Sort Me Out :: Ksimon

By bonmonkey

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Simon is in a bad head space and he goes to the only person that can sort him out. More

Part 1 : In The Night
Part 2 Day After
Part 3: Come Away, With Me?
Part 4: City of Angels
Part 5: Flashing Lights
Part 7: First Date
Part 8: Goobye, LA

Part 6: You & Me

1.7K 20 6
By bonmonkey

Simon POV

When I woke up everything felt off, like I woke from a strange long dream, and it was hard for me to figure out what was real and not. Even when my eyes blinked open to see Craig there laying next to me, facing me, though his face was mostly covered by the sheets. His slow breathing mixed well with the soft air of the foreign room. A lot of this still didn't feel real, JJ, and LA and kissing Craig. Or maybe I was just trying to think it was not real since I didn't want to face any of it yet. How could I? What would I say to Craig? How do I talk to JJ after abandoning him, probably worrying him. Unless he went home with that... woman.

I rub my hand over my face and roll closer to Craig, I needed some kind of anchor, since the only person who could ever fix me up, was now miles away. Probably in the bed of someone else, and my head now was pounding, my limbs felling heavy. My eyes prickling with tears, but crying was useless. I couldn't stop it though. I never could, that's why I needed JJ. He made me better, or did I just depend on him too much? Maybe everyone was right. No, fuck them. They had no idea what we've been through, I loved JJ, I have for years before now. I wouldn't change a second of it for anyone, and I was not about to go away. 

Though who was to say JJ wasn't going to make me leave after everything. What if he just didn't think we were worth it, then just kicked me out. We wouldn't see each other much, maybe on Sundays until I broke and I couldn't make it anymore. No, that wouldn't happen, right?

"You think too loud..." Craig grumbles, and reaches over to touch the side of my face. Which makes me aware of the fact that I had closed my eyes, my cheeks wet. 

I sniff, blinking my eyes open. Through blurry vision I meet Craig's gaze. His eyes are tired, barely open, and I wonder how much of me he could see. Hopefully not a lot, I must look like shit right now. My face red, my hair a mess, the bags under my eyes must look ridiculous.

"I'm sorry..." I mutter back, pressing my face into the pillow. Feeling his fingers stroking over my cheek still, either to soothe me or just wipe away the tears there. Either way it felt nice to be touched so softly.

"Don't be sorry, talk to me." He offers, rolling onto his side further, using his free hand to rub over his own eyes. Trying to rid himself of sleep, I assume.

"I don't..." I start, then stop. Looking between us, down at the wrinkled duvet. My eyes basically wanting to look everywhere, anywhere but Craig. 

"... maybe, I shouldn't have left him like that." I finally get out, my deep voice low and wreaked. His hand on my face suddenly feels uncomfortable, mostly because I worried he might be offended, thinking I didn't want to be here with him.

"S'this about the kiss?" Craig questions, his tone is steady. His fingers now running through my hair, making my eyes look back at him finally. His features are soft, and not quite as annoyed or sad as I thought they might be. 

"Because I get it, I get why you did it. S'alright, Simon." He hums, causing me to let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. The nervous bundle in my stomach moving around, but loosening up just a little when he says that.

"You're really not... mad?" I question in a hush, my lips parting as I looked to him with wide eyes. Just waiting for him to blow up on me, it wouldn't be the first time someone was pissed with me kissing them.

I had tired a few times with other people, trying to find someone to replace JJ. Thinking that would some how solve my feelings for him, if I could just find someone else to make the bad days good again, then we could just be us. I wouldn't have to force him into anything, even if he never seemed forced. I just know he probably didn't want to deal with me all the time, especially when we were young. With that aside, trying to find someone usually ended up with me in bed with someone I actually didn't like or with someone freaking out on me. One time one of the guys who is an ex-friend now, nearly beat the shit out of me. If it weren't for his roommate getting me out of there. Then I had just ended up falling into JJ's bed when I got home, a sobbing mess. So it was safe to say, that plan never really went well, but I did try, I did.

"No, I'm not mad. You were upset, I've been there." Craig nods, his nails scrapping against my scalp lightly brings me back from my thoughts.

"I'm still... sorry 'bout that, anyway. It's not fair to you..." I say lightly, shifting closer to him as I look down again. "... but it's not just that, I think, maybe I should have waited and talked to him. What if..." I shake my head, my voice cracking at the end.

"JJ is a big boy, he can take care of himself. And you both said some shitty things to each other, I think you both just needed the time to cool off..." Craig paused for a moment to yawn, which makes me yawn in return, "... You two should talk with a clear head."

I nod, I get it, but I also had no idea what to say to him. I wanted us, I wanted to be with JJ but I don't know if we should. Maybe we should just stay friends, but how do you do that after the things we did together? I honestly don't even know what JJ wanted with me to be fair, I know he's not into guys. Certainly not someone like me, but then why did he do all of this? Why would he let me... why would he sleep with me? I don't know, and that was the worst part. My mind just kept yelling all these possibilities at me, making so overwhelmed. I'm tired, and hungry and I just want to see JJ's face.

Fresh tears slide down over my cheeks, my lips trembling as I press them together. Trying to hold it in, but I can't, defiantly not with Craig here his hand now running up and down my back. The pressure enough to calm me,  letting me know it was okay to cry, that he was here. It was what I needed.

"How are we supposed to... talk 'bout it.. when I don't even know what to say?" I question, as if Craig would have all the answers. 

I was just so desperate for answers, needing to know what to do and say. Should I continue to be selfish allowing myself to keep indulging with JJ or should I let him go, let him be happy how he was meant to be, with someone else. Someone who he wouldn't have to explain, not only to his following, but also to all our friends.

"You'll know what to say when you see him." Craig chimes in then and I shake my head, rubbing at my raw eyes. 

I wasn't sure I could even look JJ in the face right now, I was broken and tired. So ashamed of acting like some clingy asshole the past few days. It was my fault, the fight, no matter how I hated to see him kissing someone else. Or the fact he said some shitty things. If I had just let it all go and relaxed a little I wouldn't have pushed him to feel as if I didn't trust him. That was not the truth, it wasn't that I didn't trust him, but the fact that I knew I wasn't worth him being faithful. I never felt good enough, my whole life, I wasn't enough. So, how was I supposed to be enough for him? 

"How about, right now, we just think about breakfast?" Craig says, leaning close to me, his arm around me as he still rubs at my back. I could feel his breath on my face, it was enough to calm my mind for now. Pressing my face into his neck, I nod, not wanting to talk anymore.


My legs are up on the chair, my arms wrapped around them as I look through my notifications. Some were just from apps, but a few were texts from Toby and Ethan, and Josh. Then one or two from Harry and Vik. Some was normal stuff, but a few seemed rather worried and I wonder how much they knew. Did they know? Would JJ have spoken to them about me running away? Did they know? My head is rushing so fast I feel sick.

Then I see it, a text from JJ.

[ Jide ]: please call me so I know you're okay. I know your pissed, please simon, lets just talk.

My heart is thudding fast in my chest, so he knew that I knew about the article. Or was it just about what we said to each other at the club? He must have seen it, those stupid attached pictures. Was he texting that from her bed? Christ, I'm so stupid. I rub my hand over my face and into my hair as I drop my head to rest on my knees. My phone hanging limply between my hands.

I take a few breaths, waiting for Craig to hurry up and shower. We had already ate and I was in a fresh long sleeve shirt and black joggers. I just didn't want to be alone with my thoughts anymore, it was too quiet here alone.

My phone buzzes, making my body jerk in surprise. I lift my head to see the incoming call from Tobi, my heart picks up speed again, my palms suddenly sweaty. I couldn't just ignore him, that would be so cruel, and for all I know it was for something normal.

"H- hey man." I cringe at my voice crack, my head falling back down to rest on my knees.

"Oi, Simon! How's LA? You alright?" Tobi's voice is light, but there is something there that feels off, maybe I was just reading into it too much.

"It's... fine, jus' jet lagged still, you know how that is." I offer, trying to keep my tone steady.

"For sure, for sure... is Jide with you? He's not picking up his phone." I squeeze my eyes shut, worry washing over my limbs now. What if he wasn't with that woman and he was hurt or lost, how drunk was he last night? Did he fallen asleep somewhere?

"I... actually I'm not with him right now, he had... some stuff to do and I headed to MiniLadd-- uh, Criag's place to work on some videos together... " I say, my mind still rushing with all the 'what if's' about JJ. Was he okay? If he wasn't, it would be my fault for just leaving him there like that, I'm such a fucking shitty friend.

My throat closes up, I can't let him hear me cry. Just calm down, Simon. Calm. Down.

"He..." I start, sniffling, taking a breath, "... he might be asleep, he was drinkin' last night..."

Tobi is quiet for a momnet, and I am worried he might call me out on not being okay. Press me more on why I just left JJ, unless, he already knew. Out of everyone JJ would call him first, if he even cared enough to call him. Maybe Jj didn't even notice I was gone yet, or he did and just didn't care.

No, he wouldn't have texted me if that was true. Unless it was out of guilt and not care, shit, what is wrong with me. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to keep myself together.

"Ah, 'course. If you hear from him, let'em know I'm lookin' for him alright?" Tobi says casually, a little to casually, making my heart skip. How much did he know? Did JJ tell him? Did the other guys know too?

"Y- yeah, for sure." 

I gasp out a little, happy to say goodbye and hang up. Tossing my phone onto the table in front of me. Pressing my face harder into my knees,  my hands grabbing at my legs so hard I can feel them shake. Was JJ okay? Tobi would have been more worried, wouldn't he? Unless JJ spoke to him sometime between yesterday and now, but what did he say? It had to be more than just me leaving, surely he would have asked me about it.

"Hey, you alright?"

Craig comes over to me, his hand rubbing between my shoulders and up my neck as he hovers there over me. I lean back into it, "Hey, you're alright." Craig goes on when I don't respond. Moving to grab himself a seat, I can hear the legs dragging along the floor and suddenly his warmth is right at my side.

"Simon, c'mon, you're okay. Why don't we take your mind off everything for a bit huh? We can watch a movie or play a game... it's hot out we can get into the pool." Craig's rambling is oddly what I needed, my brain focusing on his words rather than my own thoughts.

Letting out a deep breath I turn my head, still resting on my knees to look at him. He has his glasses back on, he is smiling at me and I can't help a little smile back. Sniffing, feeling his hand move from my shoulders to stroke over my face. Wiping away my tears once again, he's had to do that too many time already. I hated to admit though, it felt good each time.

"That sounds... good, it all sounds good..." I finally say, having to clear my throat half way through, "... whatever you want to do."

"Good! Let's go!" 

He stands and uses both of his hands to grab at me, tugging me from the chair to get me to stand. Dragging me off to somewhere and I just don't have it in me to stop him. If anything it makes me laugh a little.



Pacing out front of some restaurant is not where I want to be, my mind was not right for it. I just kept thinking about Simon, wondering where he was, wondering how pissed he was at me. I wanted so bad to tell him I was sorry for saying what I said, even just to know for sure he was okay would be a start. I was drunk and frustrated with him, but that was no reason to snap at him like that. To let myself drink heavily around strangers like I did, it always ended up bad, and considering the stupid fucking article that was out now. I was right. 

This was not how this trip was supposed to go, I just wanted to get away with him for a while. No videos, just stupid expensive food, a Jacuzzi that was out on the damn balcony of the hotel room. I just wanted to wake up to him for a few days in foreign sheets, I  just wanted to enjoy whatever it was that we were doing. 

I just wanted to see his stupid face.

Instead I was here, about to head into another meeting, I was not prepared for. So out of it, I barely notice my phone going off. Once I do, feeling it vibrate in my pocket, I don't bother to look at who it is, it didn't matter, I just needed someone to distract me.


"Jide, I got a hold of Simon." Tobi's voice is urgent, but excited.

My breath catches in my throat and I side step away from a loud passing group of twenty something's who were shouting, ( probably some damn vloggers ). Trying to makes sure I just heard what I thought I heard.

"What? Is he... okay? Where is he? Did he say anything? Was he mad?" The questions flood out of me on their own. Feeling that sense of relief that I could finally get some answers.

"Calm down. He's fine... he didn't tell me anything about last night. He just said he was at Miniladds place to record videos...." Tobi starts, leaving a pause before he went on, "... he sound..." Tobi stops again.

I feel my frustration building within me, I needed to know. Just say it.

"... sad." Tobi finally finishes, almost as if he were forced too.

I feel my heart ache, a physical pulse of pain, just from one word. Simon was very much a bundle of laughs and smiles normally, maybe that's why his moods hit him so hard. So to hear he was sad, knowing it was because of me, it hurt. He didn't deserve that. 

"Jide?" Tobi's concern is clear in his voice. I felt bad for dragging him into this.

I should have handled this better, if I did we wouldn't have had that fight. Simon would be here, not sad, not crying on someone else's shoulder. Did he even tell Craig? He must have, right?

"Jide, mate... say something." Tobi speaks again, his voice a little more rattled now.

"Yeah, sorry. I... I'm gonna' figure this out." I say, running my hand over my face, before adjusting my bandanna.

"Thanks, Tobi."

"Go get'em."

I click off the call and immediately start searching my contacts for Craig's number. I had it from a while ago when he came over to the old place. I hoped it was still the same. I find it and hear it ring once before going to voicemail, I wonder if he were recording. He definitely wouldn't be ignoring me, would he?

I push that thought away and DM him on every social media I could. Telling him to call me, or text me as soon as he can. That I knew Simon was there and I needed to see him, or at least talk to him. My hands are shaking and I feel oddly empty once I'm done. I officially had nothing else I could do, just wait.

"You ready?"

I jump, turning to my manager before nodding. I was certainly not ready, I could barely think about anything at this point. And I think they see it on my face.

"Just, let me do all the talking. Should just be in and out."

I nod, heading into the restaurant after them.


In the middle of it I finally get a reply, one reply which was texted to me. An address, to what I assume is Craig's house. My heart skips and I suddenly can't sit still. My mind racing already, I would need to grab a uber or something as soon as I got out of here.

"And that should do it, we look forward to working with you."

My mangers voice cuts in and I am already on my feet. A wide smile on my face as I shake their hands and nearly run out.

Outside I take a breath, the stress from the last couple of hours melting. It is replaced by excitement, with that little bit of anxiety hiding underneath. I don't want to think about it, I just want to go. I order the cab, pacing around after I do. Moving around my hair, wondering if I should have pulled it back. Or maybe I should have changed into something else? So much for not wanting to think.

Soon the cab shows up and I'm in the back. Relaxing into the seat, looking through my phone but I don't really see anything. It is all on autopilot, my fingers move and the memes pass by but all I can think about is Simon.

I wonder what he will say, or if he even wants to see me right now. Would I want to see me? I don't know, if it was anyone else I probably wouldn't want to. 


I shut off the phone and lay my head back. Trying to get some rest, if I even could. My body was still tired from the hangover, my headache slightly coming back even after the pain meds. I didn't even get to eat when I was in the restaurant. I was Distracted and nauseous.

I sigh, squeezing my eyes shut.


Simon POV

Thanks to Craig I get out of my head, we talked about YouTube and discussed videos. I joke about us always getting drunk and he mentions he has a stocked bar. I don't think I wanted to get drunk, but also a part of me kind of wanted too. Since everything just felt normal for once, I felt normal. Not obsessing over my feelings or JJ. To just chat about nonsense essentially, to play around and have Craig show me some mad videos. We talk about our Reddits and just hang out. It was always easy talking Craig, he had a big excited, kind of personality. Toned down some from his videos but not much. 

He is there on his phone, rocking himself side to side a bit as he typed. I busy myself with list of video ideas we were brainstorming. Trying to keep busy so the silence doesn't take hold of my brain. I was having such a good time, I didn't want to sink back into my previous mood.

"The food's here, mind getting the door?" He finally says looking up at me with a smirk. I don't trust it, but I just assume I am being paranoid.


I get up and head downstairs, tucking my hands into my long sleeve shirt. I get to the front door, not bothering to look outside to make sure it was a food delivery. I just open the door and start thanking them,

"Cheers ma..."

I stop, my face dropping as I come face to face with JJ. He looks tired, his hair a little messy and his clothes a little wrinkled. I wasn't expecting him, how did he know? Tobi? Tobi, certainly didn't know where Craig lived. Was it Craig? Is that why he was smirking?

My questions come to a head when I blink, finally taking him in. He was smiling nervously at me, neither of us had said anything to be fair. But it felt like I had not seen him in days and I was suddenly awe struck by my best friend. He was so handsome.

"Simon... I..."

I don't let him finish, I grab the front of his shirt and pull him into a kiss. It is clumsy, JJ was even a little stiff, I am sure from the surprise of it. Soon his hands are on my neck, on my face as he pulls me closer. Both of us sinking into the kiss. I missed him, so, so much.

He came for me, even after I left him, even after what I said. Even after leaving him on read. JJ found me and came all the way out here, for me.

"Simon..." JJ breathes when he pulls back from the kiss, his breathing hard and shallow. My hands still twisted in his expensive shirt.

"... I acted like a dickhead last night. I didn't mean it, any if it." He starts, head shaking as I looked over his face.  It is creased in the way it normally was when he honestly felt bad, the bags under his eyes deeper than I had seen them in a long time.

"I'm sorry." 

His dark eyes meet mine, making me bite at my lower lip. My face going hot, the build up of pressure and moisture at eyes coming again. I felt like shit.

"I said some... shit stuff too. I..." I swallow back the tightness in my throat.

"... I just... I acted shitty as well. I was just so... stupid." I was trying to get the words to come out properly, but I was so overwhelmed by it all. My brain working faster than my mouth, causing the words to fall over each other and come out wrong.

"Hey, you're letting out the air." Craig's teasing voice calls out from behind us.

I realize then that JJ and I were just clinging to each other at the wide open front door. My face goes red, letting out a nervous chuckle, ushering JJ inside so I could close the door.

Craig and JJ greet each other before Craig starts to make a hasty exit. Walking backwards towards the stairs before he even begins to speak. He was just trying to get us alone I assume, which was nice, but felt oddly awkward.

"Make your self at home, I have a call to make so, I'll be up in my recording room." He motions upstairs before looking to me. I give him a nod, letting him know I was okay with talking to JJ alone.

He walks off, and I awkwardly look to JJ and motion to the couch. I follow him over, sitting on one of my legs so I could face him. He leans forward, resting his arms on his knees and I suddenly don't know what to say. I had blinked back my tears, my chest lighter now I had a moment to process this.

"What are we doing, Si?" JJ asks, looking at me in an always desperate sort of way, like he really needed an answer. An honest answer, no more dancing around it.

This was it, wasn't it? The conversation that would determine what happens with us, once and for all. Maybe that was a bit dramatic, a bit too final. This was honestly, the talk we should have had a week ago.

"I don't know." I admit in a soft tone, rubbing my sleeve covered hand over my lips after I spoke.

"But... I want to do it with you." I go on, biting my sleeve before dropping my hand back to my lap.

JJ let's out a breath and leans back against the couch. His eyes leaving me to look up above us, at what, I don't know.

"I don't want to lose you, Jide. I don't want whatever this is to ruin us. So I, I understand if you..." I start, needing to fill the silence. Almost trying to back pedal previous words, but he cuts me off.

"I want it with you, too."

I suck in a quick breath, watching his eyes look back at me. He wanted us, he wanted me and him. He said it out loud. Oh.

"Really?" Fuck my voice for cracking, for wavering. Fuck my eyes for watering up. Fuck my heart for missing a beat.

"Of course, I don't want to ruin our friendship. But I also... I guess I wasn't clear enough." He sits up again, turning more towards me. His hand moving to my lap, sliding under my sleeve to hold my hand.

"I like you, I like being with you. I don't think about anyone else when we are together, or even apart. I don't want you to think... that I am." JJ's thumb runs over my knuckles and I nod.

My head feels light, my fingers stroking over JJ's hand holding mine. It felt good to touch him again, it felt right.

"I think in a way I knew that. I was just scared that you'd realize... I mean, that you would change your mind on us. Since we didn't talk about it, not really. So I, wasn't even sure if we were together. I kept waiting... thinking you would leave." Simon knows it was his own fault, he should have brought up how he was feeling. Even if nothing else.

"I know." JJ nods, "I should have made it clear before we left for LA. That, this trip was for us, that I wanted to be with you. Which I do, if you still want that."

I suck in another breath through my nose, pressing my lips together. Sniffing back tears that were ready to fall again. Though at least this time they would be happy tears.

"But... how would we..." I pause, feeling JJ squeeze my hand gently.

"It doesn't matter. If you want to be with me, we'll figure it out. And if you just, want to end it here, go back to just friends, then, we'll figure that out too." JJ's voice is so smooth and reassuring, but I don't feel like I deserve it.

Sighing deeply, I let go of his hand. Seeing the twinge of pain move over his sharp features. It almost breaks me. I watch him pull his hand back, as if it had been slapped, setting it on the couch between us. So I take a breath, gathering myself before I sat up and crawled into his lap. Pushing him into the couch so I could straddle his thighs. My shaking hands go to his face, his head leaned back as we just look at each other.

I love you.

I think to myself, a smile touching my lips as I lean in to kiss him. My eyes fall shut, keeping it soft, a slow move of my lips. Feeling his hands on my back, holding me, kissing me. My hands move to rest on his shoulders, steadying myself. My heart beating so hard against my ribs, I wanted him. I wanted to be with him, I think part of me always wanted this. When I realized it, I didn't want to say it first. I worried I was putting too much on him. I worried if I said anything about something more it would just be selfish. Or maybe I was worried he would just say yes out of duty, out of fear that if he said no, I would do something stupid.

I pull back to look at him, he's smiling up at me. A soft, small smile just for me. My hands sliding down from his face to hold the sides of his neck gently. Fingertips stroking over soft skin, feeling his heart beat under them.

"I want to be with you." I sigh, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders. My body physically relaxing, I didn't even realize how tense I was.

"Then we'll figure it out..." He runs his hands up my back, letting them slide back down to hold my hips.

"... I... know you saw the article." He goes on and I furrow my brows, not expecting that turn of conversation so quicly.

I did see it, I could still see it. Her leaned into him, her lips on his. I frown at the thought, shifting around in his lap.

"Yeah." I look down between us, then back up to his face.

"I didn't kiss her, she kissed me. After you left I... got really drunk. I didn't even see it coming, until it happened. Then her friend got me out of there." He explains, and I think back to Lisa. Wishing now that I had the mind to ask for her number, so I could thank her.

"Lisa, she... she actually was talking to me about you... before our fight. She, just knew, she told me I should pretty much go for it." I chuckle, it felt likes months ago, but it wasn't even 24hrs yet. At least I don't think.

"Why were you so angry, when you came up to us, you already seemed so mad." I question gently, wanting to get it all out.

Already happy knowing he didn't sleep with her to spite me. I know he wouldn't lie to me about that. Though now I was a little pissed that everyone would see it, and think he did. Sleep with her that is, no one could know about us. But that was a discussion for later.

"Ah, maybe I was just... jealous. I guess." JJ clears his throat and I feel his cheeks heat up under my thumbs.

A short surprised chuckle leaves me, "YOU, were jealous? Of me talking to a girl? I almost don't believe that."

He rolls his eyes at me, "She was fit... and kind of your type." He shrugs.

I raise my brow, "I didn't realize I had a type." Did I have a type?

"You do." JJ insists, squeezing my hips again, which makes my thighs twitch. Was he trying to distract me?

"If I do, then why I am I with you then?" I tease him, a smirk moving over my lips.

"Well, no one can resist a God, not even you." He says back in that cocky fake tone he used in his videos. 

My hands drop down to swatt at his chest. "Oh, shut up."

He chuckles and so do I.

"You guys are not going to fuck on my couch, right?"

JJ and I look up to see Craig coming down the stairs. His phone in hand, and a rather pleased expression on his face.

"What? You want to watch." JJ shoots back and my face goes hot. I know he is joking but just the idea was mad.

"Oh, only if I can record it too. That would be some great content." Craig says back, un-phased by the taunt.

He moves off the stairs, heading for the front door.

"Oh, weren't you supposed to release some porn thing a while back for some like goal?" I tease now, watching JJ look back me.

"Nah, c'mon, allow it." He shakes his head at me, obviously done with this bit. But I still found it rather funny.

"That... that would be one hell of'a coming out video." Craig says as he walks back from the front door with the take away he tricked me with earlier.

"Just, a long winded fuckin' start and Simon just popping in naked." Craig laughs loudly at his own joke.

"That would be mad, Simon doesn't even like taking his shirt off in real life. He'd probably sell his channel and move to Russia before I got him to take it off on camera,  much less get fully naked." JJ muses.

"You know, fair." I pat his chest and roll off of him as Craig joins us.

"I got extra for JJ." Craig offers setting out the food then running off to grab cups and drinks.

I settle close to JJ, my hand resting on his thigh as he leans forward.

"Ah, cheers, I'm starving." JJ huffs, honestly appreciating the gesture.


"I owe you, you know?" I say moving around to help Craig clean up.

Simon was curled up on the couch watching some YouTube video. He looks adorable.

"I did plan on making some videos with Simon later, you could join." Craig jokes, pulling out the bin to start tossing stuff in.

"But seriously, Simon's my friend. And the way he talked about you, and how miserable he looked. I would have felt like a dickhead if I just ignored you." Craig offers in a softer tone, his gaze moving to Simon for a moment.

"He could have been pissed." I say back, knowing this could have gone way worse.

"Yeah, but it worked out. He's happy now, and that's what matters." He goes back to tossing out the empty containers.

I nod gathering up our cups to take them to the sink.

"What about you?" His question comes as a surprise. I thought we'd have our moment of cleaning silence. I wasn't expecting that kind of question, asking about me.

"Ahm, I'm happy..." It's all I can think to say. Worried my voice was a little wooden, or that I answered way to fast.

It seems to be good enough, Craig hums in acknowledgment, going quiet. Though now I'm just thinking about everything. I was happy with how this turned out, and I was serious, if Simon wanted this, we would work it out. Telling the guys might be a good first step, I doubt they would be bothered enough by it to care. But that raised the idea that one of them could accidentally out our relationship.

My gaze shifts back to Simon, he's just laid there, his long legs curled up, his arms tucked over his chest as he watches the TV. His soft features are glowing slightly, his blue eyes almost look like they are sparkling. How stupid was that, I think as a smile touches my lips. 

"I got the rest of this." 

Craig says from behind me and I look back at him, almost forgetting he was there. He motions towards Simon and I press my lips together, feeling bad for just leaving. But it was almost all cleared, so I take a breath and round the kitchen island to head over to where Simon was. I lightly slap his legs, 

"Move or m'gonna' sit on you." I tease him, watching him look up at me, moving his legs even though he finds it necessary to add in,

"Christ, if you sat on me I'd fuckin' die." 

"Fuck you." 

I grunt at him, sitting down hard as his legs stretched out over my legs. Moving my hands so he could move himself around, laying on his back now with his legs stretched out over my legs. His eyes on me the whole time, and that stupid smirk on his lips. I move my hands back to rest on his legs, just wanting to touch him.

"You could." Simon's voice is suddenly deeper and I give his thigh a squeeze, a warning for him to stop. 

He only smiles wider at me, not bothering to look back to the TV or drop whatever he was thinking of. He  just shifts his legs over my lap, sliding them closer to my stomach, making them brush right over my groin and I think I might actually punch him.

"Stop..." I say, but my voice does not come out as stern as I wanted. Shit. He could hear it too, considering how he shifts his legs again, practically running his calves over my dick.

I hiss a little, which is overtaken by Simon's laughing.

"So..." Craig comes over, clapping his hands together, "... video time, Simon?"

Simon sits up, "Yeah, no drinking right?"

"Look, Simon, mate, buddy, friend... I don't make the rules..." Craig says in a semi-serious tone before cracking a smile which makes Simon smile. 

I liked seeing him smile like that, I want to make Simon smile more.

"Of course you don't." Simon moves his legs off the side of the couch and pushes up to stand. Grabbing his phone that was on table, looking down at me with a raised brow before he steps over my legs and I roll my eyes.

"You're free to join." Craig says over his shoulder as Simon follows after him towards the stairs.

I look back over the couch, "Eh, I have to make a call actually. But maybe." I say back, not sure if I wanted to be on camera right now. 

Simon waves at me, and I wave back, feeling stupid. He was just going upstairs, what was wrong with me? What was he doing to me? He smiles at me and I turn back towards the TV. 

What a day.


This seems final, but this isn't the end of this story yet. I have a few chapters in mind that I want to add before I end it. So look out for that, and thank you for reading. ♥

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