Fate Of The McCalls - Whisper...

By Cheyebaby

262 3 3

Elianna grew up in a small town in California, where nothing seems to happen. When new threats invade Beacon... More

Blank space
Made of Nightmares
Escaping Hell


19 0 0
By Cheyebaby

05:00am came way too soon. Scott came in early this morning freaking out, apparently a wolf attacked him last night in the woods, found the body, and he almost got hit by a car. He had me bandage him this morning and if I hadn't known about the extinction of wolves in California, I would've believed it was a wolf. I didn't have the heart to tell him that they have been extinct in Cali since 1924, but what I can tell you how ever that he was in fact attacked by an animal. I crawled out of my bed and got ready for my morning run. I stayed in my black spandex shorts that I had put on last night and put on a sports bra with a cut out bright pink graphic T-shirt with the pink Floyd cover picture on it and my black NIKE's. I glanced at my nightstand and the clock read 05:10am. I make a protein shake and quickly drink it before heading out.

I pulled out my iPhone and hit shuffle on Pandora and stuffed it into the waist of my shorts and put in my headphones as I began my run. I always start out hard and fast and eventually slow my pace as needed, it was weird though because I've already made it to the Stilinski residence three blocks over and I'm not winded at all. Mr. Stilinski is leaving for work as I run past his house, we both wave at each other as I continue my run. I decided to push myself and extent my run since I'm not winded at all and run to the eight-block mark and round back still keeping the 'I'm running from a monster' pace, at least that's what I call it. I must have been focused on my music because before I knew it I was back at the steps to my house barely winded at all, I walk up the stairs and into my room to see that it is now 06:03am I made an extended run in less time than my normal route with barely becoming winded, "What the hell did they put in protein shakes no a days?" I mutter to myself in disbelief.

I jumped in the shower blow dried my hair. I got dressed in a long-sleeved white shirt tucked into my dark denim, waist high skinny jeans with brown leather ankle high boots and a brown leather jacket. I walked into Scotts room and he was still asleep. He was laying on his stomach snoring like a bear.

"Scott! Hey! Get up it's 06:45, you're gonna be late, so get your lazy ass up!" I say kicking his bed. He springs up out of the bed as if someone had attached a live wire to his foot, causing me to leap back yelping slightly.

"I'm up. I'm up" he says groggily. And heads to the shower.

While he's in the shower I go and finish my makeup. I hear a horn outside and look out the window to see Lydia's car in the driveway waiting on me. "Scott Lydia's here to pick me up! Don't be late to school!" I said on my way out the door.

I climb into Lydia's car and she looks me up and down and gives me a smile. "You look cute! Maybe Stiles will notice you" she said wiggling her perfectly manicured brows at me as she drives off. She knows the whole story on my feelings on Stiles.

I scoffed "As if, there's only one girl in this school that he wants and that's definitely not me."

She side eyes me and gives me a look that says I'm crazy. "He'd be crazy not to want you Elianna, plus I don't even know why you like him he's a total spazz. I mean have you not ever seen how that boy looks at you? It's like he worships the ground you walk-on, I wish Jackson looked at me the way Stiles looks at you" she says grumpily.

"Lyd, you're out of your mind if you think that he thinks of me as anything more than a friend" I say as we pull up to the school and get out of her car. "And for someone who doesn't seem to know he exists you sure do bring him up a lot" I said with a huff.

"Just because he's your friend doesn't mean I have to acknowledge his existence. Also why are you even bothering with him when there are plenty of other single hot boys here that want you". She says puckering her signature red stained lips in that Lydia way and flipping her strawberry blonde hair making her way up the steps of the school in a blue floral print dress and brown ankle boots much like the ones I'm wearing. I stopped listening to her ramble on about how there are plenty of fish in the sea and watched Stiles nearly fall over himself to try and talk to her. She's literally everything a guy could ever want beautiful, smart, sassy I mean damn she's the whole damn package. "Hey, Lyd, I'll talk to you later, I need to get to my locker and head to class. Do you have AP English first period?"

"Yeah I'll see you in there" she said as she approached Jackson. Any chance to ignore him and I'm for it. I don't know why but Stiles basically falling over Lydia really pissed me off. Like honestly, why he would care about some chick that doesn't give him the time of day or acts like he doesn't exist. Like I love Lydia to death but she's a total snob if she doesn't think you're worth her time. The fact that I'd kill just to have that boy notice me as more than just a friend kills me, I have tried so hard to get his attention, everything just shy of coming out and saying it or writing it across my forehead and none of it has worked. Just as I found a seat in English Lydia plops down beside me. The teacher was writing on the board and talking about the body that was found I chose to just tone it out.

After class Lydia drags me to meet the new girl named Allison in the corridor. I look over my shoulder because I can feel eyes on me and look over to see Scott and Stiles looking at us. I roll my eyes and give a small and sarcastic wave and they turn around fast like I had just caught them doing something they shouldn't have been doing. Then Lydia drags us away to lacrosse practice. I had successfully managed to avoid Stiles all day after the cheek kissing thing and the whole him being in love with Lydia so I'm going to be pissed at him thing, but when I saw that coach had put Scott on goal I decided to go and talk to him.

I leave Lydia and Allison and join Stiles on the bench. "Did Finstock just put Scott on the goal?" I ask neutrally I'm still pissed at him, which I guess isn't fair to him considering he doesn't even know I'm mad at him or could he possibly know why.

Stiles jumped so hard he nearly fell out of his seat. "Ugh! Jesus don't do that!" he said once he got ahold of his bearings again. "Yeah.... I thought you were avoiding me" He said it so softly I nearly didn't hear him. I'm surprised he noticed although the boy is hella smart and very attentive, he was yet again avoiding eye contact showing that he was uncomfortable.

I let out a brief sigh "I was" I stated simply keeping my eyes on the field and players that way I didn't have to look at him. Before Stiles could question anything, couch blew the whistle signifying the start of practice. At the sound of the whistle Scott starts grabbing at his helmet. "What's wrong with him?" I ask Stiles who is nervously chewing at his nails. Just as Scott regains his composure he looks up and gets smacked in the face with a ball. Stiles and I reel back and flinch on behalf of Scott. "Oooo, that brutal" I say.

"Yeah no kidding" Stiles replies as their teammates and Mr. Finstock start laughing at my brother. I join in with Stiles and start chewing my nails. I stopped once I realize that I'll probably get bitched at my Lydia over the bad habit AGAIN.

At the next whistle Scott prepares himself. Scott moves are ridiculously fast, almost an instantaneous reaction. When the next player takes the shot, Scott catches the ball again. And then again. And again. Stiles and I cheering him on each time. Next up is self-righteous king jackass himself Jackson.

Jackson looks pissed someone is finally outshining him, he puts all his strength into his swing and Scott catches it with ease. Stiles and I jump up and scream cheering him on, jumping like idiots when Stiles pulls me into a hug pulling back slightly his hands reach for my waist and he kisses me. I stand there shocked as his soft lips meet mine for a split second and then he pulls back looking at me with wide eyes, it had all happened so fast I didn't have time to react. He looks at me with eyes widened from total shock and terror and that look makes my stomach sink. He looks disgusted, his jaw is rigid as his teeth are clenched shut and his lips are in a tight line. He didn't want to kiss me. Why would he ever want to kiss me. He automatically looks to the ground, one of his hands running over the back of his neck. Leaving me to stand there like an idiot in total shock. I turn away from him, the look he had on his face breaking my heart into pieces. To say I was embarrassed would be an understatement, my face was hot and tears welled up in my eyes threatening to spill and I could feel the lump forming in my throat as I listened to Stiles stumble for something to say.

"Uh I... Ugh.. El..." Stiles Stammers.

"Uh.. It's fine Stiles, ju- just forget it... Your face says it all..." I said flatly looking at the ground choking down a sob. I grabbed my bag off the bench and hoisted it up on my shoulders as I walked away as fast as I could. I can hear Stiles behind me yelling my name he starts to come after me until coach yells at him to stay put, but I don't turn around because if I did, he'd see the tears streaming down my face. I hear Lydia and Allison calling after me as they follow me to the parking lot. Lydia finally catches up to me and grabs ahold of my arm spinning me around to face her. Her face softening at the tears and pain see sees on my face. "What?!" I yell in frustration. At this point my body is shaking as sobs rack my body.

"Oh, Elianna...Come here." Lydia says as she pulls me into an embrace. After a few moments she pulls back leaving an arm around my shoulder and a hand on my arm leading me to the steps at the front of the school. "What happened babe?" She asks concerned.

"He.... He kissed me." I say between sobs.

"That's great! Why are you crying then?" She asks sincerely confusion evident on her face.

"No... He looke... he regretted it as soon as it happened! The look on his face..." My voice cracked. "Why! Why would you get in my head and tell me something that couldn't be further from the truth! Why would you get my hopes up, Lyd?!" I yelled, I couldn't take it anymore I had to get out of here, I spun on my heel and leave the school grounds basically running to get away from everyone there. I made it home in 15 minutes. I ran up the stairs locked my bedroom door and the bathroom door since anyone could enter from Scotts bedroom. I dropped my bag next to the bed and paced before I sat on the floor with my back against the bed and sobbed. I didn't mean to yell at Lydia it's not her fault, she just wanted to help. She knows how I feel about Stiles and how when I get a text from him my heart starts racing and how when he's around my mood changes and I get butterflies in my stomach. How when he looks at me no one else in the room matters. She knew that in my head he was the only person I wanted and how long I've been wanting to tell him how I felt. And now that all came crashing down. I feel like I can't breathe, my chest hurts, and I can't stop sobbing. "He'd never want me, you're such a fool, El" I say through sobs bringing my knees up to my chest wrapping my arms around them and resting my head against my knees. The room was dead quiet for about five minutes until my phones incessant buzzing draws me from my sobs and I pull my phone out of my bag and see Stiles name is lighting across the screen I quickly turn my phone off and chuck it across the room and sob harder.

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