Star Crossed Liars ✔

By ErynRaineStories

451K 13.5K 1.9K

Cover by @auroralust Available on Goodreads under this title. Every year, wolves of age from around the count... More

Star Crossed Liars: Intro
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Final Author's Note
My Stories

Chapter Twenty Six

8.8K 308 102
By ErynRaineStories

It felt surreal.

The night before results.

The past six months hand been exhausting, but also probably the best six months of my life. 

We had retired to be early, the tension between us all sitting low and thick. While they may have suspicions about Orion and I, they had nothing to prove it.  So everyone has been expecting for me to leave almost the moment after the presentations end. They would head to Vindex, and I would head to Sanitatem. 

But I would be going to Vindex too.

Orion and I had a discussion.

While I was still annoyed, I had decided to begrudgingly get over it.

We would keep it quiet, the others would keep their regular schedule, heading to Vindex with their luggage arriving the very next day. I would head home to Silva, alone, break the news to my parents and pack my things. Then I would arrive after two or three days. Orion would do all the organising on his part at Vindex. He would tell the others, tell his parents and then break the news to his parents. I had told him to wait, at least take away some of the pressure. I didn't even want to think about telling the others, but I'm sure Orion wasn't either, so I wanted to at least take away some of the pressure. He could go ahead and do the announcement to his pack alone, but at least do it with his parents and the others.

Orion told me I would be stressed enough, and that he was perfectly able to do it all himself.

I hadn't felt like arguing and reluctantly agreed. 

When I arrived at Vindex, I didn't know the process, but I would be staying with Orion and his family. Orion had plans to move into his own house, bringing me with him, but we had both agreed that it would probably be way too much, way too early.

I had been freaking out. I didn't know what the others reaction would be, but I wasn't completely looking forward to facing them afterwards. 

In fact, I wasn't sure if there was anything I wasn't nervous about.

My parents, My pack, my closest friends, Orion's family, and his entire pack knowing about me. one after the other, it was a recipe for a heart attack.

I would have thought that I would have been consumed with the thought of my scores, completely losing it about whether or not I would pass or fail.

I felt nothing, the sick feeling in my stomach stemming from what would come after.

That was certainly a surprise to me.

Presentations started at 10 am tomorrow morning, so getting ready would be easy. No parents, no one other than the teachers and the students. 

Parents would be alerted if their child had failed.

I felt better, knowing that I would get brownie points for coming first so many times during challenges and pracs. Hopefully, if I was failing, those extra points would pull me across the borderline.

But I wasn't concerned. For some crazy, wild reason, I wasn't concerned.

While staring at the ceiling, I let myself fall asleep.

The calm before the storm, the night before results.

Sleep came easier than I had imagined.


I woke up to rapping on my door, 

"You gotta wake up Allie, Lia's got toast cooking and we're not heading down to breakfast so we can spend the morning getting ready," Ivy shouted through the door.

I groaned, rolling over, feeling completely exhausted,

"I'll be out in a sec," I called out, my face smashing against the pillow.

I sighed before pulling myself up. My eyes nearly flew out of my head when I court sight of the time. I rolled out of bed, dragging my feet forward as I opened the door. Ivy was pacing around the room, already completely dressed in a short burgundy dress, blending perfectly with her golden skin.

Lia was dressed too, a long pair of black pants that flared out at the ankles and an accompanying black off the shoulder lace shirt. I could hear the shower running, meaning Val was still probably getting ready.

Ivy raised an eyebrow, "Rough night?"

I shook my head, "No actually. How long have we got before we need to leave?" 

Lia placed the knife on the bench, handing over a plate to Ivy, "You want a piece of toast?" I shook my head. "We've got about three-quarters of an hour before the boys turn up. Doubt Ivy will let you out of the room in you pyjamas though. You gotta dress fancy apparently,"

Ivy spoke through the piece of buttered toast, "Yeah no, you're not going anywhere. The boys are wearing suits, or suits of some variation."

I ran a hand through my hair, already starting to feel awake, "I'll take a quick shower, but I promise that I'll wear something nice," I said teasingly, leaning my hands against the back of the couch.

Almost as if she knew, the bathroom door opened up, Valeria walking out in a high necked olive green shirt with sleeves running down to her wrists, along with a pair of tight-fitting, black skinny jeans. 

She raised an eyebrow, "You need the shower?"

I walked by her, my hands on my back, "Damn right I do, I'll be out in five."

I took a shower, washing the shampoo into my scalp and letting the water run over my skin. True to my word, I went as quickly as possible, grabbing a hairdryer almost the moment I stepped out of the shower.

Once my hair was dry, I tucked a towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom, heading straight to my room.

"Be ready in fifteen minutes Althea! I am not being late today!" Ivy yelled as I walked.

I didn't look back, "I'll be ready in ten, don't worry!" I called out, closing the door behind me.

I went through my draws until I found one of the pantsuits I had brought, a strong navy blue with a plunging neckline, the sleeves running over my arms in a cape style and falling behind me to my lower back. The pants clung to my skin as I slid on my flats.

I grabbed onto a few hair ties and a hairbrush, walking out and placed myself onto the couch as I started to run the brush through my hair. I let my fingers work my hair into strands, creating a crown of braids around my head with the rest flowing out underneath.

"Allie, how are you feeling? I know you've been freaking out about your scores." Val said, breaking me away from my thoughts.

I finished with my hair, "I don't feel anything, like I'm not nervous at all."

Val raised an eyebrow, "Well, hopefully, that's a good sign,"

"Or the calm before the storm," I whispered. "But who knows, we'll find out soon enough."

Lia passed me a plate with two pieces of lightly buttered toast, I thanked her as I took a large bite.

We were completely ready, now just waiting for a knock at the door.

"Are you guys nervous?" I asked, feeling the anxiousness slowly begin to bubble up in my stomach.

Val shook her head, "I'm not worried, there's no reason to be,"

Lia paused, "Just a little bit."

Ivy tilted her head, "I think I'm more worried for everyone else then I am for myself."

I nodded my head.

I watched the clock anxiously until I heard a knock at the door. Ivy basically flew, running up and opening up the door. Julian placed a chaste kiss on her lips as they filed into the room. The boys were dressed basically the same, formal suits with their hair neatly done.

Orion was in an elegant, black, three-piece suit.

I had to look away.

"Thank the goddess you're here, what took you so long?" Ivy shrieked, she grabbed onto Julian's hand, "We need to go, right now, or we are going to be late."

Val, Lia and I stood up, Ivy already out on the hallway with Julian following behind her.

Orion stepped forward, pulling a wisp of my hair behind my ear. "You look stunning,"

Butterflies erupted in my stomach, "Um thanks."

His arm snaked around my waist, "We do actually need to go." He started walking, my feet shifting underneath me.

No matter how much I loved the feeling of his skin on mine, I pulled his arm away. I felt his arm stiffen slightly as I did so, but he said nothing.

We managed to get into the elevator with the others. You could feel the anxiousness rolling off us in waves. We travelled out and towards the hall. I could see other people, but I knew that the majority of students would already be in the hall.

When we entered, all of the teachers were in the entryway, Orion kindly acknowledging them as we entered in. We pushed through the doorway and walked in, essentially strutting up the aisle to the very front.

My eye glazed over the area where Silva was sitting. I saw them watching me, feeling their harsh gaze over me. I knew they were wondering, wondering why I was walking with them, why Orion was at my side.

A small part of me was satisfied, I had been ignored almost the entirety of my high school life, it was extremely obvious that Silva didn't like accents. But I felt my neck getting hotter, pulling away and wishing that I could just disappear.

"Don't worry about them," Orion whispered, "They're looking at me, love. I'm incredibly attractive if you haven't already noticed."

Before I could do anything a smile took over my face. 

We walked around up the front. Vindex sits at the very front of the hall, and the whole front row was reserved.

It made me anxious, but I said nothing. At least we would have a good view.

We sat down, Orion grabbing onto my hand and holding it between our two legs, a sign of comfort.

We waited five minutes before the hall began to dim, the stage lit up and any sound that was in the room was hushed immediately.

Alpha Graves walked forward, entering the stage and standing by the microphone.

"Welcome!" He boomed, "To your awards presentations. What a long and glorious six months it has been. Most wolves would look back and say that their Placing Tournament was one of the best experiences of their lives, and I hope that many of you follow through with the same opinion. I must say, you have all done wonderfully, but not all of you have passed. We are a community, and under no circumstances can we have weak links. However, I, along with your teachers, are extremely pleased about your progress."

The hall erupted into claps, but you could cut the tension with a knife.


It was on everyone's mind.

"We will begin with our intended." Alpha Graves looked down at us, "May our Vindex Intended please come up to the stage,"

While I stayed firmly planted in my seat, the others stood up, walking up the stairs and standing right by Alpha Graves.

"I had multiple lessons with these lovely young people, and I know that Vindex is extremely lucky to be receiving such a strong and intelligent new group of leaders. And Orion, I will be honoured to work with you until my own daughter takes over from me. You all scored very well, Orion with a 92, Gabriel with an 87, Julian with an 89, Colton with an 85. Your lovely mates, as well, scored wonderfully, Ms Ivy with an 80, Ms Magnolia with a 93 and Ms Valeria with a 88. Please offer them a round of applause,"

The crowd began to clap as they walked down the stairs and retook their seats.

"I would also like to announce the new Gamma of Artium. After close discussions with the Artium Alpha, they have selected their new gamma out of the applicants. We could like to congratulate Declan Hendrix on his new position. We will be in contact with you on just how this will be processing,"

My eyes bulged out of my head. 

Orion must have noticed, "What's up, do you know him?"

I nodded, "He went to my school, he was basically the top dog. Goddess, he was awful. He threatened to punch me until I went unconscious."

"You're kidding?" He whispered back.

I shook my head, running my thumb over his knuckles. I heard him let out a breath.

Alpha Graves continued to talk. He was announcing the top scorer of each decided course. 

"Next we will be announcing the top scorer of our Medical Course, please welcome Dr Stole to the stage."

It felt like my heart was going to leap out of my chest. Dr Stole walked onto the stage, shaking Alpha Graves' hand before taking his place behind the podium.

"Thank you Alpha Graves. I'm Dr Stole, and I'm one of the senior medical executives at Sanitatem. I'm also the professor of the highest medical class for our Medical Decided's."

My breath was lodged in my throat, the highest class.

"I certainly wasn't easy on my students, as I know for a fact that this class is difficult. I also went through many changes within my class, but I know that in the end, the very best of this course was in my class. Our top scorer achieved an unbelievable score of 99, and I can admit first hand that she certainly deserved that score. I would like to congratulate Althea Lavois on her achievements, and I would like to say that the was one of my hardest workers. However, I did not have one fail in my class, and I'm proud of every single one of them. " She finished taking a bow and walking back off the stage.

I was completely frozen.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me, whispers of congratulations from the others. But I couldn't say anything.

I had gotten the highest score.

I had gotten the highest score.

I didn't even know how I had managed to land that, especially with a score of 99.

I was shaking, my mouth slightly open, my vision starting to blur. I had done it. Orion said nothing, but squeezed my hand, a slow warmth running up my arm.

It was only what Alpha Graves said next that brought me out of that daze,

"Unfortunately, we had a total of 268 students fail this year. Due to this number, you will be notified personally of whether or not you failed or passed along with your score." He announced, a grim aura rushing over the room.

268 people.

268 new rogues.

My stomach dropped.

Alpha Graves continued talking, discussing opportunities and other results for another ten minutes before finally coming to the end.

"And that brings us to the end. This year's Placing Tournament has been interesting, to say the least, but I hope that you will treasure your experience here. Both I and the rest of the HIgh Families of Pax wish you luck for the rest of your lives," Alpha Graves finished, raising his hand as the stage lights dimmed.

The lights in the hall turned back on as the room began to move. 

I felt someone's arms wrap around me, pulling me out of the chair,

"Althea you did it! You topped everyone! How do you feel?" Ivy squeaked.

She let go, "I honestly feel like this is a dream," I admitted. "It has to be some kind of joke,"

"Well honey, it isn't a joke! You did it! You're going to Sanitatem! Goddess, we're going to miss you but I am so proud!" Val said, replacing Ivy's position.


I had completely forgotten.

I had completely forgotten that they still thought I was going to Sanitatem. 

"Yeah," I whispered, "Sanitatem."

Val let go, "Still shocked huh? I'll give you two hours before it starts settling in.

Suddenly, Lia let out a sob, "It's just hit me, this is it, it's the end. You're leaving for Silva then Sanitatem and we're going to Vindex!" Our group went quiet, her words settling in. Another hug, Lia taking me in her arms, "Are you completely set on Sanitatem Allie? Vindex is always looking for more doctors,"

I squeezed a little tighter, "You'll see me soon enough Lia, don't worry."

"Excuse me, I apologise for interrupting, may I speak with Althea please?" Lia let go as I set my eyes on the voice.

Dr Stole.

I nodded slowly, "I'll meet you guys outside, we won't be long."

They nodded, "We'll be waiting by the table."

I watched them walk away, disappearing from view before focusing back on Dr Stole. I didn't know what to say, so I waited for Dr Stole to start talking.

"I heard that you were planning to come to Sanitatem to pursue your medical ambitions. Is that true?"

I nodded, confirming her story.

She smiled slightly, "I would like to offer you a place on my medical team. One of the top hospitals in Sanitatem. It would be in the style of an internship but as practically a full-time job. You'll be paid and offered many new opportunities for learning. I think that out of everyone, you deserve it more than anyone and have certainly have the talent and potential."

I felt my stomach drop. "I can't."

An expression of confusion came over her face, "What do you mean?"

My heart started to leap out of my chest, "Orion Westbrooke he's..." I couldn't even say it.

A look of knowing came over her face, "Oh, I see."

I looked back at the door, "I made him keep it a secret, I didn't want anyone to know so that I could keep studying, I didn't want to not be in this course. But that's it, it's not something that I can escape. Even I'm not stupid enough to go against the Moon Goddess,"

She placed a hand on my shoulder, "No. A luna is a luna, a predestined fate. I completely understand, upset but I understand. It's a shame Althea, even at this age your better than the majority of the doctors in my staff. You would have been great."

I looked down at the floor, "Thank you. I really appreciate that. I would love to take on your offer, but truly, I can't say no."

Dr Stole sighed. "You will be a wonderful Luna, Althea, and I wish you all the best. My only parting words is to request that you keep learning. I'm confident that you can be a Luna and still heal those when needed."

I gulped, "Thank you, you taught me a lot. And I appreciate everything you've given me."

She smiled, "Good luck Althea, I'm sure we'll see each other again."

She bowed slightly before walking away, the sick feeling still lingering in my stomach. I wanted to cry, but instead, I turned around and walked down the aisle, leaving the hall, Dr Stole's words ringing in my head.


Hey everybody, how are we doing?

I'm honestly feeling a little nervous because I think that this is going to be the most controversial chapter yet? In the beginning, all people really said was I really hope that Althea stays committed to her dream... So for all those people, I really am sorry and I hope it doesn't deter you from the rest of the story and if it has, I hope you've enjoyed the ride to this point. Quite frankly, I just couldn't figure out how to carry the plot through without Althea... you know... giving up on her dream ish. But this is an important note, dreams change and that's ok. You may go into something wanting something and that thing will be completely differnet by the end. It's ok. It's normal. And I suppose Althea is a representation of that.

So yeah, again I'm really sorry if you're disapointed with how everything has played out.

Also!! Only 20 chapters left!! I'm so, so excited for all of my future stories that I'll be writing this year, so if anyone thinks or has been wondering if I'm doing anything else, yes! I mean, I talk about it all the time but yeah, at the end of this story, I'll be publishing the description and all my other usual stuff at the same time so yeah, just thought I would throw that one out.


Ok im done

Remember to vote and comment!

See you in the next chapter,


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