Running from His Claim (Beaut...

By MissChi26

7.8K 233 39

"I wish to ask you something." It took me a moment to make Warren out. He sat watching me. I sat up, still a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Author's Note
Bonus 1
Bonus 2
Bonus 3
Bonus 4

Chapter 14

98 3 0
By MissChi26

I turned back to my locker and focused on my books, trying to ignore Victor's words.

"He's going to be very present wherever those boys are..."

I had never been more effectively threatened in my life. Was being an honorary member really a responsibility? I had never actually considered it before. All it had meant to me was supporting the guys and accompanying them to every game. It felt more like a free pass - and yes, a chance to continually gush at my then boyfriend.

But was it more than that? Did I really raise team spirits just by being there? Was it a psyche thing?

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sounds of a commotion. I looked up to find members of the basketball team pushing a junior around. Chris was at the forefront, muttering furiously. All the guys seemed tensed up for a fight. I didn't recognise the guy they were surrounding, but the fear on his face was easy to read.

"Look guys, I really wasn't looking for trouble," he said desperately.

Chris shoved him hard against a locker and he winced.

"No trouble?" Randy echoed, looking angrier than I'd ever seen him. "I wonder why you didn't think of that before?"

Chris flexed and shoved his arm against the guy's throat, pinning him to the lockers. "Let me handle this one."

"Christian, do desist."

My heart stopped at the sound of that glorious, mildly amused voice I hadn't heard in so long, then picked up with a heavy thud. Warren strode over to his team. He looked, if anything, more surreal than I remembered with that gorgeous mane of silky raven hair. He wore all black as he seemed to do all the time now. He was clearly hitting the gym more, and his T shirt was absolutely failing to hide the results, instead just clinging to him...

He stalked to Chris, his eyes on the junior who now looked terrified out of his mind. Chris stepped back but the junior didn't move. They both watched Warren step right to the kid, his cold eyes giving nothing away. Warren shoved both hands into his pockets and leaned closer to the boy until their eyes were level. By now there wasn't a single sound or movement in the hall. All eyes were on Warren. He stared for a full minute, then muttered, "Disappear."

He swung away from the boy towards the team. The kid wasted no time in doing exactly as he was told. Warren smirked at Chris. "You have my undivided attention."

"He was all over your girl," Chris explained, still fuming. "I may not be her number one fan, but that kid needs to learn some respect. She's your territory."

Warren's smirk widened and he raised his eyes past Chris. I spotted Caitlin a short distance away, standing defiantly with her arms crossed, daring Warren. "Yes, she is," he said softly, then his gaze swung over and speared right through me. I froze, pinned in place by his emotionless eyes. "And I'm very territorial." After a minute, he released me from his gaze and turned back to Chris. "I'll handle it."

Finally released from whatever hold he'd just had on me, I grabbed my books, slammed my locker shut and fled. Throughout the rest of the day, I was plagued by that look in his eyes. Why had he looked at me? The memory kept popping into my head at odd moments.

When I finally got home that afternoon, I faced the fact that it wasn't just going to go away until I processed it. I was home alone, so I decided to be useful and do the laundry while I let my mind roam.

Why had Chris wanted to beat the guy up? It took me a moment to remember the team's code: one member's fight was everyone's fight, a sort of one for all. And it had been Warren's fight because Caitlin had clearly been leading the poor guy on.

At this I felt indignation on Warren's behalf. How could she cheat on Warren? Was she blind? How could anyone who had the good fortune to have Warren's love want anything else, much less an average human?

Then I remembered that Warren, who had Caitlin for a girlfriend, had come after me, a relatively average human. A sharp pain stabbed at my heart and rose into my throat, choking me. I turned off the washer and went into my room. I curled up in a tight ball on my bed and tried to push the thoughts away, but my realisation had already weakened me. I was riding a wave of emotion now, and it would deposit me wherever it wished.

Was it a game they were playing? Were they trying to make each other jealous? I remembered a couple of friends of mine playing this game back in Denver. Riley and Don didn't seem to know how to express their feelings for each other, so their relationship was turbulent and involved a lot of desperate attempts to make each other jealous.

But no... Warren had never had trouble expressing his feelings, and I couldn't imagine any woman who wouldn't instantly melt at his feet if he set his sights on her.

So was Caitlin looking for revenge? Was she trying to get her own back at him for cheating first - even though they were technically broken up back then? And Warren... What would he do about this? I knew how possessive he was...

I fell into an exhausted sleep in the middle of these speculations. Which I guess was for the best.


I woke late the next day, then cheered internally when I realised that it was a Saturday. When I checked my phone, I saw a message from Victor.

Victor: Come over whenever.

I smiled, glad to spend the day with him.

Me: Cool. Later.

I danced my way to the bathroom and took a leisurely shower. I was beyond excited to have an entire two days without school. The weekend had never meant so much to me. I checked the time, then decided I had time for breakfast. I spent the rest of the morning with my family before going to Victor's.

I played music - rock - on my way to his house, and found myself singing along to some of the tracks. I figured that I was starting to recognise some songs. I realised that I'd even be into some bands soon and laughed at myself. Victor was such a terrible influence.

He didn't show up when I knocked, so I shrugged and let myself in. "Vic?"

"Come on in," he called, and I followed his voice to the living room.

He was staring at the TV screen when I walked in. He sat slumped in the couch, and barely grunted when I greeted him.

Tucking my hair back, I dumped my bag on the couch. "What are you working on?" I asked curiously, peering at his iPad. The same curious swirl of colors as on the TV were reflected there. I turned back to the TV.

"Let's go out," he suddenly said.


"Let's get out of here."

"Right now?"

He sat up, finally looking at me. "I've been cooped up too long."

"You should have texted me to come sooner," I accused.

"Nah." He ran a hand through his umber hair. "I was cool with waiting for you. Let's go."


He was up in a flash, taking my hand. Soon, we were in his car as he drove. He was silent through the drive, tapping his thumb on the wheel in time to the music he was playing.

I stared out the window, fully relaxed. Being with Victor did that to me, and I always cherished it. Here in this safe space I could finally forget what had happened yesterday. I glanced at Vic, wondering if he knew about it, then mentally face palmed. Of course he knew - he probably watched the whole thing go down. I wanted to start a conversation but he looked distracted again like he had last week. He looked like he was focusing hard on something, possibly his next painting. I didn't want to distract him with drama.

When he took a turn about thirty minutes after leaving town, I sat up, the curiosity getting to me. "Okay, where're you taking me?"

His grin was dazzling. "I wanted to show you something."

After a few more minutes, I caught a glimpse of water and my heart skipped. "Are you taking me swimming?"

He grinned back at me. "You looked excited when Derek was trying to sell you the beach house idea, and I realised that it's been a while since you were at a beach. I wanted us to be alone, though, so I found this spot."

Said spot came more into focus as he drove closer, and I just admired it in awe. The water was an inviting blue green, and there was a small patch of sand leading down into it. There was a dense forest on one side and it was ringed by mountains. It was perfect for swimming and diving. I grinned back at him, then remembered that I wasn't prepared for a day at the beach.

"You could have warned me," I protested. "I didn't bring my stuff."

"I took care of it."


He pulled up right in front of the little stretch of sand. I gazed out of the car at this little secluded spot and squealed in excitement. Victor stepped out of the car, then strode towards the water, absently shrugging out of his shirt.

I gulped. Even though I was only facing his back, I suddenly got a full view of how sculpted his body was. And there was a lot of detail to study...

He glanced back at me, raised a brow. "You coming?"

I got out of the car too, watching his jeans ride low on his hips. "Um, so when you say you took care of it..."

"Back seat," he replied, hooking a thumb over his shoulder.

I turned away just as he went to work on his belt buckle. I was beginning to think I would desperately need that dip. I peeked again at his muscular back. Would the water be cold enough?

Regaining control of myself, I went and opened the back. Sure enough, there was a bag on the seat. I opened it, glad to find beach towels, sunscreen, sandals, and right at the bottom... I made an inarticulate sound.

When I got out of the car, holding the offending item in my hand, it was to find him staring out at the water in nothing but black boxers. I made another sound, this one like a squeak. He turned around, giving me a perfect view of his body, and raised a brow. "Need help?"

Um, yes. Where can I find the nearest oxygen tank? Also, are you legal?

Victor was tall. His height made him look leaner than he really was, and sometimes he looked almost skinny. But right now, almost naked, I realised how very wrong that view of him was. The boy was well defined, with clear abs and a V line trailing down to... I choked on my own thoughts even as I blinked, trying to get used the slight dazzle of his skin in the bright sunlight. Then I remembered what was in my hand, and his words only further incited me. "Are you insane?"

"Depends," he smirked, walking closer to me.

Oh, good Lord, the way that body moved like liquid! Those defined muscles were incredibly graceful. How was it possible that Victor was this hot? I stepped back, self preservation kicking in.

"What's wrong?"

I held the little piece of blue material up by a strap. "What the hell is this?"

"A bikini."

"Where's the rest of it?"

He angled his head, then burst out laughing as I glared in outrage. When he finally calmed a little, he managed, "Seriously?"

I huffed and crossed my arms. "I have some degree of modesty, unlike some people!"

He stepped even closer, leaning down to look me in the eye. His blue eyes were full of mischief. "Are you shy?"

I blushed, staring at my feet. "It just isn't my style, okay?"

"Don't be," he assured. "I promise not to stare." At my snort he went on, "Baby, the only thing I'll find irresistible about you is the smell of your blood when you get in the water." I glared up to find him smirking again. He started walking backwards, eyes still on me. "Unless, of course, you're afraid of being alone with me."

I frowned. "What?"

"It's okay, I know I'm super hot." Not an overstatement. "I can't blame you if you can't keep your hands off me."

"Are you serious?"

"I mean, I'm all defenseless and stuff right now." He held his arms out in emphasis, then grinned. "Be gentle with me."

I rolled my eyes and spun back to the car. I'd show him afraid! Irresistible, him? Please!

Okay...maybe. But the fact that he was hot wasn't going to bother me. Besides, I'd had enough of incredibly gorgeous jerks for one lifetime.

My heart squeezed and I quickly cut off that line of thought, instead squeezing myself into the tiny bikini. When I finally stood outside the car, I had to resist the urge to cover myself up.

The thing was a one piecer, and it wasn't as bad as I'd expected. Except that the middle part was just a bunch of bands going round my body...

Victor looked up and stared. His blue eyes darkened as he slowly took me in. He smirked and whistled, making me blush and glare. He was already in the water, his skin glistening. He pushed his wet hair back - it had taken on a darker bronze hue - as water droplets glittered all over him. He was so radiant that I was mesmerized for a minute.

"Come on in," he invited, motioning. "The water's nice. I think."

I took a deep breath and walked towards him. Then regaining my excitement - we were swimming! - I took a running start and dove into the water right next to him. I surfaced, sputtering and laughing, and turned to my best friend.

Victor splashed me, making me laugh again. He just raised a brow as he grinned. I floated backwards, putting enough distance between us for a huge wave, and splashed him as hard as I could.

"Hey, hey, hey!" He yelped, trying to shield himself. "Watch the awesomeness!"

I rolled my eyes, still laughing, and splashed again. "You watch it!"

He tried splashing back, then he huffed and suddenly dived. I stopped splashing, completely on alert, and felt him lock his arms around my waist. He suddenly appeared right behind me, whispered in my ear, "Deep breath," and yanked me underwater with him.

I flailed helplessly as he dragged me down deep. All I could feel were his strong arms clamped around me like a vice. When he finally let go I wasted no time swimming up to the surface. I got there and dragged in a deep breath, then I turned at his laughter and angrily hit his chest. "You idiot! You nearly drowned me!"

He was still laughing, completely unaffected. "I like your hair like this."

"Oh, zip it!" I grumbled, blushing as I looked around us. Looking up at the closest cliffs, I suddenly had an idea. There was a spot that looked ideal for diving. I swam to the shore as fast I could, giggling when I stumbled out of the water and ran towards the cliff.

"Where're you going?" Victor called from behind me.

"I'll race you!" I yelled, still running.

"You'll what?" he laughed.

"No cheating!"

"You're cheating! You've got a headstart!"

"So what?" I huffed.

His laughter floated to me again. I was halfway up the hill when he caught up to me. He was strolling and yet managed to meet my running pace. The ease with which he was keeping up with me had me laughing helplessly, so much I had to stop once to brace myself as I tried to catch my breath. When we got to the top, I stood at the edge looking over at the water below. Had it really been this high...?

I gulped, my heart still racing, and the excitement and fear tangled up into that rush I remembered.

"What're we doing?" Victor asked, glancing over the edge too.

"Diving!" I announced, psyching myself up.

He turned to me with a frown. "And I'm supposed to let you do that?"

"Oh, live a little! I do it all the time, it's no big!" I shook off the nerves and blew out a breath, then smiled cheekily, "You could even jump with me." I turned away from his scoff, mentally counting down, then I took giant steps back, took a running start and leapt clear off the ledge.

I screamed my way down, the words "Oh crap!" in a loop in my head. The feel of the wind against my body and the sight of the solid looking water rushing up to me only increased the adrenaline pumping through me. I hit the water and let myself sink, letting the cold heaviness of it suck me down until my momentum let up, then I swam to the surface. I wiped water out of my face and giggled, looking around for Vic.

I spotted a figure still on the cliff and laughed my head off. "Chicken!"

He leapt off the ledge, diving headfirst straight towards me. When he was inches away, still levitating, he stopped and smirked at me. "So you like to dive, huh?"

I nodded and yelled, "That was awesome!"

"I can do better," he bragged and slipped into the water in front of me.

I watched in confusion as he slipped his arms around me and held me against him. With one hand protectively around my shoulders and the other on my back, he murmured, "Hang onto me, baby."

My heart skipped a beat. Something told me that whatever he'd thought up wasn't good. I slipped my legs around his waist, holding on tightly. He dropped a kiss on my shoulder and murmured, "Good."

And then he'd shot up into the air.

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