Entangled: Playfully

By _SoloBird_

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Entangled Book #2 Life is short; it should be full of fun. These are the words of Daniel Adams. Daniel Adams... More

Author's note
*Special Chapter*
Chapter- 41
New book


45K 2.4K 351
By _SoloBird_

Eloise Nicole

I had no idea where he was driving me to. I just knew it was the place close to his heart. I was pondering over my brain to come up with the name of any place because Daniel, as usual, wasn't telling me where he was driving me to. He just kept on smiling silently while looking straight at the road.

After a while, he stopped the car in front of a beautiful and big house in a quiet area away from the bustling city life.

"Whose house is this?" I asked as I kept my eyes directed at the house in order to get a glimpse of the owner.

"You wanted to see my family, right?"

This statement made my head turn to him in shock. No, He did not... He... Did he bring me to his family home where he spent his childhood?

"Yes." He said, smiled softly. I think he got the clue of my unasked question, looking at my surprised face. He stepped out of the car and opened the door for me. "Come on, they are waiting."

I couldn't step out of the car as I was sitting frozen on my spot. My heart had started to pick up the pace. He trusted me enough to bring me to meet his parents.

"Earth to Eloi." He snapped his fingers in front of my face. He then extended his hand for me which I held tightly and then he took me inside the house of the memories.

He opened the doors of the house and my nervousness climbed the mountains. Unknowingly, I squeezed his hand tightly which made him look at our clasped hands. He then looked up into my eyes and gave me an encouraging smile but his own eyes had sorrow in them. He then made me stand in front of a big family picture.

"Hey, how are you all doing today?" He beamed, looking at the portrait but I could see the pain behind his smile. "See, who I brought with me today." He said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Meet Eloise Nicole, my girlfriend." He said proudly. My heart became heavy and I could feel tears welling up in my eyes but I didn't let them fall.

"Eloise, meet my father, George Adams" He pointed at the man in the portrait. "My mother, Natalie Adams, and my baby sister, Ariana Adams." He pointed at two females in the portrait.

I smiled genuinely and brushed my hand on the picture. "Now, I know from where you got the looks. You look like your father." I tried to make the dense atmosphere lighter.

"Yeah, good looks run in my family." He chuckled lightly. I glanced at the face of his mother and couldn't help but admire her beauty. Then my eyes landed on the young girl who had a bright smile on her face, his sister.

I frowned a little while looking at his sister, her eyes had a resemblance of someone I couldn't point out. After running my mind for a while, I gasped. "She looks like-"

"Ariana Knight." He completed my sentence. "I know. Imagine my shock when I saw Ariana for the first time? I thought my sister came back. Even her name is the same as my sister's. That's why I call her Princess, the endearment I used to call my sister with."

That's why Ariana Knight holds a special place in his heart.

I couldn't hold myself anymore and threw myself over him and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. " I'm so sorry for whatever I said that day. I had no idea what you went through. I shouted at you... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." I cried against his chest. He softly pushed me away and cupped my face.

"Hey, I haven't brought you here to see you cry." He wiped my tears with his thumbs. "I have brought you here to tell you something." He mumbled, looking straight into my eyes.

"W..what?" I sniffed, studying his face.

"I love you, Eloise."

His straight forward confession almost made my heart stop working.

" Wh...what did y...you say?" I stuttered, not able to grasp what he had said. He still had my face cupped between his palms. My eyes were studying his face intently.

"I said, I love you, Miss Eloise Nicole." He flashed a bright smile that almost blinded my vision. It means my ears are not playing tricks with me.

"You...you are not joking right?"

"I surely am not joking." He said solemnly. And the tears which were dried because of shock came back to life.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're crying a lot today. Please stop crying. I just wanted to confess to you in front of my parents. I had no intention to delay the confession of what I feel for you. It's okay if you don't have the same feelings for me now, I'm not forcing anything on you—"

"I don't see any reason not to have the same feelings for you," I said in tears.

"What?" He asked in confusion, lifting his hands away from my face. I held his hand mid-air and smile through my tears.

"I love you too, Mr. Daniel Adams."

And in no seconds, I was pulled in a bone-crushing hug. "Thank you, thank you so much." He mumbled repeatedly. I too embraced him tightly.

I too had no reason not to confess my feelings for him. He had been my motivator and supporter. He gave me what was lacking in my life, that is positivity. I couldn't think of losing a sweet, caring, and loving man by not sharing my feelings with him.

He let go of his arms from around me and gave me a sweet kiss. "Guess you are stuck with me for life." He said as he caressed my jaw with his thumb.

"I'm not complaining," I replied. He smiled in contentment and kissed my forehead.

"Come, let me show you around." He clasped my hand and led me to tour around the house. He showed me every corner of the house and shared the memories of his childhood with me. The enthusiasm and excitement were evident in his voice as he reminisced the past but I didn't miss the darkness in his eyes that were telling a different story, a story of emotional pain.

I remained quiet and happily paid attention to every word that came out of his mouth because he needed it. He needed to recall every part of the past related to the house to keep the memories fresh.

After the tour of the house, he drove me to my place. He stopped the car at a distance from my apartment building when he saw the paparazzi lurking around the building.

"Can you see the madness over there? These people have blocked the entrance. This is why I want you to stay with me. My penthouse building is much more secured than this area. No media person is allowed in a fifty meters range of the building." He grumbled as he kept his eyes trained on the paparazzi who were trying to gain entry inside the building. I huffed thinking that this is what my life is. No personal space and no privacy of anything.

He picked up his phone and called Jimmy, who I didn't know was present near my building, and ordered him to make way for us. With the help of other security guards, Jimmy created a way for us. As soon as Daniel stopped the car at the building entrance, the paparazzi turned into monsters waiting for us to step down from the car so they could eat us. Security pulled them away from the car. We stepped out of the car and the security created a barrier for us. Evan too came down to help us. Daniel wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me inside.

"Since how long you two have been seeing each other?"

"Daniel Adams, why did you propose her in public? Was that a publicity stunt?"

"Did Leena Antonio asked you to gain publicity for her event?"

"Is this a serious relationship?"

"When are you two getting married?"

These questions were thrown on us under the flashes of the cameras. Daniel surprised me by abruptly halting his steps in the middle. He then faced the raging media.

"The proposal wasn't the publicity stunt, we're together. That's all you should know for now. Thank you." He stated calmly and then led me inside. He accompanied me to my apartment and then left not before giving me a chaste kiss.

In a matter of seconds, Trish was in front of me in another second I was pushed inside my own apartment and was interrogated about the night I spent with Daniel. I told her everything, minus the details of course.

"You, Eloise Nicole Norman, finally lost your virginity?" She gaped at me with her mouth wide open, pointing a finger at me. My face flamed up.

"I did not lose it, I gave it willingly. There is a difference. And stop gaping at me." I retorted. Thankfully Evan wasn't in my apartment otherwise Trish would have embarrassed me to death.

"Oh, sorry. It's just that this news is hard to digest, that's all. You know it's not always you come to me saying that you did the deeds." She blinked several times before getting back to normal. I scoffed at the choice of her words.

"Oh, if this is hard to digest then what will you do if I tell you that Daniel and I confessed our love for each other?" I raised my brows and crossed my arms.

"You did what?" She shrieked on top of her lungs, her eyes rounded in utter shock. Dumbfounded, she sat on my bed and rubbed her forehead. "I think I'm dreaming. I need to wake up." She then slapped her face lightly. I mentally rolled my eyes and helped her to come out of her dreamland by pinching her upper arm. She yelped, rubbing the spot I pinched.

"A light pinch could have worked, there was no need to pull my flesh out." She scrunched her face then suddenly started grinning. "You're fast, eh? Faster than a high-speed train. At this speed, you'll have your own football team."

I threw a small pillow at her. "Shut your mouth and leave, I need to rest."

"Why? Daniel didn't let you rest?" She wiggled her eyebrows in utter mock as she leaned back on the bed, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. I glared at her and grabbing her wrist, I dragged her out of my apartment and shut the door in her face.

The doorbell rang again. Trish again? I swung the door open. "Trish, can't you-" My words stuck in my throat when I saw my mom standing there.

"Oh, good morning, mom." I greeted her with a forced smile and stepped aside to make way for her to step in.

"Are you avoiding my calls? I have been calling you since last night but you didn't pick up a single time." She asked in an accusing tone.

"I didn't want to be disturbed that's why I had put my phone on silent mode," I stated nonchalantly as I shut the door.

"Why? What were you busy with?" She asked, frowning.

"Isn't it obvious or do I have to put it into words?" I raised an eyebrow at her. Her eyes went wide.

"You spent night with Daniel Adams?" The words from her mouth came out in disbelief. I shrugged off my shoulders.

Suddenly, her eyes flamed in anger. "Have you lost your mind? He asked you to be his girlfriend and you went with him without thinking twice? Did you fail to notice what blunder he created by proposing to you in front of everyone? Have you seen the media raging outside your building?"

My jaw ticked. "I think you weren't paying attention when I said yes to him. I left with him in front of everyone and it is obvious spent the night with him that too willingly. And did you fail to notice the security he arranged for me?" I shot back. I too was fuming in anger. How could she say that?

She scoffed. "Yeah, show off! Eloise, how can you trust him so easily, you just met him a few months ago? What if he's playing with you? What if he does something like your ex-boyfriend."

"Do not compare Daniel with that bastard," I said in a warning tone. "And do not speak anything against Daniel when you just met him last night. You don't know anything about him. He is the nicest soul I've ever known."

"What has he done that you're speaking so much of him when you are the one who blocks every man from your vision?"

I let out a groan and pinched my nose. "Why are you here? What do you want, mom?"

"I want you to be away from Daniel."

"Are you even listening to yourself?" I shrieked in disbelief. "He proposed to me just last night in front of everyone and you want me to be away from him? On what basis?"

"He's playing with your safety." She reasoned out.

"That's your explanation?" I asked with a scornful laugh. She kept on her poker face. I clenched my hands in fists and spoke, "Alright then, talk to me when you have a better explanation."

"Why can't you understand that your safety is at stake? I'm protecting you from -" She abruptly shut her mouth which made me look at her in skepticism.

"What are you talking about?" I roamed my eyes over her face to look for an answer as she suddenly became voiceless. "What protection and from whom? Mom, what are you hiding?"

"Nothing. I just want you to be safe." She responded after a long silence. She would never tell me. I let out an exasperated sigh and ran my hand through my hair.

"Thank you for ruining my day, mom. If it's enough for you then please leave."


Daniel Adams

After dropping Eloise at her place, I went back to my penthouse to get ready for work but I got shocked when I saw some people sitting on the couch in my living room.

"How did you get inside?" I frowned.

"You gave me the password when I came two days back to your penthouse because you didn't want to get your ass off your bed," Sean spoke as he leisurely flipped the page of the magazine he was pretending to read.

"We waited for almost five minutes outside and you didn't even pick up your phone...so we broke in," Xavier said.

I scowled. "Well, you can't do it from now on, I'm not single anymore. I need to change the password."

"I told you two that it's a bad idea to break into his house," Ariana scolded them then she faced me. "Sorry, Daniel, I tried to stop them but you know them." She huffed.

I walked to her and kissed her forehead. "I know it's not your fault." Then I took Amara from her arms. "Hey, my queen, how you doin'?" I kissed her face and she tangled her fingers in my hair.

"I'm happy for you, Daniel. Eloise is a good choice. I like her." Ariana beamed. Before I could thank her Xavier interrupted in between.

"Yeah, she is a good choice. But you could have at least informed us that you were going to propose to her. We're friends for crying out loud."

"Oh, really? I didn't inform you? You were the one who refused to give any suggestion to me." I scoffed as I sit on the couch and placed Amara on my lap.

"That doesn't mean you'll hide things from us. When I planned the introduction of Ariana, I had informed you beforehand." He argued.

"Well, you saw it on the news. It's no more hidden." I shot back.

"All we want to say is we wanted to witness the proposal. It's not the usual thing that you go on the stage and propose a girl." Sean said, putting the magazine back on the table.

"I'll see what you will do," I glared at him.

"Stop you all." Ariana again spoke. "Xavier, Sean, Instead of congratulating him, you are making him feel bad. This is not what you came here for." She rebuked.

"Okay, sorry. We didn't mean to make you feel bad." They both raised their hands in surrender then came and sat on either side of me.

"So, when is the wedding?" Xavier smirked.

"Oh, come on, Xavier, what kind of question is this? The wedding is obviously very soon." Sean too smirked. "I just want to know if we're invited Or are you going to do it without informing us?" He added sarcastically.

I groaned. "For how long you'll rub it in my face? You know I'll not take the biggest decision of my life without involving you all." I couldn't help but raise my voice. How could he say such an absurd thing? Amara wiggled on my lap, I looked at her and found her lower lip trembling.

"No need to be sentimental and don't scare my baby." Xavier scowled and tried to grab her away but I swatted his hands and raised her in my arms.

"Don't cry, my queen. Your uncles and daddy aren't fighting. We're just talking, okay?" I cooed which made her calm instantly.

Sean chuckled and leaned back on the couch. "So, when are you going to introduce her to us?" He muttered and I raised a questioning eyebrow at him. He gave a side look and spoke. "As your girlfriend, of course."

I decided not to reply to him and continued to play with Amara. After spending a few more minutes at my penthouse, they all left and I too followed them.

The day was hectic so I only found time after lunch to call Eloise. She was at work at that time but she seemed off which she refused to accept and diverted the topic. I too didn't force her. But my worry and concern for her increased when I called her again at 9:00 pm after attending my last meeting and found her phone switched off.

I called Evan to know about her whereabouts and got to know that she was in her apartment only. "Then why was her phone off?" I couldn't help but wonder. Without wasting time I drove to her place. I rang the doorbell once but no one came out. Anxiety surged up into me and I rang the doorbell again. After almost five rings she opened the door, looking tired.

"Where have you been? I was worried sick, Eloise." I pulled her in a hug.

"Hey, I'm okay. My mood is just off, so I was sleeping and couldn't hear the doorbell." She mumbled against my chest. She was sleepy, so I closed the door and lifted her in bridal style, and took her to her room. I placed her on her bed and laid beside her.

"What happened?" I asked when we were in a comfortable cuddling position.

"Had an argument with mom." She sighed.

"May I know about what?" I asked carefully. I didn't want to pry but I needed to know what was eating her up.

"You." She whispered. Frowning, I sat up on the bed and asked, "Me? What about me?" She sat up too and looked at her lap, fumbling with her fingers.

I raised up her chin. "Does she not like me?" I inquired.

"Daniel, I don't think there is anyone who can not like you." She spoke softly. I chuckled.

"Your mother is the one," I said. She averted her eyes which were filled with sadness. I cupped her face and smiled.

"No need to worry, Eloi. I'll win her heart too just as I won yours."

Her smile came back. That's what I wanted.

"You should have told me about this when it happened, I would have cheered you up. You wasted a beautiful day in the off mood for no reason."

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking straight. I don't know what mom wants from me. Why can't she be happy with my decisions? Why can't she support me?" She asked me in disbelief.

I pulled her on my lap and made her rest her head on my shoulder. I stroked her hair and spoke, "She's a mother, Eloi. She wants good for you. There must be a reason for what she's doing."

"Many times I've asked her the reasons but she never told me a single time. I don't think she loves me, she just loves the popularity she's getting because of me." She said annoyingly, raising her head from my shoulder.


"I'm trying to tell you that she's against you, against our relationship, still, you're trying to find good in her?" She retorted. "I don't want to listen to anything. I just want to sleep." She jumped off from my lap and laid on the bed.

I sighed thinking it would be a waste of energy to make her understand anything as she was in no mood to listen. I removed my suit jacket and laid beside her. As if she was waiting for me to lay down, she wrapped her arms around my torso and snuggled into me.

"I love you and I'm not going to leave you, no matter what my mom says." She whispered

"I love you too, Eloi." I chuckled and kissed her forehead, and cuddled her to sleep. 


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