Stay: The sequel to Lost

By AshersMom247

7K 320 175

Penny and Liam are together, engaged and happy. Can they survive the ride his solo fame brings or will it tea... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50

Part 28

139 6 3
By AshersMom247

Jake showed up just as everyone was sitting down to lunch on Jon's patio. Liam sighed and threw down his napkin. "He can wait for you to eat, Liam." Jane said. She turned to Jake. "Hi." she said, holding out her hand. "I'm Jane, Cricket's mom. Nice to meet you, Jake, right? Would you like some lunch? There is plenty. We have grilled cheese and tuna sandwiches because Carly couldn't make up her mind and wanted both."

"No, thank you, ma'am. I'm just here for Liam." He answered, in his no nonsense body guard voice.

Carly leaned on Liam and looked up at the huge man. "Where you taking Leem? Will he been back for dinner? Mommy said I could cook the corn. I'm a good helper."

Jake just started at the little girl like she was a foreign being, some kind of alien. Liam answered for him. "I have to go work, Carly. You remember? Like when I was on the TV?"

Carly nodded. "Okay. You be on TV and then come home for dinner, right? We peeling that corn, remember?"

Liam looked up at Penny, his eyes pleading with her to help him.

"We are going to be late, sir. Do you have a bag?" Jake looked around the porch.

Liam nodded. "It's next door. Hang on, let me say goodbye." He turned to Penny. "I'm just going to go. I'm not hungry."

Everyone stood up and moved toward Liam. He hugged Jane and Charlie, leaned down to hug Jon and shook hands with Sam. "See ya, Hollywood." He laughed. Marian gave him a quick hug before Penny's other brother shook his hand.

Liam turned and walked over to the step and headed down, Carly hot on his heels. "Wait for me, Leem! I want to be on the TV." She chased after him.

Penny followed and grabbed Carly up, walking behind Liam. He opened the door, pulled out his bag and handed it to Jake before taking Carly from Penny. "You can't come with me! Someone has to make sure Penny doesn't burn the corn."

"KitKit is fine. You need me, right? To be the on TV?"

Liam handed her back and walked over to the waiting SUV. He kissed Penny quickly and hopped into the seat, shutting the door behind him. He rolled down the window and waved. Carly burst into tears. "But Leem! You come home for dinner! Ok? I see you at dinner?" Jake backed down the driveway and Liam blew them a kiss. Carly pushed her way out of Penny arms and chased the car, screaming, "LEEM!" Her father chased her down and carried her back to the table. She had her head on his shoulder and was sucking her thumb. Big, fat tears still rolled over her cheeks. She was the picture of misery. "Leem not coming home for dinner." she said, sadly.

"I know, sweetie." Penny said, stroking her hair, "I know."

A week and a half later, Penny was getting ready to close the house down for a while and discovered that she was out of paper towels. She called Marian to see if she was up for a ride into town and maybe lunch? Marian was thrilled to leave the house. She and Sam were heading home in a few days and she was in the middle of a laundry marathon. She was glad to leave the house. Carly chased them out the door. "Take Carly!" she screamed. Charlie yelled that it was fine and the three headed into town.

They decided to have lunch first, at a local diner, with outdoor seating, right on the beach. When Carly got bored, they could let her dig in the sand. They were just ordering when Marian pointed. "Don't look but those girls are staring at you."

Penny turned.

"I said, DON'T LOOK." Marian said. "Great, they are coming over." Marian looked up and smiled. "Can I help you?" she asked the two girls, who looked to be in high school.

"Uh, are you..." one of the girls started. "Because that little girl looks like Carly? And you look like her? You are all over his Insta. I mean, I knew you lived around here,'t you that girl who used to be Liam Payne's girlfriend?" she asked.

Penny sighed. "Well, I guess? I'm his fiancé? So..."

"No," the other girl cut her off. "I thought maybe you broke up? Because he's in Ibiza? And this other girl? This blond? Is in all the pictures?"

Penny froze. He was where? She grabbed her phone. He had just texted her saying he was fine, had a show in Spain and then he'd be home. How could he be in Ibiza? Everyone knew that Ibiza was just one big party island. It was covered in night club, bars, beautiful beaches and half-dressed people. Penny stood up and walked away, heading to the car. Marian grabbed Carly and ran after her.

In the safety of the car, she broke the rules she and Liam had agreed on months before. No twitter. Twitter was a toxic place, full of rude comments and gossip. People posted whatever they wanted, not bothering to check the facts.

She typed 'Liam Payne' in the search bar and in seconds she was bombarded with pictures. Liam was in Ibiza. There were pictures of him on dance floors, drink in hand. There were pictures of him lying in the sun. There were pictures of him holding hands with a blond woman. Penny zoomed onto one of the pictures. The blonde woman was Jamie. Jamie dragging him through airports. Jamie dragging him into night clubs. Jamie sitting way to close to him in a VIP booth. Jamie. Jamie. Jamie.

Penny dialed Liam's number and waited. It would be night there, in Spain. He didn't answer. Jamie did. "Hello! Liam's phone!"

"Where is he?" Penny said, her teeth clenched, grinding together as she tried not to yell.

"Oh! Hey! He's in the shower. Hang on!" Jamie practically sang out.

Penny could hear her call to him and him answer. Why was she in his room if he was taking a shower? Liam came on the line. "Hey, Love." he said.

Penny opened the car door and jumped out of the car, walking as she yelled into to phone. "What in the FUCK is she doing in your room? What in the FUCK are you doing in Ibiza? What in the FUCK is going on?"

Liam didn't answer. Penny could hear him breathing.

"ANSWER ME, ASSHOLE." Penny screamed.

"How..." he started.

Penny interrupted him. "How do I know? How do I know? Twitter, dumbass. Some teenager just asked me if I was your EX. Your EX, Liam. Guess what? Maybe I am." Penny looked at her phone, hit the big red circle that disconnected the call and sat in the middle of the parking lot, crying. 

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