Wallflower Ink

By SMWagoner

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Literary Fiction/Drama Merri Lonán has nothing but a bucket list, a sketch, and a dark secret. Can tattoo art... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 19

426 29 1
By SMWagoner

· Jace ·

Joe's is packed tonight--just as it usually is on a Monday. Monday nights are reserved for tournaments, and though pool doesn't have as great a following as the local high school football team, it is a big deal in its own right in this town. People come to play, and people come to wager. I only ever come to watch and relax.

Tonight, Merri and I are joined by Katie and Kyle, and as we sit awkwardly in a booth near the pool tables I wonder what's going through Merri's mind.

"Bad ass," Kyle says again, grinning at Merri. "I honestly didn't think you'd go through with it."

Merri's cheeks turn pink with Kyle's renewed interest, and she smiles shyly then looks down at her glass.

"After that shit with the spider? I honestly didn't think you had it in you. Takes a lot of backbone to get a tat like that."

Merri's blush intensifies and I chuckle to myself when I see Katie's elbow find home in Kyle's ribs.

"What the hell was that for?" he moans as he rubs the spot where he's just been assaulted by my sister.

He looks at Katie as if she'd just stabbed him, donning a mock expression of hurt. She just tilts her head, lifts one brow, and purses her lips in response.

"Think she's telling you to shut your trap, dude."

"It's okay," Merri says softly, her gaze first darting to me and then to the others at the table. Katie's own smile softens when Merri's gaze stops on her.

"Kyle's an ass, but you can't pay much attention to that. He means well. He just has a funny way of showing it sometimes."

Merri's nervous laugh seems out of place in Joe's, where most people's amusement is voiced at eardrum rattling decibels, and I fight the urge to take her hand to ease her discomfort. Instead, I offer her a warm smile.

"You get used to him, after a while. When he gets too out of control, we can always count on Katie to apply the muzzle and yank the leash to pull him back in line."

"You're damned straight," Katie says with a grin.

Kyle pouts playfully and shakes his head, then leans across the table toward Merri.

"It's in our marriage license, at the bottom in tiny print. She legally has the right to treat me like shit whenever she feels like it. You ever tie the knot, you better check that fine print. There's no telling what you'll be agreeing to if you don't."

He winks at Merri, and for the first time since we all sat down a real smile blooms on her face. Her blush compliments it, like flower petals highlighted by a bright ray of sunshine. I relax a little, hoping that's a good sign.

I hadn't told her I'd invited my sister and brother-in-law to our impromptu outing, had in fact intentionally left out that minor detail. I suspected she'd back out if I told her, and had hoped she wouldn't shut down or leave after she found out. When Katie and Kyle had flagged us down and I'd guided Merri over, she'd seemed surprised but not angry.

And now, as I watch her gradually warming to them, I think maybe I've made the right decision. She needs something bright in her life right now, and few people are brighter than Kyle. He has an infectious kind of humor that most people find powerless to resist. Merri seems to be falling into that category, and I'm glad to see it. She's had a rough day and is due a little unadulterated fun to round out her evening.

"So, Merri," Katie says, interrupting my thoughts, "how bad was it? On a scale of one to I'm-gonna-kill-him?"

Merri laughs at that, an honest amused chuckle that makes her whole face light up. She shakes her head, her eyes darting to me and then back to Katie.

"I'd have to say five."

Kyle whistles softly then sits back and stares at Merri with wonder in his eyes.

"See, what'd I tell ya? Bad. Ass."

"Can't say anyone has ever applied that descriptive to me before."

"Well, they should. And I'll make sure they do." Kyle rises to his feet, beer in hand, though Katie tries to snatch his arm and pull him back down. He tips the bottle toward Merri then says loudly, "A toast, to this fire crowned goddess."

"Kyle!" Katie hisses, but is promptly ignored as he continues in a raised voice.

"She's one bad ass motherfucker! Took on the needle and didn't bat an eye!"

Several sets of eyes turn first to Kyle and then to Merri. Merri pales and ducks her head, her hair falling over her face to hide it.

"I'm ready to go, Jace. Would you please take me home?" Her voice is barely audible.

Kyle flops back down then grins, obviously amused and proud of what he's just done. But when both Katie and I nail him with identical heated gazes his smile falters.

"What?" he finally asks, amusement still dancing in his eyes. "She should be proud of herself. I know I sure as hell would be."

"Merri, you want to take a quick walk with me?" Katie asks gently as her gaze softens and she looks at the mortified woman beside me.

"Yes, please," she replies softly.

I slide from the booth to let her out, while Katie shoves Kyle out of her way on the other side. When they both are out and walking away, I just stare at Kyle. Anger pulses at my temples and I clench my jaw until the muscles ache in response.

"What?" Kyle asks, the last of his amusement fading.

"Of all the nights to act like a fucking moron, you had to pick this one didn't you?" Kyle actually looks shocked by my reaction, and I just shake my head. "After that stunning display of dumb ass, it'll be a miracle if Merri comes back."

"I was just having a little fun, Jace. You would have thought it was hilarious."

"Yeah, well, Merri isn't me. That was about the worst thing you could have done to her, Kyle, drawing attention to her like that. Couldn't you tell how uncomfortable she already was?"

"Well, yeah. But I thought she just needed a confidence boost. Think I should go talk to her? Apologize?"

The sincerity in Kyle's voice and his drawn expression cools some of my anger. I shake my head then let out a long slow breath. Kyle is just being Kyle, his usual loud, obnoxious self. I can't really fault him for that, can I?

"No, I don't think that would be a good idea right now. I think she needs a little space and time to calm down. But so help me God, if she does decide to come back you'd better keep your mouth shut for the rest of the night. Or at least keep your impulses on a short leash, unless you want to find out just how many rounds we can go before one of us taps out."

An uncustomary silence falls between us as we wait for the women to return. After a long while, Katie comes back alone.

"She wants to see you, Jace. I couldn't talk her into coming back with me." Katie cuts Kyle an angry glare, and he lowers his head beneath it.

"Guess I'll see you guys later. She wants to go home."

"Tell her sorry for me, would ya?" Kyle meets my eyes, and I can tell he feels truly miserable.

"I'll tell her."

"Call me later," Katie puts in as she slides into the side of the booth I've left empty. "Let me know how she's doing."

I nod then turn away. I'm anxious now to find Merri. The last thing I want is for her to feel abandoned on top of everything else. But the crowd makes leaving more difficult than usual, pushing me back like rising storm surge.



Outside, I wait impatiently for Jace. Pacing near the parking lot beneath a sodium light, I chew my lip and try to convince my heart and lungs to slow down. But as I wait and Jace doesn't show, their race with one another only becomes more frantic.

I stop and close my eyes then wrap my arms around myself. By the time I finally hear footsteps approaching, I'm beginning to feel lightheaded.

A hand brushes against my back and I stifle a moan of panic and pain. Though the caress hadn't been overly hard, it inflames the rawness of my tattoo.

"You okay, beautiful?"

The voice that addresses me is rough and unfamiliar, and my eyes immediately fly open to find its source. A man stands near me: tall and lean, with a formidable gaze and light hair, he is as far in appearence from Jace as one could be. He smiles down at me and the gesture forces me to step back. He reaches out and takes my wrist gently to stop my retreat.

"Hey, no need to be scared. I'm not going to hurt you. You need a ride or something? I'm headed out myself. I could give you a lift."

I shake my head, panic now gripping my heart and squeezing it mercilessly. "N-no. No thank you. I have a ride."

The man looks around the parking lot then toward the bar before shaking his own head slowly.

"Don't see anyone around." He looks back at me, a light frown replacing his former smile.

"Please let me go," I say as firmly as I can manage.

"You heard her. You should probably do what she asked."

I turn my head to find Jace walking quickly toward us, and as he approaches the other man releases my arm. I pull it quickly to myself then look at the man who'd been holding it. He doesn't seem threatening, but I'm glad Jace is here now to take his place.

The other man smiles warmly at Jace and raises his hand.

"Just wanted to make sure the little lady was okay. Saw her leaving with Katie, but she didn't come back with her. Thought maybe I'd check to make sure she was all right."

"She's fine," Jace says, an easy smile spreading across his face. "I'm sure she appreciates your concern, Dalton, but I've got it from here. I'm her ride home."

"Cool." Dalton turns back to me and offers me a small smile. "You shouldn't walk around out here by yourself, sweetheart. Joe's isn't a bad place, but shit happens sometimes when you have a bar full of drunken dumb asses. Sorry if I made you think I was one of them."

He drops me a wink then reaches out and shakes Jace's hand. "We still on for next week?"

"Three o'clock, Tuesday," Jace confirms with a smile.

"Keep the chair warm for me."

"Will do."

After giving me a parting nod, Dalton saunters out toward the parking lot, then disappears amid its shadows. When he's gone, I let out a shaky breath then turn to look at Jace.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For not coming back. I just ..." My words trail off and I bite the inside of my lip to stave off any emotion I might allow free reign if I'd been alone. Dropping my gaze, I stare at the ground, ashamed of how I'd behaved.

When Jace's arms slip around me, I tense for a moment then lean against his chest. His embrace is like a security blanket, folding me up in a gentle sense of comfort.

"It's okay, Merri. I understand. You don't have to apologize to me or anyone else. I'm just sorry I didn't know Kyle was going to act like such a dumb ass tonight. I think he's had one too many."

I laugh tightly at that and utter a weary sigh.

"He wasn't the only one who behave inappropriately. I'm afraid I reacted poorly to your friend Dalton, as well."

"I'm sure he won't hold that against you. He's a good guy. He'll understand."

Jace's words are a soothing rumble under my ear, and his friendly embrace is a balm I am reluctant to give up. But after a moment more I finally pull away from him and look up into his eyes.

"Thank you, Jace."

"You're welcome. So, you ready for me to take you home? You haven't eaten yet. I could swing in somewhere on the way and pick us up something to take back."

I shake my head then take a deep breath as I look back to the bar and grill's entrance. "I think we should go back inside. I don't want to be rude to your sister."

"Just Kyle?" he asks playfully.

"Perhaps." I smile in return.

My heart rate is finally returning to normal and I'm no longer panting every breath. With all that under control, and the added comfort of Jace's unexpected embrace, I think maybe I can try to do this again. Tentatively, I reach for the security of his hand, and his fingers immediately entwine themselves with mine.

"You sure about this?"

I nod and he presses assurance into my hand with his. I take another deep breath as I follow him back into the bar. Tonight I'll face my fears, I vow to myself. No matter the outcome, tonight I'm going to pretend I am normal.

And with Jace's help, I might actually be able to pull it off.

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