Bella's Older Sister/ Twiligh...

By Mysterywolfmystic

819K 16.6K 2.1K

Bella never told anyone she had a sister. What happens when her sister comes to Forks Washington? How will ev... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapters 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 8

24.2K 488 86
By Mysterywolfmystic

Genevieve's POV

I was helping Bella wash her truck. Bella was doing the back and I was doing the front. There was a bang making my lookup. It was Edward. He was on the back of the truck.

"Hey! You do know we have neighbors!"Bella tells him

"I want to invite you to my place"Edward tells her

"What if they don't like me?"Bella asks

"You worried that my family won't like you over than the fact that you will be in a house full of vampires?"Edward asks amused

"I'm glad I amuse you"Bella tells him

"Oh and Carlisle told me to tell you that you are invited Gennie"Edward tells me

"Thank you Edward. Tell him I'll be there"I tell him

"I will, mothe-Gennie," Edward says

Was he about to call me mom? I internally shook my head and continued washing the truck. Edward then zoned out meaning he heard something.

"What is it?"Bella asks

"I will pick you both up tomorrow," Edward says

"Ok"Bella says

Edward drove away as Billy and Jacob arrived. Jacob helped Billy get out and grabbed a brown bag from the bed of the truck. Charlie walked over to them and helped Billy as well.

"Jacob over here couldn't wait to see you again Bella," Billy says teasingly

There was no denying that Jacob had a massive crush on Bella. Everyone basically knew except Bella herself. Billy rolled over to me and grabbed my hand.

"Charlie told me everything. Just know that we will all love you the same no matter what and/or who you are"Billy tells me

"Thank you, "I tell him


I woke up and got ready to go to the Cullen's today. Bella was going in a green long sleeve shirt with jeans. I wanted to make a good first impression to the family.

A car horn brought me out of my nervous thoughts. Me and Bella walked out to Edward's car and got in. He then drove to the Cullen's house. That just made my nervousness go through the roof.

We arrived and Edward opened both my and Bella's doors for us to get out. I got out and looked at the house. It was beautiful. We walked in and Edward took off both of our jackets off.

"It's so open"Bella says

"Yeah well Esme and her husband Daniel designed it, "Edward says

I walked up the stairs to the second floor. Edward and Bella were behind me. We walked to the family and a woman, I guess is Esme, walks up to us.

"Bella, Gennie, this is our aunt Esme and her husband Daniel," Edward tells us

"Hi Bella and Genevieve, we made Italiano for you"Esme greets us

"Yum"I said with a smile

"Bella already ate, "Edward tells the family

Then a cracking sound was heard. Rosalie, who was holding the salad, broke the bowl and the food fell onto the floor. Rosalie was mad.

"Perfect"Rosalie says

"Ignore Rosalie. I do"Edward tells me and Bella

I walked over to Carlisle, who was standing next to Daniel and Esme, and he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Yeah, let's just keep pretending this isn't dangerous for all of us"Rosalie says

"I would never tell anybody"Bella says

"She knows that"Carlisle says rubbing my arm

"It's just you guys have gone public now"Emmett says

"Emmett"Esme scolds

"No she should know. This could end badly if this changes"Rosalie says

"You mean as in...I would become the meal"Bella says making a few laugh and chuckle

Their was then the sound of a branch making me look. It was Alice and Jasper. They jumped back in the house and Alice was holding a few flowers. Alice pulled Bella into a hug.

"Hi, Bella. I'm Alice. Wow you do smell good"Alice says

"Alice what are you-"Edward was cut off

"Don't worry. I know we'll be the bestest of friends."Alice tells him

I looked at Jasper, who was very stiff due to the smell of Bella's blood and walked over to him. Everyone watched as I did. I placed my hands on his shoulders making him be less tense.

"It's ok. You won't hurt her. I promise"I tell him

"Alright I'm going to show Bella around"Edward tells us dragging Bella away

I walked back over to Carlisle as Bella left. Esme and Alice were squeling over Bella and Edward making me giggle.

"Clean this up"Esme tells Rosalie pointing to the floor where the salad was

"C'mon"Carlisle tells me

He was walking up the same stairs Bella and Edward walked up. I followed him as he walked upstairs. He grabbed my hand as he walks to a room. It had mahogany doors on it. He opened it and it revealed into a office. Must be his.

"This is my office"Carlisle tells me

I looked at the room before me, amazed. Their was a portrait on the wall with four men on it that caught my eyes. One with long, Black hair with a creepy smile. Another with long, Black hair also, but seemed older. Then a Brown hair man with a serious look on his face. Then I saw what looked to be Carlisle on the portrait.

I felt Carlisle wrap his arms around my waist from behind making me jump. I giggled, making him smile.

"This is the Volturi. That's Aro, Marcus, Caius, and me. This was when I was in the Volturi for the longest time when I was turned"Carlisle tells me

"What's your story? How'd you get turned?"I asked

"Why don't you take a seat, because it's a long story," Carlisle tells me

I looked around and found his office chair. I smirked at him and ran over to sit in it. It was like a throne in a way. I crossed my arms waiting for the story. Carlisle sat on his desk to tell me the story.

"I was the son of an Anglican pastor in the late 1600s in London, England. My father was responsible for leading hunts for beings of evil, such as witches, werewolves, and vampires. When he became too old to continue them, he put me in charge of the hunts. I eventually discovered a coven of true vampires living in the sewers. During a chase with them, I was bitten and changed into a vampire. To avoid slaughter, I hid in a potato cellar during the transformation. I was repulsed by myself and attempted to kill myself many times, but instead hid deep in the woods, away from humans as I could not justify the fact that I could murder an innocent person. But when a herd of deer passed by me, I attacked without remorse and discovered that I could survive on animals. After I was able to perfect my blood lust over the course of two centuries and began to study medicine, soon becoming a brilliant doctor. I traveled to Italy where I met the Volturi, who attempted to reunite me with my real food source. I refused and instead went to the New World - America. That is where I found my sister Esme. She had lost her son and committed suicide by jumping off a cliff. She was close to death and I turned her. It was the hardest thing I could have done. She went on her own for a little while and found Daniel. He was living with his abusive father and alcoholic mother. He was found on the side of the road by Esme. She still didn't know how to control herself yet, so she called me and told me she was connected to him in some way. I turned him and they've been together for the longest of time. Then I began to work night shifts in Chicago, during the time of the Spanish influenza, in 1918. There I met Elizabeth Masen who demanded that I do everything I could to save her son, Edward. I did so and curbed my loneliness by turning Edward. Years later, I found Rosalie, who was raped and left for dead. I turned her and she found Emmett, which I turned as well. Then Jasper and Alice came to us already turned"Carlisle explains

"Wow," I said

"What?"Carlisle asks

"It's just you all experience things, but act as a family, "I tell him

"Maybe you can be a part of it"Carlisle says

"Maybe..."I said blushing slightly

I stood up and kissed his cheek. I went to walk out of the room only to be pulled back by Carlisle. He smiled at me and leaned in. I smiled and leaned in too. Our lips met and he caresses my cheek. A knock on the door stopped us.

"Viv, time to go, "Bella says through the door

"Alright! I'll see you later"I tell Carlisle

I kissed his cheek and walked away from him. I opened the door and walked out. Bella was smirking at me. I laughed and pushed her away as we walked to Edward's car. I waved at Carlisle before I left making him return it.

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