Dark Nights

By Phantomheart8

258K 13K 7.2K

(Yandere male x female reader) Y/N is convicted of a terrible crime, one she never could have done. All evide... More

The beginning of chaos
Guarded or Hunted?
Guilty but Innocent
Welcome to Hell
Your new home
Newest group member
The Wolves
The courtyard
Elliots Garden
A/N: Elliot
Not so bad anymore?
Twin Wolves Riddles
Not the baby anymore
Here and Already Causing Trouble
Punished for sticking together
The Patient Profile
What Do You Want?
Olivia, Henry, AND Joshua?... but no Elliot
Baby Steps with Big Feet
Christmas Eve Christmas Tree making
The voice of an Angel
Not Safe Anywhere
To Mess with the Lamb
Together, Always
Breaking News
Long Talks on the grass
The Man that was Hiding His Face
Taken Away
A Total Stanger
A Starving Animal
Starting Conflict
Forging bonds
Willy's story Part 1
Willy's story Part 2
Elliot's story Part 1
Elliot's story Part 2
Elliot's story part 3
Joshua's Memories Part 1
Joshua's memories Part 2
Getting out of There
Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire
We Go Together
Nighttime Reassurances
Clothes " Shopping"
Sparkling Eyes
End of the Road
Run Little Lamb, Run
One by One
Desperate Times, Desperate Deeds
Something's not right here
The Labyrinth of Torture
Faces Revealed
The Lion, The Wolf, and The Lamb
The Moons Bright Light
Epilogue: Finding Home

Home at Last

3.8K 233 126
By Phantomheart8

" Detective... I don't understand what your trying to tell me. Can you please explain it again?" You asked quietly, not even meeting his gaze as you looked out of the window. You were in the passenger seat of his car as he drove you down your hometown, closer and closer to home.

It had been about a day since they took you from the Asylum, and all the time had been spent driving back home. You were scared and nervous, but mostly sad.

You could not get your friends off of your mind, you had grown so close to them. Being ripped away from them so quickly was heartbreaking. You just could not get their tears and cries out of your head.

" Everything that the Doctors told you was a lie Y/N. They knew you were innocent, but you were perfect for an experiment they were trying. What would happen if they brought an innocent girl, and put them in a group with the most dangerous men there? would it change them?" He said. You could barely process what he was saying to you.

" So... they caused the crime so they could commit me?" You said, your chest constricting with rage. All those times Doctor Valeski smiled at you, said he was trying to help you, but he was an evil man that caused this whole time? Detective Dolin inhaled deeply through his nose.

" No... the real criminal is still out there skulking in the shadows somewhere. The institution simply saw the case, and took control." He stated. That still was not any better in your opinion. If anything worse since the true person who did the crime was still on the loose. They could be out there hurting people right now.

" And the whole time I was there... was just for an experiment?" You asked even quieter, afraid that if you spoke any louder you might just lose it.

" Yes... everything that happened to you there was all planned out by facility. Everything that went wrong to you in there, Benjamin, Olivia, the Guard that tried to rape you. Every time the guards just seemingly disappeared when you needed them most. All of it was planned by the institution to see how it would affect your relationship with your group.

" How do you know all of this?" You swiveled your head in his direction quickly. Giving him a deep, hard stare. He glanced at you with his dark brown eyes for a split second before turning his gaze to the road again.

" We placed an undercover cop in there six years ago when we first got suspicions of what went on there, However, they kept their secrets so tightly locked up that he could barely get any information, and it would take him a long time to relay it to us. when you came it created an opening for him to get all the information he needed and even though it took a really long time. He was able to get it out and back to us... and we were able to finally bring you home." He got quiet again.

" Who was the mole." You asked. A smile quickly spread on his face and he glanced at you for a second again. Reaching up and scratching at the black fuzz at his chin.

" Do you remember Henry?" He asked in a mischievous voice and you practically jumped. Looking at him with wide and shocked eyes.

" What?! But he made himself out to be really mean and dangerous because I crossed him!" You exclaimed and the Detective chuckled at your reaction.

" He had to." Was Dolin's reply. " He had to make sure he fit the part of his act. Or else the Institution would have killed him and erased all evidence of him being there... He actually wanted me to tell you he was sorry for making you so uncomfortable and afraid. But you helped him bring down a corrupt organization Y/N. Even if you don't realize how you did, you did. You helped a lot of people." He tried to cheer you up.

You could not be though. You were so hurt, you had been so hurt. All against your will you were locked in an asylum for almost four years. You were eighteen years old when you were committed, you were now almost twenty-two.

Doctor Valeski knew too, he treated you like you were sick and that he was trying to help you. He made it seem like he was a good guy trying to make you better. When in reality he was a monster who took years of your life away.

The only good thing that came out of this was Joshua, Elliot and Willy becoming part of the family in your heart. You did not know if you would ever see them again. You had already asked Dolin where they were being moved too, but his only reply was that they had not been moved yet.

Then, with a sudden jolt from your heart deep into your very soul, you realize that you had just pulled in to your neighborhood. You placed a hand on the window and watched as the houses from your past went by. Your heart pounded louder and louder as you got closer and closer to your own home.

Your heart probably stopped as Dolin pulled up into the driveway of your house. There were a couple more cars parked which made you guess that there might be friends of the family over for your return.

There were big colorful balloon words saying " WELCOME HOME" above the front door. You heard the Detective get out from his side and walk around the car to yours. Opening the door for you.

You stared at the house with wide eyes a moment longer before hesitantly stepping out. The detective kept a patient pace with you as you took small baby steps up the walkway to the front door.

You held your hand out behind you for Elliot to take, wanting to hold his big hand for support, that always helped calm him down, and it did you too.

He never did though, and you looked behind you to see what was wrong with him, but he was not there. You stopped walking and looked longingly behind you. Where were your friends, you needed to be together? Even If detective Dolin was right and the whole reason you met them was all an experiment, it did not matter.

You started to shake your head and take a couple of steps back. Dolin looked at you with concerned eyes, taking a step in your direction.

" Y/N? Are you ok?" he said, holding his hands up as if he was comforting a frightened animal. Your breathing picked up as you shook your head even wider.

" No no no no nonononononononononono! I need them here! I need them right now! Elliot! Willy! Joshua! I need them." You sped out, nearly turning around and bolting down the street but the Detective caught you in his hold. Holding you tightly but not harshly at the shoulders.

" Y/N, Y/N Its ok sweetie, everything is going to get better for you!" He quickly spoke. You continued to frantically ramble out words but he talked over you. " Y/N I know you're scared, it's going to take time for you to get back to a normal life. But your friends and family are here to help you get through this! It's ok to be scared, but don't let it control you!" He said to you.

You started to breathe a little more calmly. He was right... and you needed to see your family. You looked passed him to where the front door stood. You knew inside, your mom, dad, older sister and younger brother were waiting for you. Your little brother was almost twelve now. He was eight when you were taken away.

You took a deep breath and gulped down the lump forming in your throat. The detective held your hand as you slowly walked up the walkway, and up the steps to your door.

You felt like such a stranger here now, you did not know if you should knock or not. The detective though, knocked on the door himself before opening it and letting you go in first.

You stepped into the living room, feeling the strange feel of the carpet that you had once been used too. At the sound of the front door, your family rushed in from the kitchen and into the living room.

It was a long, silent moment of them looking at you and you looking at them. Your mother broke down and ran forward, almost leaping on you and hugging you to her as close as you could be. The rest of your family was not far behind.

They all wrapped their arms around you as they cried and sobbed. You were crying too, but it was a silent cry as tears ran down your face. You shook in their hold.

You missed them so much but you felt like you were an outcast now. There were more people in the house now, friends of the family as well as more family members.

Destiny and Charlie were here too! Your friends held her hands up to her mouth as tears of joy streamed down her face. The cuts on her arms that you had noticed when they first took you away were now faded scars. Charlie was crying too, he had grown quite tall and his brown hair had darkened to not black, but close.

They stayed at the doorway though, letting your family see to you first. There was one more person in the mix too. Someone you had not seen for a long time.

She looked up from behind the crowd, with wide, sad eyes also full of compassion and love. It was Jackie!! Joshua's mother! why was she here? had she gotten to know your parents after you had talked to her?

The family members eventually pulled away but did not move. Your mother had her hands on your head, running them down your tear-stained cheeks. You looked at each one in turn. When you completed a full circle you broke down, sobbing as your family embraced you again.

You were finally home. So... why did it feel like you weren't?

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