Another place, Another time.

By DragonsEclipse4

35.4K 1.3K 339

Error. Everything was taken away from him, his world, his brother, Everything. What he got after that was a l... More

C1: Maybe its not worth it
Forth of July Special
Looks Like someone's homeless.
A/N! My Au Sans.
Start anew?
The Sun and Moon
Update on Everything, And an Apology
Figuring It Out


3K 106 21
By DragonsEclipse4

Hello! Welcome back. Well I am going to explain that in my book it's going to be slightly different. Like the Sanses question a bit more, and things like that. In this I have it where Ink tells these AU's this stuff about Error, but some of the AU's question it. They don't act on it though, the cause? Some sanses are being forced to choke down these 'facts' told by Ink because 'what if these things he says about Error are true? If he is then if I talk to him and I give him mercy, then he kills me? My home will be at his mercy and will.' if you look at these Sanses this way you kind of understand why they don't act.

The pair of skeletons stood across from each other, one tense, the other's posture calm but alert. "Error. Leave. Now." "YoU kNOw I cAn't Ink." Error was tired. Ink took a breath before suddenly lunging at Error, red paint pooling at the tip of the brush. Error quickly dodged the attack, using his strings to try and grab Ink, or his brush. Ink swings his brush, flinging the red paint at Error and dodging his strings. Error dodged again. This went on for what seemed like hours. Ink normally gave up by now. Error was curious, and he could see Ink was tired. Error didn't want to fight, but he couldn't leave without the AU's Destruction. His body ached. He could feel his bones cracking and groaning as he moved, but Ink wasn't giving up. He was so close. If he could get the purple paint on Error, it would be over. If Ink would give the chance to Error, he would destroy this place and leave, but Ink wouldn't let that happen. Neither would give up so soon. One because a plan was formed to kill the destroyer with his own mind. Error just wanted to get it over with.

Ink soon got a hit in over Errors skull. Error felt his skull cave once again and put his hand over the crack while the other shot strings at Ink. Error felt them make contact with the creator and looked up. Ink was collapsed, and one of the lower bones on his arm were broken. Inks shirt has several rips in it that pretty much guaranteed a rib might have gotten hit. It was over. Error winced at the sight but got to work. He quickly found and finished the rest of the Monsters before Ink woke up and destroyed the code. He opened a portal to the anti-void. He looked behind him at ink, still crumpled on the ground, and looked at the crumbling Au. He closed the portal and walked over to Ink. Oh, how half of Error wished to leave this fucker here. To fall in the void, to die with his creation. Error knew he couldn't though. It was Fates fault, not Inks. The destroyer picked up Inks fallen body and gently wrapped strings around the broken arm, splinting it. Error held Ink Carefully as he opened a portal to the 'Good Sanses' base. He stared at it then went through, a ghost of a strange feral fear running through Error.


It was only Classic, Dance, Fresh, Dream, Bird, Lust and Color sitting at the table long after the meeting. The few that were left here were napping, talking, or something else. Sometimes they all just sit there and hang out. Peace from their homes and loops for a bit. It was nice when it wasn't a screaming match they call a meeting. Fresh came not long after Blue left, coming out of nowhere. Now Fresh was sitting in a corner, glasses completely blank for one reason or another, with Lust surprisingly next to him talking. Fresh has been like that since they told him about the plan. Classic didn't agree with the plan. It was cruel, and the Sanses should know that best. Classic has been through the mental torture of sitting through reset after reset, losing friends, having his worst fears come true. There were people who took Classics side on this and didn't agree because he didn't, but too many were on Inks side on this plan, so Ink went off to make the Au. Classic hoped that Ink would come to his senses.

Suddenly at the end of the table, a portal opened. The portal was static-y and glitchy. The Monsters quickly realized who it was and stood in a position ready to attack if needed, Dream leading, and Classic at the back middle so that Error wouldn't be able to hurt him. Though Classic knew that defending against Error was Useless, as all he needed to do was use the strings that came so naturally to the monster. Lust and Fresh looked up at the portal in shock and horror, respectfully. The only thing that went through his mind was how desperate was Error to come here of all places? Then Error stepped through, with Ink in his arms. 

All of them in the room looked at Error and tensed as he started walking toward them. Then he did the thing most of the skeletons least expected. He reached out his arms and passed Ink to Dream, Along with Dream almost dropping the skeleton. For some reason underneath everyone's confusion and fear, Error didn't seem scary, just awkward. "We FouGHT. He gOt KnoCkeD ouT." Error said then quickly left, putting 'Broomie' on the table, and leaving everyone shocked and confused while Dream fumbled over Ink and what looked like Errors string around the Creators arm.


/when Ink woke up/

Inks eye sockets opened slowly, catching the attention of Dance, and he remembered what happened and shot up, seeming to check his surroundings. "Woah bud. You ok there Ink?"  Across from Ink, Dance was sitting on a sofa. "Dance? What Happened? How did I get here?"
Dance looked perplexed for a moment, after all Ink hated Error, and explained what happened to him. "We were in the meeting room, and we were hanging out. A portal opened, Error gave a passed out you to Dream, and said you were hurt and left." To Ink, Dance didn't look alarmed, "So no-one got dusted?" Ink asked, his version of hope rising in where his SOUL would be. "No."

 Dance and Ink walked out into the meeting room, Dance noticed Fresh and Bird were gone. Ink suddenly gasped with one of his hands covering his skeletal mouth. Everyone in the room looked alarmed at the skeleton. "Ink are you ok?" Ink started to try and sense that Au that they were fighting in before, unbeknownst to the others. It was gone. "He saved me." "What?" Dream looked confused, while the others looked at Ink confused, Lust looked shocked. Ink looked at Dream dead in the eye sockets. "Error saved me. The Au is gone." "What are you saying Ink?" Dream looked worried. "The Au was destroyed. If Error didn't take me here and left me there, I would have fallen in the void." Realization Donned on all their faces. Ink quickly went into action. "Call a meeting. We're canceling my plan. I have to cut off that Au." Even if Ink was SOULLESS, he knew what owing a debt was, and he wasn't going to keep it around long enough for Error to take advantage of.



'Moralitytale' huh? Might as well take a look at it. Error opened a portal to the Au but through the portal he saw what seemed to be Nightmares castle? Error closed the portal and opened it again. It happened again. Why? Is the Au blocked off? If Ink did that no-one could go to the Au, normally he doesn't do that, it takes to much magic. He felt a pull from the portal, alarm bells rang distantly in his head, but he shoved them off, feeling dazed.  A visit to Nightmare wouldn't be that bad. Error will have to visit the Au later. Maybe not at all. The Au is original after all. He has no reason to visit it. The doll he was holding fell to the ground.

Error went into the portal.


Hey Question? Why do you think the portal led to Nightmares castle?
(This is because my imagination is going and it's pay for those who read the first chapter and have waited all this time.)

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