Doomwatch - Tracer X Reader

By cheesEPIC

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The events of doom eternal happen in the overwatch universe, however, you as the doom slayer are there to fig... More

Chapter 1 - Hell on Earth
Chapter 2 - An Introduction.
Chapter 3 - Recruitment.
Chapter 4 - The Tour
Chapter 5 - New Friends.
Chapter 6 - Lena
Chapter 7 - Assault
Chapter 8 - Aftermath
Chapter 9 - Training
Chapter 10 - The Gore Nest
Chapter 11 - New mission.
Chapter 12 - Talon base
Chapter 13 - Preparations
Chapter 14 - Cultist base (part 1)
Chapter 15 - Cultist base (part 2)
Chapter 16 - Love
Chapter 17 - Trauma
Chapter 18 - Super Gore Nest.
Chapter 19 - Protection
Chapter 20 - ARC Complex
Chapter 21 - Mars Core.
Chapter 22 - Rescue
Chapter 23 - The Reveal
Chapter 24 - Kings Row
Chapter 25 - Recovery
Chapter 26 - Captured
Chapter 27 - Return
Chapter 28 - Exultia
Chapter 29 - Taras Nabad
Chapter 30 - Nekravol
Chapter 31 - Urdak
Chapter 32 - Hive Mind
Chapter 33 - Iconoclast
Chapter 34 - Crucible
Chapter 35 - New House
Chapter 36 - A Day Out - Shopping
Chapter 37 - A Day Out - Shopping (cont)
Chapter 38 - A day off
Chapter 39 - Fortress of Doom
Chapter 40 - Plutonium
Chapter 41 - Truth Serum
Chapter 42 - Well Cure
Chapter 43 - UN
Chapter 44 - Deja vu
Chapter 45 - Check Up
Chapter 46 - Slayer
Chapter 47 - Court
Chapter 48 - Los Muertos
Chapter 49 - Back on Earth
Chapter 50 - Ill Advent
Chapter 51 - Christmas
Chapter 52 - New Year
Chapter 53 - Losses
Chapter 54 - Proving
Chapter 55 - Visions
Chapter 56 - Allies
Chapter 58 - The End

Chapter 57 - The Battle

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By cheesEPIC

Lena pov

I'd told Jack what was going to happen. He told everyone in the base to get rest while me, him and Reinhardt discussed the plan.

"So, how do we kill him?" Jack said.

"We wait for (y/n)." I said. "Nobody can kill him, not even me. Only (y/n) can kill him."

"That doesn't sound like much of a plan." Reinhardt said.

"But it's the only plan we've got. He's too strong. Once (y/n) has killed Erebus, he will join us with the power of hell behind him. Once Erebus has been slain, there will be nothing which can stop (y/n). We just have to stall until then."

"And if (y/n) doesn't turn up?" Jack asked.

"He, he has to. If any of us are to live, (y/n) has to arrive."

"Lena, how do you know he will arrive. I mean, you are the only one who believes he is still alive, so, what happens if you are just seeing things?"

"I'm not seeing things!" I screamed making both Jack and Reinhardt lean back in shock. "Just because you can't see him doesn't mean I can't! I've spoken to him and he's told me what to do!"

"Lena, go get some rest, you'll need it for tomorrow." Reinhardt said.

"No, I have to discuss how we're gonna stall."

"Lena, go get some rest."

"But I have to-" I went to say until I heard a voice inside my head.

"Lena, trust them. You need rest, you've been stressed and pressured beyond humanly possible, just, please, for mine and your sake."

"O-ok (y/n). I will." I said out loud to the voice in my head.

"Lena?" Jack said as he walked over to me. I stood up and started walking out of the room. "Where are you going?"

"To get rest, like you told me to."

Jack went to say something but stopped himself.

I walked to the room and quietly opened the door to go in. I snuck into bed to try and not wake up Genji or Angela. I think I succeeded in not waking them up. I got into bed and went to sleep.

"I love you Lena." I heard in my head.

"I love you too (y/n)." I replied.

I woke up to hear Jack bang on our door.

"Come on, everybody up." He shouted at our door. I sat up as I heard him go around to more doors and wake everybody up.

"Good morning Lena." Angela said as she sat up.

"Morning Angie." I replied.

I got out of bed and went straight to go see Jack and ask him about the plan.

"What're we gonna do to stall?" I asked.

"We've got some tactics that will hopefully work." He said.

"Go on."

"Firstly we've got you. You may not be able to kill doomfist, but you can mess him around for a hell of a long time without getting hurt. Secondly, we've got the ARC joining us in the fight, and they've got a lot of troops and mechs. Finally, we have the defensive advantage. He's coming to us, so we can set up defences all around the UN headquarters in preparation for his arrival."

"Sounds good." I said.

"Well it's the best we've got." Jack replied. "Anyway, go get your food. We've got a long day ahead of us."

I nodded and walked into the cafeteria. There were already a lot of people in here probably the most I've ever seen. I grabbed a tray and walked to where you get the food. Even though there were so many people in the cafeteria, there was still so much food left over which I could take. I grabbed a bacon sandwich and a coffee and sat down next to Mccree, Ashe and Sombra.

"Howdy Lena." Mccree said as I sat down.

"Hiya luvs." I said. We all just sat there in silence for a second.

"What's the plan?" Ashe asked.

"Doomfist is attacking the UN headquarters later today. Once we've all eaten, we're heading there to set up defences. Hayden's set the ARC there and they're already set up and waiting."

Ashe nodded as we continued to eat our food. Eventually, Jack walked into the cafeteria and stood at that front.

"Good morning everyone. As most of you can tell, something big is happening today, which it is. Today is the day which Doomfist is attacking. Although he was killed by the slayer a while back, the arch demon Erebus has resurrected him as a demonic slayer. Today we must fight him, for if we do not, then all life on this planet will die." Jack started walking around the room. "You might've also noticed some, familiar faces around the place, some more unwelcome than others." He said as he grabbed Gabriel's hand and made him stand up. "Several Talon agents have joined us in our fight against doomfist. If you Talon agents could please stand up." As he said that, Sombra, widowmaker, Moira and Sigma all stood up and looked around at everyone. "They realised what would happen if doomfist lives and so have joined our side to fight. This battle will not be easy, even with their help. Doomfist has the entire of hell's armies behind him and the power of the devil himself. Many of us will die, but we have no other choice. We must hold out and not give in to him. We are earth's only hope for survival, and we must protect it and those we love with our lives." He walked over and looked down at me. "You might be wondering what the plan is. The plan is to kill anything which tries to kill you. None of us can kill doomfist, but the slayer can and we must defend until he returns. Samuel Hayden's ARC are fighting for us as well. They are already ready to fight. Once you've finished your food, get everything you need to fight and rally outside the main gate. From there we will arrange the more precise details. You have 2 hours." Jack walked off and left the cafeteria. Everyone stayed quiet but they eventually started talking again.

"So luvs." I said. "Ahead of us we've got the biggest battle of our lives. I'm going to get going now as I have some business to attend to. Good luck out there." I stood up and walked out of the cafeteria. I went back into my room and sat on my bed and closed my eyes. I thought about (y/n) and tried to speak to him.

"Lena?" I heard in my head.

"(Y/n)?" I said out loud.

"Lena you must be ready. Doomfist will show no mercy, but neither must you. You will have to kill anyone who tries to harm you, for I need your help to kill him."

"I promise (y/n)."

"Good. It will not be long now until Erebus has been slain. All you need to do is fight like hell until I return. Once I've returned, the battle will have been won. Until then, good luck Lena."

"Thank you. I love you (y/n)."

"I love you too Lena."

I opened my eyes to see Angela sitting on the bed putting her combat gear on. She'd just finished putting her helmet thing on and she looked at me.

"Another vision of (y/n)?" She said.

"Yes. He is alive, I promise you."

Angela shook her head and sighed.

"Lena, I hope you're right, cause if you're not then we're all going to die."

I looked across at the note which (y/n) had written all those months ago just before he went to Urdak. I read it through to myself before I picked up the picture of us and the coins. His symbol was still alight and so was mine. I held all of it close to my chest and hugged it.

"I promise."

I put the coins in my pocket and did the same with the note and the photo, before I walked out of the room and to the meeting point. Jack was already there.

"So early. You can go have some more time to prepare if you want." Jack said.

"I, don't need to. I know what I need to do and I will do it."

Jack nodded and pushed some buttons on his wrist display thing. As he did, a big portal opened up Infront of me.

"Good luck Lena." Jack said. I smiled before walking through.

As I stepped through, I saw lots of ARC defenses surrounding the UN base. There were a few mechs around and a hell of a lot of soldier. I walked inside and tried to find Hayden. Of course, he'd put the main meeting room to use and was setting it up as his headquarters so to say.

"Good day, Lena." He said as I entered.

"Hello Hayden." I replied.

"Are you sure that (y/n) is alive?"

"Yes, I am 100% sure of it. I've talked to him and seen him, in visions. I know he's alive and he will protect us."

Hayden sighed and sat down. "You better be right, for if you're not, earth has no hope for survival."

I nodded and left the room. I went to the main room where signs of a demonic portal opening were already starting to form. As soon as I stepped into the room, I felt an immediate argent signature near me. I looked at the centre of the room and saw a massive pentagram on it with hundreds of soldiers, turrets and mechs all aimed at one spot. I went to walk over to it but a high ranking soldier walked over to me.

"Who are you?" He said as he pointed his gun at me. I rolled my sleeve up and showed him my holy symbol. "Sorry slayer." He said as he stepped back. I walked over to the pentagram and started inspecting it. It was hot and, different. It didn't feel like anything else I'd ever touched. I walked away from it and the same soldier as before walked up to me.

"Every soldier who has stepped on that has been dragged into it and hasn't returned. We don't know what it is, but it isn't good."

"I don't know what it is either." I said as I walked away.

By now, some overwatch agents had started to arrive. Jack had organised us into teams with each high ranking member commanding their own unit of troops. Jack had decided to not give me one since we both said that they'd just slow me down.

Over the course of the next 2 hours, every single overwatch agent and soldier turned up ready to fight. Jack brought every soldier from both overwatch and the ARC into the main hall to give a speech.

"As you all know, doomfist is arriving soon. We must all stand together and fight for each other and those we care about and love, for if we do not stand together, all life on this planet will die. Some of you may die, but we can assure you that you will all be remembered and that your sacrifice will not be in vain. We must fight to the end until we can fight no more, and then and only then will we win. Good luck soldiers."

Jack saluted as everyone started to go back to their positions. The entire UN headquarters had been turned into a massive fortress. I went to the middle room where the huge pentagram was and waited, waited for him to arrive. Everyone waited in their posts for hours, just sitting down, anticipating what would happen. Just as people began to lose faith in what I'd said and started to not believe me, it happened.

The pentagram on the floor started to move. A liquid began to ooze out of it and blood started to cover the floor. I stood up and walked closer to it. Suddenly, a massive flash of red went out. It was blindingly bright, causing me to not be able to see anything for the duration. After a few seconds of rubbing my eyes, I saw what had happened. In the middle of the pentagram stood doomfist, Olivia Pierce and Emily.

"Well look who finally decided to show up." I said as I walked closer to them.

"You will die today Lena." Doomfist said. "(Y/n) cannot save you this time."

"You should have stayed with me." Emily said. "Not some prick of a man you call a slayer."

"(Y/n) was and still is a way more loving, caring and supportive person than you could ever be." I snapped back. Emily got angry at me.

"Emily, stay back." Olivia Said. Emily was on the verge of refusing to do so, but did stay back in the end. "Lena, we know what you've become, but it will not be enough. We will kill all of you. Your sacrifices to the nameless one will bring a great deal to hell, where our new empire shall rise, and we will not have some puny British girl who always relied on her boyfriend to stand in the way."

"Even if I can't kill you, (y/n) will always avenge me."

"(Y/n) is dead." Doomfist said. "I killed him."

I closed my eyes and channelled my argent inside me.

"(Y/n) is not DEAD!" I yelled as I let out an argent burst, faltering all 3 of them. I blinked over to them and began unloading my super shotgun into them. Just as I did, hundreds of demons spawned around the place. I turn to Emily and we looked into eachother's eyes.

"I will fucking kill you Lena." Emily said as she pulled out her gas grenades and an argent sword.

"I'd like to see you try." I replied. She threw a grenade at me but I blinked over the top of her and fired a shotgun round into her back causing her to stumble forward. I went to punch her but she caught my hand. I kicked her in the stomach but she was quick to respond with a punch to the face with her free arm. We both stepped back from eachother. I was about to launch another assault on her when a baron of hell jumped in-between us. He went to grab me but I leapt over his arm and onto the back of his head. I fired 2 shotgun rounds into his head before being forced to jump off. From the ground, I continued to run and blink around him while pummeling him with shotgun rounds. He took quite a few before he eventually fell to one knee. I ran up to him and thrust my blade right through his jaw and straight through his head.

As soon as I retracted my blade, Emily threw a gas grenade at me. I was caught in a small part of it, but nothing which hurt for too long. She swung at me. I blinked behind her and fired a shotgun round into her back causing her to fall forward. I jumped onto her back but she stood up and threw me off her. She was slightly limping for her wounds. She went to throw another gas grenade at me but I shot it in her hands. She inhaled the toxic chemicals and fell to the floor. I blinked through the gas and picked her up on the way before taking her to Hayden.

"Imprison her." I said to Hayden. He looked at me before nodding. He called in several guards before telling me to get back into the fight.

As I made my way back to the start of the invasion, I came across Mccree, Ashe and Sombra fighting off a dread Knight and a pinky. The pinky charged Sombra into a wall, causing Sombra to yelp in pain. Just as it was about to bite her, I jumped into it and took it to the floor before ripping one of its tusks out and stabbing it through its head.

The hell knights jumped towards me and slammed the ground. I dodged his attacks before beginning my assault. He swung his blades at me, allowing me to jump behind him and onto his back. When I landed on his shoulders, I rammed my blades through his head several times. He writhed in pain and tried to get me off, but with every stab he got weaker and weaker. After a few stabs, he fell to the floor dead.

I looked across to see Sombra being helped back up by Mccree and Ashe. I smiled at them before my attention turned towards a massive scream coming from the main room. I ran in to see a massive spider in the centre of the pentagram.

"Shit." I said as it started to destroy all the defences near to it. I ran up to it and began unloading round after round into the thing. It had a huge exposed brain which I felt like was a weak point. I kept firing rounds at the thing, seemingly not achieving anything. I kept dodging and trying my best to not get hit. However, with the amount of demons spawning and the number of projectiles getting thrown at me, I couldn't dodge them all for long. Eventually, a baron fireball hit me in the shoulder. I clasped my shoulder and tried my best to stay stood up and succeeded. The argent overflowed my veins and completely negated the pain, but before I could do anything, the spider mastermind shot me with a massive laser. It felt like my skin was melting, it hurt so bad. It was absolute agony. I tried to move but I just couldn't. Eventually, the laser beam stopped and so did all the shooting. I looked around to see that all the remaining soldiers had surrendered and the agents had been put in cuffs and lined up against the wall.

"Not so strong now are you? Huh?" Emily spat at me.

"Lena." Doomfist began. "You haven't been a slayer for long, and you will not be a slayer for much longer."

"I will be a slayer for much longer than you." I replied. "(Y/n) is coming and he will kill you all."

"(Y/n) is dead!" He yelled.

"No he is not! I have seen and spoken to him since you supposedly killed him. He is still alive."

"You're still full of as much bullshit as when I left you." Emily said into your face.

Doomfist picked me up and stood me up.

"Lena. I'll give you one chance to join us in destroying this world for the greater good." Doomfist said.

"I'll fucking NEVER JOIN YOU!" I yelled. Doomfist punched me in the face as I shouted that. As he did, we began to hear gunfire from outside. Doomfist turned to face the noise.

"You, go check it out." He said as he pointed at a Mancubus, a dread Knight and a revenant. They all walked off towards the noise. "(Y/n) is dead Lena. If only you realised before this." He said as he kicked me in the stomach causing me to fall to the floor.

"(Y/n) will kill you." I said. Just as I did, we heard demonic screeches and even more gunshots. Two marauders from inside decided to go check it out. We heard even more screaming as the gunshots continued.

"Emily, go see what on earth is going on out there." Doomfist commanded. Emily sighed and reluctantly agreed. She walked off towards the noise. Just as she did, one of the marauders could be seen through the smoke. He went to say something before being pulled back through the smoke. We heard one more gunshot as his screaming finished. Emily continued to walk through the smoke, completely unaware of what she was walking into.

"Lena. Any last words?" Doomfist said as he picked me up by the neck. Just as he did, Emily came running back through.

"Doomfist, he, he's alive."

"Emily, don't you start with the lies and nonsense. The slayer is dead now leave."

"But, he-"


Emily turned towards the smoke and pulled her grenades and sword out. She threw a grenade and ran into the smoke.

"So, no last words from you Huh?" Doomfist said. "Looks like that's how you'll end." He said as he threw me against the wall. I smashed against and through the concrete wall. It must've broken most of my bones, if not all of them I hit it that hard. Doomfist walked over to me. He went to smash my face into the floor but was blocked by some forcefield. Next thing I knew I was being suspended in a red cage with visions of (y/n) all around me.

"Rip and tear. Rip and tear. Rip and tear." It chanted in my head. I tried to block it out but it kept getting louder and louder. Eventually, I just couldn't take it and I screamed. As soon as I did, it all stopped. I opened my eyes to see myself in the room where I first met (y/n), the room with the first hell priest in it, the room where it all began. It was the same, other than I was alone. I tried to move around but I couldn't. I stayed there for a few minutes being unable to move. Eventually though, the door opened up and (y/n) walked through. Instead of running over to the non-existant hell priest, he ran over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"It's ok Lena, you're safe now, I'm here." He whispered into my ear. I smiled and tried my best to hug him back, but I just couldn't move anything. I closed my eyes and my vision started to fade to black.

I opened my eyes as I fell to the floor of the room of the invasion with doomfist standing over me.

"No-one can save you now. (Y/n) is dead and you have failed."

He went to smash down on my head again but Emily went flying over me. She hit the floor with a thud and began crawling away from the hole in the wall where me and doomfist were.

"Emily, what are you doing?"

"The slayer has returned." She said.

"The slayer is DEAD!" He yelled as he forced his hand down onto my head. I closed my eyes and expected for his fist to collide and crush my head, but nothing happened. I opened my eyes to see Doomfist putting as much force as he could through his fist but being unable to move it any closer to me. Eventually he stopped pushing and instead shot me in the shoulder. He grabbed me by the neck and lifted me up before throwing me into the cloud of smoke in the wall. I screamed in pain as I landed and began to whine. I felt something touch me. I opened my eyes and prepared to fight, but I didn't have to. As I opened my eyes, I was greeted by the sight of (y/n) kneeling next to me. (Y/n) stood up and pulled his super shotgun out. He unloaded the rounds that were in it and stepped over my body and into the cloud of smoke. I couldn't see what was happening because of the smoke, but I could hear (y/n) load his shotgun back up again. I heard a few footsteps and some inaudible words, but then it all went silent for a second. The next thing I knew, gunshots echoed through the building and screamed filled the air.

(Y/n) pov

Lena had just been thrown through a cloud of smoke at me. She landed at my feet and began to whine. I knelt down and grabbed her hand. She opened her eyes and saw who I was and smiled. I wanted to just take her to the hospital and make her safe, but I knew that I had to kill doomfist here and now.

"Well well well, looks like little Lena was telling the truth." Doomfist said as you began to circle eachother.

"I have become more powerful than you could ever be." I said. Doomfist laughed at me.

"I was made who I was by one of the rulers of hell. You stand no chance against me."

"And I killed that ruler of hell." I said as I pulled out Erebus' crown. Doomfist gasped as I did so. "The great Erebus has fallen, now all his power is mine." I crushed his crown in my hands before I began circling Doomfist again.

Doomfist began the offensive with a rocket punch. I grabbed his hand and threw him to the floor. All the demons near me began to attack me. I ran up to a hell knight and smashed his skull in one. A marauder charged me. I thrust my arm straight through his chest and ripped his heart out. A baron of hell started to strangle me, only to be met by my blade to his hand then my fist to his face. I super shotgunned a Mancubus that was near me before he could even attack. An archvile began to spawn demons in. I ran up to him and fired a shotgun round into his face, causing him to teleport away. I went to grapple onto him but a tyrant got in the way. He fired his laser beam at me and got a direct hit, but I couldn't feel it. It did no damage to me whatsoever. I ran up to him and took him to the floor in a single jump before smashing his head into the floor. I then fired a ballista bolt straight through the archvile's head.

Doomfist had gotten back up by now and was charging another rocket punch at me. He fired it but missed. I grabbed him by the neck and threw him as hard as I could to the floor. The floor smashed against him as I did it again. I went to do it a third time but the spider mastermind began firing rockets at me. I ran up to it just taking literally everything it fired at me. When I got up to it, I let out a huge argent burst before shoving my BFG into its mouth and pulling the trigger, quite literally blowing its brains out.

Doomfist and Emily stood next to eachother. I turned to face them just as Emily threw a different grenade at me. This one was blue. As it hit the floor and exploded, it ignited, completely engulfing me in flames. It didn't stop me though. I walked out of the flames and grabbed Emily before throwing her as hard as I could at the wall next to Lena, who had gotten up to watch what was happening, before turning to doomfist. I swung my fists at him but he kept dodging. While I was trying to hit him, he was charging up his rocket punch. He fully charged it before kicking me back. I stood tall just as he fired it at me. As he collided,  a massive shockwave was released knocking anyone who was standing up to the ground. Me and doomfist stared into eachother's eyes for a second. I could see the fear in his eyes as I grabbed his gauntlet. He tried to get away from me as I crushed his arm inside of it, just like I did this first time. He screamed as I tightened my grip. Eventually, his arm as a whole just broke off from the elbow down. He stepped back as he inspected his heavily bleeding stump. He looked back at me just as smashed him round the face as hard as I could causing him to fall to the floor. I stood over the top of him as Lena walked over to me. We looked into eachother's eyes for a second. I grabbed Lena's hand as I turned to doomfist. I put my foot on his chest to stop him from moving before turning to Lena for confirmation.

"They are brutal, without mercy but you, you will be worse. Rip and Tear until it is done." Lena said to me. I looked back at doomfist as he tried to get my foot off his chest. I brought my hand up and swung my fist down into his head as hard as I could. He screamed just before my fist connected. As it did connect though, blood flew everywhere as his head exploded. My fist went straight through his head and into the floor below it, but the damage I dealt didn't matter to me, as long as he was dead and Lena was safe.

I took my fist out of Doomfist's head and stood back up. I looked around to see all the demon corpses slowly disappear, like they do when you've won a fight. I turned back to Lena. She took my helmet off and put it on the floor. She put her hand on the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. Our lips connected for the first time in millions of years for me. I pulled her closer to my body. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around me, still not breaking contact with our lips. We made out for quite some time, but eventually we broke apart and looked into eachother's eyes once more.

"I love you Lena." I said to her.

"I love you too (y/n)."

Lena got down from me and looked around at all the dead, wounded and healthy overwatch and ARC soldiers. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Their sacrifice was for a good cause." I said. "They died protecting those who deserve it and those they love. They will always be remembered."

"Yes they did. Every one of them was and will always be a hero, fighting for what's right. Without them, none of this would have been possible." Lena then turned to me. "But it still came down to you."

I smiled and looked up at everyone who was doing stuff. I saw Jack talking to Reinhardt and Hayden so I walked over to join them.

"Hello (y/n), hello Lena." Reinhardt said. "We're sorry for, not believing you. You were right all along."

Lena smiled. "It's fine luv. If one of you said that you were seeing and speaking to one of your friends even though they died I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have believed you." We all laughed at it. I know it wasn't the best joke ever, actually it was quite far off, but anything which was supposed to make me smile made me smile because of how little of it I'd had recently.

"(Y/n), can I speak to you alone?" Hayden said.


Me and Hayden walked into a quiet room together.

"So, what is it Hayden?"

"Did you kill Erebus?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"Do you know what that has done to you and hell?"

"I have some clue, but go ahead."

"It has given you the power of Erebus. You can now control hell in this realm and it has given you immense strength and power, far beyond what you've ever been."

"Oh, that's, pretty nice to know."

"But because of what the nameless can do, he has transferred all of his power out of this realm."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"Each realm has its own 7 deadly sins, embodied as an arch demon. The embodiment of pride is always the one who rules over the souls lost to eternal labour. They are the most powerful of the archdemons, always. When this deadly sin dies, the balance of hell in the realm is overrun as trillions of lost souls from all species are released into hell to fight their way out. Once this has happened, the nameless one who remains constant throughout, moves those who he deems worthy to survive the purge to a different realm. As you save our realm from hell, you put another in danger."

"Oh, so is this realm now safe from hell?"



"Yes it is. The realm of hell in this dimension will no longer be inhabited by the demons, instead it will be ruled by the souls of the dammed. You have saved this world from hell."

"Oh my god. This is amazing!"

"Yes it is, for everyone else. For you, the fight shifts elsewhere. You and Lena must travel soon to a different realm to keep peace there."

"Ok, but first I've gotta tell everyone what's happened."

Hayden nodded as I ran out of the room and back to Lena and Jack.

"Hello again (y/n)." Jack said.

"Hiya luv." Lena said as she blinked over to me and hugged me.

"Jack I've got some big news."

"Ok. Tell it to the news reporters that are waiting for you outside."

"I've gotta tell you two first."

"Go on luv."

"In this realm, hell is no more. Earth as you know it is completely safe from hell. All you have to worry about is threats from earth itself."

"Wait," Lena said. "Hell is no more?"

"For Jack's sake, yes, hell is gone. For our sake Lena, no. Hell shifts to a different realm, where we must go and fight it. And with Talon no more and all the talon agents now fighting for the good side as an anti-terrorist organisation, as long as overwatch is in good hands, the world is safe."

"Luv this is brilliant." Lena said hugging me. "Go tell the world this."

I smiled as me and Jack walked out to the news reporters.

"Hello slayer." The reporter said. "Do you mind telling us the state of hell at the moment? When will they attack again?"

"Hell is gone. It is no more. For all of you, there is no need to worry about getting invaded anymore. For your sake and to save time, I killed the archdemon who controls the armies of hell. With him dead, hell's forces have been moved to a different realm where me and Lena Oxton will be going to fight next. Back on earth though, there will be no more demons. And now with Talon, the once terrorist organisation, having joined overwatch, this world is safe from all threats. I trust that Jack Morrison will keep this world safe, and I believe that others do to. From now on, this world is a world of peace, and I think everyone will agree that that is how it should be."

"Jack, do you have anything to say about this?"

"Yes. I promise to lead overwatch to keep this world safe from any threat which may arise. (Y/n) may be leaving this realm, but he won't be gone forever. He will be able to return to us if we need it."

"Yes I will."

"Thank you Jack." The reporter said. "And now finally. Slayer, there have been lots of conspiracies about you and Lena dating, before you leave, can you confirm or deny that?"

I looked across at Lena and smiled.

"Come here." I said as I signalled her over. She walked over to me and stood Infront of me. I pulled her head in close and kissed her on the lips. She blushed and kissed me back again, giving out a soft sigh as I did so. After a few seconds, we broke the kiss.

"Does that answer it for you luv?" Lena said.

"I think that does. Well thank you very much for all of your hard work and fighting, we definitely would not be here without you." The reporter then turned back to the camera. "I'm Steven and this is live from the UN headquarters in New York."

Me and Lena looked back at each other and kissed eachother once again.

"Well then." Jack said after we broke the kiss. "I take it this is goodbye." He said as he put his hand out to shake mine.

"Um, not yet." I said. "I'm not leaving until we've had another massive party." I said. Both Lena's and Jack's eyes lit up as I said that.

"Oh hell yes luv!" Lena said.

(A/n) This is the penultimate chapter of the main story. Once it has finished, I think I'm going to start doing it where you and Lena go into different fictional universes and start to help out there. I've got a few planned out already but if you have any universes which you want them to go to, say which ones and I will try my best to so.

Cheese Epic out.

Btw it's over 6000 words xD

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