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in which a single father balances parenthood and romantic feelings for his boss. | A JAEYONG AU FF ( rewritt... More



956 71 64

❝You weren't apart of the plan in my head but, now I couldn't think of it any other way.❞

   In a matter of moments Taeyong went from being resentful and angry to completely regretful. Learning that a loved one was dying was a whole other type of hurt. He watched as his sister spoke, spoke about her illness and how long she had. "A few months." Is what she said the doctors told her. Jiyoon had an hourglass floating above her head and Taeyong desperately wanted know how long she had.  Even if it broke him entirely. Here she sat right in front of him, the thrill of their first encounter unfortunately disappeared a few years too late. But then he remembered this is exactly what he wanted to see. Her in a state of despair begging for his help meanwhile, Taeyong stared down at her fortune oozing out of him. Those were his selfish thoughts when he was younger, he wished her only bad things.

This isn't what Taeyong wanted. "Im being hospitalized tommorow for the time being but I have no one to take care of Haerin. So I was wondering if you could help me with her?" Out of his daze Taeyong fell into another moment of silence. Of course he had a good job and a place to stay but was that enough for a baby? He'd never thought about having children himself so this was never on his mind. "Are you sure you want me to take care of her?.." his sister smiled at him and looked at her cooing baby. "I couldn't think of anyone else better, you're the only family I have left. Taeyong, please." Jiyoon pleaded with him.


He'd help his sister move her stuff into a hospital room, Taeyong looked around at the light blue walls. The single hospital bed and the light shining through the blinds in the window. "Are you sure you won't be bored here?" He asked his sister who laid a bag on the floor. She looked around and sighed "probably but you know I'll just roam the halls. Maybe even take up the role as the local hospital's ghost." Jiyoon's hair falls onto her face, she rolls her eyes back and starts making weird noises. Taeyong scoffs amused and jiyoon laughs. Her laughter dies down and she stares at her baby on the bed. "You two will visit me right?" She whispers.

"Of course we will."

Taeyong took Haerin into his arms and after a tearful goodbye with her mom. They set off back home. Haerin was around 8 months so she was very active and very much drooling. Small teeth poking out of her gums greeted him as she babbles about what's going on in her day. Taeyong went along with it and would respond to her. They were on the bus, so he got an array of reactions from the people in it. Some smiled at the precious sight but other silently judged him. It was expected, Taeyong looked so young. But he didn't pay it any mind and continued to entertain the baby who liked the attention. All he wanted to do is keep her happy, especially since she wouldn't be with her mother. His heart ached for her.

The hardest part was how he was gonna tell Johnny about Haerin becoming their new roommate. Walking into the house, Taeyong kicked his and Haerin's shoes off. Putting them neatly onto the shoe rack. The beeping of him unlocking the door must've alerted Johnny, Taeyong hearing the familiar stomping. "TAEYO-" Johnny rushed towards them but stopped once he saw what was in his roommates arm. "Don't tell me...this is your love child." That earned Johnny a smack to the head Taeyong making his way around the groaning Johnny in pain. "She's not my love child you idiot!"

He sits her on the ground, and grabs a few of her things in the bag with him.

"Haerin is my niece, now go and introduce yourself." Johnny sheepishly nods and crawls over to Haerin who looked at him bewildered. "Hello Haerini, I'm Johnny." He introduces himself sticking his hand out for her to shake. But she looks at it for a moment before leaning foward and locking her mouth onto Johnny's wrist. Taeyong's eyes widened and Johnny screamed as Haerin squeezed her mouth tighter. Her little face crinkling in baby anger. Taeyong scooped her up as she releases the giant.

"You didn't tell me she was a vampire too!" He yelled out as held onto his wrist. Taeyong sees a tiny bite mark on it, and rolled his eyes at the dramatics of Johnny. "Guess she's hungry."

"Yeah, for blood!"

"I guess you're kinda cute." Johnny says as they all lay on the floor with her, Haerin sat looking at the colorful animations on the screen. He pokes her nose and she turn to him, laying a sloppy baby kiss on his for head, then returning to see her cartoons. "Aww you're forgiven." Taeyong smiled at the sight, he was glad that Johnny got along with her. "Hope you both stay like this, she's going to be with me for a while."

"I don't is Jiyoon?" His roommate asked, his expression held genuine curiosity waiting on Taeyong to answer truthfully. Taeyong debated in his head if he should. Johnny always admired his older sister, often tagging along with the pair since he wanted to get close to her despite being younger than her. Instead he was left with a best friend and heartache. "She's dying Johnny." Taeyong couldn't bare seeing his reaction. He was quiet for a while until Taeyong felt a hand lay on top of his, Johnny held it tight. He noticed the way his friend was still processing the news about his sister, he himself couldn't imagine the feelings Taeyong was going through. Taeyong was always so protective over his feelings. Often times Johnny felt helpless, but this time, Johnny knew exactly what he needed to do.

Stay by his side.

"You look a lot like your momma." Taeyong whispered to the snoozing baby. Wrapped around in his arms, baby Haerin made herself comfortable. He rocked back in forth at the edge of his bed. "I hope you aren't as stupid as her." Those words made him think of the time she would often times have a moment of dumbness, taeyong being the smart ass younger brother to help her out all while annoying her at the same time. "Maybe you'll take up from me, I mean I'm pretty great so why wouldn't you?" He was greeted with another silent reply. Taeyong wondered how life would treat Haerin, would she be met with the same tragic childhood that both siblings did. He wouldn't allow that. As long as he was by her side, nothing will harm her. Will she miss her mom? These are the questions that made taeyong's heart ache. Taeyong didn't know his mom, having walked out of their life not long after his birth. Often times he would wonder what would it be like if she hadn't left...but from what Jiyoon told him. Dad wasn't all that nice before he was born. Taeyong still held onto the dream.

He hoped Haerin didn't have such dreams, ones for a better life. Only of her mother, his sister who was slipping away from his so soon. It was slowly sinking in, the darkly lit room enveloped Taeyong in it's loneliness. All these years of resent made him feel horrible, was this all his doing? He wanted to kick himself for not trying to find her, not breaking away from their father and standing up to him. Jiyoon was his shield, from all the vicious words spat to them. The kicks and punches, she protected him from it all.

Tears fell, and hit baby Haerin who immediately reacted. She let out a whine and taeyong snapped back to reality. Reality was in his arms, in a form of a baby. A baby he would have to guide through life until adulthood, a life that will rely on him even for the simplest of things. Taeyong promised to himself in that moment that he will never betray his role as a parent, he will never betray Haerin. Holding the fussy baby tight to his chest, Taeyong's silent sobs became sniffles.  "Shh you're going to be okay, we're all going to be okay."

A/N: man, what did you think about this chapter? I'm gonna edit it later.

Im honestly having conflicting thoughts about it but it will do, I just wanted to update you all quickly. I hope you like it, even if it's short❤️


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