Mark of an Alpha's Queen

By the_atticwriter

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COMPLETED ✔️ Previously known as Catch Cassandra and Jace... Remember how their story went? But hold on... t... More

Part I - Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Part II - Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Christmas Bonus Chapter
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Bonus Chapter
Part III - Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Bonus Chapter

134 22 1
By the_atticwriter

This is one hell of a long chapter!

Dedicated to every single person who's ever read any of my books 😉♥️

Alexis' POV

"Where have you guys been!" Mia screams marching up to us while shaking her fist angrily in the air.

I look at mom.

"Well she's your daughter... so bye!" I call quickly kissing her cheek and turning away.

"And where are you going?!" Mia asks.

"Off to mind my own business" I say glancing at her over my shoulder.

Something wasn't right. Was it her makeup? No, Mia's makeup was always flawless. I stop in my track and whirl around. I eye her.

"What are you wearing?" I ask.

"It's called a sari, kiddo" a familiar voice answers.

I gasp and grin.

"Oh my goodness you're here!" mom shrieks.

"Uncle Natán!" I say happily and hug him.

"Alexandra" he smiles.

"When did you get here?" mom asks pulling him for a hug.

"You guys still haven't answered my question you know?" Mia frowns at us.

"Oh calm down blondie" another voice goes.

My mouth drops and I break into an even crazier grin.

"Okay, can this day get any better?!" I laugh.

"José! " mom screams and rushes up to him.

She jumps up at him and he grins and catches her in his arms.

"Heya Cass" he chuckles.

"Oh I've never been so happy to see both your annoying ass ever!" mom says.

"Well then I guess we'll just leave then" uncle Natán goes.

"What?! No! You came for my wedding and you're not moving an inch until after my honeymoon!".

I furrow my brows.

"Your honeymoon?" mom asks.

"She's planning on going to Romania" uncle Josh says.

"Okay I'm gone now" I say giving uncle Josh a hug. "My bed is calling...".

"No no! You're not going to sleep. Aruna's on her way to the pack house for dinner and I don't need to ask you to be there... because I will kill you myself if you miss it" Mia threatens, her eyes flashing with seriousness. "Or show up late".

I gulp. Usually I would challenge her. But I wasn't a human then. I nod.

"I'll go clean up".

"You'd better" she calls after me.


I move down the stairs; my phone dinging from all the angry texts my sister was sending me. I groan.

"I'm coming! Ugh!".

I grab my coat and slip it on when someone in a black suit and dark shades with some swirly thing coming out of his ear steps in front of me. I look up.

"Can I help you?" I ask, flicking my eyes back and forth in surprise.

"I'm your escort Miss" he goes.

I frown.

"I'm sorry... escort?".

He nods.

"Escort; someone who...".

I hold up my hand.

"I know what an escort is sir" I say.

What? Did he think I was dumb?!

"It's Mr. and Mrs. Graham's orders".

"Max and Janelle?" I frown.

"Your parents Miss".

Oh... them.


"Just call my Alexis please?".

He nods.

"Shall we?".

I shrug.

"Yeah sure... no hold on a minute!" I call out realizing something.

My eyes widen as I take a good look at my 'escort'.

"You're the guy who tried to eat me yesterday!" I exclaim.

He lowers his head.

"There is no way I'm getting in a vehicle with you just so you can chow down on me!".

"Look Miss... Alexis, I apologize for yesterday. I was just trying to impress Shane. You know... get a promotion".

I look up at the man in front of me and frown.

"Aren't you supposed to be a new recruit?".

He chuckles.

"And I was looking for a promotion... yeah not the smartest move. But I didn't smell any wolf on you. I wouldn't have attacked".

I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Hey... I don't mean to pry but...".

"You know when people start a sentence with 'I don't mean to' they mean to..." I meet his gaze through the glasses. "And yeah, no wolf means I'm human. Satisfied? Can we go now?".

He chuckles softly and smiles.

"Yeah, this way".

I move away before he finishes his sentence. I step outside and for the first time I'm grateful for the weather app on my phone. I reach out to open the car door.

"Wait! I'm supposed to get the door for you. It's apart of my job description".

I glance at him and pull the door open.

"I can get my own door wolf boy" I say and climb inside.

I see him smile as I close the door. He gets behind the wheel and tilts the rear view mirror to reflect me. I give him a look and shake my head.

"Seat belt please".

I strap it on without complaining. He starts the car.

"I'm Bertrand by the way" he goes.

"Keep talking wolf boy, and I'll have no choice but to tell your Alpha and his sister why their sister is late to a very important dinner".

"Right" he goes and steps on it.



I push the door open.

"I've got it Miss" Bertrand says.

"I said I can get my own door".

He looks down at me.

"Thanks" I mumble as I climb out.

I text Mia and walk towards the house.

"Miss... Alexandra... can I ask you something?".

I pause and turn.

"Are you following me?" I ask.

He smiles sheepishly and nods, scratching the back of his head

"Why? I'm perfectly fine on my own".

"Well I'm your escort so...".

"Wolf boy! This is not a date, so get inside the car and get outta here" I tell him and walk off quickly.

I step through the door as the guards open it for me. The decor was amazing.

"Woah!" I breathe looking around. "This is not the type of dinner I pictured!".

"Wow! Are you guys really not royalty?" a voice comes from beside me.

I turn my neck and see Bertrand again.

"Hey" he grins at me.

"Unbelievable!" I murmur. "Just stay away from me please?" I ask.

"Alexis! (Alexandra!)" Gianna, Chloe and Jessica call to from the other side of the room.

I turn to Bertrand.

"Please go. I'm fine".

"I'm sorry but I can't do that. I have strict orders from your parents not to let you out of my sight and much less leave you alone" he says looking over my head at the girls' direction.

"Well I guess we'll have to fix that because it just won't do" I tell him.

I step away from him and meet Gianna, Chloe and Jessica halfway. I take their hand and tug them away.

"Hey!" Gianna exclaims.

"Where are we going... and who is that hunk of a man over there?" Chloe grins looking behind us as we walk.

"No one. Now help me find my parents" I say.

"What for? Are you okay?" Jessica asks.

Chloe gasps.

"He's following us! Ooouu la la Alexandra honey. He is cute mmmh hmmm!" she exclaims, excitedly biting her lip and doing a happy dance.

I shake my head. I spot mom and let go of them.

"Alexis I have to tell you something about your...".

"Later okay Jess? I promise. Mom!" I call and walk over to her.

"Oh... Alexis!" she says.

Her eyes widen and she fake coughs.

"Excuse me gentlemen" she says politely and pulls me aside. "What are you wearing?!" she says through her perfect smile.

"What am I wearing? What are you wearing? You look like a Hindu goddess".

"It's a sari and you are supposed to be wearing one not denim!".

I shake my head.

"Never mind. I want to talk to you about wolf boy... I... I mean Bertrand or whatever".

Her face lights up.

"Oh you met your new bodyguard? That's great".

"Yeah. And I want you to tell him to... my new what?!" I exclaim.


"You got me a bodyguard?! Why?"

"Because you need it".

"Well what happened to 'I can see how much you want to do things your way now and we are going to let you' huh?".

"Well yeah but you still need protection hm? And now more that you're no longer a wolf".

"Mom!" I whine and stamp my foot.

"Honey shush!" she whispers. "No tantrums. Hello" she greets a couple of people who pass by us.

"Mom" I say firmly.

"Honey, if you're asking me to lay Bertrand off I'm sorry but that's not happening".

"You said you'd give me a shot at this!".

"A shot at what? Getting yourself killed? Na-uh! You're way too good at that to be given a shot. And get used to it because after the holidays, your new governess arrives".

She smiles at a waiter as she lifts a glass of champagne from the tray he's carrying.

"Thank you".

The waiter nods and leaves.

"I'm sorry governess? You got me a governess".


"Mom..." I whisper as the color drains from my face.

"You should really go wear something more appropriate before your sister sees you. And she has done an amazing job with the decor".

It's too much for a simple welcome dinner!

"Try and be more responsible like her huh?".

I shake my head.

"I can't stand you right now".


I turn and walk away from her. I spot Max in the crowd with Alistair in his arms. The baby grins at my sight and stretches out his tiny hands in my direction.

I'm sorry sweetie but auntie Alexis is not okay right now.

"Max!" I snap reaching where he stood with some unfamiliar faces.

He turns.

"Hey! I was looking for you earlier today and aunt Isabel said you and mom had gone to LA".

One of the men he's standing with clears his throat loudly.

"Oh pardon my manners...".

I roll my eyes in annoyance at the man.

"... may I introduce to you my little sister Alexandra. Alexandra, these are the alphas of our neighboring packs".

I flash them a vivid fake smile.

"Hi. Welcome to the Blue Moon Pack" I say.

One of them eyes me up and down.

"I must say, for a human, she does have an unusual sense of fashion... to be the daughter of one of the best designers in the world and the sister to a supermodel".

I glare at the man.

"For your information...".

Max puts a hand gently on my shoulder.

"No drama please" he whispers.

I groan and walk away from them.

"Excuse me one moment gentlemen... Alexis! Hey! Janelle take Alistair... wait! Alexandra!".

Max races after me. I slow down as I make a turn at the corner.

"For a human you move very fast".

"Must be the rage" I say, crossing my arms.

"What's wrong?".

"Mom got me a bodyguard. I don't need one so I went to her to ask her to take him away only to find out I'm getting a governess after the holidays. And that's not the craziest part...".

"Okay slow down. Deep breaths".

I sigh and take a deep breath.

"She got you a governess? You haven't had one since... since..." he tires to recall. "Sandy!".

I shake my head.

"You left three years earlier. Mom replaced Sandy... three times".

"Do I dare ask what happened to make her quit?".

"She deflated my basketball Max. Twice. So I blew up her face... twice".

Max chuckles then goes serious.

"Why would mom do that to you?".

"I don't know!" I groan pacing up and down.

"I thought she and dad said they'd give you a chance".

I look at him.

"Yes! Now you've gotta speak to them. Tell them I don't need another Viola to literally govern me".

"Oou Viola Diner! Always ordering diner food for us. What happened to that one?" Max chuckles.

"Mia mixed mild acid in her shampoo".


"She called Mia fat, peed in your aquarium and told mom my teeth were going to fall out if I didn't get help".

"So that's why my fishes died" Max says.

"And my braces history began" I say in annoyance. "I can't believe that lie earned me 11 years with metals in my teeth".

"When did you get them off anyway?".

"The summer before Senior Year... that was when we got called to come here to Colorado".

I sigh.

"You've gotta talk to mom and dad. I can't have another governess much less a bodyguard...".

"That one's not so bad Lex".

"He happens to be the wolf that tried to eat me last time".

His face falls.

"Yeah we've got to talk our parents out of this".

"Go talk to them!".

"Me? They'll never listen to me" he scoffs.

"Maxy you're the Alpha!".

"And they are the parents who never listen to me. It worked well when I was little".

I sigh. Max's eyes lit up.

"But there is one person they can never refuse".

A smile forms on my face.

Of course...!

"C'mon!" I say and drag my brother away.


"Err... what's going on here?" Max asks as we look around.

All the kitchen staff were standing outside the kitchen.

"Cordelia?" I call.

She turns and alerts everyone to bow.

"Oh Alpha Max" she bows at my brother.

She turns to me with a smile.

"Miss Lexi".

I smile back.

"What's going? Aren't you guys supposed to be cooking like my sister wanted? This dinner is really important to her" Max says.

"Mmhm" I add, showing her the texts I received from Mia. "The decor is grand".

"Well Miss Mia asked us to stay out of the kitchen".

"Why?" I ask.

Cordelia looks round at her fellow kitchen people then back at us.

"She's cooking".

I cough.

"Sorry I fainted there a sec... she's what?" Max asks.

"Mia doesn't cook. The best she's ever done is make a soggy eggs benedict with a side of microwaved turkey" I say.

"That wasn't the best" Max argues. "Remember that time when she offered to ran your lemonade stand for the day and ended up poisoning every customer with her special rainbow lemonade?".

I laugh.

" 'Rainbows make everything better' " Max mimics her.

"I heard that!" Mia says appearing through the door with an apron and and a messy face.

We stop laughing.

"Get back to work everyone" she orders, taking off the apron.

She holds it over to no one in particular and they rush to take it before she lets go.

"Judging a 10 year old girl trying to help her little sister at a lemonade stand is rude Maxwell. Very rude" she says.

She turns her attention to me.

"What are you wearing?".

She gasps.

"Please don't tell me you came in here like this".

"What do you all have against denim this evening? First mom, then some stupid Alpha people... and now you?".

"Wait! You're telling me, our neighboring packs alphas saw you in jeans, a last three season DIVIVDED H&M shirt and pair of ugg boots?".

"I should have worn my Timberlands right?".

"You've killed me. Of course not!" she yells. "It's all wrong... and the beanie just murders the colors!".

I shake my head.

"Forget it...".

"What did you say to them?!".

"Relax Mia! I convinced her to spare their lives before any murderous word came out" Max says.

Mia let's out a sigh of relief.

"Right now, I need you to go tell mom and dad our sister don't need a governess".

"Or a bodyguard" I chip in.

Mia furrows her brows.

"Viola Diner is coming back? Wow. What plastic surgeon could fix her after that incident?".

I shake my head.

"Mia focus! You've gotta tell mom to not get me a governess. I'm old enough to make my own decisions!".

"Mia c'mon. They're not even giving her a chance to prove herself. And you know they are not going to listen to me".

"Wait why am I being the solution to this?".

"Because you're the only one they'd never refuse in a million years!" Max and I chorus.

She folds her arms and looks at both of us.

"You think mom and dad would never refuse me".

"Yeah (Duh!)" we respond.

"You always get what you want... sometimes without even asking for it" Max goes.

She smiles.

"Okay fine. But you've gotta get out of those eyesores and into one of these thumbs up" she says pointing to the sari she was wearing.

"No thanks. "There's no way I'm wearing a crop top over a maxi skirt and a long napkin!".

"Baby, this is my one chance to impress Aruna and get her blessing to marry her only son and child! So I need my sister in a sari. Didn't you see the message I left you?".

"Out of the hundreds of the unread ones within thirteen minutes? No not really".

She narrows her eyes at me.

"I will personally recommend a governess who's twice as fun as Viola Diner was if you don't change right now you hear me?".

"Are you threatening me?" I ask.

"No. This is where I have an advantage and you're in a tight corner with no option but to do what I want".

I narrow my eyes at her and turn away with a groan.

"I love you too baby!" she calls after me


"They're here!".

Mia gasps.

"Places everyone!" she orders.

"Babe calm down" Eric chuckles.

"It's your mom Eric; I won't calm down".

I shake my head and watch them from the stairs.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Serenity asks, peeping through the railings at me.

"Don't you look nice in your sari" I say to her.

"Mia made everyone wear it. It's 'important' to her" she says air quoting.

"Well there's no way I'm getting out of these into that".

"Is that why you're sitting here alone?".

"No. I'm trying to look for my dad".

"Uncle Jace is right there. With Uncle Michael and daddy".

I follow Serenity's gaze. I grin and give her a quick hug.

"Don't tell Savvy and Seraphine but you're my favorite" I tell her.

She giggles as I walk off to find dad.

"Dad" I call as he steps away from my uncles.

"Hey kiddo. Are you supposed to wearing that?".

"Why do I have a bodyguard and why on earth am I getting a governess?" I shoot at him.

He doesn't get to reply when we hear the sound of trumpets.

You're joking!

"Oh Niraj!" a big woman goes as soon as the trumpets end and the door is opened.

Eric smiles and steps forward.

"Hello mother".

The woman hugs him.

"I've gotta go kiddo. We'll talk later okay?" dad says to me and walks away.


"Mr. Patel" he greets the man whom I presume was Eric's dad.

"Please, call me Hari, Jace" Eric's dad says shaking hands with dad.

"Namaste. Welcome to the Blue Moon Pack" mom steps forward and greets.

Aruna steps away from Eric and grins at mom.

"Oh Disha look! She's even prettier than ever!" Aruna goes. "My boy's got a good eye!".

"No, no. I'm not marrying your son".

Aruna's face falls.

"You're rejecting our alliance?".

"What? No! I mean, I'm not the one marrying your son. My daughter is" mom laughs nervously.

"Well where is she?".

"Here" Eric says as Mia steps forward with a smile.

Aruna's eyes sparkle. She looks at mom.

"The apple does not fall far from the tree!".

Mom smiles. Aruna approaches Mia who bends down to touch her feet.

"No, no, no, no dear. I love you already" she stops Mia. "Bless you child".

Mia grins.

"May I just say, your sister is really good at this" Bertrand says.

I glare daggers at him and fold my arms.

"May I just say, tum bahut hi sunder lag rahi ho (You look gorgeous)" Mia says.

Aruna smiles.

"Oh sweetheart. Look Hari, I told you this color was a good look on me".

"What does that mean?" Bertrand whispers.

I look at him.

"Go get me a bag of Cheetos will you?" I ask.

"She told her mother in law that?".

I give him a serious look.

"Right..." he says and walks away, murmuring Cheetos under his breath.

"This way please" Max directs the guests into the banquet hall.

"Hey shouldn't you be in the front with your parents introducing yourself as the bride's sister?" Ethan asks.

"Yeah. Go on" Nora says.

"Sorry guys but I don't feel like the bride's sister right now. I feel like the adopted daughter who'll never fit in".

I spot dad.

"I've gotta go... Dad!" I walk towards him.

He sighs.


"Listen to me please dad".

"Later okay? Not here, not now. This means a lot to your sister okay?".

I frown.

"No!" I shout.

The laughter on the other side ceases.

"I want you and mom to listen to me!".

"What's going on there...".

"No, no Aruna" mom stops her.

"It's just my other daughter... being my other daughter and joking around again".

I look at her.

Other daughter?

"I'll go talk to her. You go ahead with the others. I'll be right back".

What's that suppose to mean?

"Alexandra, why don't you go change and come say hello to our in-laws".

"Yeah, please?" Max moves up to me gives me a pleading look.

"No!" I say.

"I'm sorry no?" mom asks.

"Yeah, no! I will not! I want you two to listen to me and stop making everything about Mia because I am so sick and tired of it!".

Mia raises her brows and moves over to us.

"What's going on?".

"Nothing Mia. Just get back and wow your mother in law. You're doing great!" Max says with a smile.

"If you say so. But hurry. You have to try my curry" she grins.

"Okay princess" dad says.

She blows me a kiss and walks away.

"You're grounded young lady!" mom scolds.

"Mom c'mom" Max goes.

"Why are you being so difficult?" I add.

"Honey calm down" dad says to mom. "Alexis go change and join us for dinner. We'll talk about this when we don't have guests to attend to. I promise".

I groan.

"Uh-uh. You're going to listen to me right here and right now because I am up to my neck with you two making decisions for me without considering my feelings!".

"Alexandra if this is about your protection, I'm not changing my mind" mom says.

"No this is about everything you two think is the best for me! I don't need a bodyguard and much less another governess who's going to reward me with another eleven years of metal in my teeth!".

"But your teeth...".

"Is perfect! It has always been perfect! I didn't need braces but you made me get them. I can't go back being that weird little rich girl with tons of auditioned fake friends mom!".

Dad rubs his temple and exchanges a look with mom.

"I don't know if you two have realized but you've ruined my entire life and robbed me of the chance of being a normal girl! You made me ride in limo to school every morning".

"I had bodyguards following me around 24/7. You got me a freaking butler to taste my food first and check the depth of snow or amount of sun rays before I was allowed to step out to go play with the friends you hand picked for me".

"Have you even stopped to think about how all this made me feel? Ever bothered to ask what I wanted? You think everything you decide is what's best for me? No mom, it's not".

"You dragged me away from New York, all the way to Denver. Then made me agree to go with some bloody boy telling me we were bonded by God knows what! And like a fool I believed and walked into the lion's den!"

"My best friend had to die because I let you make decisions for me! I can't even mourn her mom! I cannot cry. I'm not a wolf anymore and adapting to this stupid human life is unbearable. And not you or dad or anyone else has bothered to ask me for once how all that is making me feel!".


"I am not the perfect daughter mom. Dad, I'm not Mia. I, am not a China doll! So I am telling you that I don't need a babysitter or a watch dog!".

"Alexis, your mother is only...".

"Stop!" I tell dad

I scoff nastily.

"Sure. Jump to her defense like you always do. But I'm your daughter, and that makes me important too".

"Okay that's enough. Quit playing that card" he says.

"Listen to me. You are not getting me a governess. I am 19. And just because I'm a human now, doesn't mean I'm a China doll you hear me".

"Alexis it is for your own good!" mom goes taking a step towards me.

I groan.

"Mom stop it" Max says.

"Wait you're in on this? Max! I'm doing all this to protect your sister. You should be on board with this".

"But you're over doing it mom. I know you think she might just trip and break but mom...".

Max moves over to me and takes my hand.

"She survived death. She's the toughest person I know; wolf or no wolf. And I wouldn't change a thing about everything that's happened. Because she's the perfectly imperfect little sister. And I love her... mostly because she's not Mia".

He smiles at me and I side hug her.

"So you're not going to get her a governess mom. And you'll take away the bodyguard dad. If you don't, I'll do it myself".

Dad shakes his head in amusement.

"You'll do it yourself?" he asks.

"Ever wondered what happened to all of the governess you got for us? Yeah it was us. Although Sandy's face was all her" Max says pointing to me.

"You did that to the poor woman?" mom asks.

"Way to go bro" I whisper.

"What do you have to say to yourself young lady?" dad asks.

I pat myself on the back and I hear Max snicker.

"You think this is funny?" mom asks.

"Mom why are you being so uptight?" I ask.

"I'm not! Now go to your room, wear something appropriate and get your ass in here for the dinner. It's important to your sister!".


"Nothing Max. Stop taking her side all the time. And you're grounded".

Max chuckles.

"No way" he says. "You're not grounding my sister".

"I will do whatever I want. Now go in there. She's embarrassed us enough".

I chuckle nastily.

"And there you have it. World's best mother. You know, you're despicable right now. I can't even stand to look at you anymore" I say to her. "And dad, once again, your silence has contributed greatly in making me feel like I'm adopted. Afterall I am the other daughter. So thanks for that".

I turn away.

"Alexis where are you going?" Max calls after me. "Come back".

"Away! And no one should follow me. I'd rather just die or be an orphan. That way I wouldn't have to care about embarrassing my rich disappointing parents" I say.

I pause at the doorway.

"You know what, I'm glad Madison wasn't even your real daughter. She dodged a bullet".

I see the look on my parents face as I turn back and walk out the door.


Cassandra's POV

I watch her slam the door shut.


"This is what we get for trying to protect her?!".

"Cassandra calm down...".

"Your over pampering has finally gotten into her head Jace. Way to go!".

I walk away from him.

"What are you doing?!" Sasha growls at me.

I ignore her and walk into the banquet hall. I take a seat and try to hide my anger and hurt. Jace walks in and smiles at Hari.

"Shall we please begin?".

"Let's eat".

Mia stands up and walks over to me. Leaning close to my ear she asks.

"Where's Alexis?".

I avoid her question.

"Honey, that's not important. Go on now. Go serve your in-laws your curry. It smells delicious" I smile.

She frowns and looks at Jace. He nods at her.

"This is not right" she murmurs. "Everyone, please wait!" she calls out.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Something important. It's called my sister" she says to me.

"Babe what's wrong?" Eric asks.

"Alexis is not here" she tells him.

"Well she's not going to be here" Max says.

There's a lot of murmuring.

"What are you talking about Max?" Mia asks.

"Oh you don't know?".

I look at him.

"Know what?".

"Well my dearest Mia, your mother and father threw her under a bus".


"She left, Mia" Max says.

"What? To where? I need her here with me".

"I don't know. But her words were, and I quote 'Away! And no one should follow me. I'd rather just die or be an orphan. That way I wouldn't have to care about embarrassing my rich disappointing parents' ".

Mia looks at me and then at Jace.

"What happened?" she asks.

"She was being an over pampered brat. And said mean things to your father and I".

"Mom, I know Alexis. She wouldn't go off unless someone pushed her too far. And she's not the over pampered brat; I am".

I rub my temple.


"Is this about the bodyguard and the governess thing? I was going to speak to you two later".

I look at Mia.

"You knew she was going to throw a tantrum?".

"Mom, if she doesn't want a babysitter don't get her a babysitter. She's 19 mom. She should be out having fun not being governed by another monster".

"Princess, lower your voice. We have guests...".

"I don't really care about that right now dad. You're going to find my sister and bring her back. And until then, no one eats!".

I hear groans and murmurs.

"What are you doing Mia?" Jace asks.

"What you and mom here are not doing; caring for your other daughter! If you love me and don't wanna see my perfect day ruined, get your search parties out there and find my sister. You really don't wanna see how messed up I really am underneath all of this" she gestures her arms around her.

She shakes her head at me and hoists up the side of her skirt and walks off. I sigh and lower my head in my hands.


"Don't!" I snap at whoever it is and walk away.


Alexis' POV

I pull my hand out of the pocket of my coat as I step on the front porch and poke the doorbell. I quickly slip my hand back inside. The weather was a no joke in Aurora. I aggressively push the doorbell after a while over and over again.

I tap my foot to the beat of Carly Rae Jepson's 'Call Me Maybe'. I'd forgotten how uncomfortable buses were in the winter. I roll my neck.

"Hello?" I call out.

I could see the cold air coming out of my mouth. The door finally swings open and a boy shows up.

"Hi, can I help you?".

"Yeah. I'm here to see Tilly; but you can start by letting me in".

"Of course, c'mon in" he moves aside and I step in, wheeling my little suitcase behind me.

The heat was the most amazing thing ever felt in the longest time.

"Thanks" I say, slipping off my gloves.

"Wait, I'm sorry but, this is private property. How did the border guards let a human in our territory?".

I turn around.

"Are we playing some old version of good cop, bad cop? Who are you anyway? As far as I'm concerned, Tilly hates teenagers".

I move deeper inside.

"My mom's friends with her".


"So who are you?".

I look over my shoulder at the blonde boy.

"Her great granddaughter".

"Simon? Who's at the door?".

I turn around.

"Hi Nana" I grin.

"Oh Alexandra! What a lovely surprise; come come".

I walk into the living room and crouch down in front of her. She taps my nose.

"Aren't you as beautiful as ever".

"You look great too Nana" I tell her.

Seriously, the wheelchair didn't even make her a day over 90. She smiles at me, then her face grows dark.

"Did your mother come with you?".

I shake my head.

"Oh good".

I laugh.

"Well how are things going in the pack house?".

I shrug.

"Max seems to have everything under control".

"I mean, has your mother well... stopped being your mother?".

I sigh.

"I can't stand her stubbornness anymore. I don't even want to talk about her. That's why I came here".

She grins.

"Well finally, one of my grandchildren has produced a great grandchild who sees what I see in that woman!".

"Oh c'mon Nana. She's still my mother and I love her".

"That, I mourn".

"And I knew grandma Michelle's was the first place they'd look for me so I decided to come here".

"Because nobody would think you'd go into the lion's den huh?".

"Is it okay if I stay here up until the wedding?".

"Oh of course sweetheart! So tell me, how are the wedding preparations going huh?".

"Well, the in-laws are in. The wedding's going to take three days...".

"Three days?".

"You know she's marrying an Indian right?".

Great grandma Tilly scoffs.

"I didn't get a chance to pick the wife my only sensible child married. Then I'm not allowed to pick a bride for my only grandson. Then my eldest great grandson doesn't even tell me he's marrying that girl with the French name and no French accent. And now my second favorite granddaughter is marrying a Hindu boy? Tell me, who's your son going to marry huh? A Chinese girl?".

I laugh.

"Stop it Nana. But I give you my word, if any of my children are planning to settle, I'll ask for your opinion okay?".

If she's around..

She scoffs.

"If I'm around".

I suddenly feel guilty.

"Don't think like that. Of course you'll be around".


She smiles at me and pats the back of my hand.

"Why don't you let Simon show you to the guest room".

I nod and stand up. I gingerly push a long strand of hair up into the catch at the top of my head.

"Nana, who's Simon?" I ask, aware of his approaching presence.

"Oh he's the son of the woman I wanted your dumb father to marry instead of your mother".

I chuckle.

"Nana, why don't you get along with mom?".

"Aside from the junk food? Well at first I thought she was a social climber. But I was wrong. She does love your father. But then when your siblings were born and I met them after 4 years, I could tell she wasn't raising them right. Your grandmother too. They both spoilt their children. They got your father his own house when he was 18. Mia got her first car at 16".

"You don't raise a child like that. They grow up feeling they can do and have everything they want because they don't even have to ask before they get it. I tried talking to her about it but no... she never listens!".

Well... would you look at that!

"I completely agree with you on the last part Nana. She just doesn't listen".

"Well yes. She's spoilt Mia so much it hurts. And my dumb grandson will never say anything... in the name of he loves your mother".

I pat her hand and she smiles.

"Grandma Tilly, time for your pills!".

She groans. A nurse walks in followed by a blonde woman who I realized was Simon's mom.

"Oh who's this Simon? Your girlfriend?".

I look at the boy who was blushing. I give him a look and he clears his throat.

"Err... no mother".

I shake my head.

British boys.

If I hear another accent I might actually cry.

"Oh Yolanda, meet Alexandra. Jace's daughter".

I smile.

"Hi ma'am".

The woman grins and pulls me into a hug.

"Oh you're Cassandra's girl! It's so nice to meet you!".

"Yeah. The woman who could have probably been the one I call mom now. It's exciting!".

Yolanda laughs.

"Oh she's got Cassandra's sarcasm alright. Son, show her to the guest room".

Simon nods and reaches for my suitcase.

"No, no. I got it. Just lead the way".

Great grandma Tilly grins.

"She's a miracle this one Yolanda. I tell you".

The boy leads me up three flight of stairs and down a long corridor before stopping in front of a door. He turns the knob and gestures me inside.

"Walla! Welcome to your home for the next few days".

I peep inside before stepping in.

"Thanks" I say.

I reach for the thermostat and turn up the heat. I begin to peel off my clothing. The scarf, the coat, the turtleneck...

I hear a cough behind me. I turn and Simon's there.

"Err... I'm good now thanks. You can go now" I say, pulling my shirt over my head.

I straighten my spaghetti top and rip off my hair band letting my hair fall. I give it a thorough ruffle and ran a hand through it.

"Hey listen, maybe later we could go out for some hot chocolate...".

The look I give him makes him gulp loudly.


"Yes ma'am".

I shut the door.

"And to think he had a chance of becoming my brother".

I shiver at the thought and walk into the bathroom.


~3 days later


"Gee uncle Alec relax! I'm almost done okay?" I say through the phone. "Yes, yes. Don't worry. I'll be there soon. Merry Christmas Eve. Kay love you bye".

I hung up and toss my phone on the bed.

"Now how to get this right...".

There's a knock on my door.

"It's opened!".

I hear a click.

"Merry Christmas Eve. May I?".

I turn around.

"Yeah sure. What are you doing here?" I ask, stunned.

She wiggles her keys at me.

"I'm your Uber driver for the next 20 minutes".

I chuckle and turn back to trying to get the saree right.

"Here let me" she says.


She makes a knot on the top corner of the plain end of the saree and tucks it into the left side of the crop top .

She takes the extra fabric hanging from the tucked area and holds the saree tightly at one side with her thumbs and pinky finger and makes about 6 to 8 pleats.

"Safety pin?".

I hand them over and she secures the pleats.

"There. Now the pallu" she says.

"The what?" I scoff.

She laughs.

"The decorative end of the saree is called a pallu".


She takes the extra saree and wraps it around me before pleating the top edges of the pallu.

"Do you know what you're doing Janelle?".

"Your sister made me take a 7 hour class on how to wear a saree. I think I got it".


She adjusts the pleats until they are even and raises the pleated pallu.

"Right arm?".

I lift it and she brings it under my right arm and places it over my left shoulder. She secures the pallu with a safety pin from the inside of the crop top and unfolds the pleats and drapes the pallu over my shoulder so it falls elegantly over my arm.

"Done! Take a look".

I raise a brow when I look in the mirror.

"Wow. Thank you".

"You look beautiful" she says taking my shoulders.

I smile.

"You don't look terrible either" I say.

She grins and gives me a twirl.

"Wait till you see your nephews. They look so adorable" she giggles.

I smile at her.

"Janelle, I never got to apologise for what happened the last time we were in a room together".

"Oh when you tried to kill me? I don't even remember that".

I lower my head and smile.

"Hey it's okay" she lifts my chin up. "It's in the past now".

"Thank you Janelle".

She smiles and opens her arms.

"Huggy huggy?" she says in a baby voice.

I chuckle.

"Yes please" I say and hug her.

"Now let's get you back to Denver before the bride looses it".

"Agreed" I say.


Mia's POV

I hurl the contents of my stomach into the toilet bowl.

"Mia? Come on now. Just take it. It's only 3 minutes".

I groan.

"For the last time, I'm not pregnant Charlie!" I tell her.

There's a louder thud on the door.

"Mia, it's Esme. Come on open the door".

"Would you like us to go get Eric?" Chloe asks.

Another wave of nausea hits me and I clutch the toilet bowl as I vomit.

I'm not pregnant! I can not be pregnant!

"Mia honey, open the door. It's mom".

I wipe my mouth with the tissue.

"Go away!" I yell at her.

"What's going on? Where's my daughter in law?" I hear Aruna's voice.

"In there. She's been throwing up for 20 minutes Mrs. Patel".

"Well am I going to be a granny?" she asks with excitement.

"I am not pregnant!" I scream and throw the medicine bag at the door.

"Honey calm down. Don't do anything crazy".

"Then get my sister!" I sob. "I want my little sister please mom. Get her here!".

I drop on to the cold floor. It takes a while and the nausea stops. I notice the quietness outside. Then there's a soft knock.

"Mia? Are you okay?".

I gasp and push myself off the floor. I stumble to the door and throw it open.


Alexis' POV

The door opens and she wraps me in a hug. I smile and squeeze her.

"Hey there".

"You idiot. How dare you leave me alone when I needed you" she sobs.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't stand our parents".

She sniffs and pulls away.

"Wow you're a mess".

She giggles.

"Nausea" she says and pats her stomach lightly.

I raise a brow.

"I'm not pregnant. It's Christmas Eve. You don't get pregnant on Christmas Eve".

She moves to the vanity.

"Says who?" I laugh.

"It's in the Bible" she replies.

I shake my head.

"Do you wanna take a test? Charlotte handed me one on my way here".

She looks over her shoulder and gives me a look.

"If you insist" she walks over and snatches it. "Do not go anywhere".

"Sister's honour".

She enters the bathroom and is out shortly.

"How fast do you pee?".

"My bladder is favourable".

She begins to pace up and down after a few seconds.

"I thought you said you weren't pregnant so why do you seem...".

She gasps.

"What if I am? Baby, I'm not ready to have a baby. I can't!".

The waterworks begin. I hug her and calm her down.

"It's going to be okay. Don't worry".

"It's a baby we're talking about. How can I not worry Alexis?!".

I hear a soft beep and we both stiffen.

"You go check" she whimpers and pushes me towards the bathroom door.


I brace myself and enter the bathroom. The test was on the counter. I pick it up and press my lips together.


I walk back out, the pregnancy test in my hand.

"What that it say?".

"One line".

Mia squeaks and shuts her eyes.

"My perfect body" she sobs and drops on the door.

"What are you talking about?" I chuckle.

"You are on diaper duties until...".

"Okay hold up. Two pink lines mean positive. One pink line means...".

She shoots up.

"I'm not pregnant!" she squeals and hugs me. "I told you".

I laugh.

"Let's get you ready" I say reaching for her makeup kit.

"Oh no, no. I just have to call my glam squad".

"You have a glam squad?".

She gives me a look. I take a seat as she makes the call.

"Why am I not surprised?".


"Woo hoo! Get some girl!" Esperanza screams when Eric kisses Mia.

"Wait, they're not supposed to kiss!" Chloe says.

"Oh give it a rest Chlo" Charlotte says.

I laugh and clap. I catch mom's eye but quickly look away. From the corner of my eye I see her, dad and my brother approach. She looks beautiful in her dress.

Oh God... here we go again!

"Hey honey".

"Look mom, I'm not going to let you make me ruin another important day for your beloved daughter...".

"I'm sorry".

I look at her like she's just grown an extra eye.

"I apologize for being over bearing and... and...".

Her voice shakes and she lowers her eyes. I roll my eyes slightly and Max gestures me to say something.

"Mom..." I start and hug her.

"I'm sorry".

"It's okay mom. Just promise me you'll not make decisions for me anymore".

"Okay. But promise me you won't ran out on me again okay?".

"Okay" I say.

She hugs me.

"Mrs. Graham, you have someone looking for you" a maid says.

"Go on" I say.

I watch her leave.

"Kiddo..." .

"Yes dad. I forgive you" I laugh and hug him.

"Thank you sweetheart. I promise not to do anything you don't like".

I shrug and give his beard a kiss.

"I can live with that" I grin and pull away.

He laughs and Max chuckles.

"You guys look ridiculous by the way" I tease.

"The things we do for your sister" dad mutters and walks off to socialize.

"So..." Max begins and throws an arm around my neck.

"So?" I laugh.

"Hiiiiiiiii!" Mia sings and throws her arms around the two of us.

"Hey" we say in unison and hug her.

"Oh I have never been so happy, ever!".

"Even when that cute boy in 11th grade kissed you?" Max chuckles.

Mia pulls away and wacks his arm.

"You're so annoying... but it's my wedding day and I love you so I'm going to ignore your stupidity".

I laugh.

"Oh my goodness, Mia? Can I get a picture with you?" a group of girls squeal approaching us.

"Ugh!" I groan into Max's shoulder.

"Wait till you see the Paparazzi outside" he tells me.

"Oh you look so beautiful!" they say.

Mia shrugs.

"Keep 'em coming' cause I make everything work" she grins.

"Oh it's getting in he head again" I say.

"Excuse us but we've gotta get to the reception okay? Bye!".

We pull her away.

"Are you going to change before the reception?" I ask.

Max chuckles.

"Does a duck quack?" he asks.

Mia and I turn to look at him.

"I'm gonna go now" Mia says and leaves.

"Yeah me too".

"Where are you going?" Max asks.

"Err... I've got this thing... bye!".

I hurry off.


I take in a deep breath.

"You've got this Alexis" I say to myself and open my eyes.

I step onto the stage and signal the DJ to turn down the music. The microphone screeches loudly and everyone's attention comes to me. I breath and tap the microphone.

"Hi everyone" I say.

My voice echoes. Mia looks at me.

"What are you doing?" she mouths to me.

I give her a reassuring smile.

"Em... I'm Alexis. The lovely bride's sister".

You got this!

"I'm not adopted so don't look at me like that" I say and earn laughs from the crowd. "Okay so I've known Mia for... well my life. And she has practically everything any girl could dream of having. The perfect mom, the perfect dad, that annoying brother you just love to death...".

Max chuckles.

"The perfect life... everything. The beauty... she's an envy guys... an attention snatcher...".

"True!" Janelle shouts from the crowd.

Everyone laughs.

"She's sweet and protective and beautiful... inside and out".

Mia smiles.

"And I love her because her perfection covers up the mess that I am. And she's there even when you don't need her and she can be very annoying...".

I chuckle.

"But she's the best. And today's she's married".

Mia cheers loudly and I laugh as everyone cheers her on.

"And as her little sister... or her baby... it's my duty to make sure this day's unforgettable. That means I'm supposed to give her a great gift. But what do you give the girl who's got everything?".

People murmur amongst themselves. I smile and nod at the DJ. He loves me lifts up the curtains and there's a screen. I turn back to the crowd.

"I never met my other sister... Madison. But I know that if she were here, she'd be so proud of the woman you'd grown to become. And although she's not here, I want you to know that she'll always be in here...".

I pat my heart. I see Mia's eyes tear up. I smile at her and press the remote. I step down from the stage as the video begins to play.

I smile at the memories playing on the screen. Their childhood. It was as if I was Madison. The resemblance was shocking. Times with Keana and I at summer camp appear and I feel a tug in my chest. I gulp.

The video ends with a picture of Mia and Madison hugging.

The last picture before she was abducted and killed.

I step back onto the stage and everyone's quite.

"She loves you Mia. And they say a picture is worth a thousand words but I say, a painting is a lot more. So I painted you the last memory you had with our sister".

The DJ wheels something covered with a cloth onto the stage.

"Thanks" I murmur.

I take away the cloth and I hear gasps.

"She wanted you to have this so you'd never forget what a sister's love felt like".

Mia was crying.

"And I know I know this because I snooped and read the letter she wrote you".

Mia laughs.

"I love you Mia".

She stands up and makes her way up the stage and gives me a hug. I hug her back.

"Woo-hoo!" the crowd cheers.

"I love you so much" she whispers to me as she pulls away.

I wipe her tears.

"I know" I giggle.

Suddenly there's a loud gun shot and everyone screams.

Oh not today...!

"Get behind me, baby" Mia says and steps in front of me.

"Lower your weapon!" the guards bark at whoever I was.

"Seriously, can't a person enjoy her own wedding day?" Mia groans.

Eric rushes up to her and steps in front of us. I peep from behind them. The shadow was getting closer. I squint my eyes. Lots of the pack warriors had already shifted and were ready to attack.

"Lower your weapon or else...!" Shane warns.

I gasp as the person steps into the light.


"No!" I scream and slip away from Mia and her mate.

"Alexis get back here!".

I move towards the dark figure. He looked wretched and depressed. But I would never mistaken those eyes. I move closer.


Mom holds dad back.


I give her a smile and mover closer to the dark figure. He blinks and smiles at me, one arm holding onto a box.

"She wanted to say one last goodbye" he says gesturing to the box.

I lower my gaze on to the box and my chest tightens. I swallow and look up at him.

"Jare-bear..." I whisper. "She's gone?".

Something wet rolls down my cheek and at that moment I hear someone cry.

"It's snowing!".

People cry out excitedly. I was crying. Finally!

But my best friend was dead and the pain was now revealing itself. I move up to Jared and give him hug.

"She loves you" he whispers.

I shut my eyes and squeeze myself into his chest.

"But it's my fault she's gone. I took away from you, from me...".

"Oh look finally she's crying!" Keana says.

I lift my eyes and she's there in a mysterious glowing light. I stay put as Jared holds me.

"You didn't do anything sweetie" Keana says. "You put me in a better place and I'll always love you for that".

I sob.

"Oh there, there. Stop crying now".

She glances at Jared.

"Promise me you'll not let him keep doing this. Promise me you'll help him move on with his life. He has to be there for his mom and brothers and his pack. I'm going come back... you're not going to get rid of me that easily Xander".

I smile through my tears.

"Madison promised".

I look to her right and Madison was there. She smiles a me and takes Keana's hand.

"You're not going to remember anything about seeing us. But you'll know; that we'll always be right beside you. I love you little sister".

And in that moment, everything fades away.

Hurray! Over 9000 words!

Longest I've ever written

If you've gotten here, you've done me proud and I would like you to comment here so I can give you a huge shout out and 1 request!

The first part of this sequel is complete

Next update will begin the second part of this squeal


Don't forget to vote.

I've spent days on this chapter I am shocked!

I love you guys

Keep spreading love

Be anti-racist because we all matter

Make good choices


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