USWNT One-Shots

By soccerlover35

145K 2.9K 278

Pretty self explanatory More

Death bed (Tobin)
Locked in - Part 1 (Alex)
Locked in - Part 2 (Alex)
Locked in - Part 3 (Alex)
Too stubborn (Tobin)
Lionesses - Part 1
Meeting the Family (Mal)
Collision (Alex)
USWNT x B99 (Kelley)
Blind Woman (Christen)
The only calm ones around
The Coffee Girl (Christen)
Death bed - 2 (Tobin)
Death Bed - 3 (Tobin)
USWNT X B99 - 2 (Kelley)
Gymnastics is difficult as f*ck! (Aly x Kelley)
Being a kid sucks (Tobin)
Pushing too hard - (Her Knight)
Headcahes (Preath kid)
Podcasts (Hillary x Alex)
I miss the days
Tall People - Part 1 (Sam Mewis)
Tall People - Part 2 (Sam Mewis)
Secret Jobs - Emily Sonnett
Secret Jobs - Part 2 (Emily Sonnett)
Secret Jobs - Part 3 (Emily Sonnett)
50 words - Part 1 (TPATFG)
She's a keeper - Alyssa Naeher

Different countries (Abby)

3.7K 87 16
By soccerlover35

Another great win for team USA today they're really are showing why they are the best in the world

I go round hugging my teammates all with smiles on our faces and we shake the hands of the opposition too, giving Germany our condolences for knocking them out of the quarterfinals.

"you ready to go watch your girl Abbs?" Sonnett asks me slinging her arm over my shoulder as we wave to the fans

"Of course, I hope they win, I know they want to redeem themselves after the World Cup," I tell her

"me too, it hurt to see her so sad," Sonnett says and I hum along in agreement

Having to play against her in the Semi-finals last year was awful because we both knew that somebody was going to be very upset at the end of it. It was both of our first World Cups too so the pressure we had on us as rookie players was quite big, but I'm proud of how well she played and she knows that too

"Hurry up you two! I don't want to miss it 'cause you made me late!" Mal shouts out to us from the tunnel

We head inside and get ourselves cleaned up, nobody really celebrating the win knowing there's still a lot we need to do and quickly climb onto the bus for the ride back to the team hotel.

I head up to my room with Julie and let her shower first. I'm just lying on my bed when my phone rings and I turn it over to see my girlfriends picture on the screen. I answer the call with a smile on my face and place the device to my ear

"Hey baby, what did you think of the game?" I ask her

"You where amazing babe, it was such a good game to watch," She tells me and I can hear the genuine excitement in her voice

"Thank you, I'm just waiting to get in the shower and then most of us are heading down to watch your game," I tell her

"No pressure then, I hope we win today it will be a real embarrassment if we get knocked out at this stage," She says, her voice filled with worry

"I know you guys will play amazingly, just look at how well you did in the group stages" I reply trying to give her some confidence

"Yeah but its Cameroon, you know what they were like in the World Cup, they are the worst team to play agaisnt," She says and I hum in agreement. I remember watching that game with some of the girls last year and we were all very grateful to not have to experience a match like that

"Just keep a cool head and don't let them get under your skin, if you need to be calmed down just look up at me," I say getting a laugh out of her on the other end

"Okay babe, I've got to go now we're loading onto the bus but I just wanted to say well done and that I love you" She tells me

"Thanks, baby I love you too, and good luck for your game, I can't wait to cheer you on" I reply.

We say our goodbyes quickly as I can hear voices on the other end of her phone just as Julie walks our from having a quick shower

"Was that Leah?" Jules asks and I nod my head with a smile, hiding the blush that's making its way onto my face at the mention of her name.

"You two are adorable, reminds me of how Zach and I were when we first got together," Julie tells me.

"She's just getting ready to head off to her game now and she called me with a few nerves" I explain

"She will be fine! The girl is one of the best defenders in the league, just look at the season she had at Arsenal" Julie states boasting about my girlfriend's on-field abilities

"She's still young as well, it takes time to get situated in a team and especially now she's in a new one with it being Great Britain and not England" I reminded Jules

"That still really confuses me you know, how can Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England all play for one team in the Olympics but not in World Cups?" Julie ponders making me chuckle since I was the exact same

"Ask Sammy, she knows how to explain it best, Steph told her the reason behind it apparently," I say talking about her current club captain.

"You best get in the shower, don't want to bale late to see you girl" Julie reminds me and I jump off the bed at that and rush into the bathroom quickly closing the door behind me and climbing under the hot water.

- - - -

"Let's get going guys!" I yell to the group of girls sitting in the waiting room to leave

"about time! I'm ready to see them all play" Mal says excitedly rubbing her hands together as we leave the hotel in Tokyo and climb onto the minibus taking us here.

It's mostly the youngsters coming to watch the game, those being Mal, Sonnett, Linds, Sam and Sophie tagged along too. She's fitted in really well with the team here and Linds is really like her big sister it's quite funny.

"Is Leah starting the game today?" Mal asks sitting next to me

"I think so, her and Louise have been playing really well together since the play for Arsenal and I think Emma Hayes has noticed it too," I tell my teammates

We chat a little bit more about the upcoming game, everyone soon getting involved in wondering if there's going to be any drama like the one that unveiled during the world cup last summer.

We finally pull up and thank the driver for taking us through the park to the stadium, I get out the tickets Leah gave me before the game and walk up to the office lady.

"Hi miss, we've got the private box seats?" I say sliding the papers under the small gap in the glass window.

She reads them over for a second and scans a few things before passing them back and telling us to go around the side and to the staircase that will lead us to the box.

"Are you sure we're allowed here?" Sonnett asks unsure of whether it's breaking the rules

"We are Son, chill your beans for a second," I say and finally reach the door to the box.

"Dang, this is a nice view" Mal whistle out as we take a look around. This is a huge grounds, with over 70,000 seats available, you know every match is going to be packed out.

And by the looks of it, many fans want to come watch this one, the stadium is filling up by the second with more and more people, a lot more than who were just at out Germany game in fact.

"Why are there so many more spectators coming to watch this game?" Lindsey questions

"Probably because they want to see a repeat of the World Cup" We hear someone say behind us.

I spin around to see Jacob standing there with a grin on his face, I smile at the younger Williamson sibling and pull him in for a hug having not had a chance to see him for a couple of months.

"Hey Jakey, you're growing so quickly now what the hell!" I gush out ruffling up his hair

"I'm 21 now so you have to stop calling me a baby whenever I'm over in America" He protests making me laugh.

"Fair enough, Jacob meet my teammates Sam Mewis, Mal Pugh, Emily Sonnety, Lindsey Horan and Sophia Smith," I say introducing my friends

"Well it's lovely to meet you all even if I am still a little salty from last summer" He winks out

"I feel like that's unfair on me, I wasn't in the squad then," Sophia says making us laugh

"Fair enough then, Sophia is my favourite already" Jacob winks out to the young forward who seems to blush straight away.

I just roll my eyes at his usual flirtiness and usher my friends to their seats next to the rest of the family and friends here to support their loved ones.

"Hey sweetie, I'm glad you could be here today, I don't think I've ever seen Lee so nervous before a game" Amanda, Leah's mother says turning to me

"I know, she called me after I finished mine to say she was nervous about the matchup today, Cameroon really shook her last time," I say feeling worried myself for her

"She strong though, when she gets on that field she'll be amazing," Amanda says pulling me in for a side hug.

You've got this baby, show them how amazing you really are.

I grab the programme to see who's in the starting eleven for Team GB and I have to say it's a good line up, Emma Hayes has definitely gone for a different approach to what Phil Neville did at the World Cup but according to Leah things have been a lot better with her in charge

Emma Hayes (Coach) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

🔸Carly Telford (GK) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Ellie Roebuck (GK) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

🔸Leah Williamson (LB) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
🔸Steph Houghton (CB) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Millie Bright (CB) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
🔸Louise Quinn (CB) 🇨🇮
🔸Lucy Bronze (RB) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

🔸Beth Mead (LM) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
🔸Kiera Walsh (CM) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Jordan Nobbs (CM) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
🔸Kim Little (CM) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Sophie Ingle (RM) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
🔸Georgia Stanway (RM) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Lauren Hemp (LW) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
🔸Beth England (CF) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Katie McCabe (CF) 🇨🇮
Ellen White (CF) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
🔸Erin Cuthbert (RW) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

"Is it not going to be difficult playing with different nationalities on their team together?" Lindsey asks reading the list over my shoulder

"Everyone is so close in City that they won't have a problem and I'm sure it's the exact same in the other clubs," Sam tells us

"You still planning in staying for another year Sammy?" I ask

"Yeah, I was only going to do the one but I've really fallen in love with the girls and the club I don't want to leave just yet," She says with a smile on her face and we all grin back happy that's she's finally found a team to call home.

The players suddenly come out on the tunnel and start warming up on the pitch, my eyes stay trained in Leah running through drills with a few of her club teammates. She doesn't seem too nervous right now which is calming me down a little but she's good at hiding her true feelings.

Eventually they head inside and come out a few minutes later dressed in their kits.

"Their kits are so cool" Mal says staring at them in surprise

(Ignore the rugby ball, they're playing in the red)

"Right! Lauren showed me them before we left and they're much cooler than ours" Sam says.

"To be fair, the Japan and Nigeria kits where amazing too" Sonnett adds in

"Guys shit up now will you, it's starting," I tell them, shutting them up quickly as all eyes look on to the pitch

- - - -

The game is as intense as anything, I don't know whether Cameroon have bad blood against them from the World Cup but they're going hard and not showing any signs of stopping either

The ground lets out a loud ooh as we watch one of their players swipe the legs from under Erin Cuthbert who's quick to jump up and get in the Cameroon players face. A few people are clapping and cheering for the young Scotswoman quick response while the ref sees differently and gives both of them a yellow card.

"I can't decide if I'm at a boxing match or not" Emily chuckles out and I just groan further hating how physical this game is becoming.

We watch as Kim Little goes up to talk to her, the Scottish captain hopefully giving her some words of advice in not to react next time, they can't afford a red card with a team like this.

"I should have brought the popcorn out," Mal says sitting forward in her seat to get a closer look to the pitch

"Leah's playing well" Linds whispers in my ear bringing me out my daze

"Oh yeah, she's holding the backline well communicating with the midfield too" I say having been proud of how she's takin control of her teammates a little

"You wouldn't think she's only 24 with how she acts in the game, she's definitely future captain material for England," Lindsey tells me and I turn to smile at my friend

"I've been telling her that for ages now but she says she doesn't see it, I'm 28 and she puts me to shame" I chuckle out in response

"That could be you too Abbs," Linds say nudging my shoulder

"Yeah right, there are so many more people who deserve it before" I scoff out rolling my eyes at Lindsesys statement

"I'm saying the truth, think about it, Pinoe is not going to be here for the next world cup she's already said that and neither will Tobin and Christen with trying for a baby and all, Carli will have retired and most likely so will Ash, Ali, Becky and Alyssa. You've got a real chance of getting that band Abby" Lindsey tells me and I sit there, not having given a second thought about the future of this team.

"That's a good few years away Linds, you don't know what's going to happen between then and now," I say trying to brush off the comment

"I'm just saying Abs, have it in the back of your mind when we're playing, I want to see you with that band in your arm soon," She says before turning her attention back to the game that's restarted.

The game continues in its aggressive state, a few fouls being drawn around the pitch and a quick sub being made for Team GB with Lauren Hemp being brought on after Beth England picked up a nasty tackle.

Sam cheers loudly for that change, happy her younger teammate is getting a chance to play on the big stage.

It's just before the half time whistle where my girlfriend is quick to slide in and send the ball towards the sideline after timing a wonderful slide tackle on their striker. Leah's quick to jump up from her feet and chase after the ball being successful in keeping it in play.

She looks up from her feet to see her options but is quickly rushed because of this. I don't worry too much knowing she's practised this a million times already and so she slips it between her legs and collects it to pass it up the field to Jordan Nobbs.

"She's got ice in her veins!" Sonnet gasps out dramatically making her family next to me laugh at my teammates over-excitement but I can't help smile to myself at her showing off what she can do.

Jordan is quick to take the ball in her feet and dribble it around the halfway line for a bit, passing to Beth Mead who carry it up the left-wing. She knocks it past her player and sprints forward to continue her sole run, after a sudden cut inside she's able to send a cross in and find the chest of the young Scottish player who brings it down beautifully and into the top corner.

We all jump up in excitement cheering loudly that the girls have finally gotten a goal, I hug Amanda tightly as we watch the team come together to celebrate the much-needed goal.

Cameroon, however, didn't seem to like it and have gone right over to the referee to complain, they keep pointing to their arm so I'm assuming they're saying Erin's touch was a handball.

"That was clearly a chest, not a hand! Why are they even trying to complain VAR is just going to prove them wrong" Sophia says vocalising everyone's annoyance over the current situation

"Just wait until we see the replay in the big screen, they'll even try and tell you it was a handball then when you can see it for your own eyes" Jacob adds rolling his eyes

And just like he said, we watch the reply of Erins goal but unfortunately her wonderful piece of skill is overshadowed by the Cameroon players constant complaints.

When the referee is able to get it under control the game kicks off again and the wasted 5 minutes is added to the end of the first half.

"This is like movie-worthy stuff we're watching here, it's so much more intense when you're in the stands!" Sonnett tells us all seeming go be enjoying the chaos this game is inevitably going to turn into.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself Sonnett but just imagine if that was us playing Cameroon right now, we'd be hating every minute of it," I say glaring at her for a few seconds

"Sorry Abby," The girl says sheepishly

I sat biting my nails and tapping my foot the whole halftime until the teams are back onto the pitch again. Leah readjusts her ponytail as she gets into position and I've noticed that Erin has been replaced my Katie McCabe the Ireland captain probably to prevent her possibly getting a second yellow and Sophie Ingle has come in for Stanway on the right side of midfield

I let out a chuckle to myself once I've realised what it means that they have both come on the pitch

"What are you laughing about?" Sam asks me

"Just that they've now got all four captains of their individual national team's on the pitch at the same time," I tell her

"That's actually mad, I wonder how that's going to work out, you know how its gets with us guys whoever there two captains on the field at one time," She says and I nod my head wondering the exact same thing but I have trust in them to not mess this up for their fellow teammates

Cameroon start with the ball this time and they have seemed to calmed down since the first half, less hard tackles are being made and Team GB can get accustomed to it again.

Not even a minute into the second half though and we're on another counter-attack, our new right midfielder Sophie is taking the ball upfield with Kiera Walsh overlapping her quickly and receiving a beautiful through ball.

She's suddenly taken down by a two-footed slide tackle and everyone in the stands is jumping up in protest seeing that to be a clear red card, the girl's boots were fully up for Christ sake!

"Oh Lucy is not going to be happy" Sam mumbles and we watch as she is storms forward from the backline and is pushes the Cameroon player who tackled her teammate.

"She does not look happy at all," Mal says too and I know Leah isn't going to be either, that's her best friend

Just as Lucys about to turn around to check on Keira's who's holding her ankle tightly on the floor the same player whos caused all the drama decided to yank hard on her bun and sent arguably the worlds best defender to the floor.

After that all hell broke loose, the captain's of the team rush forward to pull the Cameroon and their own players away from one another, trying to stop the fight and as many cards to be handed out.

I watch as Leah gets in the mix and pulls Jordan away from the grasp of someone only to get knocked down in the process. My breath hitches as I watch her kicked in the head by someones boot and roll into a ball on the floor

"Come on baby lookup please" I mumble to myself desperately wanting to know she's okay.

At this point, multiple staff members are on the field separating the players and attending to their injured one being my girlfriend. The Cameroon players are lead off the pitch, most of them cursing and swearing while team GB are left looking after those injured.

"What just fuck just happened," Sonnett asks all the girls just as shell shocked at what we've just seen.

The announcer says the game is being called off and things will be determined later on but to leave the stadium as soon as possible. I get this cue to turn to my friends who are already giving me knowing looks

"We'll catch you later Abby and we'll tell Vlatko what's going on," Lindsey tells me

I sprint off out the box and down the back way towards the rest of the crowd who are all leaving. I, however, find myself climbing over the seat in an attempt to jump the gate and get onto the field.

"Miss you need to leave the stadium now!" Some security guard says stopping me from getting onto the grass

"Sir that's my girlfriend on the floor you've got to let me go!" I shout in protest and somehow he didn't buy that so I'm about to be dragged away when someone shouts at us

"She with us Sir, Abby get here quick!" Lucy shouts making the guard drop my arm and I leap over the barrier to run behind her

I don't take a second glance at anyone else and rush straight to my girlfriend who's lying on the floor a bloody towel covering her face and eyes. I slip down next to her and take her hand in mine squeezing it three times.

"Abby? Is that you?" She asks out and I bring her hand to my lips

"It's me baby, I'm not going anywhere alright," I say leaving a kiss on her skin.

I watch as her shoulders seem to visibly relax at that and so I stay where I am, holding her hand while she's lying on her back, a blood-stained towel pressed against her face.

It takes a couple of minutes for a stretcher to arrive and carry her off the pitch, the whole while I take over on holding the towel while she's taken to the medic room.

They lay on the table quickly and start getting to work. The towels removed from her head and I try not to gasp at the sight of a literal hole in my girlfriends head not wanting to worry her more.

"Okay Leah you're going to need stitches in this but for now I'm going to stable it shut so the bleeding will stop" One of the medics says

"That sounds like it's going to hurt" She chuckles out but I can tell she's nervous.

"I'm right here babe, you've got this," I tell her and let the guys do their work

My hand is squeezed quite tightly during the process which I don't mind and after 7 staples are placed in her head and it's banged up securely I help her stand up.

"You sure you're okay, no headache right?" I ask worried again

"They checked me on the field Abby, no concussion I promise," She says just as the medics leave the room probably to attend to someone else.

"That was an eventful game to say the least" Leah chuckles out weakly

"You don't say, if we ever play them again soon, I'm going to give them all a right boot up the arse," I say making her giggle

"Thanks for staying with me by the way, I was scared not being able to see anything and just hear all the chaos haunting" She tells me sadly making me pull her into my chest

"I wouldn't want to be any were else baby" I tell her

"I love you Abby" Leah whispers and I plant a kiss on the top of her head rubbing my hand in circles on her back

"I love you too Leah"

I was meant to post this last night but I fell asleep while editing so you're getting it this morning instead lol.

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