Life goes on

By XxShimmyDelightxX

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What if Ricky didn't leave after Adrian cheated on him with Ben? What if he went to Amy for comfort instead... More

Chapter 1: Letting your Guard Down
Chapter 2: No resistance
Chapter 3: Keeping Secrets
Chapter 4: Take it slow??
Chapter 5: Love, heartbreak, and bliss
Chapter 6: Don't doubt my Love
Chapter 7: Groceries, Phone calls, and birthcontrol
Chapter 8: Movie and Burger kind of Guy
Chapter 9: Dramarama For Grant High Students
Chapter 10: I Think We're All Having a Bad Day
Chapter 11: I Can't Just Let Anyone In
Chapter 12: Being Left Behind, and Behind Left Alone
Chapter 13: Pinky Promise
Chapter 14: Getting Back Up, After Falling Down
Chapter 15: Jealousy
Chapter 16: Madness
Chapter 17: I Just Want Her Back
Chapter 19: I Love You Part 2
Chapter 20: Epilogue

Chapter 18: Sealing Promises Part 1

1K 37 1
By XxShimmyDelightxX

After she was done with John, she headed downstairs to work on some homework. Before she could even get anywhere near her history text book, her cell phone beeped, Grant's number and face appearing on the screen. Ashley opened the phone.

I'm outside...

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

It's 9:30 at night, on a school night. He came all this way for me? Ashley thought. Millions of questions were bogging her mind. Why was he here? Why did he care now? Does he have to tell her something?

She flipped her phone shut and ran through the house, not stopping until she reached the door and hastily stepped outside. Sure enough, he was standing in front of his car dangling his keys. She ran across the lawn, forgetting the fact she had no shoes on and ran to the car.

"You're crazy!" Ashley screamed to Grant. "You came all this way, just for me?"

"Of course I did. We need to talk." Ashley frowned. "I also missed you," Grant added.

Ashley at a loss for words, they stood there for a short amount of time in awkward silence. Finally, she asked the obvious question that she had been wondering for a while. "Why did you lie to me?"

Grant shrugged and ran his shaking fingers through his hair. "I didn't want you to worry. I'm sorry I even lied in the first place, it was wrong."

"Now you realize this?" Ashley's voice was bitter, but Grant couldn't blame her.

"I don't think I can say sorry enough, Ashley."

Ashley didn't know what to think. She was hurt, but she wanted nothing more than to let Grant hold her. She'd missed him beyond belief, but she was resentful for what she had gone through. Not that it was his fault he had to move, but he had no reason to lie to her. She was so confused.

So she did what she had wanted to do for a while now. She raised her hand and smacked him against his left cheek. Wincing, he touched the stinging spot on his cheek.

"I guess I deserved that."

"I was really, really hurt, you know," Ashley began. "I was nothing when you left. You took my virginity, and then lied to me about why you left. It's aggravating how much I missed you, because I should be mad."

Grant took a deep breath and wrapped his arms around Ashley, basking in the warmth and the contact he craved since he left her. The absence was everywhere for him when he moved. He would listen to her answering machine late at night to hear her voice, and when he would dream of her, he would become frustrated when he realized it was just a dream and she wasn't actually beside him.

"I tried to call you every night to tell you the truth or just to hear your voice but I was mad at myself. I literally can't give you an excuse as to why I lied. I just didn't want you to worry. Is there any way you could possibly forgive me?" Grant pleaded. He truly felt bad as to what he put Ashley through and he wished he could change it.

"I can forgive, but I'm not sure I can forget. I'll move past it, but I won't forget it," Ashley told him the truth.

"I can live with that," Grant spoke honestly.

After standing in the middle of the park kissing and hugging, Amy finally stood back on the ground. "I know people have left you and hurt you before, Ricky, but I won't be one of them.

Hearing those words escape her mouth made Ricky melt. He had never been told that before, and to hear that truly made him feel good. He was past feeling scared about being hurt, and he trusted Amy to not do that. He loved her, she loved him and all they could do was move forward.

"I'm sorry, Amy," Ricky said again.

"I'm sorry too but let's grow from it. Let's move on." Amy ran her fingers tips across his cheek.

Ricky cupped her face in her hands, placing a feather light kiss on her lips. "I'm not perfect, Amy. I will probably screw up or say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing, but I'm trying. I'm new to this 'love' thing and to be perfectly honest, it scares the hell outta me; but I'm doing it. I'm doing it because I want you to be happy, I want John to be happy, and I'm happy when I'm with you."

Amy blushed, then the reality of his words set in.

She couldn't help but smile widely. "That was probably the nicest thing you have ever said to me."

"I wish it could have been better, but like I said, I'm new to this." Ricky chuckled.

Amy chuckled too, and then became serious again. "So you really want this?"

"Want what?"

"To have a serious relationship with me," Amy whispered.

Ricky nodded. "Yeah."

"Wow." Amy grinned, suddenly bursting into a rash of giggles.

Ricky raised an eyebrow. "Why are you laughing?"

"I'm laughing because I cannot believe you just said that. I thought I lost you and now here I am, totally happy." Amy smiled and Ricky placed a small kiss on the top of her head.

He loved seeing her smile, so he decided to do something he hadn't really done before, but he knew it would make her smile.

"Do you want to do on a date with me, Amy Juerguns?" Ricky asked out of nowhere. Amy was taken aback by the question, because she definitely wasn't expecting it.

"Really? I thought Ricky Underwood doesn't do dates," she said in a teasing, yet loving tone.

"Ricky Underwood also doesn't do love. But what can I say, you changed me Amy." Ricky smirked.

"So you assumed we were going to be alright, so you set up a date?" Amy asked.

"Actually, I just made a rash decision. But what do you say?"

Amy looked down at the ground and smiled to herself. "Yes."

Her heart was doing the happy dance.

"I will always love her, but I love you, Grace Bowman, and I'm ready to move forward with you."

She smiled. That was all she needed to hear.

"I love you too, Ben."

"I'm so happy right now," Ben confessed.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her off the ground, spinning her around. She giggled and screamed for him to put her down, but he didn't. Finally, he stopped spinning and kissed her. Hard.

He held her close, feeling the curves on her body against hers. He moaned in her mouth but she pushed him away.

"I'm not ready, Ben. Not yet. I want a date first."

"A date?"

"Yeah. It's what couple do," Grace joked playfully.

"Of course I'll take you on a date. Anything special you would like for the evening?" Ben asked with a slight eyebrow raise.

"Nope, I just want you, me and picnic." Grace put simply. She didn't want him to get a helicopter and fly them around as they ate crab and then went to enjoy a Broadway show, because knowing Ben, he would.

She wanted something simple yet romantic, and she knew if she told him that, he would probably follow through.

"A picnic it is," Ben agreed with a peck on her lips to seal the deal.

Adrian sat on her dimly lit room, absentmindedly flipping through a magazine. She had been distracted all evening, thinking about how to tell Max she didn't want a relationship (other than friendship) with him.

She couldn't see him as anything more than friends, and she wouldn't lead him on. She decided she should be single for a while. She could focus more on her friendships and school work and live for herself rather than a boyfriend. This was finally about herself, not about Max. She knew he would be hurt when she told him, but it was better to tell him now rather than later.

She picked up her cell phone, and let her fingers dance around the keys to call the now familiar number. It rang three times before she finally heard his voice come through on the other line.


Adrian hesitated. "Hey."

"Is everything alright?" Max asked.

"Well, no. Do you think you can come over for a few minutes?" Adrian asked reluctantly.

Max was full of questions and concern, but he would wait until he could talk to her. "Yeah, sure."

A little while later, Adrian was standing on her front porch in the crisp night, running her arms and waiting for Max's car to pull up. She was nervous to tell him; she had no idea how to even start it, clueless of how he would react. She didn't want him to be resentful; she wanted him to be her friend. He might be hurt at first, but she really hoped he would come around. She needed someone like Max in her life. He was comforting and strong, but not her type. She just wanted a friend, not a fuck-buddy or boyfriend. A genuine friend of the opposite gender.

The bright headlights of a car traversed down the car until parking in front of her house, Max stepping out. The closer he got, the more Adrian was wondering if waiting so long to tell him was the right choice.

"So what's up?" Max asked as he walked up the porch steps.

"We really need to talk." Adrian looked up at him through her lashes nervously.


"Us," she whispered.

"What about us, Adrian?"

Adrian bit her lip, took a deep breath and looked Max in the eye. "I like you, Max. You were there for me when no one else was, but I think we should just be friends."

Max's heart dropped for a moment, and a wave of anger swept through him. She hurt him, again. "Wow," he spat angrily. "I can't believe you're doing this again. But I guess I was stupid for believing there was a chance between you and me, especially after it was clear before that you didn't love me."

"I'm sorry, Max. I don't want to be corny and say 'it isn't you, it's me' but it truly is me. I don't want a boyfriend, I need a friend."

Max laughed bitterly. "So you lead me on?"

Adrian looked down at her feet and swallowed down the shame she felt. She didn't intentionally lead him on. She liked the attention he gave her. She liked how he listened to her and comforted her, but she didn't want him to do it in a romantic way; she wanted him to just do it without any expectations. But she knew that was asking a lot.

"I didn't mean to lead you on. Please, Max. I need someone like you in my life, but not romantically."

Max was bitter, but he knew what she meant. "I knew you didn't want me that way," he confessed.

Adrian raised an eyebrow.

"I knew I was taking a chance - a risk, if you will. I hoped it would work out, but that was furthest from reality I guess I shouldn't be shocked, but I can't help but feel a little hurt." Max spoke softly now.

Adrian swallowed the lump in her throat and blinked back the tears that threatened to spill over. "I'm sorry."

"I know."

"I know it's asking a lot, but will you still be my friend?" Adrian murmured.

"Friends," Max agreed.

He wrapped his arms around her cold, curvaceous frame and held her close. Adrian and Max knew there was nothing romantic about this hug, but it was sealing their deal of friendship.

Ricky sat in his apartment that night, with the largest grin plastered on his face. His fingers were trembling and he had the urge to dance around his apartment in his underwear, singing. Yeah, that's how happy Amy made him.

After talking to her -yes, it was nerve wracking at first, but it was worth it -he kissed her goodnight and promised to come by the Juergens' household in the morning.

After a long shower and a quick tidy of the apartment, he knew he needed a good night sleep. He crawled beneath the covers, putting his hands behind his head.

Just as he began to doze off, realization hit him: he still had to plan his date with Amy tomorrow night.

Tomorrow was the last day of school, and he was definitely going, so he needed to figure out what to plan for the evening now. He wasn't exactly sure what to do. He was Ricky Underwood, he didn't plan dates. He hadn't done this before, but he knew it needed to be special. Not only was it for the girl he loved, but it was also a celebration for a new beginning and the end to another school year.

God, I'm so sappy now. Snap out of it, Ricky, he thought to himself, but then he chuckled.

He thought back to everything Amy had ever told him. He remembered her telling him she loved Italian, and walks on the beach.

Could he take her for a walk on the beach and eat take out Italian on the beach? No. Not that.

He continued to think until it finally came to him.

He was going to bring her to the best Italian place in town, and walk down the beach, then set up a blanket to watch the stars. He also remembered her saying how she always wanted to gaze at stars, but the city lights were too bright. What better place to do that then the beach?

He smiled to himself triumphantly and grabbed the phone book, sifting through it for the restaurant's number, and a soft blanket.

"No, George. I want it to be in a garden. A large garden and have flowers and our family and friends surrounding us," Anne argued.

"I thought we were going for the large church wedding?" George whined.

"No. I want a garden wedding. I've dreamed of it since I was a little girl." Anne stuck out her bottom lip and played with the edge of the wedding brochure.

With a sigh, George shrugged. "Fine, but only because it makes you happy."

Anne smiled brightly and began dialing the venue as George picked out a tux.

Within a few minutes, Amy came through the back door with the largest smile on her face and a blush that looked stained to her cheeks.

"What are you smiling about?" George asked.

"Ricky and I worked things out," Amy beamed as she poured herself a glass of water. That's when she still felt the warmth of Ricky's leather jacket, and she bit her lip.

"So you're fine again, even after he hurt you like that?" Anne wondered.

"Like I said, we worked it out. He said he loves me."

George began to cough, while Anne's eyes became wide.

"Did I hear that right?" George began sticking his finger in his ear mockingly.

"I love him, and he loves me." Amy began dreamily playing with a lock of her hair. "So how's John?"

"He's still sleeping. I checked on him and he was fine," Anne answered. "So you and Ricky are really okay?"

Amy nodded.

George gazed off into space thinking about how he exactly felt about Ricky and Amy dating. Was he going to live with it? Yes. Was he totally ecstatic? No. Would he support

Amy to make her happy? Most definitely. Would he hurt Ricky if he broke her heart again? You can count on it.

"He better not hurt my little girl again," George warned. "I have no problems hurting him."

"I know that dad, and I love you for it." Amy smiled which caused George to smile as well.

Amy quickly glanced over to the papers that were covering the table and raised her eyebrows in question. "So when's the wedding?" Amy asked.

"The end of July," George smiled proudly. Amy's jaw dropped.

"What can I say?" George smirked. "I'm a little anxious."

"I'll miss you," Grant whispered as he kissed the top of Ashley's nose.

"I'll miss you too," Ashley leaned into his body and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I promise to call you every night," Grant said into her hair.

Ashley laughed. "You better."

They stood like that for a while, holding each other in the cool night. They sat outside and talked for a while, and they didn't let Anne and George know of his presence. It would take away from their alone time and they weren't sure about what would happy if they found out he was here.

Grant told her about his new school and home, and how his mother was doing. He told her about how his father wasn't around because he was working a lot, and when he was home he would be stand offish and distant. Grant said it was because he wasn't sure how to deal with his mom's sickness, but he wouldn't classify himself as a therapist or anything, so he wouldn't know.

Ashley assured him he would come around and she was there for him.

He promised her he would let her know about everything like that, as long as she didn't let go of herself like she did. He promised her that he would visit and he said he would probably move back in the near future. No guarantees though.

With one quick peck on the lips, and an 'I love you' later, Grant pulled away from the house and headed home leaving a satisfied Ashley still touching her tingling lips.

The next morning, Amy awoke with a sense of energy she hadn't had in a while. She arose from bed with a spring in her step, and leaped to John's room. She picked him up from his bed, kissed him lightly on the lips and brought him downstairs for breakfast. As she sat in the kitchen and fed John food, she heard a knock at the door.

Within a few seconds, Ricky came walking towards Amy. He touched her cheek lovingly, whispered a hello and kissed John on the forehead. He sat down beside his family (God, he couldn't get over how great that sounded) and watched Amy feed him.

She was a great mother.

"Hey, can you feed John while I go take a shower and get dressed?" she asked politely.

"It would be my pleasure." Ricky smiled back warmly and watched as she darted to her room.

After her shower and fixing her hair so it was in long curls down her back, she put on a white cotton sundress with a pair of heels and darted downstairs.

"Last day of school!" Ashley exclaimed as she came into the house with a smile spread across her lips and looking bright and cheery.

"You seem happy," Amy noted.

"I sure am." Ashley skipped over to grab a bowl of cereal and sat in contentment at the table.

"Aaaaanyways, I'm so glad it's the summer!" Amy clapped and dug around her book bag for her year book.

"Me too," Ricky grumbled as he ran his fingers through his messy hair, "I'm done with homework and stuff."

Amy laughed, "Let's go bring John to daycare."

After dropping John off at daycare, Amy and Ricky walked hand in hand into the school smiling and still occasionally giggling about John's crush on a young girl at the nursery. He was so loving to her already, it was absolutely adorable.

"Hey guys!" Grace exclaimed as she walked up to the couple while also clutching Ben's hand.

"Hey, Grace," Amy smiled, then nodded in Ben's direction. "Ben."

"Grace, Ben." Ricky nodded awkwardly.

"Will you sign my yearbook, Amy? Right there, it's a picture of us." Grace beamed.

"Yeah, sure." Amy grabbed the pen and signed with a large heart and her name.

"I'll sign yours later, Grace. I really have to get to class. Bye guys." Ricky smirked as he walked to his next class.

"Oh! Me too! Bye Ben! Bye Amy!" Grace shouted as she skipped off to her next class clutching her yearbook.

With Ricky and Grace both gone, that left Amy and Ben standing awkwardly in the hallway.

"Sorry if I made things bad between you and Ricky." Ben apologized.

"No, thank you." Amy laughed.

Ben looked at her like she was crazy. "What?"

"You helped Ricky realize he loves me. So thank you." Amy answered.

"Oh, uh, no problem I guess," Ben said uncomfortably.

"I really hope things work out between you and Grace, Ben. Oh, and thank you for everything you've done for me over the last year. I can't even begin to describe how much I appreciate it," she said sincerely.

Ben was taken aback by the statement so he sat in silence.

"You were most of the reason I got through my pregnancy and you were my biggest supporter. So thank you. I don't think I can even thank you enough. Bye Ben."

Amy clutched his hand and squeezed, then dropped it and walked away, leaving Ben standing there in the now deserted hallway.

"Good-bye, Amy." Ben whispered softly to himself.

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