Are You the One for Me ?

By dvlk2117

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*** COMPLETED *** ๐Ÿ’• "You are pregnant and you are coming from the clinic." Hunter stated in an emotionless t... More

A/N: Before You Read!!
A/N : AYTOFM Cast Set I
A/N : AYTOFM Songs!!
AYTOFM Prologue - Trust vs Insecurities!
Chapter 1: 'I do' - Promise!!
Chapter 2: Amelia & Evelyn
Chapter 3 : Elijah & Olivia
Chapter 4: Dress, Ring & Cake
Chapter 5: Skate With Me - Face Powder
Chapter 6: Meet My Sandal !!
Chapter 7 : Basic Needs of Life!!
Chapter 8: Momma's Little Warriors!!
Chapter 9: I Love You!!
Chapter 10: My Angel has a face now!!
Chapter 11: 100% Dramatic Daddy!! ;)
Chapter 12 : Our Picture Perfect Family !!
Chapter 13: Lucas and Zoey ;) !!
Chapter 14: What did 'I' do to deserve 'you'??
Chapter 15: Parents' love is always SELFLESS!!
Chapter 16: The Beauty and The Beast!!
Chapter 17: Playing your own 'Death Game'!!
Chapter 18: I want a normal - simple LIFE!!
Chapter 19: Pills or Condoms??
Chapter 20: All the best Momma!!
Chapter 21: 'Objection' My Lord!!
Chapter 22: Embossed Watermark!!
Chapter 23: Tampered or True?
Chapter 25: DNA TESTS??
Chapter 26: Who gave you the Right??
Chapter 27: Such an Erotic Lover!!
Chapter 28: Will You Marry Me??
Chapter 29: Who Framed 'MY' WIFE?
Chapter 30: You always have a choice!!
Chapter 31: Till 'I' found 'you'
Chapter 32: Wedding Night or Morning?
Chapter 33: From, the BUMP!!
Chapter 34: My '3' Requests to you both!!
Chapter 35: True Soul Mates !!!
A/N : Fun Time with AYTOFM Characters!!
Cover Request
A/N : Thank you ;) !!
A/N: Thank You!
A / N : Thank You!!
A / N : Thank You!!

Chapter 24: Web of Lies!!

6.3K 334 124
By dvlk2117

Hello All!

This will be the last update for this week! Really!

I will start my work on You're Mine Amor! from tomorrow!




At this point the twins along with Ryan and Evelyn were gone from the video and the screen only covered Christopher, Aria and Hunter.

Christopher: "So now that the kids are gone, care to tell me what you were saying about 'our' family reunion with your filthy mouth?"

Hunter: "Well, I guess I have so much to say but first; she got you completely whipped! How much do you pay for her? Is she your personal whore or do you share her with your friends too?"

Christopher: "How dare you talk about her like that?"

Aria: "Christopher!!"

Christopher: "WHAT??"

By now Christopher had moved back and Aria was facing Hunter in the video. Both were looking at each other like they were ready to rip each other's head.

Aria: "TALK!!"

Hunter: "Oh, I don't have anything to say to you doll. Oh, I am so sorry; Let me correct myself! You know I used to call you doll once in the past and now considering you have turned out to be one such slut; I keep forgetting. Old habits die hard! Isn't it bitch? And, it's not Hunter, its Mr. Fox to you. Do you understand that or do I have to make myself clear again?"

Aria: "Well, if you have the least decency to call me by my last name then probably I might consider you calling by yours. Deal HUNTER...?"

Hunter: "I don't make deals with people like you. You whore!"

Aria: "Oh, is that so? Then what was it that happened between you guys and RWB? What was it that happened between Amelia; you know your would-be and the wedding designer? Wasn't it a deal? Because normal people do call that as a deal; or are you so busy with your wedding that you forgot I belong to RWB; HUNTER...!"

Hunter: "Stop calling me by my name you gold-digger!"

Aria: "You get the same thing what you throw at others. So, address me with respect and I will address you back with the respect, you deserve. Nothing personal huh! It's called Purely Professional! I hope you know the word 'professional'; HUNTER...!"

Hunter: "Of course I know what being professional is. So, would you tell me your current last name? Because knowing you being such a gold digging slut, you might have been married umpteen times by now. Isn't it?"

Aria: "Now, that's not very professional to keep assuming things about others. Probably you were right! Old habits do die hard. Good luck with it. Anyway, as far as my last name is concerned, it's Ms. Ferguson to you; HUNTER...!"

Hunter: "Oh, so you are still stuck at Ferguson? Ouch! Why? Didn't find anyone to claw your nails in? Come on you have not lost your beauty huh! If not you have become more inviting and undeniably sexy! Oh, by the way! The last time I met you, I remember; you were pregnant right? The same pregnancy where you were pulling a father card at me? I must say, you have got such lovely kids. Did you have any luck finding who their father is? Or are you still trying to stick them to someone trying to pull the father card? Because, come on! I am not blind guys! Your shocked faces were enough to tell me that they are not your kids Christopher. They are not yours."

"But I must say, the way you reacted with the kids, she got you totally whipped man. You are so, so, so into her that you accepted them as your kids? You became their father out of the blue? So now what you will raise them as your own? Call them your heirs and what get them married, drop a few happy tears and give them all your earnings?"

Christopher: "What I do is of no concern to you!!"

Hunter: "You are right! It should be of no concern to me. I agree! But you know being the kind hearted man I am; I am just warning you from a heartbreak brother."

Christopher: "Not interested in your filthy advices!"

Hunter: "So Aria, tell me how did you end up so curvy? Was it because of the pregnancy honey? Mmmmm... I mean look at you Wow! I must say quite yummy!"

Aria: "Keep your hands off me. You wouldn't want to lose them while you still need to get married."

Hunter: "Look who is talking. Anyway, you are the wedding planner so I had a thought. Since I am the groom and it's my duty to give a bachelor party to my friends. So, to spice things up, I was looking for some female strippers. You will be the best suitable one. And I am sure you will let my friends enjoy this curvy body. Oh, you will be paid heavily. So heavily that you will be floating in money. And if you are not satisfied with one I can get you many..."

Aria had slapped Hunter on his right cheek with her sandal while he stood rooted to the spot where he was holding his cheek.

Aria: "You know what? You were right! You are not the father of my kids. Because, a father would never abuse his own kids. And you called them bastards. Donating sperms cannot be termed as being a father. It is a divine thing and a huge responsibility which a person like you would never understand. All these years, somewhere in my heart I did have this feeling that maybe I should have told my kids about their father. They did deserve to know who their father is. But now, seeing you like this and the way your thoughts are, even after all these years; 'Now' I feel that no I have done the right thing about not telling my little ones about a monster like you; because they deserve so much better. And, I am so thankful, so thankful to whosoever who had tried to create rifts between us. Because that's the only reason, I actually came to know about your true colours and how low you can go. Today I have come to know what kind of an animal you are. I pity that girl Amelia. I pity her."

"Get this straight in your mind, I am neither planning your engagement nor your wedding. And don't you dare show you face to me or my babies, because if you do; you will regret ever being born!!"

By now Aria was also gone and the only ones in the video were Christopher and Hunter. It showed how Christopher had warned Hunter about troubling Aria and also wishing the couple 'Happy Engagement'!!


"My Lord! It's true that Ms. Ferguson had slapped Mr. Fox but not because he was getting married or because he was not agreeing to be the father of the kids. It was because he had insulted her brutally in the public. And let that be in private or public no one would like to be insulted by someone like that. The only abusive words or statements that came out were from Mr. Fox. Ms. Ferguson heard them all and when it hit her self-respect and dignity she couldn't control anymore and slapped him; which I personally feel was the right thing to do." Daniel said while looking at the judge with slightly painful eyes.

"And the way Mr. Fox had falsely accused her, that she was blackmailing him to agree to be the father of the kids, there is no such proof in the video which hints that she wanted Mr. Fox anywhere near her kids. If that was the case, why would the kids stay away from him? It's clear from her words and her actions that Ms. Ferguson never wanted her kids to know about their biological father, Mr. Fox!" Daniel said while thinking what kind of emotional turmoil Aria was dealing with all this while.

"It is very clear from the entire video that not only was my client; Ms. Ferguson was falsely accused but was also framed! Mr. Fox clearly wanted her behind the bars for something which she didn't even do. First he tried sabotaging the agreements logic and copied her signatures. Second, he tried to frame her by giving wrong and tampered video to make his points. He even bribed the person to not come to the court. And the worst part is Mr. Victor Hudson was working knowing all these things and was relying on these proofs to fight this case. My client was clearly framed in these web of lies my lord!! She is totally innocent!!" Daniel said while his tone broke a little in the end and a few drops took room in his eyes. He closed his eyes to calm and compose himself.

"Then what about the photos and videos I got 6 years back proving her unfaithfulness? I am not their biological father! She had affairs all the while she was married to me. I hate her to the core. Weren't you the one who was working on our divorce Daniel? You know it better." Hunter busted like a mad man. His eyes held anger for her and were totally red thinking about her betrayal. Daniel was beyond angry.

"Mr. FOX! You can only speak when you are asked to! If you want to say anything please ask your lawyer to talk for you." The judge said while looking at Hunter who looked like a caged animal. The judge turned his attention towards Victor and said "Mr. Hudson, you can speak for Mr. Fox!"

"My Lord! Mr. Fox had given me these photos and videos stating that Ms. Ferguson was cheating on him 6 years back. I have no other idea about this!" Victor said in a slow tone now because everyone knew what happened there. It was evident that he was working for Hunter and the judge was not pleased learning that. He knew that not only he lost the case but also his name and fame too. He would consider himself lucky if he still was allowed to keep his license. For a lawyer, losing his license would be the end of the road.

That's why elders say; always rely on truth. It might be a difficult path but it will be a successful one. Taking the help of lies would only make you regret always!! This is the truth of the life. The one who understands this meets success while the one who ignores this pays for the deeds!!

"My Lord, could I take a look at the photographs please?" Daniel asked in a soft tone knowing what would be the next drama. He asked while stretching his hand while the judge simply nodded his head in 'yes' and gave them to him. Christopher curled his fingers into fists trying to keep his composure while Hunter smirked at him mouthing "The best part!!" Christopher wanted to kill him right at that instant. Hunter appeared mentally disturbed and Christopher would take deep pleasure in burning him alive for causing such pain to Aria all these years.

Daniel observed the photographs keenly and grabbed his red pen and circled on the photographs. He obviously knew the differences because he spoke to Christopher and Ryan way before the court's trial. Though they didn't want Aria to face this, they didn't have any other option to deal with this. The sooner this drama was done the better it was for Aria's happiness. Christopher was totally against this idea and was furious on Daniel for suggesting it but had to finally give in thinking that it would finally leave Aria alone. However, he agreed only if the photograph would be shown only to the judge and no one else. Even though he knew many might have seen it by now but, he still wanted to protect her. Even though he knew the girl in the photograph was not Aria, still he wanted to protect her name and self-respect. After all, when people will see this they will recognise it as Aria! And this single thought had made Christopher punch the wall that morning. He wanted to protect his woman and what is wrong in that?

"My Lord, please check the pointers I made on the photographs." Daniel said while giving back the photos to the judge and made his way towards Aria. "Aria, could you please raise both your hands in the air and spread your fingers for the judge to see." Daniel asked while she simply flashed him a small smile. She was obviously prepared for this. When Christopher had punched the wall she was also a prime witness there. She knew what was coming to her and how everyone kept telling her to keep herself calm and composed all throughout. She raised her hands and immediately the spotlight was put on her beautiful fleshy fingers.

"My Lord! The girl in the picture is not Aria! Her face has been morphed using the image morphing technology to match with Aria's but, the person who made this photograph forgot to morph her fingers. Please take a note of Aria's right hand thumb and check the girl's right hand thumb. Aria has 10 fingers while the girl has 11 fingers in total." Daniel said in a confident tone while the judge said "That's right Mr. Sanders! The girl in the photograph has 11 fingers. And the face clearly looks morphed."

"Not only that My Lord! There is a huge butterfly tattoo on the girl's back in the photograph while Aria doesn't have any tattoos on her body." Daniel said while flashing a small smile at Aria. This is the point where Christopher was beyond angry. He didn't want Aria to be humiliated in the public like this. And as if answering his prayers the judge said "The tattoo can be checked by the lady officer Ms. Clark! Ms. Ferguson you don't have to worry about it. Please be calm! It's just the procedure." The judge was a totally understanding person. He knew how to deal with the things and Christopher was beyond thankful.

"It's okay my lord, I can understand." Aria replied in a small tone flashing a small smile at the judge and for the first time the judge smiled in the courtroom.

Ms. Clark made her way towards Aria and smiled at her sweetly saying "It's okay. Don't worry! I will be fast, you won't even know."

"Thank you!" Aria replied back sweetly while Ms. Clark stood behind her with a flash light in her hand. Aria expected her to open her zipper but the girl didn't do anything like that. She simply pulled the dress towards her a little to peep in and it was done within a second. Aria was surprised at how professionally she did it. She was thankful that she didn't embarrass her more by pulling down her zipper slowly and pulling it back in front of so many people.

"My Lord! Mr. Sanders was right! Ms. Ferguson has no tattoos. She is clear!!" Ms. Clark said and flashed a hearty smile at Aria and made her way back to her place not before smiling shyly at Daniel. Daniel smiled back at this pretty little officer and turned towards the judge saying "It is proved that Aria was not cheating on Mr. Fox 6 years back. It is also proved that Mr. Fox is blind enough to see these differences while she was his wife!!"

"I don't agree with this My Lord! Why are you only relying on the photographs? I have also given the videos! Those videos will tell you it was Aria who was unfaithful to me..." Hunter barked going totally insane. He knew he was being proven wrong and his male ego was not letting it digest in his system.

"Well, Mr. Fox don't you worry! We will play the video too!" Daniel said and looked at Christopher. They both smirked at each other. Ryan looked at Christopher and winked at him. Christopher looked back at Hunter and smirked at him and mouthed "I will finish you!!"


The moment the video started everyone started laughing and Aria was the one who broke into a fits of laughter first. She totally couldn't control herself looking at the screen. 'Oh, my! What a surprise Christopher planned for her!'







The classic series of Tom & Jerry started playing. 

The judge was surprised too and a small chuckle left his lips. After a day of such dramatic case, this was a beautiful ending!!




But the question is;

Was this really an end to this dramatic case between Mr. Fox and Ms. Ferguson??


P.S.: Extremely sorry for the grammatical errors!


The final judgement will be given next week! LOL!!!

Much Love!

Manasa DVLK!!

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