TaengSic One Shot Stories [CO...

By MaoMao_96

27.6K 624 71

only for Taeyeon and Jessica can make a request too More

What If They Are Real?
Marking As Mine (Futanari)
Its All Lie (Genderbender)
Pretending You Were Still Here
Gone Away
You Belong With Me
New Year Kiss
A Kiss Will Make Her Feel Better
Happy Birthday, Love
Only Mine
A Simple Love Story [Final]

A Simple Love Story

953 33 3
By MaoMao_96

It just like a typical high school story where we have a famous girls or boys. A hot girls in one group and all the students really admiring them. The different is they're not rude just like what Mean Girls movie portray the characters.

They're Taeyeon, Tiffany, Yoona and Sunny. They are really famous in another school because they're the legend cheerleader squad. Taeyeon is the leader of the squad and every juniors wanted to join the cheerleader team need to meet with her first. She's so picky whenever she choose the new team members. Well she only wanted the best for the team.

At first she is always showing her cold expression to everyone but until she meet with this girl in another class. She never saw her before and she already feel attracted to the latter.



Jessica is the girl in the same school with Taeyeon. She have a friends but they all just a crackheads. Yuri, Hyoyeon and Sooyoung are her friends since childhood. Jessica know Tiffany and Yuri are dating because the cheerleader's girl is her cousin. She already warned Yuri to take care of her cousin and never hurt the girl. If Yuri did she definitely will kill her friend.

There's nothing special about Jessica though. She love to be alone and always reading her favorite book. When the recess time comes she will go to the rooftop. Her friends will let her to be alone because they know Jessica do not want to be disturb.



"Hey girls" Taeyeon approached her friends.

"Unnie~" Yoona started using her cute voice.

"Stop it Yoong!" Tiffany throw her book to Yoona's face.

"It's hurt~" Yoona whined.

"Why are you late TaeTae?" Tiffany asked and she obviously ignored the girl beside her.

"I'm busy following someone" Taeyeon said.

"Are you a stalker now unnie?" Seohyun interrupted.

"N-no!" Taeyeon immediately looked away.

"Who is this someone? Wait! Don't tell me you've been busy this few months just to follow this person?" Sunny suddenly asking the leader.

"Yes you're right" Taeyeon shyly admitted.

"Tell us! Tell us!" Yoona and Seohyun chanted.

Taeyeon sighed and she started to talk.

"I saw this girl and i feel attracted to her. I never saw her before though. Weird right?"

"Do you mean Jessica?" Taeyeon looked so shocked when Tiffany asked like that. "Is it my cousin that you're following around?"

"How did you know? Your cousin?!"

"Jessica told me a stranger keep following her everywhere and i guess it's you" 

"She is famous too but she never those attention from the other girls" Yoona said.

Taeyeon stay silent because she still process everything in her head. 



Jessica walked towards the library but she bumped into someone until the other girl's things fall on the floor. She apologized as she help the latter. Their eyes meet and they froze at the place. Their hands touching with each other and they can feel the electricity through their veins.

Taeyeon immediately picking up her things and she wanted to leave but Jessica hold her hand. The latter pulled her closer just to fix her hair while smiling sweetly at her. Taeyeon can't stop blushing. She really love this kind of gestures. 

"Where are you heading?" Jessica asked.

"I'm going to meet with the principal" Taeyeon said without looking at the latter.

"Let's go together?" 

"No it's okay"

"The school is already end and i don't have nothing to do. So?"

"Okay.." Taeyeon feel so happy.

Jessica hold the blushing girl's hand and they walk together to the principal's room. Taeyeon tilting her head up to look at the girl and smile like an idiot when she see their intertwined hands. She never know that she can have a chance to be this close with her crush like this.

"Here we are" Jessica said as she looking at the cute girl. "I'll wait for you here"

"Okay" Taeyeon still smiling when she entered the principal's room.

After done meeting with the principal, Taeyeon and Jessica walked out from the school together to the bus station. They're waiting for Taeyeon's father. Jessica stay silent as she enjoy reading her favorite book. 

Taeyeon love admiring the beauty beside her. She know from Tiffany that this girl beside her is really a nerd just like Seohyun. She wanted to touch the latter's face but she prevent herself from doing it. She don't want to made Jessica have a bad impression on her.

Some students walking out from the school and they saw the two girls. They're taking Taeyeon and Jessica pictures in every angles and post it on media social. They feel weird when they saw Taeyeon keep staring at Jessica. How can the famous girl having an interest with a nerd girl. They didn't even look good together too.

Jessica closed her book and put it in her bag when Taeyeon's father come. She bow to the old man and wave her hand at Taeyeon. She stared at the car until it's gone.

"Hey buddy!" Yuri suddenly popped out from nowhere.

"Who are you with just now?" Tiffany asked.


"Kim Taeyeon? My leader?" Tiffany once again asked and Jessica only nodded.

"What are you two doing just now? Are you kissing with her?" Yuri teased.

"Nonsense.." Jessica said.

Jessica leave them behind as the couple immediately following her. They're always going home together.

'Why my heart is pounding when i remember her face?' Jessica thought.


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