The Epoch Of Incredulity

By Alw4ys_be_kind

81 22 14

Over liefde, zelfhaat en het leven. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of... More

Wij, kinderen
Cor Contritum
25 februari 2019
Oude kasten
Gift of freedom

The Othello Response

13 4 2
By Alw4ys_be_kind

I used to laugh at them,
Those Othello girls
Smeared make-up on their cheeks
They never killed a man
They only killed themselves, with jalousy
-and not being able to leave

I used to pitty them
Those poor Othello girls
Stuck in a pattern because they believe in a love (that lives only in their head)
While infidelity is always at their doorstep

I used to question them
Why not leave? Why not go and seek what you really need?
But they stay and they weep and still manage to love.
To love and to hate.

I used to
Now I wonder
How it got to me

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