Saving Lilith

By NewKhaleesi

281 31 5

Being a hybrid is hard enough with the mere mention of the name causes fear and hate. Imagine being a hybrid... More

Everything Has Changed
The Flow of Things
Signed Up For
Strangely Familar
Cracked Pendant
Hell Fire

Bad to Worse

23 4 1
By NewKhaleesi

A.N ( Chapter is quite long let me know what you think)


I rushed out the door to the principle's office. Hoping he had some idea of what was going on.This kind of weather doesn't just happen in an instant.

My mind flew to witches or warlocks but they don't attack unless provoked. Which meant someone either provoked them or they are just declaring war on my pack.

I entered the office and saw an alarmed looking principal staring out the window.

"Witches?" I questioned as I walked up to him staring at the worsening weather.

He was a very brilliant scholar of the pack and had knowledge in many supernatural things. We would prefer him to be at the pack house as an adviser but he prefers to be in with the young pups and help them get a great education.

"Alpha, but then that idea hardly made any sense, because witches are so rare now they have become a thing of legend. Most witches were hunted and killed in fear of their power." He moved from the window and rushed in his office and returned shortly after with a book in hand.

I watched as he scanned through the book and stopped on a page with fear filled eyes."The rarest kind of witches and warlocks who were known as Elementals were feared  most amongst all- " he paused from reading and looked at me. "If this is indeed witches, this is the only kind that has enough power to do this."

"Elementals?" I have never heard of different kinds of witches far less for an elemental witch.

"While most witches have just a bit of magic in them even at a mature age and use their ancestors, magical objects  and other things to boost their power. These witches are usually known as light or dark witches."

"Elementals are born already with a mature witch or warlock magic level. Born of pure magic and can not only control by amplify the magic in and around them. The purest form of magic, nature itself. A mature   elemental  can cause an earthquake strong enough to destroy a city in a second."

"Well then, we're screwed," Winter joked entering the office causing me to glare at him.
"Hey, I mean we are supernatural but what could we do against that?"

"Elementals, were driven by emotions which led to their down fall. Consumed by the magic and emotions most elementals destroyed themselves and everything around them. The remaining were hunted out of fear of their destructive magic."

"All elemental witches were born with fiery hair. Which was a reminder to all of the hell fire of emotions and magic that fueled the strongest witches- "

"Hold on," I interrupted his reading and walked outside after hearing various doors opening and closing amongst the bad weather. I walked into the hallway and bumped into someone and the tingles all over my body could only mean my mate.

"Sorry," she muttered and walked past me like I didn't even exist.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I walked towards her.

"I know! Come on where are you ?" She said to herself. She seemed as though she wasn't even here in mentally, her mind seemed far off.

I asked again if she was okay and instead of ignoring me this time she took me by surprise and turnt around and pushed me on the ground.

I sat in the floor in utter surprise. " How the fuck did she do that ?" Winter questioned as he walk up behind me.

I shook my head and we followed her quickly. An alarm went off making us lose her  to people crowding the halls but I followed her odd scent to classroom.

"Mate," Winter growled and opened the door. My mind was so focused on her since I saw her again I didn't even notice now bad the weather had gotten. As alpha I should be focused on my pack right now and all I could think about is her.

"Stay away from us !" She shouted as we entered the room. She stood next to a boy who was crying in his sleep. So this was Winter's mate ?

I felt rage in waves coming from Winter as he looked as his mate in distress. My mate's face held helplessness and anger. The anger increasing as we walked closer to them.

"We don't want to hurt you," I tried to assure her . Her brother cried out again and she looked away and we both took this moment to get closer to them.

"I'm here! They won't hurt you again,just get up for me, they'll find us again if you keep this up."

'Keep what up ? What's going on here ?' Winter asked through mind link.

'I don't know but I am going to find out' I responded.

"Hey we just-"

" Leave!" Her voice echoed and a sudden harsh wind came out of no where sending us across the room. Crashing noises came from all directions and by the time I opened my eyes all the windows were shattered, tables and chairs turnt over and the weather polluting the classroom.

"F*ck," I hissed as I stood up with Winter following my actions.

'Did the weather do that' I asked Winter through mind link and he shrugged his shoulders just as confused as me.

I looked by at the pair before me and noticed the girl had stopped. She stood completely still but I listened as her breath became shallow.

"Storm, wake up please!" Winter pleaded walking up to him and held his hands. Storm was still crying and as though he felt his mate, his eyes opened.

The mate link might not be as strong for a human but it is still there.

Storm looked around the room and his eyes flew to his sister. She was frozen in her spot taking shallow breaths.

"Lily pad!" He shouted but she didn't seem to hear him even right next to him.

Something's wrong, I felt a pit raising in my stomach as I watched my mate. I felt something that worries me coming off of her.

"Lily pad!" He shouted and grabbed her hand. I watched closely and I swore I saw her eyes turn black and  her feet leaving the floor but in an instant it was gone and she was smiling at her brother.

My mind so lost trying to process if what I just saw was real or I that I maybe just hit my head too hard didn't even notice people filling the classroom and strange pair disappearing in the crowd before we could question it.

"The weather cleared up," I noted out loud. This has truly been the strangest day in my life.

I couldn't get her out my head even when I turned home. I decided I should go check on them, but decided to go 'check in' in wolf form since it would be faster.

On my way there I stumbled upon the girl who Winter said is Lilith, sister of his mate Storm.

"So we are mated to siblings,how cute, not to dis your mate,but she has an attitude that one," he said before I left and I laughed.

When I saw her on the side walk with a cap on I could help but think even like this she was still beautiful.

She stopped as though she sensed me and started to run rather quickly and I smirked following her.

A human thinks she could outrun a wolf.

She did last a while running but stopped at a clearly with a determined look on her face as she looked around.

I slowly approached her and she smiled. "You scared me," she said a bit relieved not phased a bit by my size she looked almost amazed and I took the moment to show off a bit.

She touched my fur and  complimented  my size which made me let out a delighted sound.She sat on the floor and I followed resting my head on her lap enjoying the sparks in my body.

She spoke for a bit and I listened intensively. She had a lovely voice, I saw her in a different light after the little talk she had with an animal she just met.

She seemed so caring and loving compared to what I saw today.I even snorted when she said she could of hurt me. 

A howl from a Winter signaling he wanted to know where I was and I answered with a howl back. If I could of only laughed I would of when she mimicked the howling sound and it came out so horribly it was almost cute.

I listened her complain at my snort in her face then felt sad as she talked about being alone with her brother. But I thought she told everyone her parents were on a business trip?

She even talked about taking me with her.Then she laughed which was music to my ears. Have you ever heard a better laugh? It was deep and raw, I noticed that about her emotions, they were expressed with great intensity.

Okay, she was officially the cutest thing.

She screamed suddenly hurting my ears a bit and she stood up dusting something off her body. She pulled the cap off her head and the sight before me left me breathless.

A long red mane dropped down to waist. A thousands things connected in my head as I watched as she hid her beautiful hair again and told me good and left.

I have only ever seen hair like that once before, it had to be her then. That means Storm also had a wig if my hunch was right.

They were the elementals.

I ran home as fast as I can to tell Winter the news about our mates. I didn't want to inform the rest of the pack as yet because I didn't know how they would react. From what Lilith shows people they might think she was here to attack us.

Hell I'm not sure why they are here.

"So I'm to a warlock," Winter whispered in shook and I nodded my head while raising the music a bit louder in my office.

"I know, well that means they know about wolves that should make telling Storm you're mated to him easier." He raised his eyebrow at me. "So you're not telling Lilith ?".

"Well- "

" Let me guess, because of Audrey ? Well okay, just letting you know the mate bond wins every time."

"We will face them tomorrow and find out why they are here, I have a duty to my pack as alpha above everything."

"I just don't want to get rejected, they don't feel the pull like we do- "

"Sorry for barging in alpha," a young scout said entering the room looking distraught. " Rogues are on the border."

"From bad to worse," Winter groaned and I sighed in frustration .

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