Bughead Oneshots❤

By nolongeractive12309

76.9K 1.2K 412

A collection of fluffy and angsty bughead oneshots. Requests are open. I will put trigger warnings if I think... More

Falling hard
Cancer Ă— listen before i go
Best day ever!
Bully-Part 2
The perfect life
Sick Day
Seizure Part 2
Leaving- (prequel to sick day)
Thankyou!Xx- (A/N)
Bruises-Part 2
Foster home
Secret Confession
Impotant Notice (A/N)
Hi♡- (A/N)
My Hero
30K!! (A/N)
Bad past
Got lucky
Forbidden romance
Merry Christmas!!

Let me go

1.9K 51 32
By nolongeractive12309

⚠️TW: Death. Get your tissues ready⚠️

Betty's PoV

Hi love,
I can't wait to see your face again. Kiss your lips. Play with your hair. I also can't wait to see our beautiful daughter. The three of us all united again. Just a little longer sweetheart don't worry.

-Love you forever
Your husband ;)

I held the note close to my chest as I read it for the fifteenth time. I couldn't wait for him to be back. He's been at war for 3 years now. And Juliet and I are missing him more than words could describe. Every two weeks a letter full of his sweet words comes through the post at 11am.

So I sit by the door at 10:55am buzzing excitedly to get his next letter. A knock rings through my ears. I look at the time.


Something's not right. Anxiety washes over my entire body as I look towards the door shakily.

I open the door to see the mailman hat in hand.

"Mrs Jones, I'm sorry to report your husband has been reported missing." Hs say mournfully.

Missing. A kinder way to say gone forever.

Juggie. Gone. Forever.

No. No. No. No

I close the door wordlessly. And slide down it. My knees clutched to my chest. Tears make their way down my face.

Missing? Maybe he is just missing. He's got to come back, he has to. Juliet-

Right on beat Juliet starts crying. She walks to me so pick her up. Her black wavy hair and her green eyes remind me of Jug so much. It makes me cry harder while I try to calm Juliet down. She must have heard the mailman.

"Shhh come on Jules. It's ok. It's ok sweet girl." I kiss her head.

He's coming back I tell myself. We're gonna be like those couples that meet when the war ends.

We're gonna be together again.

Beat the odds.

Reunited as a family again. Just like he said.

*later that night*

I lay down in bed taking out the folded piece of paper he sent last time. A clutch it close to my chest scared to let go. It's almost like he's here with me. I drift off to sleep. Wanting this all to be a bad dream.

~~In her dream~~

"Jughead?" I ask as a man appears with his back turned to me.

He turns around and smiles.

"Hey Betts" He said giving me a goofy smirk.

"I knew you weren't dead Juggie. I knew it" I laugh.

His face falls into a solemn grin. As he wordlessly shakes his head.

"Betts. I need you to let go of me. I'm gone."

"What are you talking about Jug. You're alive I know you are."

"I love you so so much" He says smiling.

"Tell Juliet I love her too. I'm gonna miss you two."

"Jug, no, please tell me you're joking"

"We'll meet again Betts but for now. Look after you and Juliet for me. I'll be watching over you I promise. Now let me go"

"I can't"

"Betty, please let me go. Love, I need you to do this. I'll be with you forever. Just please... let me go. I can't watch you grieve thinking I'm still here" He says as he caresses my face.

"I-will. Till we meet again. R-right?" I ask as I kiss him.

"Till we meet again my love" he says when we pull apart.

~~end of dream~~

I jolt up in my bed. Tears again making their wah down my flushed cheeks.

I pad to Juliet's room. Picking her up out her bed. Her eyes open blearily.

"Mommy, when's daddy coming back?" She asks me with her big eyes.

"Well... baby. He's not coming back for a bit yet. But he told me to tell you that he loves you so much.  We're gonna be alright my girl. He's watching over us in a better place now."

"Heaven?" She asks smiling.

"Yes H-heaven" I say willing my voice not to give out.

I point out her window and point to the North Star.

"People who go to Heaven. They get a star in the sky. There's you daddy. You can talk to him any time you want" I saw looking at her awe struck face. She looks up at the star.

"I love you Daddy" She says snuggling in to me. As  I stroke her hair and rock her back to sleep.

I smile back at the star.

"Till we meet again." I whisper.

(A/N: Hi guys! I cried so hard while writing this. I hope you enjoyed it. Thankyou so much for 29k! Love you all Xx💕💫)

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