred
Chapter 13: A Different Feeling
Chapter 14: Blood in the Rain
Chapter 15: A Familiar Face
Chapter 16: Stranded
Chapter 17: The Hawk's Last Cry
Chapter 18: A Friend in Need

Chapter 9: A New Friend

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Barriss waited for Ahsoka, tapping the data-pad on her knee. She was patient, and she didn't mind waiting. It was nice and quiet on the nice early Coruscant morning. She sat up straighter as each person walked by her, showing off proper posture. She glanced over and noticed Ahsoka walking towards her. She stood up and smiled. "Good morning Ahsoka."

"What's so good about it?" Ahsoka muttered, rubbing her eyes. "I stayed up to late."

"Master Skywalker told you to rest."

Ahsoka gave her an 'are you serious?' look. "I know. But the Twilight needed fixing and there was no one else to do it so, here I am."

Barriss smiled. "Shall we then?"

"Yeah, sure."

They walked quietly to the shipyard, secretly anxious and excited together, not really knowing what was going to happen. Barriss had never seen this Krell character ever in her life, nor had she heard of him. As they boarded the small shuttle that would take them to Krell's command ship blockading Coruscant, Barriss looked down at the data-pad she was holding and raised her eyebrows. "That's strange."

"What is?" Ahsoka asked, sitting down and patting the seat next to her. 

Barriss sat down and handed Ahsoka the data-pad. "The instructions changed. We're supposed to deliver this to a Red Hawk."

"Sounds like a clone," Ahsoka muttered. "Weird. Let's just do what it says and get this nightmare over with." 

Barriss nodded, a flash of annoyance crossing her mind. Why had they changed it? She shook her head. It didn't matter. What did matter was getting this to the proper person and getting them back. Barriss cast a glance at Ahsoka, who was flicking through the data-pad with a strange look on her face. 

"What's wrong?"

Ahsoka looked up at her. "Nothing. It's nothing. Oh look, we're here."

The area of space outside Coruscant was truly incredible with the whole entire Republic fleet bordering the planet. It was sort of intimidating, and Barriss sat up a little straighter. Ahsoka slumped as the hanger doors opened and the ship landed. The clones looked up as Barriss and Ahsoka left the ship. They stood there awkwardly until Ahsoka raised a feeble hand and waved. 

"Um, hello."

Nobody moved. It was as if they hadn't been addressed by a lifeform in ages. Ahsoka lowered her hand and continued confidently. "Well um, we need to talk to a Red Hawk for the status reports for this month. Does anyone know where he is?"

It was silent for a moment before one clone spoke up feebly. "He's on the bridge I think."

"Thank you," Barriss said politely. 

The clone seemed anxious and began to vigorously moping the spotless floor area as if someone would shoot him down if he didn't. Ahsoka gave Barriss a 'let's get out of here' look, which Barriss nodded inconspicuously in agreed response. The two walked as fast as they could through the hanger, while also trying to not seem rude. Once they reached the halls of the ship, they both let out long sighs and burst into slightly silent giggles, Ahsoka clinging to the data-pad for dear life. 

Once they collected themselves, Barriss commented on the strange encounter. "That was strange."

"They looked like we were serial killers or something." Ahsoka looked at the data-pad she was holding. "Come on, let's get to the bridge. If this Red Hawk character is even there."


Red Hawk felt the blood rush into his head and realized that this might not be the best way to train someone how to use the Force. "Are you gonna put me down now?"

Al grinned, her hands extended in front of her, enjoying the moment. "I thought you were training me."

"You can life boxes or something else," Red Hawk said, trying to look at her in the eyes, but finding that difficult. He was suspended in the air upside-down in a way to attempt to teach Al a little bit about using her abilities. He and Blue Jay were no Jedi, but seeing things from a different perspective could possibly improve her skills. The whole upside-down thing had been Blue Jays idea. He was now doubled over on the other side of the small room they were stationed in, laughing his ass off at the sight of Red Hawk being lifted by a 13-year-old girl. "Put me down?" After a moment, he added "Please?"

Al sighed and turned her hands, and his world became right-side up again and his face becoming the normal color it was before. "Better?"

"Much, thank you." Red Hawk shook his head to get the blood flowing and picked up his helmet that had been cast aside for this little experiment. "I think you did great."

Al beamed. "Thanks! These sessions are really helping me."

"I'm glad," Red Hawk said with a smile.

"Yeah," Blue Jay chimed in. "You know, since we're not Jedi."

"Well I think it's great! Seeing things from a different point of view that is. I was raised among Jedi, hearing about the Force and all that nonsense. Its nice to hear things from a non-religious point of view."

"Who said we don't have a religion?" Blue Jay said. 

"If alcohol was a religion, you'd be following it." Red Hawk leaned towards Al. "Crusher always said he needed to cut back on his drinking."

"Did he?"

Red Hawk shook his head. "He tried, but he failed."

"I can heard you, you know." Blue Jay stood up staggering, grabbing a nearby crate for balance. "And I do not have a drinking problem."

"Sure. And I'm the senator of Pantora," Red Hawk said with an eye roll. "Al, do you mind taking him up to the barracks? Let Noxx take a look at him."

"What about you?" Al asked while helping Blue Jay to his feet. 

"I have to report to the bridge for something important the general wants me to do."

Blue Jay snorted. "He's using you."

"I know," Red Hawk said with a look that stated pointedly 'not in front of the kid'. Blue Jay got the message and grew quiet. Al noticed nothing and continued to help Blue Jay away talking rapidly about Jedi study sessions and whatnot. Red Hawk watched them go and slowly made his way to the bridge. The slower he took, the longer it gave him time to prepare for talking with Krell. It was always an uphill battle, but he had been through worse and wasn't ready to get pushed around by someone who had no respect or honor whatsoever. He took a deep breath and opened the doors to the bridge. The general aura of the room was dark and downcast. The only sounds were the beeping of monitors and the occasional cough or throat clearing. Red Hawk waited silently to be addressed, knowing that if he said a word before Krell said anything or indicated his presence, someone would get punished or something would get destroying. He waited for a few more minutes before Krell turned from where he stood and locked eyes with Red Hawk. 

"You're late."

"My apologies General Krell," Red Hawk said firmly. He didn't state why because Krell would only see this as an excuse to punish him. 

Krell grumbled something under his breath and strode closer to the clone commander. "I have a task for you. Two padawans will be arriving to take the monthly status update on our battalion. I want you to monitor it for me since I have more important things to do."

"Yes sir."


Red Hawk gave a small nod and left the bridge, a weight lifting off his shoulders. He was glad Krell didn't know about the secret training sessions. He would be dead, and not to mention the horrific things Krell would do to Al. Walking down to the docking bay, he felt slightly better. Perhaps these could be padawans Al knew and it would lift her spirits. He arrived at the bay and noticed a Republic transport docked and two people walking hurriedly to the other side of the room. He hurried down and intercepted them before they got to far. "Hello."

One of the girls holding the data-pad jumped and the other let out a yelp. 

"You startled us!" the one with the data-pad said. 

"Sorry," Red Hawk said with a smile. "Are you the padawans here for the status report?"

"Are you Red Hawk?" the first girl asked in a snippy tone. 

"Ahsoka!" the other one who looked a few years older snapped. 

"I am," Red Hawk replied to the first girl.

"Good," she said. "I'm Ahsoka, and this is Barriss. One of the troopers in there said you were the best person to fill out the report."

"He's not wrong," Red Hawk said reaching for the data-pad. Ahsoka handed it to him and he began to fill things in. "The general's too busy staring into space. Literally." He handed the data-pad back.

Ahsoka smiled and looked down at it. "There's nothing here. It's blank."

"Oh, I almost forgot," Red Hawk said. "We haven't gone anywhere. Our fleet has been patrolling Coruscant for months now."

"You don't need any medical supplies?" Barriss asked.

"Unless there's medicine for Blue Jay's drinking problem, I think we'll be fine."

"Um, is there any chance you know Al Galleia?" Ahsoka asked. "I was her friend at the academy and haven't seen or heard from her since we got assigned to Jedi and--"

"I know her," Red Hawk said with a grin. "Come with me, I'll take you to her."

Ahsoka grinned at Barriss behind the clone's back and the two walked quickly after him. When they arrived at the barracks, Red Hawk opened the door and they were greeted by the sound of laughter and loud music. Red Hawk ushered the two girls in and closed the door fast making sure no sound went through into the hall. 

"Hey Red Hawk!" Blue Jay said, slurring his words. "So nice of you to join us!" He hiccuped and downed a glass of beer. 

With an eye roll, Red Hawk led the two girls around the drunk clones. Barriss seemed uncomfortable and Ahsoka was intrigued. Al was standing on her hands on top of the clone's helmets and moving from one to the other. Whenever she switched to a different helmet, she'd reach out one of her hands and lift the previous helmet up and onto the bunk next to her. She got to the end and flipped into a standing position, flicking the last helmet onto the bunk next to the others.

"Nice," Red Hawk said behind her. "Very impressive. Where'd you learn to do that?"

"I taught myself," Al said with an air of bragging. "It's quite simple, I just had to bal--AHSOKA!" She screamed and threw herself at her friend. "You're here you're here you're here!"

Ahsoka smiled and hugged back. "Yeah! I'm glad you're alright. I heard rumors from Anakin who heard them from Rex who heard them from Bly who said you were hurt."

"I'm all better now," Al said. She noticed Barriss. "Hi!"

Barriss waved feebly. "Hello."

"This is Barriss Offee," Ahsoka said. "She's Master Luminara's padawan."

"Yay new friend!" Al said, hugging Barriss.

Barriss looked over Al's shoulder at Ahsoka. Ahsoka smiled and gave her a 'well hug her back' look. Having rarely been shown acts of affection, Barriss hugged Al back. Ahsoka joined in and then Al began to introduce all the clones. "That's Axe and Brer over there. The one talking to Red Hawk is Blue Jay. Noxx is our medic, he doesn't drink. Dyn is one of the ARC troopers and so is Bits. That's Stuk and Copper, our piloting commanders. And all the way in the back there is Data. He's kind of a nerd."

"How do you remember all of their names?" Barriss asked. "My master never speaks to clones like this."

"They're like my brothers," Al said. "I don't have anyone else on here, so they look out for me themselves."

"How's your training going?" Ahsoka asked. "Has your master been teaching you?"

"He did a few times," Al said, slightly downcast. "But Red Hawk and Blue Jay have been doing their best to teach me a few things."

"I have an idea," Ahsoka said mischievously. 

"What?" Barriss asked.

"If you could show us to a room somewhere out of the way, Barriss and I could show you a few things our masters taught us," Ahsoka said. "It would help your skills improve."

"You'd do that?" Al said, her heart swelling.

Ahsoka nodded. "Yeah, totally."

"Thanks." Al suddenly remembered something. "My master cannot find out."

"Our lips are sealed." said Barriss.

"Come on," said Al excitedly. "I'll show you to the old storage room me, Red Hawk, and Blue Jay work in. It's the most isolated place on the ship and my Master would never dream of going there."

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