Jschlatt x reader

By Mothman223

375K 7K 11.5K

This is just like every other Jschlatt x reader story, but I've never written on wattpad before so this will... More

Intro and some background
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
another update
Part 10
Part 11
Not an update!!
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
aha guess what...

Part 9

15K 365 612
By Mothman223

Thank you for your patience and all of the nice comments on the last part, it means a lot to me :)

Hopefully this one is okay, it's pretty short but I'm trying to establish some basic stuff before we get to da plot. Next part should be longer and also I hopefully will get it done faster this time. 

Also, I want to maybe start a new story! If anyone has an suggestions on who to write about, please let me know! I watch a lot of anime and I play a lot of video games as well,  so I can try just about anything. If I'm not familiar with something, I can look into it to get some info and then write about it !!!! Please give me suggestions :))))


 I reacted a lot slower than I had meant to, and just as Schlatt had started to pull his lips away from mine I had finally realized what was going on. I subconsciously follow him as he pulls away from the kiss and find myself staring at a very wide-eyed, blushing Schlatt. 

"UH, I'm so sorry, I read this whole interaction wrong, and maybe we could just-" Schlatt started to ramble, clearly thinking he had done something wrong based off of how long it had taken me to react. His eyes looked a little hurt and his face was bright red as he tried to explain himself, and just as he started to brush himself off to stand up, I reached to his side and grabbed his hand gently, getting his attention again. 

Not knowing what to say or how to say it at the moment, I tried to speak through my actions and pulled Schlatt right back to me, stopping with our faces a few inches apart so we wouldn't crash into each other. There was a second where we were face to face, staring into each other's eyes, and I could tell he was a bit confused, but something in his eyes sparkled a little. I couldn't help but smile as I crashed my lips into his. This time we were both ready, and for the second time around, the kiss was mutual. He tasted like salt, which wasn't amazing, but I felt him chuckle and smile into the kiss, which made my stomach fill with butterflies.

I couldn't tell you how long we stayed like that, but I eventually pulled away to catch my breath and analyze what I had just done. We sat there, just looking at each other for maybe a minute before I calmly laid back down and stared at the stars again. Schlatt did the same and for a long time, neither of us spoke or made any sort of noise at all. My brain was going crazy, thinking about what was going on, but for some reason I felt incredibly calm at the same time. Today had been a busy day, and in the past few hours alone I had managed to do a lot more than I had in the past year of my life, not that it was saying a whole lot. 

"I kind of want to go to bed now." I said, breaking the silence. Sure, I had napped earlier, but that didn't mean that I wasn't exhausted, especially after a party and a plane ride earlier in the day. From beside me, Schlatt silently nods his head and we both gather up the few things that we had brought outside with us and managed to hop off of the trampoline without breaking our legs in the dark. We both stayed quiet while we put some things away and walked up the stairs, but we found ourselves standing face to face again, just outside of the rooms to our respective bedrooms. Schlatt opened his mouth to say something, an unsure look on his face.

"We can talk about it in the morning if you want." I say before he can form his words, giving him a soft smile and pulling him into me for a hug. He shuts his mouth and hugs me back, kissing my forehead as he looks down at me. The hug was warm and I felt my eyes start to shut, only for Schlatt to pull away and unwrap his arms from mine.

"Goodnight Y/N." He said with a little smile. I could tell he was tired but something in his gaze felt incredibly comfortable, even more so than usual. I quickly lean up to him, giving him a little peck on the lips before pulling away just as quickly. 

"Goodnight." I return his smile and drag my feet as I make my way into my room, changing and getting un-ready as fast as possible. Before I even knew it, I was passed out with vague dreams of a certain someone running through my mind.


 The next morning, or afternoon I guess, I woke up around 1 to a completely silent house. It wasn't too surprising, considering that everyone had gotten back from the party sometime in the early morning. I put myself together a little bit before slowly making my way downstairs to see that, just as I had suspected, there were no signs of life on the main floor. Listening to the grumble of my stomach, and my general boredom already, I decided to make something for 'breakfast' to get the boys up and running for the rest of the day.

Considering that we were renting an air bnb, there really wasn't any food in the cabinets or the fridge, aside from some basics that the boys had bought in preparation for the week. After searching through each and every cabinet, I decide on making pancakes, considering that there seems to be enough ingredients and that they're simple enough. I get to work in the kitchen and start to make the pancake batter based on loose measurements and the first recipe that came up when I googled pancakes. I managed to find a big enough pan, and got to work pretty quickly. My pancake making skills are pretty rusty, but eventually I hear some of the boys stirring around the house thanks to the wonderful smell of the pancakes, or maybe the really loud music that I happened to be playing, who knows.

The first one to show his face was Josh, who peaked his head out from the basement doorway, where he was presumably sleeping earlier and greeted me with a big smile.

"Morning Josh," I turn around briefly to give him a smile before returning my attention to the borderline burnt pancake in front of me.

"Morning Y/N, what are you making?" He asks me, joining me by the stovetop to see what I was up to.

"Making pancakes." I tell him simply, flopping the most recently cooked one onto a plate. He grabs one of the cooler ones and shoves it into his mouth before going to sit on the couch.

"I think that waffles are superior, but it's whatever." He informed me through a mouthful of pancake as he looked down at his phone. The two of us continued to talk about our breakfast food preferences for another hour or so before Carson and Schlatt stumbled down the stairs and into the kitchen, both of them dragging their feet. I keep my eyes on Schlatt as he makes his way over to me, giving him a little smile. A part of my mind wanted me to run as far away as possible after thinking about how potentially embarrassing last night had been, especially considering that I was drunk for the first half of our little adventure. Both he and Carson make their way into the kitchen and crowd me by the stove, each of them grabbing some of the pancakes that were already done. Carson joined Josh on the couch while Schlatt chose to lean against the counter next to me.

"Goodmorning." He says in a somewhat quiet voice, not really wanting to draw Josh or Carson's attention over to us. I look up to meet his eyes as I clumsily flop a pancake onto the plate next to the stove.

"Morning." I say back, feeling a little embarrassed under his rather intense gaze. We stay silent for a few more minutes before Schlatt eventually finishes his pancake and turns to face me, still watching me awkwardly flip pancakes around.

"How did you sleep?" He asks eventually, drawing me out of some sort of trance I didn't even notice I was in.

"Pretty well, I'm not even hungover." I tell him with a little smile, "How about you?"

"Pretty good too, and then Carson came home and woke me up when he stubbed his toe." He tells me, throwing his head back to laugh a little and grin at the last part. From somewhere on the couch, Carson says something along the lines of 'shut up' which makes Schlatt laugh a little harder. We chat quietly for a little bit longer until all the pancakes are done and the two of us decide to sit outside. I send a quick text to the group chat to let anyone who was awake know that pancakes were ready for whoever got to them first.

Me: pancakes in da kitchen. First come first served

Ted: oou thank you ma'am

Travis: <3

Schlatt and I make out way outside and sit at a table on the patio as we both chow down on a few more pancakes. Never in my life have I felt more self conscious of the way that I eat pancakes than in this moment. We just kind of vibe for a little bit before Schlatt clears his throat and gets my attention.

"So, I uh," He struggles a bit to get his first few words out, "I-I really uh had fun last night." He tells me with a smile, taking his hat off to run his hands through his hair nervously. I give him a smile in hopes to settle his nerves a little bit.

"I did too!" I tell him, giving him a knowing look and a brief wink, making both of us laugh a little bit. I notice a bit of a blush on Schlatt's cheeks and my heart starts beating faster. There's a little bit of an awkward silence before he speaks again.

"I don't really know how to say this, " He starts, looking into my eyes warmly, "but I want to do that again. Or something like that," he starts to ramble a bit, "well, I just want to spend more time with you I guess." His face is cherry red and I can't help but beam at him.

"I would really like that, Schlatt." He lets out a breath and smiles back at me, "We still have a while until we go back home, so we'll have plenty of time to hang out." I remind him. Just as I finish my sentence, Cooper and Noah stick their heads out of the door and greet us.

"Hey guys!" Noah starts, "We were thinking about maybe just chilling by the pool for the rest of the day, if you guys want to join us." He tells us casually, pushing his sunglasses over his eyes. Beside him, Cooper gives us each a wave and does the same, clearly still a little hungover from the night before.

"Sounds good, I know I'll join you." I say with a little laugh as I stand up. The boys walk past us and into the yard. I turn my attention back to Schlatt and lean down to quickly kiss his forehead, catching him by surprise. He gives me a lopsided grin as he stands up as well and we go back inside to clean up before getting ready for the rest of the day. 

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