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✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩

     — "I wanted to. And then I didn't," Sarah explained to Lily.

The two girls sat on Lily's bed, talking about what went down between Sarah and Topper at the party.

"And that's ok. If you're not comfortable then he should respect that," Lily responded.

"That's the thing. He didn't. He had a bitch fit about it and walked off. He made me feel like shit for not wanting to have sex. I just wasn't ready," Sarah spoke. She could feel the tears start to drop down her face.

Once Lily noticed, she quickly brought her friend in for a hug.

"Sarah, please don't cry. Everything is going to be fine," Lily comforted.

"It's just, he's been such a douche recently. He blows up after everything I do. He treats me like i'm a big problem in his life," Sarah whispered into Liliana's chest.

"And you're not. You know that right? You're a strong, independent woman. If he can't see how lucky he is to have you, that's his loss." Lily said, rubbing her best friends back.

Sarah sniffled.

"Lily, I don't know what to do. One minute, I want something and then another minute, I don't. My mind is constantly racing with thoughts. Every thought is different. How am I supposed to act on something if I never know what to do or what to say? It's like, I try to follow my heart, but once I do, I end up regretting it. I'm so indecisive all the time. It ruins everything. Why can't I just make a decision?" Sarah's head was now lying in Lily's lap as she spoke up to Lily.

"You just have to do what feels right in the moment. Whatever comes naturally. Your problem is, you overthink things. Let things flow, do what feels right. It may be hard sometimes but, just take some deep breathes. You have to realize that if things aren't natural with Topper, and he makes you feel overwhelmed, maybe he isn't the one." Lily said.

Sarah closed her eyes for a moment, completely in thought.

Lily sat there and let the girl relax. As she waited, her mind instantly went to Rafe. She didn't know why. He was constantly on her mind recently. His blue orbs that she had looked into so much times, his toned body, his masculine scent that calmed her down and smelled as something she could never explain. Those were all things she craved every single day. The things she couldn't stay away from.

As for personality, Lily barely knew it. She knew his mean side. The side he showcased to everyone he disliked. But she didn't know anything else. That was it. The boy was a closed book to her. They never got to know each other. That's what they were missing.

"Boys suck," Sarah spoke, now that she had calmed down a little.

"They sure do," Lily responded.


"Get in," Lily yelled to Sarah, who was walking out the front door of Lily's house.

Sarah opened the passenger seat door and stepped up into the Jeep.

They pulled out of the driveway, on their way to the Cameron house.

Sarah was doing much better now, due to the fun things Lily had them do. She hated seeing her best friend upset. Distraction was always the way to go.

The drive down the road was calming to both girls. For all thirty seconds it took to get to their destination, they jammed out to their favorite song.

The song had to be cut short when they pulled up to the house.

"I don't know why we bother to drive. It's a quick walk," Lily said, laughing.

"Yeah, but that's no fun," Sarah responded, jumping out of the car. She began walking but suddenly turned around. "You coming inside?" Sarah asked, looking at Lily's figure, still sat in the car.

"You want me to?" Lily spoke, not sure if her company was wanted at the moment.

"Lily, you're practically family. You could walk into my house at any time and not one person would care," Sarah said, smiling slightly at the girl.

As a response, Lily got out as well and walked up next to the girl as they walked towards the house, eventually getting inside.


Sarah picked up the scissors from the counter, walking over to the bag of marshmallows she took out of the pantry. She took the bag in her hands and used the scissors to slice the plastic bag open.

She walked to put the scissors back into place and then reached in to grab a marshmallow for herself.

"Want one, Lil?" Sarah asked holding up her bag to the girl sitting at the kitchen island, across from her.

Lily looked up from her phone as she heard her name. She saw the bag in Sarah's hand and quickly nodded.

"Throw it. I'll catch it in my mouth," Lily told Sarah.

Sarah giggled as she took another out of the bag. She gently tossed it to her friend. The throw was way off and Lily couldn't catch it. The marshmallow fell to the ground beside the brunette.

"Sarah, are you kidding? That was the worst throw i've ever—" Lily stopped talking as she heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen. Sarah looked up and Lily slightly turned her head around in her seat.

They watched as Rafe, Topper, and Kelce came into view.

"You've got to be shitting me," Sarah mumbled to herself. She didn't want to see or talk to Topper at the moment. "Coming, Wheezie!" Sarah yelled, quickly moving around the boys to walk upstairs, obviously not actually hearing her sister call for her.

Lily watched as the girl left, inwardly rolling her eyes at the excuse her friend had made to get away from Topper, and also because of the fact she left her alone with the three boys.

The three boys stopped in their tracks at the sight of Lily.

"Lily Morgan! What's up?" Kelce spoke, being the friendly guy he always was to her.

"Hi, Kelce," Lily responded, with a big smile.

She got up from her seat to pick up the dirty marshmallow and throw it in the trash.

"What was that all about?" Topper asked.

"What was what all about?" Lily responded, now leaning on the kitchen island facing the three in front of her. She was chewing on a new marshmallow she got from the bag Sarah left.

"Sarah. She's ignoring me isn't she?" Topper stated, slightly angry.

"Not my place to tell you what Sarah's feeling towards you. Talk to her yourself." Lily said, slightly mad at the blonde boy for hurting her best friend.

As she spoke, Rafe sauntered over to Lily's side, grabbing the half-eaten marshmallow out of Lily's hands, and staying put next to her as he chewed it..

"Oh my god, Rafe! Did you actually just do that?," Lily spoke disgusted, as he swallowed the snack.

"What? You don't find it gross when my tongue is literally inside of yo—" Rafe began to speak untik he was cut off.

"Shut up! You're disgusting," Lily groaned.

The two others in the room stood with huge smirks on there faces until they quickly looked away when Lily sent a glare their direction.

Topper walked to the fridge and grabbed himself a drink.

"Hey, drive-in movie tonight. We going?" Kelce spoke to the two boys.

"I'm down," Topper replied, taking a sip out of his cup.

"Rafe?" Kelce asked.

"Hell, yeah" Rafe responded.

Lily stood and watched the three in their conversations. She suddenly felt a hand move up the back of her thigh to her butt. It was obviously Rafe.

"Does the sexy lady over here want to join us?" Rafe spoke to the brown eyed girl beside him.

"No, not with you," Lily said, ignoring Rafe's touch and smirking up and him.

"Come on, Lily! Just come." Kelce begged. Lily nodded her head.

"No. I think i'm good," She said.

She suddenly felt Rafe's hand move up to her waist, turning her to face him. He began massaging her hips with his fingers. She looked up to meet Rafe's gaze once again. Her breath hitched in her throat at the sudden intimacy.

"It'll be fun," Rafe simply spoke, staring straight into her dark orbs.

Lily silently cursed herself at the way Rafe made her feel. He knew how to get her.

"You're lucky you're hot," Lily responded, pulling a smirking-Rafe's arm to walk out of the house, yelling a quick goodbye to Sarah, as the two others followed behind them.


"Where are we even going right now?" Lily spoke from the backseat of Topper's car. She sat next to Kelce, while Rafe was sat in the passenger seat next to Topper. They were passing time before the movie.

"To show that stupid Pogue, Pope, that we know what he did," Topper spoke, pure anger in his voice.

"Wait, what? What the hell did he do?" Lily asked, not sure what he was on about.

"He sunk my fucking boat," Topper grimanced.

"Honestly, good for him. Maybe if you guys hadn't attacked him that wouldn't have happened." Lily was still obviously mad about their situation on the golf course.

"What was that, Lily?" Rafe spoke, completely mad at what he just heard from the girls mouth. He glared at her through the rear view mirror.

As a response, Lily sat back in her seat, rolling her eyes slightly, and sighing. She was not in the mood to get into a fight with Rafe at that moment.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Rafe spoke.

Lily did nothing but shoot daggers into Rafe's backside.

It was now completely silent. Lily sat with her head resting in her hands.

"The sexual tension in this car right now is astronomical," Kelce broke the silence moments later.

Topper smiled slightly from the drivers seat at Kelce's comment. Lily kicked Kelce from beside him.

"Shut the fuck up, Kelce," Rafe said, not in the mood at the moment.

The car eventually pulled up to the side of a building. The building read, "Heyward's Seafood."

They were at Pope's dad's work, where they knew Pope helped out at.

They sat in silence, waiting for the Heyward boy.

When he finally came out, Rafe tapped Topper, pointing to the Pogue.

Lily watched as the two boys gave Pope a look through their opened window.

Each of the looks were different, though.

Rafe's expression was plain. He wasn't smiling, but he also wasn't making an effort to look angry. Him being who he was, was enough to scare someone.

But Toppers was the complete opposite. He put on the meanest glare he could have possibly done. It even scared Lily a bit. She didn't completely blame him though. Pope had sunk his boat. She knew she'd be mad also if she were him.

As Pope looked up, he met the two Kooks' eyes. They stared at each other for a quick moment before Pope hastily turned around, walking back inside.

Rafe chuckled lightly. Topper turned to Rafe, still looking mad, before speeding away. Pope now knew they were on to him.


"Kiara?" Lily yelled, walking towards the girl by the concession stand at the drive-in. Kiara whipped around at the sound of her name and came face to face with Liliana. "I haven't seen you in forever. How have you been?" Lily continued, excited to see her old friend.

"I've been good. How about you?" Kiara responded.

"I'm doing okay. Same old summer in the Outer Banks," Lily spoke. "Can I have one bottle of water, please?" Lily turned to quickly order from the table beside her after Kiara received her drinks. She reached into her back pocket for a couple dollar bills. Before she could hand the money over, another hand beat her to it. She looked up to see Rafe.

"Make that two," Rafe spoke to the cashier.

"What a gentleman," Lily said teasingly.

Rafe noticed Kiara's presence and turned to her. Lily breathed out heavily waiting to here what he had to say to her.

"Hey, Kie," Rafe greeted with a grin.

"Rafe," She blankly adressed him with a nod.

"Um, tell your boy that we know what he did," Rafe explained, talking about Pope. Lily slightly rolled her eyes. She couldn't stand this drama.

"Sorry, what boy are you talking about?" Kiara respond, genuinely confused. Lily knew she wouldn't be the girl to do something like that. Of course she hadn't been in on it. Years ago, the three girls, Lily, Kiara, and Sarah, were best friends. Kiara was a kook. She chose to live a Pogue life with her Pogue friends after a fight went on between Sarah and her. Lily never knew what happened. No one really liked to talk about it.

"Uh, he'll know," Rafe intimidatingly muttered.

Kiara did nothing but stare at the boy for one last moment before walking off.

"Bye!" Rafe yelled to the, already almost gone, Pogue.

"Douche," Kie spoke over her shoulder. "Bye, Lily!" She spoke one more time, purposely not acknowledging Rafe before she walked away.

Rafe turned back around to Lily. She held the two bottles of water in her hand, holding one out for him to take.

"Was that really necessary, Rafe?" Lily asked.

Rafe opened the top of the bottle, taking a long sip. He swallowed it and turned back to the Morgan girl.

"They hit us, we hit them. That's the only way," Rafe explained. Lily did nothing but stare. "Come on. We're going back," Rafe said, putting his arm around the girls shoulders as they began to walk towards their seats.

As they walked back, Lily thought. She put the pieces together. She had just seen Kiara, meaning her friends were probably here too. That meant Pope was here.

Pope was here.

And so was Kelce, Rafe, and Topper.

"They hit us, we hit them."

Something was going to happen tonight.

Something bad.


— yikes

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