She's Dreaming

By BoomShikha

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This is the story of Kali, the Goddess of Time And Destruction. And Shiva, her consort, lover, and husband. T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

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By BoomShikha

Thor picked up a vial and using a new syringe pushed the vials' contents into the IV drip that was always attached to the visitors that came to his lab. They had never done this before. He had never had occasion to use this chemical to wake his guests before. He didn't even know what to say first. Should he say 'Hello', or 'Welcome to Cornuptia', or should he just wave hello? Or should they make up a random new greeting to welcome her to the lab? It was all so confusing.

The chemical dripped into the woman's brain. She was asleep one minute. And the next, she wasn't.

Blinking her eyes open, as if she were waking up from a restful sleep, she propped herself up on the bed.

The two lab men stared at her. Her eyes. They were beautiful! They hadn't seen anything like that before. They had never seen such dark pools of sensuality before. All of the eyes on their planet were coloured. Blue, green, yellow, and red, being the predominant colours.

"Thank you for listening to my request. And fulfilling it. I am excited to get to know you better." She said, as she pushed off the thin blanket that was resting on her legs, and moved her feet to the cold tiled floor.

Still, no words came out of their mouth. They were speechless. She seemed rather comfortable with the idea that she was waking up in a strange lab. And she didn't seem perturbed by the fact that she was basically naked under that thin robe she had on.

"Ah, how are you feeling?" Squeaky finally said. He had to say something. Otherwise, she would think that they had no language on their planet. Or that they were deaf mutes.

"Yes, quite well. In fact, better than I expected. How long have I been lying unconscious for?? I must say your beds are too soft for my hardened back. I am just not able to get used to it. Why do you sleep like that? Our ancestors used to say the harder the bed, the stronger the back."

This was not where they expected the conversation to flow. Beds? Hard vs soft? Wait, what?

"Yes, well, Cornuptia is a planet based on catering all the petulant demands of its inhabitants. The people on this planet like to sleep on a bed that feels like you are floating on the clouds. Soft, airy, fluffy. The beds in our labs aren't made as soft as the beds that would be in our bedrooms." Thor finally spoke as well. He wanted to bring the idea of bedrooms, and sex, into the convo as soon as possible. He had already told his wife that he would be delayed by work. He would have to deal with her tantrums and complaints later. But for now, he wanted to get on with business. There was a reason they woke her up. Not just to have a conversation.

She got up off the bed, and stood on the ground. They realized she was even smaller than they had thought. Five feet at most. These natives didn't get enough meat in their diet, Thor thought. But he liked them tiny. Even his wife was only five feet six. Which was actually tiny on their planet. He liked the feeling of empowering his females. He had a sado-masochistic streak in him, but he had never had a chance to fulfill it yet. Maybe with her?? It would be fun to tie her up and cause her a bit of pain. He was sure she would love it. If they tortured themselves by walking around barefoot and sleeping on rock-hard beds, a little bit of pain in bed would be almost sweet to them, right? He thought to himself.

"My name is Sanne." She said, smiling sweetly at them. "And you?"

Squeaky turned out to be Hardy, and Thor turned out to be Costa. So she had been completely wrong with regards to their name. Oh well.

Hardy asked her if she was hungry. She nodded yes. She had woken up to taste their delightful food, and she wouldn't refuse even a morsel of food that was placed in front of her right now. Her suddenly awake stomach was famished. It growled and grumbled every minute as if it knew that time was passing.

"Well, our planet is known for our food. So you are in for a treat." Thor said. Smiling at her. He wanted to please her. He knew the formula. Put kindness and charm in. Get sex out. That was the way women worked. It didn't matter if it was an advanced civilization or not. Every woman everywhere was the same. They wanted to be charmed by a man, and they wanted him to be nice to her. Oh boy, this was going to be easy, he thought, when she smiled back with her hand held out to his.

He grasped her tiny hand in his and started to lead her out to the dining area. They had a little table set up for these purposes. When they were working late or when they wanted to grab a quick lunch in the lab rather than go to the cafeteria, they used this table.

When it happened, they were both unaware and unprepared for it. They underestimated her and they overestimated themselves. It was a common misfortune.

The meal that Sanne was waiting for. It wasn't going to come from any kitchen or food processor on the planet of Cornuptia. It was going to come from quite a different source. A source that would result in much pain and sorrow for these two men. These two naive foolish men. Never trust a native woman, especially one that is a shamaness from a tiny village in the middle of nowhere.

The first thing she did was she tapped their heart with her light fingers. They didn't expect it, but it froze their hearts instantly. She didn't like her meat warm. She wanted it frozen, so it could be digested by her insides better. And then she tapped their eyes, so that they remained open and ready for her. And finally, she tapped their genitals, so that they were like ice creams she could lick on when thirsty after her meal.

There was no alarm that was rung, as their brain waves were still going. They were still very much alive. No violence. No loud noises. Nothing major had happened, really. The world was calm. And they were still. She picked them up, their weight of no concern to her, and laid them down on the bed, the same one that she had been laying on all of this time.

The reason why she had been roaming around by herself on the edge of the village was because she was greedy. She had wanted to eat the newcomers that they had seen coming a mile away, without sharing with anyone else. She thirsted for their blood, and was eager to munch on their testicles.

They could see what she was doing. They could feel it. They could sense it. Their brains were very much alive and ready. And they would be, for a long, long while. She was going to savour this, but that doesn't mean that she shouldn't torture these fools a bit. Her compatriots at the village would be arriving soon, to this planet they call Cornuptia. She would stay focused on these two, while the rest of the lab would be taken over by her brothers, and sisters. This planet didn't have many people on it. But they were huge and meaty. Succulent. All of that pampering and luxury had made them soft and cushy.

She was so excited about this, she could hardly hold herself back. But she wanted to be slow with this dinner. It had taken them so much luring, and it had taken her so much dreaming and convincing to get them here. Now wasn't the time for impatience, she told herself.

Taking a deep inhale of their mixed scents, she decided that she would leave the kind Squeaky for later. Hardy wasn't a suitable name for him. But he was a good soul. He deserved some sympathy from her.

Thor, on the other hand, was a devilish man. She had seen his thoughts as clearly as day. He had been thinking lustful thoughts about her. Shame on you, Thor. Not only were you thinking of humping a guest in your lab, but you were dreaming about hurting someone half as small as you, she thought. She would enjoy torturing him slowly. Just like he had been planning to do to her. Violence was his game? Well, she was ready to play this game.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" She asked Thor. He wouldn't be able to reply, but he could nod his head a bit. He shook his head fervently as if to say 'Yes, yes, a hundred times yes, I will say whatever you want, if you will just spare me.'

"Good. I'm glad you think I am pretty. Because I like to know that even if my victims are dying, they are dying in a state of bliss." She smiled at him. His heart, which was frozen still, started thumping loudly. Ah, she hated it when that happened. His heartbeat was so powerfully filled with fear that it negated some of the magic that she had put on it. It wasn't frozen anymore. Thump, thump, thump, it went, over and over again. Hmm, this wasn't good. She didn't like it when her dinner misbehaved like this. It made her feel restless on the inside. Impatient. She didn't want to take it slow anymore. She just wanted to get it over with.

She slashed him open with her fingernails. A second later, Thor, or what had been Thor, was now in ten or fifteen pieces. Ten or fifteen very bloody pieces. She enjoyed the sight of that. Blood excited her. It wasn't one of her primary food sources. But she did like bathing in it, and sometimes she even liked painting her body and face with it.

Now it was Hardy's turn, she thought to herself, as she skewered one of the aforementioned pieces and munched on it. Just a bit too chewy for her taste, she thought. All of his negative thoughts must have caused his body to retain way too much toxic tension. Hmm, not pleasant. She was going to have to give Hardy a miss. His body would just lay here, waiting for the rest of the villagers. I think Davis likes his meat tough and chewy. He would enjoy Thor. I will leave it for him.

Hardy lay there, but he seemed completely resigned and at peace. He knew what was coming. And he accepted it. How interesting. Why was Hardy always surprising her like this? She would like to have a conversation with him.

A few quick taps and his arms and legs were frozen, but his brain, heart, and tongue were functioning again.

"Hardy, my friend, you are a good person. I could notice that from the beginning of our brief acquaintance."

"Thank you. That's quite a compliment from a person who's about to slash me into pieces." Hardy said, with a bit of a smile on his face.

"You don't seem too worried about the slashing though. Maybe you want to die?"

"I don't think there's anyone in this world who wants to die. Or at least willingly. Unless they know exactly what's coming for them in the afterlife. I don't want to die. I am sure of that. But I do want something else. I want to experience it all. I am a collector of experiences. I believe in reincarnation, and I know I will be back in this world soon enough, in a different body, in a different world. Can you imagine, though, how fascinating it would be for me to have this experience of being torn up by the Goddess Kali before I die? I am sure I will talking about this experience in all of the lives to come."

She stood there, with her bloody finger on her lips. What was wrong with this man? He looked like he was absolutely lusting for this experience to happen to him. Maybe he was a bit crazy. Or maybe he just knew where he was going after.

The reason why many people she killed started crying or throwing a tantrum about death, was because they were unsure of what was going to happen to them after. Maybe this was it, they thought. Maybe they were done. And then there was nothingness. And when they start thinking that this was it, they started floundering and flailing. Crying and whimpering. Yelling and shouting. They just couldn't handle it. It was usually too much for their puny minds to handle.

"You called me the Goddess Kali. What do you mean by that?" She said, trying to play a game with him.

"Oh, don't give me that. You and I both know that you are the Goddess Kali, the goddess of death, time, and doomsday. You are here to teach us a lesson. I understand that. I'm ready to be..."

"If you think I am Kali, shouldn't you be afraid right now? Begging and pleading for your life?"

"Why should I be afraid of Goddess Kali? She might be all about death and doom, but she's also about motherly love. I'm sure you are here to teach me... Teach us all a lesson. I can't imagine you would come down to this planet if you didn't have something important to do."

She felt like this man was killing her with all of his devotion. She didn't want him to die. But she wanted to test him a bit further still.

"Okay then, if I am this Goddess you speak of, what if I tell you, it's in your fate to die and be smashed under my beautiful feet? Would you accept that? Would you take it in stride and do it as I tell you to? Would you be obedient even through the pain?"

His eyes started shining as if she had said something absolutely divine to him. He nodded. "Yes indeed, Goddess. I will do exactly as you wish. And I shall do it with devotion. Just ask me. And see how much I wish to serve you."

She sighed. It was fine when there was evil to be vanquished on these planets. She liked doing that. She even enjoyed killing off evil when necessary. Thor was an easy kill, but highly satisfactory. But beings like Hardy - they really made her eye twitch. Uncomfortably and disdainfully, she said, "Okay, then give me your right eye. Poke your fingers into your face, and..."

Before she had even finished her sentence, he started struggling to move his fingers to his face.

"Idiot." She said, quietly to herself. He didn't even know if I am the real Kali, and he's...

"If you could let me move a bit, I will show you how serious I am about being your devotee. You will not find anyone else who is better than me in this regard. I will love you, and serve you, as no one has before. You can count on me, Goddess Kali."

Either this man was delusional, and he thought every alien woman he captured was Kali, or he actually saw the true Kali within her. Every woman has Kali within her, and every woman was able to display her Kaliness at one point or another. Usually in a moment of strife or conflict. Usually, when a woman needed to show the world who was boss. When the world needed a bit of a smackdown.

She stepped over to him. It had been a while since she had been served with such devotion. Perhaps it was time for her to wallow in it. Maybe she could use his devotion to quell the hungers that lay deep within her. The hunger to be appreciated, loved, and admired for exactly who she was. Even despite who she was.

His eyes started shining even more. "Will you please let me serve you, Goddess? I promise I will do an outstanding job." This man had a weird way with words. His voice was too squeaky. And he was obviously not all right in the head. But she could imagine for some reason that he would have a tongue that could please her and her cunt. She decided to use it. Use him.

Why not? She thought to herself. Men used her all the time to fulfill their desires. With or without her permission. It was time for her to pay back the favour. It was time for her to be the one taking advantage of them. She liked that idea. She liked it a lot. She could feel herself getting wet down there. That was odd indeed. It had been awhile since that happened. Usually, she was way too busy smashing skulls with stones, and mashing faces with her feet. Maybe it was time to come back to her divine femininity. The femininity that lay deep within her. She might be a violent Goddess, but she still had her feminine wiles boiling within her. She was not all rage, blood, and gore, she justified to herself.

"I am going to let your hands and feet loose. I am doing it for one reason and one reason alone. I want you to show me that you can using your tongue alone to please me. It has to be done in a way that entices me, otherwise, your head and skull will go on that necklace of mine with the rest of the 99 other fools who displeased me." He nodded. She raised her eyebrows to indicate her seriousness. He nodded even more fervently.

"Yes, madam Kali. I mean, Goddess Kali. I understand perfectly. I understand even more perfectly than you can imagine. If you can imagine I understand as perfectly as if I were inside your own head. So there is nothing for you to fear. Nothing at all. Please go ahead. Go ahead and let me loose."

Too much chatter irritated her, usually. But today, it seemed rather like music to her ears. Maybe she was getting old. But this kind of deferential treatment that would have normally made her gag, instead made her feel sensual and wanted.

Moving not a finger or a toe, she undid the energy knots that were holding him down. He felt the release and instantly got up off the bed. He was raring to go. She could see the bulge in his pants.

She thought he would be rude, forceful, and pushy. But as soon as he came close to her, he became as gentle as a feather. He took her hand in his own, as if she were a delicate porcelain doll, and then led her to bed.

"Please lie down, my beautiful Goddess. If I am to pleasure you, I need to be able to access your nether regions. Please lie down here on this bed. It might be too soft for you now, but once we are both in the throes of ecstasy, none of this physical world will matter anymore." He still talked too much. But she hoped that all of this talk would lead to something amazing. Something mind blowing. Even though she was a Goddess, the idea of finding a man who could satisfy her carnally, was quite a tall order. And she despaired for it. Maybe he could be the one who could fit that tall order. He was squeaky enough for it, at least.

She laid down. He was right, the bed didn't seem that uncomfortable anymore. All she was focused on was the throbbing in between her legs. She just wanted him to do something about that, instead of fluffing the pillows, and adjusting her dress around her body. Stop dilly-dallying, she wanted to shout. "Stop making me wait in agony. And do something about my yoni," she thought lustily.

Finally, he was done dawdling, and he moved over to her pelvic region. He moved her dress over gently, and then stared at her vagina as if he had discovered the treasures of Mesopotamia. She smiled inwardly. She knew what her yoni looked like, having played with it hundreds of times. It wasn't something special. Well, it was special to her, but probably to no one else.

But he looked at the red bulging vulva as if it were gold.

"I will begin, my Goddess." He said, as he leaned down. She closed her eyes, ready to give in to decadent pleasure. It was crazy how excited she was about this. She had never been this excited before. She waited patiently... and then she yelped.

He had bitten her, the fool. How dare he bite her, the idiot of idiots. Did he not know how to give a good cunt licking?

She opened up her eyes and her face turned red.

"What are you doing here?" She asked the man standing in Squeaky's place.

"I could ask you the same thing, you know." His handsome blue face, his perfect muscular body, and the tiger cloth that covered his nether regions, were all the same as she had seen it last. Oh, it has been maybe a few decades since they saw each other last. He must have been busy playing around with his first or second wife. Surely he had forgotten all about her. Or that's what she had imagined.

But here he was. Looking good enough to eat. Her dearest husband, Shiva.

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