Night Disease

By kipekipe

22.4K 1.3K 134

UNDERGOING EDITS/COMPLETED A day can change your life in an instant, just like one decision can change the pa... More

Author note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author's note

Chapter 35

178 14 0
By kipekipe

The group walks around looking at the animals. They ask the staff questions ranging from how to take care of the animals to what animals we have. Damon stays to the side watching. He constantly looks my way always keeping me insight.

The barn that we keep the animals in looks like a mini building. With all the animals ranging from chickens to cows and horses. Mostly just common farm animals we found at farms. Each animal has a different section. The cows are at the back with a door to a fenced-off space for them to wander around on warmer days. We have both beef and dairy cows.

Sheep are the next section, we don't have many but enough for people to weave the wool for trade. Chickens cluck beside them, we have a dozen chickens but we should double by summer.

We don't have pigs or turkey. We do have a bull and goats. The bull is alone but has enough space and can see the other animals. The book is nice and almost seems like a dog. We have five goats mostly for milk they are in the next section.

Lastly, we have horses we have a lot. They have a completely other room from the other animals. We have horses of different kinds. There are horses from farms that are already trained in farm work luckily. We have light horses and draft horses.

All the animals are well cared for. They are a major help for food. The eggs are fresh and the milk is fresh. Sorry to all the vegans and vegetarians in the base. They don't have a choice but to eat animal products as they are the only source of protein most of the time.

"Okay guys time to go." They grumble waddling over to me. "You have a choice we can go for lunch now or do a quick look around the outside of the base?"

"Lunch" they call, I swear they seem like little kids and me the adult. Waving to the animal hands I shut the door securely behind me.

The group breaks out running inside to the mess hall. "They hate tours it takes away their free time," Damon says matching my steps.

Playing it friendly I smile at him "they do seem like kids right now but I guess teenagers tend to act like kids sometimes."

He nods to open the door for me. I thank him for walking inside "even adults can act like kids."

"True we all have a kids spirit some more than others."

"Right as you seem to be Kaindra." I stare up at him confused. I recognize that saying from a friend who always said that to me. But I never met Damon until yesterday.

Shrugging it off as a coincidence we walk in silence. Splitting ways I walk to my normal table. My friends are all working so I eat alone. Laughter jolts me out of my thoughts. Looking around I spot the group I am leading around laughing at a table.

Checking the time I see it has been an hour. More than enough time to eat. Standing up I clean my dishes before heading to their table.

Stopping beside their table they quiet down. "I showed you around the base so that part of the day is done. We have to find what job you are going to do then you are done with me, okay?"

They nod "good clean up your dishes we will go to the receptionist again to get your jobs." I walk away to stand by the door.

They all say their goodbyes to their friends, not in the group before coming to me. Once all the people are accounted for we leave the mess hall. The receptionist waves as we walk up "they need to get their training schedules."

One by one they go up again telling her what profession they want. Each of them gets a finished name tag and their schedule. Damon is the last again to go up. With me standing away I blocked out what they were saying.

I listen to what Damon is saying curious about what he is choosing. "I want to be a forager."
I blink that is not what I expected but that is why he chose.

I face them once again "okay you guys are now officially part of Shilo. If you have any questions ask as my job here is done." I wait a few seconds for any questions. "Okay welcome to Shilo have a nice day."

Waving I turn on the heels leaving them to their own devices. I walk to an indoor shooting range. Taking my bow off my pack I nock an arrow aiming. Releasing the arrow I watch it sail through the air. With a thud, the arrow lands in the middle of the target.

Nocking arrow after arrow I shot hitting the bull's eye over and over again. Getting bored of using the bow on a still target I retrieve my arrows. Putting my bow back in its holster I pull out a knife.

Lining up I throw the knife. Again I throw knife after knife at the target repeating the same thing for an hour. No one walks in, it's just me my weapons and the target. I huff pulling my knives out of the target.

Jordan would know what to do to keep me entertained. My mood turns sad thinking of my decided friend. Balling up my grief I lock it away. I have to focus on protecting the people.

Leaving the shooting range I walk around the base aimlessly. I wish I could use the powers that always gave me something to do. I stop in my tracks, maybe I can. Pulling my jacket out of my bag I rush outside.

I wave to the sentries and guards as I jog out of the gate. I would go see Bella but if I went now I won't come back before long into the night. At the edge of the barrier, I scan the area. No people's insight. Clapping excitedly I drop my bag and weapons beside I tree.

Rubbing my hands together I look to the ground. Focusing on the cold power flowing through my body I brush the snow away. Dead grass and wet dirt lay in the place of the snow. Switching to the strong green earth I grow the grass back.

I skip around on the fresh grass lifting the water out of it. Water droplets float around me as I sit. I pull the water in front of me watching as the light shines off of them. Freezing the droplets I drop them onto the grass. The grass glitters like diamonds in the sun's light.

I raise the temperature around me watching the heatwave circle. Slowly small flames peak out flickering to life. I swirl the dire around me before cutting it out. I sit in silence listening to the bird's chirp. After a little, I pull shadows over me wrapping myself up in them like a blanket.

Shadows have always been my friends. They help me disappear when I feel suffocated. How else do you think I go invisible I use the shadows to turn myself into one. It is also how a teleport through the shadows.

I practice for a few more hours enjoying the feeling of using the gift I have been given. One day I will find a way for the other casters to return and unlock their hidden powers.

One day my family will be whole again.

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