Hidden Names (TodoShinDeku)

By lyzard_fan_fics

396K 18.5K 12.5K

~Soulmate AU~ When teens turn seventeen, they get a name on their wrist, in rare cases two. This is the name... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
That moment when-

Chapter 4

21.6K 1K 729
By lyzard_fan_fics

"K-Kacchan?!" Izuku asked, staring at the scowling blond wide eyed.

"I'm not stupid, Deku. Between you're behavior and round face's just now, it was pretty easy to guess who you didn't want to catch you." Bakugou explained, setting Izuku down on his own two feet. He wasn't injured, so it was fine.

"Midoriya, are you okay?" Hitoshi asked hurriedly as he and Shoto quickly made it to where he was with Bakugou.

"Yeah, I'm fi-" Izuku was cut off when Hitoshi tried to reach out to him, only for Bakugou to roughly pull the green haired boy away from him.

"Don't touch him." Bakugou growled out.

"Kacchan, that's really not-"

"Deku, just be quiet." The blond shot back, shutting the green haired boy up quickly.

"What the hell is your problem?" Hitoshi asked, one eyebrow raised tiredly. He knew why Izuku wouldn't want Shoto to touch him, but why was it such a big deal if he did?

"Don't touch him." Was all Bakugou said back. He didn't know why Izuku wasn't tell them they were soulmates, but he didn't need to. If Izuku didn't want them to know, then Bakugou wasn't about to tell them.

"Is that all you're capable of saying?" Shoto asked, seeming annoyed with Bakugou's behavior and just wanting to make sure Izuku was okay.

Bakugou, surprisingly, didn't say anything back. He just shot the half and half teen a quick glare before dragging Izuku away from them. He grabbed Uraraka with his other hand as he went.

"Deku landed hard, even if I did break his fall. I'm taking him to Recovery Girl." He said shortly to Aizawa as he walked right past him, not even sparing a glance.

"I don't have enough energy to even try." The homeroom teacher muttered to himself. He knew that it wouldn't be a bad idea to get Izuku checked out, but he also knew that he didn't need it. The teen was perfectly fine, so he wasn't sure why Bakugou was dragging him out with Uraraka in toe.

Once the three students were out of the gym and away from prying eyes and ears, Bakugou stopped walked and turned to Izuku with his arms crossed. "Icyhot and eye bags, they're your soulmates, right? That's why you've been avoid them and why round face wouldn't let them catch you."

Izuku winced at how easily his childhood friend had caught on to him. "Kacchan, why do you have to be so observant all the time?" He asked back rather than just admitting it.

"Yes or no, Deku?" The blond said, impatient as always and just wanting a straight forwards answer.

"Yes." Izuku said with his head hung low.

"Why aren't you tell them?" Bakugou asked right back, wanting to get to the bottom of it quickly.

When Izuku was silent for just a bit too long, Uraraka decided to jump in. "Something about waiting for them to get their names and feeling like a obligation. Oh yeah, and you being an asshole and convincing him he's not worthy of a soulmate." She said, sending a menacing glare at Bakugou. Not that he'd ever admit it out loud, but it was just a little bit scary. Just a little.

"Seriously, Deku? Now you decide to start listening to me? What the hell is wrong with you? They're your fucking soulmates. Their names are basically tattooed on your wrist, you don't get to decide if you deserve them or not. That decision's already been made. Time to man the fuck up and tell them before you do something you regret." Bakugou hissed at him, his fiery red eyes blazing as he spoke.

"I... I don't think I've ever agreed with anything you've said up until this point." Uraraka whispered in awe, but she was promptly ignored.

Izuku shook his head, partly in disbelief at what his middle school bully had just said. "First off, why do you care? You hate me, Todoroki and Shinso. You couldn't care less about the outcome of our relationship. And second, what right do you have to tell me to 'man the fuck up' when you haven't done anything about your soulmate either?" Izuku shot back, using air quotations when necessary.

"I'm dating my soulmate already, dumbass." Bakugou said simply.

Izuku nearly blanched at his words. "Y-you're- when- since- I- h-how- who-"

"Oi! Shut the fuck up!" Bakugou barked at him, annoyed with the stuttering. "You don't know because neither of us feel the need to go around shouting that we're dating. Besides, our relationship didn't even change all that much." He explain, shrugging slightly.

Izuku narrowed his eyes at the blond. "Kirishima?" He asked.

"Want a gold star after I basically spoon fed you the answer?" Bakugou angrily asked back.

"Since when have you and Kirishima been a thing?! I thought you two were just, like... bros, or whatever." Uraraka exclaimed, completely taken by surprise.

Bakugou rolled his eyes at her. "Since like a week after my birthday."

"How did-" Uraraka's flood of questions was cut off before it could really even start.

"We're getting off topic." Bakugou said, agitated and sure that it was Izuku's plan to get side tracked. "You need to tell them." He said pointedly.

"No, no I don't." Izuku said back, appearing to be completely and utterly calm.

"Deku, you don't get how bad this is going to end, for you specifically." Bakugou started. "If you manage to last out until they turn seventeen, you're going to have to deal with the backlash of not tell them. Knowing both of them, they won't forgive you easily. Not only that, but there's no way in hell you'll make it six months without touching one of them and when you do... It's painful as shit. I know you're some sort of masochist with that quirk-"


"-but it's not like breaking bones. It's like... being set on fire and then thrown into an ice bath repeatedly. From one extreme to another. No matter what you do, it's just pain, all the time. You might think you can handle it, but I give it a week, not even, before you go crawling to whoever you touched or trying to put yourself out of your misery." Bakugou finished, seeming uncomfortable with the topic all of a sudden.

"...How long did you last out?" Izuku asked.

Bakugou gritted his teeth and kept his gaze anywhere but the green haired teen. "Three days."

Izuku felt awkward after that. He just learned a secret about his middle school bully that no one else but, probably, his soulmate knew. In an attempt to lighten the atmosphere, he jokingly said, "Guess I have a record to strive for."

Yeah, that didn't go well.

He earned a swift hit to the back of the head, similar to Uraraka's. "Damn it Deku, this isn't a fucking game! I wasn't even depressed and I considered offing myself because of the pain. It's so bad you can't think clearly. The only thing on your mind is the quickest way to make it stop. It won't even cross your mind to just tell them until something actually happens. If raccoon eyes hadn't found me when she did, I'd probably be dead right now. It's. not. a. game." Bakugou gritted out.

Izuku let out a heavy sigh at his failed attempt. "Yeah, I know that Kacchan." He mumbled.

"Tell them." Bakugou said one last time before he turned and walked back to the gym.

Once he was gone, Uraraka spoke up. "Was he able to knock some sense into you or do you still insist on being an idiot?" She asked, already know the answer.

"Ura, you know-"

"Yeah." She answered, also turning and going back to the gym.

Izuku groaned to himself. He had no training he needed to do now, so he headed to Recovery Girl's. He was supposedly going anyway, might as well not have completely lied to his teacher.

"I guess this is going to be harder than I expected." He said to himself.

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