Like Dandelions In The Wind

By Scribble_Maniacs

38.6K 2.1K 2.2K

For me, freedom has always been just a word without meaning. I found it's meaning amongst the crowd of Delhi... More

Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55 - FINAL
Thank You
When The Camellia Blooms

Chapter 49

377 29 57
By Scribble_Maniacs

Zivah's POV

I stood beside Ved holding his arm patiently as Ahil's side performed the duet on some love song. I didn't even pay attention to the song looking at their moves. They were killing it in every way. We had our faces paled. I looked at Alizeh who was super tensed as she was eating her nails.

I am just glad that I and Ved won't be competing with them. There are rounds and each of that round has a winner. I don't even need to even tell who it will be looking at them. To compete with them we have Armaan and Amelia. I just hope they perform well. They kinda looked tensed as well.

The huge sound of claps erupted as the performance got ended. I looked at Armaan to my side who shook his head a little with nervousness looking back at me. I patted on his shoulder as they made their way on the stage. The boo sound came from the groom's side and we couldn't control our emotions. We started shouting at the top of the lungs cheering Armaan and Amelia.

They took their positions and the soft melody of "Teri Or" started playing. Damn! My mouth left wide open when I saw what I was seeing. Amelia was so smooth with her moves. They both effortlessly swayed away as they did the lifts.

"Okay, I didn't expect this." I heard Alizeh but couldn't move my eyes from them. I nodded at her absent-mindedly.

"They are killing it," Ved said being awestruck. Now I am even more nervous and I have three freaking performances.

Armaan lifted Amelia over his head and she moved effortlessly giving the correct expressions. I saw people cheering. Our side was hooting while Ahil's side stayed quiet and looked at the performance to find some mistake but well, it was way too perfect.

I looked back proudly at my little brother and his fiancee. It's just for a day and everything will be back to normal tomorrow. I shouted loudly along with the rest of the gang when performance was over. Armaan gave me a high-five when they announced the results and no wonder we won! Hah, later losers!

We gathered backstage when Ahil's side took the stage. Ved's team member came to ask him something and he was instructing them. I sat beside Parth letting out a sigh.

"Nervous?" He asked. I nodded my head a little.

"Ah, now I just hope that people don't laugh. That's all." I said sighing again.

"I guess you have killed it in every dance," Parth said again. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Really?" I asked making a face. Laksh got seated opposite to me. Everyone else was busy with getting ready or practicing the moves.

"Of course and to be honest Ved is doing fine too," Parth said again.

"So only if someone worst comes then I might win?" I asked with a smile.

"There is a 70% chance of your winning unless someone like Armaan or Amelia comes," Laksh said and I gave him a terrified look. Ved sat next to Laksh fiddling his fingers looking around.

"God please no!" I said shaking my head a bit as Parth and Laksh let out a laugh.

The choreographer called Parth and Laksh to tell them something so they left. Ved was looking around as he would scratch his nose in between. I chuckled at him.

"Nervous?" I asked.

"No." He said with a shrug. I rolled my eyes at him.

"You are playing with your fingers and also doing that nose thing," I said mimicking him and let out a laugh. Ved shook his head a little.

"You noticed?" He asked tapping his feet with anxiousness.

"As I said I notice everything," I said with a smirk.

Ved let out a sigh and I just noticed how cool and dapper he looked in that metallic kurta and tailored dhoti he wore. The black Nike sneakers completed the look making it look even cooler. I loved everything about it. Okay, I contributed in the Kurta and dhoti selection but wearing sneakers was his idea. I didn't even think of that possibility. I am impressed.

My eyes landed on the metallic thing he wore in his left hand. The watch I gifted him. My smile widened looking at it.

"You wore the watch?" I asked smiling widely.

"It's my lucky one," Ved said looking at it and then back at me.

"You wore it in London too," I said pointing out.

"Yes, I was doing a few things for the first time and it went well." He said with a shrug. I smiled a little adoring him for saying those sweet things.

"That's because you did it well. The watch just helped you to calm down and assured you that everything will be fine." I said. Ved nodded.

"That's what I need at this moment." He said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, Kashyap you are doing just fine. And you don't need watch when you have me," I said shouting at him with a wide smile. Ved chuckled at me and shook his head lightly.

"Zivah, you both are the next one." Alizeh came getting reckless.

"What? Why?" I asked getting panic all of sudden.

"Sonia needs some fittings." She said looking around.

"Send..." I was saying but she pulled me up. I adjusted my dupatta and held my lehenga a little up and looked at her with horrified expressions.

"Go!!! Renee and Rupath are going to battle against the next one." She said pushing me leaving us with no choice but to perform then.

"Ved, get up. Hurry people!" Alizeh said holding him and making him stand. She pushed us again at the stage direction and left shouting in some other direction.

I looked at Ved who let out a deep breath with his eyes closed. I held his hand as he looked back at me.

"Zivah, I am more nervous thinking your dad might come on stage and strangle me," He said. I let out a chuckle pulling him along with me as we walked towards the stage.

"Listen, there are people around and my dad doesn't like putting a show in front of the crowd so you are safe," I said with a smile. Ved shook his head a little walking beside me.

"So you think he might kill me when I am alone." He asked giving me dramatic expressions.

"Please, I always keep clinging on to you, how can you be alone?" I asked with a shrug.

"That's true." He said with a nod.

"You seriously are an ass," I said hitting him lightly as he let out a laugh. We stopped at the grand entrance of the stage as I let out a sigh.

"Get ready, Kashyap and all the best." I said looking him with an assuring smile. He nodded his head as we walked ahead.


We won! Even I don't believe it but yes, it happened. The opponents were way too terrible, to be honest, and that's why this miracle happened but whatever a win is a win and I'm so happy.

I also heard people commenting about how perfect we look together which made me even happier. I gave Ved a known look which he ignored by rolling his eyes. I also saw a few girls making an attempt to talk to Ved and were drooling over him but I just ignored those poor souls. He is all mine.

Alizeh hugged me tight and kissed me on my cheek. Renee had the same reaction as boys whistled at us. I saw Dadi, Dadu, and Chachi, Chachu cheering up for us as well. I dared to look at Dad just once and I couldn't again. I hope that explains everything.

But I'm still so fucking happy. I hugged Ved tightly, choking him up when they announced our names. I wish there was some trophy, nevertheless, I am happy.

Rupath and Renee were next and those two were looking so gorgeous together. It was like I was watching some film but sadly the opponents were too good with their dancing and they lost to them. So did Sonia and Kunal.

But that's not, all my oldies stole the show giving every other couple a run for their money. They were followed by their kids and their partners. We shouted cheering them up. I saw Dad in full form putting his all energy into dancing. I let out a laugh looking at how much they all were just enjoying. It was too cute for words.

After the duet, there was girls' performance on Taarifaan which gathered whistle and claps from everyone. And the competition ended with of course our group dance where everyone from the bride's side joined us on stage and started dancing randomly. I saw the rest of the people dancing in the sitting area.

It was so much fun. We laughed till our stomachs started hurting. I also did a couple dance with Alizeh by singing the song loudly. The DJ put any random song when ours got over as we refused to move away from the stage.

When all the madness was over and performances were done it was Alizeh and Ahil who swayed away on a romantic song. They were looking a million bucks with a blush on their cheeks after hearing people's awws. I was smiling widely looking at them with a few tears in my eyes.

Ved used to get busy with his work as soon as he was off the stage by running around. Poor soul couldn't even enjoy fully. But yes, I hope he has some amazing shots of Dadi, Dadu, and Ahil, Alizeh.

The host of the evening grabbed the mike once again after Ali-Ahil performance to make some announcement. I hope it's about food is being ready but it was to my surprise about The Heatstroke getting on stage to perform.

I smiled widely as everyone cheered loudly when the boys got on stage with their instruments. I don't believe it's happening for one last time. But I'm so happy I'm getting to see them perform together even for just this once. I got excited all of sudden yet again.

They started playing their most famous song Ghost of you gaining the loud cheers. People took their cameras and mobiles out to shoot the moment. It felt like a concert for a moment. I don't believe they actually are disbanded because they don't look like that. I pouted at the thought.

The claps didn't stop for a good two minutes after the final performance of The Heatstroke was over. The boys stayed on the stage taking the applause and thanking the people. Just enjoying their moment.

It was announced later by them that both the sides won and we celebrated by dancing madly again to the DJ's songs. I guess both sides are crazy which I liked. The theme was Bollywood so there was no place for English songs.

I made my way out of the crowd when my phone started buzzing. There is no way in the hell that I will hear anything in this noise but I know why is she calling. I typed my message fast and pressed the sent button. I got the reply in no time as I looked around searching for Ved.

Where the heck did he go? He must be running around somewhere with his camera.

"Searching for me?" I looked back to see Ved smiling at me with his first girlfriend. The camera of course. The second one is his bike and then his PlayStation, then car and then maybe if no one else remains then yes it's me.

"Yes. I want a favor from you." I said as Ved gave me a confused look.

"What is that?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"You need to talk to someone for me," I said giving him a small smile.

"Zivah..." He said looking at me suspiciously as I think he already knew who I was talking about.

"Please..." I said and looked past him. Mira made her way towards us but she had no expressions on her face as she looked at Ved.

Ved turned around following my gaze and again looked back at me gritting his teeth.

"Why would you do that? What the fuck is she doing here?" Ved asked getting irritated.

"I asked her to join. Actually, I told her to attend the whole function but she said she didn't want to ruin anyone's mood." I said staying calm.

"She was considerate for us. Can't you listen to her?" I asked looking at Ved who was looking pissed.

"I don't believe you, Zivah. You will be the first person I know at least, who keeps asking her boyfriend to go and see his ex who doesn't even talk to her nicely." Ved said with annoyance. I let out a chuckle.

"She did talk to me nicely. Besides, it's not about me and her. It's about you." I said clarifying him. Mira was just standing there and staring at us.

"Just finish this topic and be at peace. I will be going back in the next 4-5 days. You said you will take care of everything." I said looking at him carefully.

"That means about us." He said pointing between him and me.

"She is also part of it. You still have grudges towards her." I said.

"Zivah," Ved said getting irritated again.

"Please, Ved. For me?" I said. Ved let out a sigh.

"I did talk to Vihaan and sort out everything for you. Can't you do that for me?" I asked again.

"It was different." He said with frustration.

"Please, Ved," I said again looking at him with so much hope. Ved gave me a look and shook his head a little with annoyance.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asked without looking at Mira.

"Can we go somewhere else?" She asked looking at me for approval. Ved moved his gaze to me as well. I smiled a little.

"Go," I said giving him an assured expression. Ved let out a sigh again. He came near me and handed the camera.

"I will be back." He said looking at me as I nodded with a small smile.

Ved didn't spare a look at Mira and started walking ahead. Mira looked at me for a brief moment with a grateful smile as she followed Ved.

I let out a sigh and turned around to see some people glaring at me with disappointment. Alizeh and Renee being the main one. Sonia was smiling away a little. And of course, the five boys.

I made my way towards them with Ved's camera in my hand.

"Let's go and eat something," I suggested with a smile.

"I don't believe what you just did there," Ali said with a disappointed expression.

"It's okay," I said with a shrug.

"I hate that girl," Rupath commented with his face showcasing the same.

"Rupath, I just want him to let go of that thing now. There is no point in making her go through all of that." I said as he looked at me.

"She is guilty and she deserves forgiveness. She deserves to move on with her life just like how Ved did." I said again. No one said anything.

"She is still holding the weight of her past doings. Fine, she did hurt him and she did a mistake but everyone needs a second chance at life. Just because they were wrong in the past doesn't mean they will keep on repeating themselves." I continued taking a cue from their silence.

"Sometimes they genuinely change for good. And even if they don't, it's just better to free ourselves from any kind of thread which keeps us binding to our bitter past." I said and looked at Rupath again. His expressions were changed now and I think he believes me and understands my point.

"I don't honestly care about her but I want Ved to actually let go of any kind of resentment towards her." I finished looking at all of them. They all looked at each other exchanging the looks.

"I guess your right," Rupath said with a slight nod.

"How can you send him to his ex-girlfriend? That's crazy!" Alizeh came fuming towards me.

"Relax, Ali. I trust him more than anything. Mira or anyone else was never a threat to me since I know how much he loves me." I said with a smile. Ali just kept looking at me with a frown. I saw Renee giving me a smile along with Sonia and Parth to her side.

"Why do you think I kept on hoping to meet him even after all these years? Because somewhere I knew he loved me," I said with a shrug.

"Give me a hug, Zee. I am so happy that Ved chose you." Rupath said coming forward with a full smile. I chuckled as I accepted his hug holding Ved's camera in one hand. He hugged me tightly.

"Let's go and have dinner," Laksh shouted.

"Yes!" I said pulling away.

Parth put his hand around my shoulder as we walked towards the buffet with Kunal on my other side as they discussed how Indian food is better than any kind of the food around the world. I kept giving my inputs about how Italian food is also good but they rejected making me frown.


I sat along with the girls with my plate filled with all kinds of starters. I don't like the main course much so I'm just going to eat all of the starters out there. I already handed out the camera to one of Ved's teammate so my hands were free to properly devour my food.

The boys were busy taking selfies along with girls and boys and aunties and uncles out there. I couldn't spot Vihaan as he might probably be in some meeting with the client. I chuckled looking at them.

"I still don't understand you, Zee," Ali said frowning at me.

"Relax, Al. She did the right thing." Tara said in my support.

"What? Are you serious, Tara?" Ali said again stating her disappointment.

"Yes, I won't mind if my boyfriend still talks to his ex-girlfriend." She said making me chock on my food. Renee and Ali stayed quiet as they stuffed the food in their mouths. I don't know if she knows I'm that ex that she just mentioned.

"I mean I have trust in him and it's so childish," Tara said further with a shrug.

"If you part ways on good terms then it's okay." She said looking around at us. I nodded.

"I talk to my ex as well and I'm definitely clear about my feelings. He is as well." She said putting the chicken in her mouth.

"It's called maturity," Renee said looking at Ali who rolled her eyes.

"Exactly. What's wrong with that? It's not like we are going around sleeping together." Tara said giving her a look.

"What if it happens? What if the feelings invoke out of nowhere?" Ali asked again. I shook my head in disappointment.

"Then it's good. It's all sorted." Tara said winking at her. Renee, Sonia, and I left out a laugh.

"Tara, yaar!" Ali said in irritation. I looked at Alizeh with a smile as I adored how she looked.

She surely stood out in the crowd just like how a bride to be should. She wore an ivory-colored lehenga with heavy sequined blouse. Her dupatta was perfectly pinned to one side showing off the entire outfit. She wore heavy Indian jewellery completing the look consisting of polki choker, jhumkas, matching maangtikka, and a think bracelet on her Mehandi full hand. She surely looked gorgeous and I felt a little emotional for I don't know what reason.

"Just let them be, Al," Tara said again making Ali understand. "She knows what she is doing. Don't just boss her around. She is a 26 year old grown-up woman and she knows what she is doing." Tara said defending me. I finally got someone on my team. I smiled at her showing my gratitude.

"I won't let Ahil speak to his ex any day," Ali said in a low voice.

"He doesn't have an ex," I said making a face at her. Yes. Neither Ali nor Ahil have ex. These two were always stuck on each other from the day they met. It might sound unreal for today's world but that's true. Such love stories also exist.

"Even if he did," Ali said making her point clear.

"Then you are insecure and possessive," Renee said giving her a sad look.

"Don't be, girl. It kills the relationship." Tara said shaking her head. I nodded again. Ali didn't speak further but just kept on chewing her food.

"Freedom is most important to breathe and keep the love intact else it will be..." Tara was saying when Ali cut her.

"He never had any problem with it," Ali said shrugging her shoulders.

"It's your choice. And that was her. She doesn't lecture you around so you shouldn't." Tara said.

"She knows her relation better than anyone else here so don't point fingers at her." She said further totally battling it out for me while I sat there and watched.

"Thanks, Tara," I said smiling at her genuinely.

"No problem. Actually, I loved how you are not insecure about anything. That's how you should be. Just be confident enough to set him free. If he comes back then it's good and if he doesn't then it's his loss. Don't give a flying fuck." Tara said winking at me. I let out a laugh agreeing with her. I like her so much. We both are so alike in our perspective on some life matters. It's nice to have someone who understands your point of view and supports you.

Renee and Sonia also chuckled agreeing with her.

"But he isn't back yet," Ali said again.

"It's just 15 minutes," Renee said giving Ali irritated glare.

"Zivah, just ignore her. Tell me about your future plans." Tara asked moving towards me.

"Work and more work," I said with a sigh.

"What about Ved? You just met him?" She asked further not at all happy with my answer. I wish I could go away with him. I would love that but not now. I have my work and he has his. Besides this family matter need to get sorted out.

"Go on vacation with him once the wedding is over," Renee said sipping her wine.

"We got no time right now. He is going to Austria soon and then I have a load of work." I said with a shrug.

"Maybe after that." I finished with a small smile. Tara and Renee seemed to like my answer this time as they gave me a full smile.

"Shit, Al, what would you have done if your boyfriend was roaming around the world?!" Tara said giving her a horrific expression. We let out a chuckle.

"I don't think that was even possible for me," Ali said shaking her head a bit. "You seriously are something else," Ali said again eyeing me.

"I know I want to be with him and I know how much he loves wandering and his profession. I can't possibly snatch that away just because I want him to be with me. That will be like killing him slowly." I said. People around seem to agree.

"So the only reason left is to put your faith and set him free." I finished taking my glass up.

The girls chuckled at me.

"It's not going to be easy," Renee said. I nodded at her.

"I know but we are ready to fight those odds together," I said with a genuine smile.

"That's what matters in the end," Tara said hugging me from the side.

"Zivah." I looked back with a wide smile after hearing that known voice. Ved stood there with Mira to his side.

"I should get going." She said with a small smile looking at me.

"Have something," I said. Mira shook her head slightly.

"I'm fine. Can I talk with you?" She asked again. I nodded my head and took my mobile before following her out leaving behind Ved with my girls.

I walked Mira up to the gate. She stopped for some time thinking about something as she looked back at me.

"Thanks." She said with a genuine smile. I guess it's over for good, finally.

"I guess everything is sorted then," I asked with a smile.

"Yes, he listened this time and it's over for good." She said but there was sadness in her eyes.

"I felt so easy today and I'm so happy for the first time in days. It's like something heavy is lifted off my shoulders and chest. It feels so light and it seems like I could breathe again." She said as tears started gathering in her eyes. I just kept on staring at her.

"Thanks again. I know you did this for Ved but it worked for me so thank you." She said wiping her eyes with a smile. I gave a gentle smile to her.

"That's okay. I'm glad that I was of help." I said. Mira stayed quiet for some time looking up in the sky.

"I won't lie to you. I feel somewhat bad that now I don't have any reasons or excuses to call or meet him again. It hurts to see you both together and thinking of how much he loves you. Someone other than me." She said still looking up as she wiped a tear away.

She still loves him. I looked away from her.

"I just was in the delusion that he just loves me and he always will but..." She said letting out a laugh as she looked back at me.

"Anyway, all the best for your future. Don't ever invite me to your and Ved's wedding because I can't." She said.

"Don't worry," I said putting out a small smile.

"And I don't need to tell you this but treasure him because he is a gem that I couldn't keep." She said shaking her head a little.

"I know," I said in a low voice.

"How stupid was I. It still hurts..." She said further and wiped her eyes again. I couldn't say anything more.

"Bye. I hope to never see any of you again." She said and turned around to leave. I sympathized with her feelings for some reason. It felt bad to watch her in that state.

"Bye, Mira. Take care." I said waving but she didn't wait to see. I let out a sigh and made my way back.

I don't know why but it felt a little uneasy for some reason. I walked inside the house and to my room. I thought of sitting there for some time before going back. I just wanted to be alone for some time.

I could hear the distant noises coming from outside as I made my way up. I closed the door behind and sat on the balcony floor looking outside. Cody who was peacefully sleeping until he woke up and joined me, snuggling close to me making me smile. I haven't been able to give my attention to my baby these past few days. I caressed him as I got lost in my thoughts again

Why was I feeling sad? For her? I don't know. It's so strange...

"Did she say anything?" I heard Ved as I got back to my reality. I wiped my moist eyes immediately before he could notice and looked up at him.

"No, she was just sad which made me sad," I said pouting at him. Ved let out a sigh and shook his head a little as he got seated beside me.

My Babu wagged his tail looking at Ved but didn't make any attempt to move from his position. He might be tired from running around the whole day. Ved and I chuckled looking at him and ruffled on his head making him rest his head on my lap, getting ready for another nap.

"You just feel too much for others," Ved said looking at me.

"Please, Ved I'm not like that but I don't know what happened," I said.

"You are just being too sensitive. But..." Ved said looking ahead in the dark. I looked at him patiently.

"Thanks." He said looking back at me.

"I feel good actually. Like you know..." He said with a happy smile. I kept staring at that face.

"Something changed in a good way. I like it... The change." He said again making me chuckle. Cody was fast asleep beside me as I moved my hand on his head.

"I feel happier like... I don't know how to say it." He said looking at me with a frown. I pulled his cheeks with a smile. He deepened his frown jerking my hand away.

"It's okay. You suck at explaining things anyway." I said giving him a look. Ved let out a sigh.

"And you're always welcome," I said further. Ved smiled looking down at me as he put his arm over my shoulder. I moved to his side keeping my head on his shoulder getting comfortable in his arm.

"Everything is getting better for me. Thanks to you." He said in a low voice. I chuckled.

"I didn't do anything. You did it on your own." I said. I still had my hand around Cody.

"Someone just needed to realize you a few things," I said further. Ved let out a sigh again but didn't say anything.

"Now you are free of that bitterness, Kashyap. Just remember to forgive no matter what the person did to you. That's when you will heal. Let go of those grudges that is when you'll grow." I said looking ahead aimlessly. Ved put his head over mine. He pulled me closer as I chuckled lightly in his embrace.

"I will always remember that." He said.

"But doesn't it mean to forget their mistakes?" He asked again moving his head from above mine.

"It's just freeing yourself from them. Don't forget what they taught you. Always remember that lesson." I said adjusting my head in his arms. Ved pecked on my head as I smiled away.

"Today was such a good day, no?" I asked moving my head to look up at him.

"It sure was. Your Ali will get married in two days." He said making me frown.

"Don't make me emotional," I said hitting him lightly on the chest. Ved smiled. I get emotional at that thought or sometimes I get randomly hit by these strong emotions just looking at her doing her things. It's a sibling thing I guess. After all, she's going to go away to Ahil's family in two days. It's still weird to think of that.

"I hope you have captured everything well," I asked.

"Yes, ma'am. After all, I want the double payment." Ved said letting out a small laugh and moved his gaze ahead.

"Ved..." I shouted hearing him with a little anger and irritation.

"Relax, just kidding." He said looking back at me and moving my hairs back from my face.

"Don't even joke about it. That day and that moment make me sick." I said gritting my teeth. Ved let out a sigh and moved to face me.

"Everything will be alright." He said holding my hand.

"You are saying that?" I asked giving him an impressed look.

"Yes, because I trust us." He said with a small smile.

"Me too," I said with a nod.

"Just two more days then mom won't stay quiet," I said reminding him of the future. Ved nodded.

"I am preparing myself for that." He said.

"Don't worry. We will get through this." I said giving him a smile and pecking on his cheek by bending forward.

"I know," Ved said holding me closer to him. I chuckled again. He stared at me for some time and I let him. The silence which filled us was so good except for Cody's snoring in between.

I kept my head on his chest just feeling him closer. It was soothing. Ved pecked on my head and tighten his grip around me.

"I love you." He whispered making me shiver. I never thought he would say those words. I felt some joy surpassing me. I smiled like lunatic.

"I love you, too, Kashyap," I said and closed my eyes again as the tears escaped from them in pure bliss.


✨Author's Note✨

That was all for now. Say goodbye to Mira finally. 😌

Let us know what you feel about this one.

VOTE by pressing that ⭐

Zivah will be back with another update soon.

Till then, bye.

Loads of love. ❤️

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