
By xxjust_peachyxx

1.2M 30.8K 37K

He's smirking down at me as he says, "Um, you're in my seat." I laugh and say, "You realize that is the most... More

c o p y r i g h t + d i s c l a i m e r
character aesthetic
1| sunshine
2| mj
3| facetimes
4| cinnamon rolls
5| biased
6| milkshakes
7| legally blonde
8| sammy
9| girl
10| liar
11| babies
12| pep
13| jealous
14| girl advice
15| cozy
16| sick
17| luck
18| blessed
19| charming
20| clingy
21| make it work
22| the bet
23| date
24| livia
25| cagney
26| hollie
27| grease
28| thanksgiving
29| cupcakes
30| felix
32| scared
33| family
34| spicy
35| boxers
36| i love you
37| hospitals
38| peaches
39| august
40| two
41| done
42| big brother
43| mark
44| naked
45| daddy
46| lucky
47| tone
48| break
49| undeniable
50| epilogue
big announcement!
bonus chapter| hot
bonus chapter| tie
mini bonus chapter| attention
mini bonus chapter| perfect

31| breathing

14.9K 366 472
By xxjust_peachyxx


"DUDE, YOU TAKE up so much space," I shove Sam over, and he just grins, stretching out even more.

"Sam!" I snap, moving his arms away.

"I'm trying to sleep, Maddie, leave me alone."

"I'm gonna make you sleep on the couch," I grunt, making him laugh and tuck me to his chest, kissing my cheek and down my neck.

I squirm, and he keeps going because he knows my neck is ticklish.

"You're so annoying," I bark out a laugh, pinching his side.

"So I've been told."

Devising a plan, I cup his face him my hands, pulling him up to me and kissing him.

He laughs against my lips, pulling my lower back closer to him as he kisses me.

We kiss for a second, and when I'm sure he's not expecting it, I shove him off the bed.

Of course, because he had a tighter hold on me than I thought, I fall with him.

"My head," he mutters, rubbing the back of his head.

"My forehead." I sit up, still sitting on him, and rub my head as well.

"Why did you shove me?" He asks, laughing.

"You were being annoying." I shrug, ignoring the goosebumps that spread over my skin when he rests his hands on my thighs.

"So you tried to give me a concussion?"

"Well, I gave myself a concussion as well if that makes you feel any better." I giggle, squealing when he pinches my thigh.

He sits up, me still in his lap, and my eyes widen suddenly.

"Back into bed, here we go." He says, somehow standing and still holding me, and I shriek.

"Sam!" I wrap my legs around him tightly, my arms around his neck.


"You're like nine feet tall, I'll die if you drop me," I answer, glancing down at the floor

"Nine feet? And you're sure you're not being dramatic?" He asks, pulling me back so he can look at me.

I nod.

He gets an evil smile on his face, and before I can stop him he throws me backward onto the bed.

"Why do you keep doing that?" I demand, throwing a pillow at him.

"Because it's funny." He smirks, climbing back into bed.

"Why on earth did I decide to date you?"

He crawls over to me, pressing his lips against mine for a couple of seconds, and pulls back, "Because I'm your best friend."

I narrow my eyes at him, studying his face until finally admitting, "Yeah, you're right."

He grins, kissing me again.

I cup his cheek, sliding my hand down his jaw to the side of his neck, and my other hand plays with the hair at the nape of his neck.

He rubs my hip, his fingers sliding under the hem of my shirt, and my heart rate picks up.

Just as I try to deepen the kiss, lightly tugging on his hair and parting my lips, he pulls away.

Grunting, I give him a deadpan look.

"Goodnight." He smirks, kissing my nose.

"You are such a tease," I mutter, and he just shrugs.

"Hey, what can I say, I like to keep you on your toes."

He lies his head down on the pillow, tugging me closer.

Throwing my leg over his hip, I get close to him and just let out a little breath.

"Hey, even though you piss me off all the time, I think I like you. A little." I tell him, kissing the side of his jaw.

"Only a little?" He asks, wrapping his arm around my waist.

I nod, slipping my hand under his shirt and smoothing over his stomach and ribs, secretly loving the way his breath catches at the bold move.

"Goodnight." I hum, running my nose across his jawline until I reach his ear, then kissing under it.

"Night." He whispers, tilting my head to the side and fitting his mouth to mine, a smile highlighting his face.


Stretching, a stifle a yawn. I glance at my alarm clock, and in bold red numbers, it reads six o'two.

I have time to sleep. Nice.

I shift a little, snuggling back into my sleeping boyfriend when I feel a jab of pain in my lower stomach.

Ignoring it, I try to fall back asleep, but it takes a few moments for my sleep logged brain to figure out what the pain in my abdomen is.

When I remember, I shoot up in my bed, a familiar nauseous feeling washing over me.

Perfect timing, body.

Carefully climbing out of bed without waking up Sam, I check the sheets.

I let out a sigh of relief to see they're are fine, and run to my closet, grabbing a pair of black joggers and black underwear.

I'm not taking any chances.

Then I start the tedious job of getting down the ladder without dying.

It takes me a solid few minutes, but once I'm at the bottom I hurry into my bathroom.

Of course, I'm right about my prediction and I've been blessed with my period, two days early.

Gotta love it.

Groaning, I pull my cupboard open and start looking for tampons and my pain meds.

My eyes land on Lia's tests and their boxes, and I curse quietly, grabbing them and shoving them into the garbage can, making sure to cover them with toilet paper when I'm done.

I don't need anyone to find those.

After I've changed and sorted everything out, I decide to just start the day. What am I supposed to do anyway? Lie in bed without bothering Sam and pretend I'm not in pain?

No thank you, he doesn't need to see me cry.

I wash my face and brush my teeth so I don't look as pale and dead as usual, and I don't reek.

I walk into the kitchen, pulling my hair in a messy bun and head straight to the coffee. The only thing I care about.

"You're up early, what're you doing?" Ollie asks, making me jump and spill some coffee on the counter.

"My period," I grumble, wiping the counter.

"That sucks, sorry Mouse." He kisses my temple and I shrug, dumping some creamer into my cup.

"It's fine, I guess. At least I didn't throw up or anything, so it's looking like an okay week." I offer, making him laugh a little.

"At least you're positive."

"I try."

"Why are you up so early?" I ask, turning to face him.

Only now do I take in the bags under his eyes and his messy hair. Well, messier than usual.

He shrugs, tidying up the kitchen that still has some remanence of the macaroons Sam and I attempted to make last night.

Horrible fail, by the way.

"You remember my friend, Leyland, who came over for dinner a couple of times last year?" He asks, and I nod.

I remember her, she was a sweetheart. I kept trying to set her up with him since she so clearly liked him as more than a study buddy, but he's an idiot and claimed I had it all wrong.

Boys are so oblivious.

"She called me at two this morning because her grandfather passed away. Her dad died in the navy when her mom was pregnant with her and Ley's mom worked a lot, so her grandparents practically raised her. She was especially close to her grandpa and asked me to come sit with her, so I didn't get much sleep." He explains, a frown marring his face.

"That's horrible." I murmur, instantly feeling bad for her.

He nods.

"How is she doing?"

He shrugs, "It happened two days ago and it was really sudden and unexpected, so I don't think it really sunk in till last night and it hit her like a bus. She was doing better when I left, but I'm gonna check on her again in a few hours. If she wants me to, of course."

"Maybe we could bake her cookies or something?" I offer.

"I mean, everyone grieves differently, but I just got pissed every time someone would bring dinner or a dessert after Mom died. It was a really kind thing to do and of course, now I realized how much it helped us, but at the time they just felt like a reminder that she was gone and this was the best anyone could do about it." He replies, the same melancholy look coming over his face he gets every time Mom is brought up.

"You think Mom would've liked me? Not because she was obligated to, cause I'm her kid, but like, as a person? I know teenagers are kinda annoying and stuff." I ask without thinking.

He just furrows his eyebrows, motioning for me to sit down at the breakfast nook next to him.

I do, setting my coffee down and giving him my full attention.

"Why would you ask that, princess? Of course, Mom would like you, you're one of the kindest, most selfless, most loving people I know. You and her are practically carbon copies." He says softly, and I shrug, sinking down in the chair.

"Being a teenager doesn't automatically make you annoying, you're the same lovely girl I've known you were since the day you were born, you're just older and more mature. And you have suddenly taken an interest in boys, but that's a minor issue we can work around." He finishes with a teasing smile, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and hugging me.

"Thanks, Ollie," I mumble into his shoulder, sniffling a little.

"'Course, kid."

When I sit back and grab my coffee, wiping under my eyes with my free hand, I mumble, "Definitely not now, cause that'd be self-centered and horrible timing, but you need to take Leyland out to coffee or something. She likes you, you clearly like her, stop being an idiot and go for it. Even if she rejects you, which she won't, you need to try."

He laughs, shaking his head.

"Leyland doesn't do committed relationships, she told me so herself. She isn't interested in spending a long time with anybody and I'm not interested in a hookup or a fling. You know that I get attached to people easily, which is why I could never just carelessly be with somebody. I'm in the long haul and I don't want to be hurt when the other person isn't." He explains, shrugging, and taking my coffee, sipping it.

"I mean, I get that, but it's not that simple. Finding your other half isn't something that comes easily, maybe you'll find them in someone unexpected. Like maybe someone who didn't plan on falling in love, but still did. Just put yourself out there. You're not going to find your person if you're too scared to get your heartbroken, heartbreak is a part of life, as much as it sucks." I reply, and he raises his eyebrows, giving me a teasing smile.

"How do you know about all this? Have you had your heart broken by a boy?"

Standing up from the chair, I look down at him. "Boys aren't the only ones who break your heart."

He nods once. "You've got a point there."

Giving him a smile, I abandon my coffee since he's basically finished it and head back to my room to grab a hoodie. I'm freaking cold.

Climbing into my loft, I see Sam still asleep in my bed.

I could get used to that.

While I'm digging through my closet for my Nike hoodie, because I got that image in my head and I won't be satisfied with any other one now, I hear a sleepy, "Ems?"

"One second, bubba, I'm looking for something," I call back, digging through my drawers.


I laugh, finally finding it crumpled in the back, and tugging it over my head. Even though it kinda smells like a closet, I go with it and head back over to my bed.

Sam's head is on my pillow, his eyes half open and a few of his curls flopped over his forehead. Giving me a little smile, he reaches his arm out to me and in his cute scratchy voice, mumbles, "Give me a hug."

Playfully rolling my eyes, I slide underneath the covers and pull myself flush against him, putting my face in his neck.

He hugs me back, squeezing me extra tight but I love it.

"You left me, I was so cold."

"You're a damn furnace, you were not cold." I laugh, kissing up his neck until I reach his jaw, then I kiss his lips.

"My breath stinks," he pulls away, tucking my head to his chest and rubbing my back.

"I know, I still want a good morning kiss, dumbass," I reply, pressing a final kiss to the hollow of his throat.

"Why're you so lovey-dovey today?" He asks, laughing softly and playing with my hair.

"Because I was thinking about how hard it is to find your person and I realized that I already have mine."

I look up at him to see a big smile spread over his face.

"I'm your person?" He asks softly, brushing some hair off my forehead before cupping the back of my head.

I nod, "And I really hope I'm yours or this is gonna be awkward."

He laughs, dipping down and kissing me.

"Of course you're my person, you idiot." He smiles against my lips, running his hand down my back.

When we break the kiss, my head falls back on the pillow. "My bed smells like your cologne."

He wiggles his eyebrows at me, looking ridiculous paired with his sleepy eyes and what I think is a flirty smile.

"You think we could arrange it that my bed smells like your perfume?" He asks, lightly running his fingertips over my hip and waist.

A little smile worms it's way onto my lips as I fight the butterflies going rampant in my stomach.

"I think we could."

Sitting a little closer to him, I brush my fingertips over his cheek and jaw, my eyes dropping to his lips.

His full lips form a smirk, and right as I'm leaning in to kiss him, my stupid cramps come back with a vengeance.

It's like my body knew I was enjoying myself.

"Hey, you okay?" Sam asks, cupping my cheek and making me look at him.

"Uh- yeah, I'm fine." I lie, nodding and lying on my back.

"Did I hurt you? Or-?" He asks, a concerned look on his face.

I shake my head, "No, of course not, I just- I don't feel great."


"I started my period and it always kicks the shit out of me," I answer, shrugging and curling my arms to myself.

May as well get the good, the bad, and the ugly all out in the open.

"Do you want me to do anything?" He asks gently, using his thumb to rub circles into my hip.

"Are you good at giving massages?" I laugh a little, even though I feel like I just got sucker-punched in the uterus.

He shrugs. "Decent. Why do you ask?"

"It would feel amazing if you massaged my lower back, it aches so much," I reply, making sure to give him my best pout.

It must work cause he nods immediately.

And so, a few minutes later I'm lying across his chest, my torso over his and our legs tangled.

He's massaging my back and it already feels better.

"This is why you're my person," I mumble sleepily, my face pressed in his shoulder.

"Because I massage your back?"

"Because you care so much."

He laughs. "You're sure this isn't just because I massage your back?"

"It's part of it," I answer teasingly, looking up at him and running my fingertips over his bottom lip.

"When did you get your lip ring?" I ask, my eyes boring into his pretty green ones.

"When I turned sixteen. I had wanted it for a while but Mom and Dad wanted me to make sure I actually wanted it, so I had to wait three months until my birthday, and then I got it."

"Did it hurt badly? I convinced the boys to let me get my ears pierced when I turned thirteen, and that wasn't bad, but I don't know if your lip hurts more." I say, still studying it.

"It wasn't horrible. Definitely uncomfortable but it only lasted a second, then it was over." He replies, still rubbing my back and helping the pain ease up considerably.

"Why did you take it out for our date?"

"Because I was curious to see if you liked the way I looked without it."

"But I like the way you look all the time. And it's not important what I think, it's what you like." I tell him, and he just smiles, looking sweet as ever.

"I like the ring better, but it does matter to me what you think. You're my girlfriend, your opinion is important. If you were to tell me you think I'd look better with a tattoo of your name on my forehead, I wouldn't do that, but if you told me you preferred when I wore pink rather than green, I'd wear pink more often." He says with a shrug, and I laugh a little.

"What if I told you I think you'd look handsome in a crewneck sweater?" I bite my lip, smiling sheepishly.

"I think I might have a couple in my closet we could look at." He smirks and winks, making me blush.

"We might have to try that, maybe paired with a collared shirt underneath. I think you would look very handsome."

"Do I have to wear a collared shirt?" He asks, and I nod emphatically.

"I think it'll look nice." I smile, kissing his cheek.

"Okay, we can chat about this again soon, you have an hour to sleep before we have school and you're going to rest some. That is if you're going."

"I'll be fine once the meds kick in, then I'll just have to keep a steady flow of them," I reply, laying my head on his chest and closing my eyes.

"Sounds good. Now sleep."


Sitting through Precalculus, I try to stop bouncing my leg but I can't.

For some reason, when I'm in any sort of pain my leg bounces like crazy, it's like some weird-ass coping mechanism and it pisses me off.

Deciding I'm done trying to sit through a class while I feel like I'm gonna be sick, I raise my hand.

My teacher, Mr. Yancey, nods and gives me his attention, his way of telling me I can talk.

"May I please use the bathroom?"

He just nods, and I stand, grabbing my bag as I go, but he stops me.

"Leave your bag, Miss Lace."

I stop for a second, furrowing my eyebrows. "I can't."

"Why is that?" He asks me, and I just sigh.

"Because I need it," I reply shortly, and from the corner of my eye, I can see Sam glaring at the back of the teacher's head.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave the bag, Miss Lace-"

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom and I'm gonna take the bag, Mr. Yancey." I snap, realizing my mistake a moment too late.

I don't stick around to hear my punishment and instead just leave the classroom, heading to the bathroom.

I honestly have no idea how he could be so oblivious that he genuinely had no idea why I, a teenage girl, needed to bring my bag with me to the bathroom. 

I take my time, chilling in the hallway for a few minutes afterward, and taking a couple more pain meds, chugging my water as well.

After a little bit goes by and when I feel less like I might pass out or just die of cramps, I head back to the classroom.

Mr. Yancey stares me down as I walk to my seat at the back of the class, plopping down in the chair beside Sam.

"Detention after class, Miss Lace."

"Because I took a bag out of the classroom?" I ask, ignoring when Sam squeezes my hand and clearly tries to shut me up.

"Because you ignored my orders, left the class without my permission, and mouthed off." He replies, and I force my mouth shut, sliding down in the seat.

"This is absolutely ridiculous," I mutter under my breath, and he turns back to me.

"What was that, Miss?"

I open my mouth to repeat myself, louder this time when I feel a kick to my shin. Whipping my head to Sam, I whisper, "What the hell?"

"Shut up." He whispers back, and I just roll my eyes.

"Nothing. I said nothing." I announce begrudgingly, and Mr. Yancey gives a satisfied nod, getting back to writing on the chalkboard.

Class gets out a little bit later, thank goodness, and we're headed straight to lunch.

"All I'm saying is that he was a total dick and shouldn't have put you on the spot like he did, but you didn't help yourself much in the situation," Sam says, offering me half his turkey sandwich.

In return I give him half of my chicken wrap, saying, "I know, but I was pissed. And what was I supposed to say? 'I'm taking this bag, I'm bleeding out and the shit I need is in there'?"

"Like I said, he put you on the spot and forced you into an uncomfortable position which I quite frankly want to kick his ass for, but he's a teacher and a good portion of them will be unreasonable just to be unreasonable. I guess they get bored and want to spice things up, but you'll never make them entirely happy, so just try to stay on their good side."

"I'm not gonna be a kiss-up, Sam," I say, opening my bag of baby carrots and eating a couple.

"I never said be a kiss-up, Maddie, I said try to stay on their good side. We aren't too far into the year and they have the ability to make our break us. Just choose wisely how you'd like to spend the rest of your school year."

"I'm not gonna kiss his ass because he's a nosy old bastard-"

"You know what, Dunkin' just released their peppermint mocha coffee and I've been wanting to try that for so long. Let's go, honey," Leo says as she stands up from the table, tugging Parker up with her and clearly wanting to escape the awkward tension at the table.

I just sigh. "Please grab me a coffee, I'll give you the cash when you get back."

She nods, giving me an apologetic smile.

After they go, neither Sam or I talk, both of us just eating our lunch and avoiding any more awkward conversations.

"Hey, Maddie, could I talk to you about something?"

The ever-cheerful Rose sits down beside me, Mia trailing behind.

"Yeah, sure," I reply, shrugging.

"So last week Mandy contacted us because she broke her foot while running, and we need someone to fill in for her," Mia explains, sitting behind Rose and putting her chin on Rose's shoulder.

"Holy shit, is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine and it's only minor but she won't be able to cheer for awhile. Which brings us back to the reason we came to chat with you," Rose says, and I nod, encouraging her to go on.

"The new girl, Hollie, contacted us and said she was really good at her last school, so we looked her up. And good is the understatement of the century, Maddie, she's absolutely fantastic." Mia finishes, and without meaning to my nose scrunches up in distaste.


"I mean, if worst comes to worst and no one else can fill in for Mandy I'll survive having Hollie on the team, but to be honest she's a bitch," I tell her, and they both raise their eyebrows.

"We can't have her just because she's good, she has to be a team player and someone everyone can get along with."

I nod, agreeing with Rose.

"What about some of the other girls who tried out for a position? A lot of them were really good and I'm sure they'd love to have at least a temporary spot on the team." I offer, but Mia shakes her head.

"I guess that could work, but if you look at her videos online, Mads, she's amazing. Our team is really good as it is but we could be even better with her."

I just sigh, giving up on it. Mia is in charge and she seems to have her heart set on this, so I nod.

And hey, maybe it won't be so bad?

"So you think it could work?" Rose pipes up, a smile coming over her face.

"Yeah, definitely, you should ask if she wants a spot on the team. Maybe I caught her on a bad day, she doesn't deserve to have her chance to cheer with us thrown away because I had a bad experience with her one time." I say, pretending to not be bothered.

In all honestly, I wouldn't doubt Leo fights her if she finds her undressing him with her eyes again. Cheer practice is her time to stare at him from the other side of the room, as disgusting as it is.

"Well, that's perfect, we just wanted to ask your opinion first," Mia announces, standing up and pulling Rose with her.

I just give them a thumbs up.

As they walk away, Rose shooting me a quick smile, I see that they're holding hands.

Where's Leo when I need her, dammit?

"Do you think they're dating?" I whisper to Sam, and he shrugs, discreetly glancing at them as they walk away and talk animatedly.

"Might be."

"They'd be so cute," I mumble, grabbing my water bottle and messing with the lid, suddenly taking in the tension still in the air.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you, I just hate the thought of being a kiss-up, it pisses me off. You're worried about me and I don't deserve it." I rush out, sparing a peek up at him.

He puts his arms around me, his head falling on my shoulder as he kisses my cheek, and I know I'm forgiven.

"I'm beyond ready to kick Yancey's scrawny little ass for what he did, but I just don't want him ruining the rest of your year."

"I know, thank you for that." I tilt his head up for a kiss and he gives it to me, sinking his fingers into the hair at the nape of my neck.

When I pull back, he kisses my nose and puts his forehead on mine.

"I don't like it when you're mad at me." He mumbles, and I crack a little smile.

"It was barely ten minutes."

"Yeah, worst ten minutes of my life, by the way." He teases, kissing me again quickly before leaning back.

"But besides, you're my person, remember? I couldn't stay mad at you for long."

He smirks. "This whole being each other's person thing has some perks."

"And what are those?" I ask, tilting my head.

"Sleepovers, lots of kisses, no extended periods of time being upset with each other. It's lovely."

"You do realize we're still in the honeymoon phase, right? Cause once we're out of here it's a totally new domain, completely unknown as well." I say, sipping on my water.

"The unknown can be exciting." He winks.

"And scary," I comment, and he nods.

"Scary, too, you're right."

"But mostly exciting." He smiles, kissing my temple.


"Madeline," Ricky says during dinner, glancing up at me.

"Maverick," I reply.

"I heard you got detention. Again."

"I had a valid reason this time, my teacher was at fault, not me." I defend, and he sighs, shaking his head.

"The school called me and said the reason why you had detention was because you were mouthing off, I didn't realize it was to the teacher. I thought we raised you to be respectful."

"You did and I am respectful most of the time, this cranky old bastard wouldn't let me take my bag to the bathroom, Ricky. And he called me out in front of the whole class, so it was made evidently clear that I was on my period or something, it was embarrassing." I explain, stabbing a fork into my salad and look up at him.

"What did you say to him?"

"He told me to leave the bag so I told him I couldn't and that I needed it, and when he tried to tell me to leave it again, I left the classroom. It was as good as announcing that I'm bleeding out of my vagina." I answer, making Parker throw a napkin at me.

"I know that's what it is and it's natural and everything, but please don't word it like that, Maddie." He mutters, looking grossed out.

"What would you rather I call it?"

"A period, like everyone else does." He replies, and I roll my eyes.

"Alright, thank you for that colorful description, Madeline. Parker, please stop throwing things. Can we please talk about your school again?" Maya interrupts.

"There isn't anything to talk about. I got detention because I mouthed off a little, but my teacher's an absolute dick. I don't think I did anything wrong, I don't think I should be in trouble." I tell her, eating my dinner again.

"Ricky?" She turns to him.

"Being disrespectful is not acceptable in any way or form, but you're right, your teacher was being unreasonable. I'm letting you off the hook, but don't think for one second that detention is going to become a usual." He says, pointing at me.

"I wouldn't dare." I stand up from the table, walking into the kitchen, and taking my plate out.

"Hey, I'm going to steal your baby," I announce, heading down the hall and into the living room.

"Sounds good, make sure not to move her around too much, I just fed her," Maya calls to me, and I nod, sending her a thumbs up.

Stepping into the living room of Maya and Ricky's house, I carefully creep over to the bassinet where the baby is asleep.

She's usually in her nursery to sleep, but since we were having dinner and there's more of us, Maya wanted her somewhere where she'd be most likely to hear her.

Her nursery is only down the hall, but from the living room we all could hear her better if she fussed.

Walking over to her, I carefully lift her into my arms, tucking her to my chest and smiling down at her.

I'm completely content, happily holding my baby niece, when my blood suddenly runs cold.

It takes me a second, but I come to a horrible realization, making my whole body start to tremble.

I can't hear her soft breathing.

"Ricky! M-Maya, the baby!" I yell, bringing a shaky finger to her nose, trying to feel her little breaths but nothing.


i swear i don't hate you. i actually kinda hate me for this.

thank you for reading! come back next week for the update, it should be interesting.

please vote and comment!

- f a i t h y

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