Multiverse Tales Side Stories

By CruderPlace13

443 8 13

Title says it all really, but basically these are specials that wouldn't make sense being in an already estab... More

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Dragonball FighterZ: Robots, Clones, and Candy
Preventing a New Age (MCU: Avengers: Age of Ultron)

Ohma Birthday Special (DragonBall Super)

142 4 0
By CruderPlace13

Timeline Placement: Between Books 2 & 3

POV Change


Date: May 23

Ohma: Is it ready?

C: For the seventh time, NO IT ISN'T!

Ohma: How hard is it for you to find a universe full of creatures that don't exist anywhere else!

C: I have to make a portal otherwise we might become those creatures!

Ohma:... Awesome!

C:....I hate you.

I mess around on the console in front of me trying my best to open a portal to Universe POK. So far it seems like something is stopping access, considering half the stuff that exist there, makes sense. The only problem is that I have this annoying shadow wielding birthday bow demanding to see this place and he won't shut the fuck up! Suddenly the machine goes haywire and starts sparking. I feel a huge build up in spacial energy inside if it as it starts glowing.

C: Oh...shit.

Ohma: You fucking idi-

The machine explodes and we're suddenly thrown through into another universe. I crash down onto a place I don't recognize at all. I look around when the ground starts shaking and a huge cat thing with snake like body comes out the ground. It looks at me and growls.

C: Umm...don't-

It lunges at me and I quickly backflip kick it and make it slither back into the ground. Suddenly I hear something crash down beside me so I turn and see a huge man with tan skin, black hair, and a green pelt around his waist.

C: Hey can you-

?: leave. Now.

C: Look man I w-

?: Not a question. You will leave.

C: I-

?: Now.


Suddenly another one of those snake cat things comes out if the ground and I catch it with one hand. I use my other hand to punch it in the face sending it reeling back. The big guy sees this and then shouts.


The big guy rushes me and hits me in the stomach before launching me away with a green ball of energy. I crash into a mountain and the ball fucking explodes. I throw myself out of the rubble and scoff.


Narrator POV

Meanwhile Ohma crashes down somewhere completely different. He gets up and looks around seeing that he is in a city. He also appears to have crashed a party on arrival. A man with black spikey hair and wearing blue tights and some sort of white armor walks up to him.

Spikey: Who the hell are you?!

Ohma: None your damn business.

Ohma goes to walk away, but the guy grabs his shoulder.

Spikey: No one talks to Prince Vegeta like that!

Ohma slams his fist into the guy's gut sending him flying back into a dome shaped building.

Ohma: Let's call that a warning, now piss off.

The guy flies out of the building with his hair a red color.


Ohma: Oh...

Ohma smiles as he cracks his neck and knuckles.

Ohma: So you think you stand a chance against me? Bring it then.

Vegeta rushes in and kicks Ohma in the stomach sending him into the ground. Ohma pulls himself out of the ground and launches himself at Vegeta. Ohma swings, but Vegeta dodges before hitting him dead in the stomach and following up with a big blue ball of energy.


The ball flies at Ohma, but he swats it away sending it flying into the air where it promptly explodes.

?: I suggest you two be careful, you don't want to end up spilling my you?

Ohma looks over and sees a purple cat in Egyptian style clothing.

Vegeta: N-no of course not, Lord Beerus!

Ohma: Whatever.

Everyone gasps.

Ohma: I could care less about your pudding or this fight in general. I just need to find my friend, so I can leave this place.

Ohma pulls out his phone and calls C. C however is a little busy at the moment. Broly grabs C by the leg and slams him into the ground repeatedly. C throws out his hand and hits Broly with a blast that sends him flying.

C: The hell?! How did I-

C's phone suddenly rings, so he answers it.

C: Hello?

Ohma: Hey man where are you?

C: No idea. Fighting some big guy with black hair and some sort of pelt around his waist.

A roar suddenly fills the air and Broly rushes in decking C in the face. C catches himself before he crashes into the ground and he pushes off flipping himself onto his feet. Broly screams as his hair goes green.

C: Just send me your location and I'll come to you.

Broly charges a green ball of energy and throws it at C.


Ohma: C! What happened?! C?!

The call goes dead. C puts his phone away and puts out both hands to stop the ball. He then throws it back at Broly, but he dodges it and swings at C. His fist catches C in the stomach making him cough up spit and sending him flying back as Broly launches a huge green beam from his mouth. The beam envelopes C.

C: No I can't die here! I made a promise and I refuse to DIE HERE!

C suddenly explodes with bright explosion of energy. He looks at Broly and sends a ball of energy of his own at him. It hits Broly and drags him into the sky before exploding. The explosions sends Broly crashing back down to the planet. Broly pulls himself up and roars as C's phone goes off.

C: Alright it was fun fighting you, but I finally found out where I'm supposed to go. Oh I'm C by the way. Bye.

C then teleports away leaving the hulking Saiyan confused. C meanwhile is now on Earth beside Ohma.

C: So, what's up? Did I miss anything good?

Ohma: No. Just this idiot trying to fight me.


Vegeta puts both his arms to the side and then in front of him as yellow energy emits from his palms.

Vegeta: Let's see you ignore this! FINAL FLASH!!

His hair changes to blue as he fires a huge beam at the duo, but it stops when it almost hits them. C holds out his left hand making the beam freeze in place until Vegeta stops firing it. Once he does C compresses the beam into his fist and squeezes it. He dashes in front of Vegeta and slams his fist into his gut before opening it and releasing the built up energy. Vegeta screams as he goes flying back. Vegeta crashes into a building with his hair back to it's black color.

C: Alright so that takes care of that.

?: Yo!

Everyone looks over and sees a guy with black hair and orange Gi flying above. He lands on the ground beside Vegeta and gives him a bean. Once he eats it Vegeta stands up and glares at the newcomer.

Vegeta: Took you long enough, Kakarot.

Kakarot: Aw. Come on Vegeta. I was busy, but I'm here now. So these guys are the source of that strange power?

Vegeta: The one with the black hair is the one who arrived first. I don't know much about the other one, but his power definitely isn't normal either. He took my final flash like it was nothing.

C: Excuse me? Hi I'm C and this is Ohma. Who are you?

Vegeta: I am Vegeta prince of the Saiyans.

Kakarot: And I'm Goku.

Ohma: He just called you Kakarot.

Vegeta: He is Kakarot.

C: But he just said Goku.

Goku: Cause that's my name.


Vegeta: No! Look! I'm calling him by his Saiyan name, which is Kakarot. He is using his earth name which is Goku.

C:...ok. Well we have got to go. You know places to be and all tha-

Beerus: You there. C was it? Your power is rather unusual even compared to your ally's. Why is that?

C: you mean my gravitational, spacial, and the temporal powers?

Beerus: You can manipulate time?

C: And space and gravity. Yes.

Beerus: Altering the timeline is an offense against all that is holy.

C: I've heard that line before.

Beerus: Give me a good reason to not destroy you, and maybe I'll let you live.

C: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....please?

Beerus: Not good enough.

The cat man then rushes at C and kick him in the head. C flys back before righting himself in the air and launching himself at Beerus. They trade blows back and forth all the while rising into the air until eventually Beerus catches both of C's hands and they clash. C breaks it with a headbut and charges a ki attack. He launches the ball at Beerus, but it is swatted away easily. Beerus goes to kick C, but he slows down time and dodges before delivering some quick blows to the God of Destruction. Beerus flies back a little and smirks.

Beerus: Right there you just slowed down time, did you not?

C: And if I did?

Beerus: Well that means I can do this without remorse.

Beerus holds out his hand making a purple ball of energy appear. The ball reeks of murderous intent freezing C in place.

Beerus: Hakai.

The ball is launched at C and begins to tear him apart. He feels his body being torn down at an atomic level.

C: No! I! Won't! Die! HERE!

C is consumed by a bright yellow light. It pushes away the purple energy before dying out.

C: I'm...alive.

C then collapses forward towards the ground, but Beerus catches him.

Beerus: How did you do that?

C: I..don't... know.

With those last words out C slips into unconsciousness. Beerus flies back down to earth where his attendant Whis is waiting.

Whis: I say Lord Beerus was that strange divine energy you?

Beerus: It was the boy. It negated my Hakai. It perfectly apposed.

Whis: So it was creation energy. Odd. I've heard stories, but never heard of someone being able to wield it.

Beerus: I doubt he can. It was more like it saved him from destruction. He didn't make it it just came naturally.

Whis: So you believe he is full of creation energy rather than he can manipulate it?

Beerus: Precisely.

Whis: That does sound like the most solid argument, my Lord.

Beerus: Well, I say we take out leave. I'll let the boy live, besides he...fascinates me.

With that Beerus and Whis leave. Goku then gives C a sensu bean. C eats it and immediately wakes up where he promptly punches Goku.

Goku: AH! MY NOSE!


Ohma: Well you aren't dead so that's a start.

C turns and sees Ohma.

C: Right. So we leaving now?

Goku: Hold up.

They look at Goku who pulls his hands away from his face.

Goku: I wanna fight you.

C: Me?

Goku: Yeah it'll be fun. If you survived fighting Beerus then you must be strong.

Vegeta: And I'm not done with you yet.

C:... Alright. I guess we can oblige.

Ohma: You're going down.

Goku: Let's head somewhere else.

C: Don't want anyone getting caught in the crossfire? I respect that. Lead the way.

Goku flies up with Vegeta, C, and Ohma following. By the time they stop they're at a wasteland.

C: Yeah. This'll do. So show me what you've got.


Goku's hair goes blue as he then smirks at C.

Goku: This is Super Saiyan Blue.

C: Cool.

C releases some of his own power. Making his energy match Goku's.

C: I don't have many flashy transformations like that. So we'll start with the basics.

They both stare each other down before launching at the other. They trade blows back and forth with neither being able to hit the other. Eventually they both jump back and smile.

Goku: You're crazy good.

C: You're not bad yourself, but I'm only just getting warmed up.

Goku: Glad to hear it.

They both rush back in as Vegeta and Ohma stare each other down.

Ohma: I'm not holding back on you by the way. So now would be the time to leave if you want to live.

Vegeta: I'm the prince of all Saiyans. I relish the thought of a worthy battle. So stop your talking and let's get onto it.

Vegeta powers up making his hair blue. He then launches himself at Ohma who catches his hands.

Ohma: You're stronger when you're blue.

Vegeta: This is the power beyond that of a super Saiyan God!

Vegeta kicks Ohma in the stomach launching him back. Ohma slips into the shadows and comes out with an uppercut to Vegeta's chin. He then grabs his leg and pulls him back down where he delivers a strong hook to his face. Vegeta slides back a little and smirks.

Vegeta: Is that the best you can do?

Ohma clenches his teeth and the ends of his hair go on up a little.

Ohma: Don't you dare mock me!

Ohma rushes in and swings at Vegeta, but he blocks it and grabs Ohma by the face before slamming him into the ground.

Vegeta: On a scale of one to ten, I'll give you a three.

He blast Ohma down making a crater.

Meanwhile C and Goku are fighting when C is kicked straight up into the air. Goku then appears in front of him and holds up two fingers before barely moving and hitting C in the gut making him gasp for air as he flies back. He is then sent to the ground and makes a crater on impact.

C: I can't give up here! Broly was strong and I had him at an even fight! I can do this! This guy might be faster than Broly, but I can still tap into the power I felt when Broly almost killed me! I'M GOING ALL IN!

C is then surrounded by a bright yellow aura as his hair goes blonde and his eyes go green.

C: Alright let's get serious!

C races up to Goku and slams his elbow into his gut. He the axe kicks him straight down. Goku stops himself in mid air, but c is right below him and he slams Goku down to earth. Ohma looks over at C and feels the power coming off him.

Ohma: I'm being left behind! Again!

Vegeta: What?


Ohma's hair goes blonde as it spikes up and comes out his beanie. His eyes go green as blue lightening traces around his aura.

Ohma: You're going down!

He rushes in and decks Vegeta in the face making him fly back. He then appears behind him and kicks him up. Vegeta stops himself and looks over at Ohma.

Vegeta: You think you're super Saiyan form can rival my blue?! Take this! GALICK GUN! FIRE!

Vegeta fires the blast at Ohma, but he simply swats it away making a huge explosion in the distance.

Vegeta: How can that be? He's too strong...even for blue!

Ohma then disappears.

Vegeta: He's gone.

Ohma: I told you. You were going down.

He puts a hand on Vegeta's back and pushes down sending the prince to the ground.

Meanwhile Goku and C are duking it out evenly.

Goku: I didn't know you were a Saiyan.

C: Yeah. Me either.

C then kicks Goku in the face before delivering a punch that sends him flying back.

Goku: I'm not done! Kaioken!

C: Kaio what?

Goku rushes in and swings at C, but C dodges all his hits. He then catches Goku's fists and fires a beam out his mouth that sends Goku flying back.

C: Huh. I actually didn't mean to do that.

Goku's energy does a weird spike as C looks on in shock.

C: What..what is that?

Goku reappears in front of C with white hair and silver eyes. C goes to hit him, but Goku easily dodges it. He hits C once, but somehow delivers a ton blows at the same moment. C goes flying back until he hits the ground.

C: So that's what it's like being hit by stopped time? That shit sucks.

Ohma: My God. Do I always have to save you?

Ohma rushes in at Goku, but despite his greater power he still can't manage to do much.

Ohma: I don't understand! I'm stronger than C, but that still isn't enough?!

Goku: This here is the power of Ultra Instinct. You can't beat me.

C: His reaction time and the way he moves is so fast. Too fast. It's like his body is moving on.... instinct. He isn't thinking. He's just reacting. He would have to shut his mind off almost completely to pull of a feat like that. I'm not going to be able to mimic something like that. My mind is always racing with thoughts, but maybe...if I can overload it I can achieve some sort of power to oppose his.

C then focuses and let's his mind wander all the while Ohma is getting his ass beat by Goku. Ohma screams out as he is hit in the stomach and then sent down beside C. Goku fires a Kamehameha at them, but C blocks it. His hair is it's normal brown, but his eyes and aura are flickering between every color. He rushes at Goku and swings as Goku dodges C hits him in the stomach making him fly back a little.

C: I can't mimic Ultra Instinct, but with this I can see every possible outcome. I just have to find the right one and block out the rest. This is something I don't usually use, but it'll stop you. This is Maximum Premonition!

Goku rushes C, but C sees all the possible outcomes play out. One where it's a bait, one where he follows up, one where C counters, and too many to count. C picks one and dodges to the right and drives his knee forward striking Goku's chest. He then spins and kicks Goku back. He follows it up with a blast from his hands. The attacks all hit Goku and send him down to the ground where Ultra Instinct then wears off. C let's his mind ease up and his premonition goes away. Goku and Vegeta end up on the ground beside each other as they pull themselves up. C and Ohma stand in front of them.

Goku: Not even Ultra Instinct worked against them.

Vegeta: As much as it pains me to say, Kakarot fuse with me!

Goku: What?!

Vegeta: If we fuse using that stupid dance we can take them down.

Goku: Alright! Let's do this.

They separate and get into their positions.

C: So we just gonna let them do this?

Ohma: It'll be fun.

Vegeta & Goku: Fuuuusion ha!

A swirl of orange and blue comes together and there stands a lone warrior in baggy pants and a weird vest.

Gogeta: This is the ultimate fusion, Gogeta!

He goes super Saiyan blue and rushes the duo. They block his strikes, but he swats C away and rushes Ohma. Ohma takes a hit to the stomach before being kicked away and having a ton of blasts hit him followed by a swirling rainbow one. He sits there in the rubble with a surprised look on his face.

Ohma: Ow.

C rushes at Gogeta only to have his fist grabbed and being slammed into the floor. He is then hit with a blast.

Gogeta: Big Bang Kamehameha!!!

C blocks it and is pushed back towards Ohma. C might have blocked the attack, but he's still hurt.

C: Okay. So I think I have a way we can win.

Ohma: I'm all ears.

C: give me your soul.

Ohma: What?!

C: If you give me your soul and I give you mine, we slam them together and then we'll be fused into one being.

Ohma: Hold up! We'll be able to separate right?!

C: Probably.



Ohma: FINE!

Ohma tosses C his soul and C tosses his to him. They both nod at each other and slam their souls together. Their bodies shatter like glass and then start swirling around and around. The pieces then start to reform into one being. He has long curly black hair, dark brown eyes, and dark skin. His outfit consist of blue jeans, black t-shirt, and a black zip-up hoodie with white fur around the hood. He looks up at Gogeta and smirks.

?: This is the true ultimate fusion! This is Cohma! The avenging warrior!

Cohma stares up at Gogeta and then launches himself at him. Cohma's dark red aura fights against Gogeta's blue aura. They exchange blows back and forth when eventually they both have their fist in the other's face. Cohma then knees Gogeta in the stomach and then in the face. He hammer fists him straight down and then appears below him. He pulls back both his legs and kicks straight up making the fused warrior fly into the air. Cohma then charges up an attack in his hands.


The dark red blast goes straight at Gogeta who thinks on his feet quickly.

Gogeta: HAAAA!

He fires his attack down at the blast, but he can't push it away. The blast continues to him when at the last second the fusion ends making Goku and Vegeta separate and the attack misses. Goku and Vegeta stare down in shock at Cohma as he smirks up at them.

Cohma: I'm going to be real with you, I don't think you can be me anymore. Oh wait why does my chest hurt so much.

Suddenly he explodes like glass and the warrior reforms into two separate entities.

C: I think our "Fukushu seishin" separated up.

Ohma: Good. I didn't want to be fused any longer than we had to anyways.

They both look at Vegeta and Goku who land in front of them.

C: I think it's clear we win this little escapade.

Goku: Yeah. You guys are strong, but next time we'll win for sure.

Ohma: I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Vegeta: Whatever.

C: Alright Ohma. Let's head home.

Ohma nods and C opens a portal back to universe KlK.

C: If you ever want to fight again...

C tosses Goku a watch.

C: Just message me.

With that he and Ohma step into the portal and leave.

C: Happy Birthday bro.

Ohma: Thanks.

(Author's Note: Damn I'm a solid month late. Whoops)

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