Falling in love with//Jabezvi...

By Vallykforlife

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I don't want to spill tea so just read it More

chapter 1 the day we move
chapter 2 The fight
chapter 3
chapter 4 the accident
chapter 5//The hangout
give me Ideas
chapter 6 The sleep over
chapter 7 The break up
chapter 8 The day he moved in
chapter 9// random
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13/I don't know
chapter 15//uhh the new boy
chapter 16 The date
chapter 17 the kiss
chapter 18/the new girl
chapter 19/random random
Chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24 the double date
what should I do

chapter 14/I don't know

79 7 0
By Vallykforlife

I woke up from my phone ringing it was a scam so I ignored it. Then, I got up and went to the bathroom and did my business.
When, I was done I put this on

(My hair was still in braids layed down)

I grab my things then, walked downstairs. And made me something to eat. When, I was done eating I walked out the house and got into my car and drove off.

When, I made it to school I got out of my car and went straight to class.
With Saniya and Mya.

Saniya:I heard you are a big sister

Chaz:yea Mya must have told you

Saniya:yea so all this time we were right now pay up

She said smiling

Chaz:girl I'm not paying y'all shit we didn't even make a bet

Saniya:ok fine

Mya:I really wanted that money tho

Chaz:but Jabez said do y'all want to hang with him and the boys after school

Mya:yea I'm down

Saniya:yea I'll come

Chaz:ok come by me for a little because I'm not going right away


Saniya: sure

Mya:well when, y'all going baby shopping

Chaz:I don't know and I might not go

Saniya:you should go to help your mom

Chaz:don't she have her boyfriend

Mya:but don't her boyfriend have work

Chaz:well if I go you have to come

Mya:ok I will what about you saniya

Saniya:naw I'm good I do not want to pick up bags

Chaz:you are so lazy

I said smiling

Mya:Chaz but if we go to Jabez house you have to play truth or dare with us

Chaz:ok I will but it have to be truth or dare not dare or dare

I said smiling and rolling my eyes

Mya:ok fine

Saniya:I really wanted to play dare or dare

Chaz:but I don't

Saniya:ok fine

When, first class was over I had to go to art with Jabez.
When, I made it to art class I sat by Jabez.

Jabez: wassup ma

Chaz: Nothing much

Art teacher:So today we are going to be making a self portrait

Class: ooooooooh

Chaz: I'm not even good at art now I have to make a portrait of me
You got to be joking

Jabez:I don't think he was joking

He said smiling at me witch made me blush a little because it was so hot.

I just rolled my eyes
And picked up and paint brush and threw  some paint in Jabez.

Jabez:o its like that huh

I just started laugh into he put some paint on me. Then, it started to go back and forth.

Art teacher: Jabez and Chaz office now

Then, me and Jabez smile at each other.

When, school was over I got into my car and went home.

I went upstairs to my room and put my things down.
And went downstairs and sat down on the couch on my phone.
Then, my mom walked in.

Mom:Chaz you want to go shopping with me for the baby

Chaz:yea can one of my friend to come to help out

Mom:yea sure now come help me with the bags


Then, I got up and walked outside and grab 3  bags.
When, we were done with the bags my mom went upstairs and  saniya and Mya made came and sat down with on the couch with me.

Mya:So I'm bored so can we go now

Chaz:ok hold on I want to put something different on

Saniya:to impress Jabez

Chaz:just stop

Then, I went upstairs and dig in my closet and put this on

Then, I went back downstairs

Chaz:ok now we can go

Saniya: finally

*Skip to the inside of Jabez house*

Mya:ok let's  play truth or dare  again including you Chaz

Chaz:Ok then I go first Jabez truth or dare


Chaz:give me your favorite hoodie

Jabez:it have to be my favorite hoodie

Chaz:yea duhhhh I said smiling

Mya:aww Jabez don't want to give up his hoodie

She said laughing

When, he came back with the hoodie he gave it to me and I put it on


Jabez:your not walking

I just rolled my eyes smiling

Jiggy: Mya truth or dare


Jiggy:I dare you to eat a uncooked egg

Mya:you had to still my shit

Jiggy:I need pay back

Mya:ok fine

Mya went to the kitchen and grab a egg a put it in her mouth and started to gag a lot.


Saniya: started laughing

Tommy: lmao

He said laughing

Jabez just laughed

Mya:what the fuck

Then, she spit the egg out
And started to goggle water.

Tommy:truth or dare Chaz


Tommy:when, was your first kiss

Chaz:never had one

Mya:Jabez truth or dare


Mya:kiss Chaz

She said looking at me smiling

I just rolled my eyes

Then, Jabez walked to me and kissed me I kinda kiss back.His lips were so soft.
Then, we break the kiss I blush a little.

Chaz pov
I kinda felt like that meet something but I don't want to get my hopes up
End of pov

Saniya:now you had your first kiss

Chaz:wow y'all be doing to much now saniya truth or dare


Chaz:have you ever loss a fight

Saniya:never in life time bitch

She said smiling at me

Chaz:ight I see you sis

I said smiling back

Jabez:tommy truth or dare


Jabez:ran outside and scream I just got layed

Tommy:ight bet

Then, got up and ran outside


Old lady:USE protection

Then, tommy ran back inside looking creep out.

Tommy:a old lady said use protection and threw me a condom at me

Chaz:ewwww creepy

Mya:I know right

Jabez started laughing

Saniya: lmao

Tommy:that is not funny

Saniya:yes that shit is

She said smiling

Then, tommy sat down by saniya

Then, I got on my phone

Jabez:let's play calla duty boy against girls

Chaz:ight bet


We first go on the game I shot Jabez



Jiggy:I'm about to get you saniya

Then, saniya turn around on the game and started to shoot jiggy all over

Saniya:you thought

Mya:y'all loosening already

Then, Jabez shot me

Chaz:damn you snuck me

Jabez:I told you I'll get you back ma

Then, he wink at me

I just rolled my eyes

Chaz pov
So he playing with my feeling's now
End pov

When, we were done playing the game the girls won

Mya:we won we won

Tommy:y'all only one cuz y'all kept getting snuck

Chaz:shit not me

Jabez:sure it wasn't

I said smiling at him

Then, I got a text from my mom

Chaz:I got to go see y'all later

Mya:we coming to


Then, I walked out the house and went to my house then, saniya and Mya got into there car and drove off. I walked into my house and went up to my room.
I took a shower  when, I was done I did my night routine then, I went to my closet and pick this out

Then, I layed in my bed and got on my phone.
Then, my mom called me down for dinner.

I went downstairs and sat down at the table.

Chaz:Mom your stomach is really getting big

Mom:yea tomorrow we're seeing if it's a boy or a girl.


Then, she hand me my food

When, I was done eating I went upstairs and layed in my bed and watch TV into I fell asleep.

Byeee 😝

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