Crack Ships

By sginabooks

110 7 2

Just a few Crack ship once shots whilst I'm working on my actual stories - enjoy :) More

SnowQueen~ Birthday Wish

109 7 2
By sginabooks

Snows POV

Today is my 18th birthday but in all honesty, it doesn't feel like one at all. It's just another depressing day after my father died a few weeks ago. I don't have anyone to share this day with. But I sometimes doubt I'd even want to spend the day with my father. The kingdom knew I was more of a Mommy's girl, than a Daddy's. My mother died shortly before I turned 10 and she Had the heart and soul of an angel. My father, though, was rough and mean. I used to look up to him, yes, but that all was before he married Regina. I wouldn't consider that women my stepmother, because none of us ever truly wanted her to be. She was young when everything was taken from her by our parents' foolishness. Everything but that stable boy, I admit that part was my fault. I know Regina killed my father but at least it was reasonable. Sure, I don't think he deserved to die, but even tho Regina doesn't think I know what happened behind closed doors, I do. I've heard everything. I know what damage my father had caused. I wouldn't want that man around her, no matter how much pain she brought into my life. I just wish we would get along better since I actually care about her.
I feel a tear slip down my cheeks and sigh. Great I thought to myself, really had to start my day with tears.
Reluctantly, I got up and picked out a dress for myself to wear. I ended up choosing a baby pink one with a nice V-neck. It was really tight on me which made my curves appear ever so delightfully.
I wouldn't even bother calling the maids up to my bedchamber, because I like stuff being done my way.
Next was my makeup and hair. My makeup was chosen to be light as usually, it makes me look young and natural. I decided to leave my long hair in it's natural curls and put it into a braid down my back.
Maybe this will make Regina notice me, I thought to myself.
I spared one last glance at myself through the large mirror mounted to the wall next to my closet.
I pull my hand out to twist the doorknob but still it mid- air.
I had to regain control over my feelings before walking out of that room.
"I am Princess Snow White. I'm a happy girl, nervousness is silly for me to feel," I used to tell myself myself whenever those rare feelings would creep up on me.
It didn't take me much longer until I felt ready as ever to officially start my day as the eighteen-year-old I now undoubtedly was.
Restrain my royal posture, I pull the door open and gracefully slide down the hallways and stairs. Maids and knights and all those other people congratulated me along my way until I reached the dining room.
I've taught those knight not to announce me unless we're having guests over, and apparently they kept it in mind when I was allowed to go in by myself.
The long table was full of foods and small goods. Everything smelled delicious and looked just as good. But what truly amazed me was the women who legally used to be my stepmother, regally and magnificently sitting at the end of the table.
She wore a dark red dress that had lace covering her low V-neck just like her hips. The dress was almost skintight and could make anyone drool over her.
This just added to my undeniable attraction towards her.
The smirk she had plastered on her face as she noticed my star only made my knees wobble more with uncertainty whilst I tried to decide whether it's safe for me to continue waking without having my knees give up under me, or not.
I inhaled and rushed forwards to take my place at next to her.
Sitting on the other side of the table would've made me have to walk more and I wouldn't have been as close to her.
I sat down but held my head up high.
That was, until I felt her hand graze mine one that laid next to my plate.
I turned my head to look at her and saw the most stunning women in all of the lands looking me square in the eyes.
"Happy Birthday, my beautiful princess," she whispered just enough for me to hear.
A blush creeped up on my cheeks and I muttered a low 'thank you'.
"Let's eat, shall we?" And so we are.


Throughout breakfast, which indeed could've been considered a brunch, we made some smalltalk here and there. She hinted at a gift, but I insisted she didn't have to get me anything, to which the queen replied "nonsense, dear. Your eighteenths birthday is a big deal, I want to treat you." I couldn't argue with her even if I'd wanted to.
So, after we finished stuffing our stomachs, she told me to wait in my chambers for her, which I obviously did.
I sat on top of my bed andere my thoughts wander to every moment I'd spent with the older women. I wished I could remember when or how my weird feelings towards her started to change from friendly to romantic. but as far as I can tell, they just appeared.
If only it wouldn't be for our family, otherwise I'd have already made a move on her.
After a lot of waiting and thinking, the all too familiar sound of heels sounded through the hallway.
Finally, the doorknob turned and my secret little crush appeared.
A smile plastered itself on my lips as I looked up at her.
Regina held out her hand for me to take and as I grabbed it, she pulled me up and walked me over to the balcony, my eyes never leaving her out of my sight. I studied her face and saw something flicker on her eyes. Just shortly, but I was sure it was there.
"So....", she began-
"I told you I had something for your birthday, and I stay true to my word, but I also wanted to give you something else."
She must've sensed my confusion because she immediately set in and continued.
"I want to grant you a wish. We never had the chance to actually bond, but I want you to know I care for you, deeply. So my first present to you, is anything you wish. Whenever you can think of something you'd want, tell me and I won't fail to have you have it."
My eyes begun to water because, despite everything we put each other through, my feelings didn't fully seem to be one- sided.
I felt like I couldn't keep it in any longer. My feelings were too strong to be held inside. It hurt me.
"What if I already have something in mind?" I coyly ask the brunette.
Surprise made its appearance on her face but she was quick to hide it again.
"Oh?" She cleared her throat.
I hummed and stepped closer. Just a little. Though, by now our faces were only inches apart and I was sure she could feel my unsteady breath on her lips. I was at least six inches smaller than her, so her lips were right in front of me. Unconsciously, I licked my lips and saw hers part.
"And what, my dear Snow, might that be?" I was brave, at least I had to be in that very moment, because as it seemed, it was supposed to be the time for my Feelings to come to surface.
If this were to be any movie or book I would've wanted no more second before throwing myself into her arms, but this was reality. I'd just admitted my feelings to my ex- stepmother who, let's be realistic, is about twenty years closer to my age than to my fathers.
"Me?" She finally spoke up again. I only nodded, my voice betraying me. My mouth was dry as I waited for a clear answer.
"But, I don't understand," she stuttered, "why- when-" I decided to interrupt her.
"I don't know, Regina. It just happened. You've never acted like a mother and I do know everything that happened behind my fathers closed doors. It made me so upset and mad to think about anyone wronging you. Besides, you're a beautiful and sweet women. I couldn't stop myself for wanting you."
A small smile made its way up her face, a smile I've never once seen before. This one reached her eyes. It made my heart beat uncontrollably but I had to keep some self- control.
"Is this nothing more but lust, or do you have actual feelings?"
"I have very strong feelings towards you, my queen. I'm lusting after you the most romantic way possible." I hoped I could make where I stand here clear.
She slowly nodded and seemed to regain control over herself.
"Well, I did promise to give you whatever you asked for, my sweet." She smiled lovingly and softly stroked my face.
"Please? But only if you are completely fine with it," but she's quick to reassure me.
"I wouldn't agree, otherwise. I do not understand what I feel as to quiet yet, but my feelings are more than simply friendly." I smiled brightly and leaned up for a kiss. My first kiss with someone I wanted. My other kisses were by young princes that didn't know how to take "no".
But this, the way she oh so sweetly cupped my cheeks and moved closer, before gently laying her lips on top of mine, that feeling was something extraordinary. Something I already knew I'd never get tired of feeling.
She slowly pulled away and leaned her forehead against mine.
"Despite what I asked for, can be take it slow? I want to experience this with you, but not rushing into anything sexual as to just yet," I hoped she would be able to understand where I was coming from.
"Oh my love, of course. Whatever makes you feel comfortable." I pecked her lips and continued smiling like a complete idiot.
"But I still got permission to cuddle you, right?" The other women asked a little more serious.
"I wouldn't have it any other way."


Regina told the guards not to interrupt our time together before coming to bed with me. For cuddling. So there we were, laying half way on top of her with her chin on top of my head, and our arms and legs intertwined with each other's.
"I'm glad I get to have a chance with you, now", I whisper, afraid any louder volume would ruin our moment.
"Me too, my love. Me too."
I remained where I was until curiousness got the best of me.
"So, what was the actual present you had for me?" I asked my queen.
She laughed her raspy but hot laugh.
"If you must know, just a dress for you to wear to not look all royal since you wanted to visit the village kids." This woman made my heart arch.
"Perhaps we can visit together?" I really wanted to spend all my time with her. Regina smiled and pulled me up for another quick, yet loving kiss.
"Perhaps", she replied.

This misunderstood woman was surely going to be my happy ending.


1915 words

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