Key's Lock | SHINee Key

By MSjaeyong

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|Rank #1 -key | rank #1 -kimkibum | rank #2 -Shinee You and key have this sweet and sour friendship. Eventual... More

Chapter 1| lock where's key?
Chapter 2 | how dare you not tell me
Chapter 3 | BLIND DATE?! no!
Chapter 4 | This freak doesn't know jokes
Chapter 5 | I'm your 5th! you should know that
Chapter 6 | I'm not mad lil freak
Chapter 7 | Why did I even said that?
Chapter 8| onew doesn't like girls
Chapter 9 | lets play sports girl
Chapter 10 | Taemin being a gentleman
Chapter 11 | YOU ARE SO DEAD TO ME
chapter 12 | Do you mind if I date her?
author's note

Chapter 13 | The time when we were together

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By MSjaeyong

After 6 weeks. Key came back to his mother's house with Nancy his new girlfriend.

I was happy being single. But I have to admit that key has always been in my head for these past 6 weeks.

Before we used to always do sleep overs and I would just have fun with him as my friend. But when we grew up, My feelings grew and became more deep and eventually realized that I want to be with him for the rest of my life.

That can't happen. He's happy now and I don't want to ruin it for him.

I decided to stay in my room. Key and his family knocked on our door my mom called me before opening the front door.

"I'm sleeping mom." I said.

I went to my bed to actually sleep. But I couldn't sleep so I just played pc games.

My mom let them in and I hear their laughs so I covered my ears with music.

Key's pov
Y/n is sleeping.. I don't think so.

I sneaked up to their stairs and opened her door.. she doesn't lock doors.

I saw her playing games on her PC.

I know her so well that I know why shes playing rn.

She's tensed because in here.

I took her headphones. She looked at me and smiled sarcastically.

"Woah ur here?" Y/n said.

"Yes.. wanna come down stairs?" I asked her.

She replied with "I'm good. It's rude. I know, but I need to finish my game u know." She went back to playing games.

All I could do was hug her so I back hugged her and she suddenly pushed me away.

"Woah, were not kids anymore key. " She said as she chuckles.

"Yeah, but we're bestfriends." I said.

"Not like we used to." She said bluntly.

"Are you still mad at me?" I said.

"Are you planning to hurt your Nancy?" She said.

"... Nancy .. why it's not like we're a thing. We're still bestfriends." I defended my actions.

"We can't be anything." She said.

Y/n's POV
He really has no idea on what I'm about to tell him now. This might hurt myself but what can I do. It's for the best for both of us.

"We can't be anything." I said.

He got mad and turned my PC off.

"Can we talk without the games and stuff?" He said.

I've never seen him this angry and upset because of me.

"Yeah, we can't be anything you know why?" I said.

"Yeah why?" He said.

"Because I can't leave the fact that you're never gonna be with me and you're gonna spend the rest of your life with another girl. Is it that hard to understand. I want you to be able to love her. You liked me right? And I actually like u back. I wondered if u would react on me dating taemin. You did something, you left and decided to give up. I barely knew him that time. But u left." I said.

"So go now and pretend you never knew me." I said.

"I can't let you do this to me. Throwing away our friendship? No." Key said.

"I hate you. Just Go and leave" I cried out loud to the point that people downstairs heard me say that one sentence.

Key went silent. He tried hugging me but I refused.

"I'm gonna ask nicely. Can you just please leave." I said.

"I'm not gonna leave you again." Key said.

"Just think about Nancy. Key were so wrong in many ways. If we were gonna end up together, it could have happened before already. " I said.

"I love you. I don't just like you. I just couldn't read you. I had no idea because you never showed any interest. I'm sorry if I left and didn't bother fighting for you. I'm sorry because after u confessed I decided to stay with Nancy. I was not brave enough to see you hurt because of me. It was even pointless because when I told u the bet I made you weren't mad about it. I can never be good enough." Key said.

"Nancy gave you the chance to live again. Don't waste it because of me. I have faults too. I didn't want to like you before because I was too scared to lose our friendship. But now we kinda just did." I said.

"Stop crying now. We don't want red eyes for 3 days." Key said as he hugged me.

"I promise to do the right thing. For us." Key said and left.

After that.. I never seen key in person ever again. I only see him in TV but I eventually just decided to move countries. I moved to ITALY Florence alone.

Had a decent job there. Stayed single for a year, had short dates but I easily lost interest. Then one day...

I went outside.. the usual routine. I bike around the place.

Is that key?
Impossible he wouldn't go here he has job in korea. His company is very strict.

I continued biking until.

"Y/N!!!" Key's voice.

I fell from my bike. As I was laying down key looked at me.

"Your here?" Key said in a confused face.

"?? Why are you here?" I said.

He pulled me up.

"I'm here to go on vacation. It's my 2nd day in italy!!" He said excitingly.

"Oh.. need help? I've been here for almost 2 years. I said.

"2 years? You left? You live here?" His face got sad but he smiled immediately.

"I know, must be surprising but it was an opportunity. Where's ur destination sir?" I asked him.

"I'm eating lunch in this place?" He pointed out in his mini map.

"Oh. That's not the best one, I know where we can actually eat." I helded his wrist and we went to my favorite one.

"This place is great." He said.

I looked at him and he smiled at me.
"What? Never seen such handsome guy like me for almost 2years?" He said.

"No, I just miss you for some reason." I said.

"Plus, I dated a lot of hot guys okay?" I added.

"I know. I got too intimidated when I came here. Everyone was as handsome as me. " Key said.

"Okay *chuckles* enough with the self praising jokes."I said.

"Well, I prefer my new sense of humor than my dark humor before." Key said.

"I dont. I  love ur dark humor." I said.

"Oh.. I can do it again." Key said.

We had great time until the sky turned dark. It was time for us to go.

He stayed with me and cancelled his other plans. "Can I stay with you just for today. I promise not to bother u like this again." Key said.

We walked and stopped by the bridge

If I Can only have another day with key. ... I know this won't last but..

"I missed you too." He said.

My heart felt so warm.
As he holds my right hand.
"If only you can love me again." He was shocked.

"Did I say that out loud?" He said.

"Silly" I said as I hold his hand tightly.

We were facing each other.

He then kissed me slowly. A very unexpected thing

Especially when you know everything was so messed up.

Didn't know that that one kiss could fix everything.

"So this is what it feels like kissing someone you truly love." Key said.

"I guess so."


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