Storm, Meet Raine

By Oneinamillie

208K 6.8K 4.9K

"We share a fucking bed!" He follows me out of the bathroom, grabbing my wrist when I had turned my back to h... More

The Rekindling of Hate.
A Peek Into Sportsmanship.
Ryker in the Flesh.
Not Satisfied.
New Coach in the Making.
The Lab.
Fun and Games...For Now.
I Like Your Scent.
The Losing.
Same Bed?
Never Again (Part 1).
Never Again (Part 2).
No Pain, No Gain.
Work Hard, Train Hard.
You Gotta Kiss the Girl.
Let's Try It.
The Bros.
Getting Tipsy.
Damn, Girl.
Dress shopping?
House of Speros.
The dress (not a chapter)
Let Her Come to You.
Just Relax.
Another night, another dollar.
Trust Me.
Teddy Bear.
The (first) Date.
It's the Letters.
Bottom and Top.
I Hated You.
The Tourney.
How the Tables Turn.
And How the Turn Tables.
The Surrogate.
Don't be a....
I'm Coming.
Sugar Binge.
Stuttering Heart.
No More Heartache.
Stupid Lovesick Halo.
Little Girl.
Help Me.
The Real MVP.

Play Ball

3.5K 119 35
By Oneinamillie


The blaring of that stupid whistle around his stupid neck had all of us groaning out our complaints. Five times, he had blew into the Godforsaken thing. The glare I sent toward him could've melted off his face how angry I was.

But nevertheless, I took off with Vinny beside me, as usual, to do these five miles. We couldn't even make it ten steps before he blew his whistle again and called us out, well, Carson and I. With two of his fingers bending in a 'come here' motion, my anger dissipated and turned into slight fear. We were so getting our asses kicked for leaving early yesterday.

My eyes flickered over to my partner in the crime we committed, and the palm of his hand coaxed the air as if he was saying calm down. Sighing, I turned away from my running partner and walked toward a pissed off Coach Gardner. Carson's shoulder brushed mine when we stopped next to each other in front of the coach, and I glanced at him, not realizing he was already sneaking a peek at me.

Thank God the stadium was clear at the moment, since we were two hours early. That'll save some embarrassment for however it is he wants to deal with us. His lips were pursed as his eyes shifted back and forth between Carson and I. "Storm," he called out the worst one out of our little duo first, and I was glad because I'm pretty sure he's a better liar than I am. "Why in the hell did you think it would be okay to skip the rest of practice?"

"To be frank, we weren't doing shit, so I didn't see the problem." Oh, okay, so we weren't going down the lying route. See, some things are just better handled by someone else.

     "I don't care if we were having a damn powwow," he gritted out, "I'm responsible for you and I'll be damned if I lose my job because you wandered off and got hurt. Same for you," he turned to look at me, causing me to flinch behind the seriousness in his tone.

     When neither of us responded, he nodded his head. "Ten miles—"


     "—What?" Both of our shocked reactions happened at the same time, but all Coach did was shrug his shoulders.

     We have a game in less than two hours and he wants us both to run double the amount of the team. "Before your teammates finish their fifth," He finished off, making my jaw drop to the floor. He's got to be kidding right? That's—

     "That's fucking impossible," Carson gapes, and I frown as Coach's gaze never wavers. He's actually serious about this. Carson's words are true; only a freaking machine would be able to do that, especially now, considering that they've probably finished a mile already since we've been talking.

     "Maybe for you, Storm, with your non-running ass, but I'm sure Carter over here could pull through," he winks at me while my face screwed up. Is this some kind of joke? "You're wasting time at this point," he looks at his watch before smirking at Carson, "You don't finish, you get Hell."

     He knew Carson wasn't going to finish. However, as soon as the word Hell left his mouth I took off like never before, running for my life. Carson whipped around, surprised that I was actually going to try and do this, but his reaction was the last thing I saw because I was sprinting to try and get ahead of the other guys.

     The ones that loved me, Hunter, Vincent, and Isaiah, slowed down so that I could actually have a chance to do this. I managed to smile as my legs went into overdrive on the pretty green grass of the field. Lap after freaking lap, I went, passing Carson after my eighth one because he was getting tired, not a long distance runner by a long shot. When I got to mile 9, it had been about five minutes over an hour, and Hunter and Isaiah were trying their best to keep me from having to hell it out.

     They were about a quarter of a mile away from the end of their run, and so I gathered all that was left of me, my lungs about to burst from all of the air I sucked in, legs feeling like absolute jello - I couldn't even feel them anymore - as I booked it toward my finish line, aka: the stadium entrance. For extra help on my part, I managed to trip Isaiah, leaving him behind me as I finished and collapsed on the ground.

     Face first.

     All the guys whooped and hooted and hollered at me as my chest raised up and down almost violently. My throat was so dry I choked as I breathed in, sending me into a coughing fit. Freaking heck I'm never leaving early ever again.

It wasn't that much later that we did our cute little chant before the game, effectively riling up the crowd. My mother was slightly wincing at it all go down, while the men in my family either laughed (Micah and Dakota) or sent death stares at Carson. I especially enjoyed teasing Carson this time around because I knew he was getting turned on. Too bad he isn't getting any.

     "Strikeout!" Vincent was really serving our opposing team their ass today. I cheered for him as everyone on the field cleared out, coming into the dugout as others moved out and shuffled into seats so that we were lined up to bat. Next to me, Carson is chewing on gum while pulling gloves over his hands, his ink-free forearm coming into view.

"They make you cover them up?" I asked, searching his skin for any tattoos, but they were all gone.

"Yep," he pops the p within the word before explaining with one more. "Distraction." He was being short with me, not even looking up when he responded, still focused on his gloves. When I dragged my eyes away from him, I noticed Hunter looking at us with an amused smile. I understood now.

"You're going back into dick mode today." It was a statement, one that was apparently correct when he nodded his head.

"Sorry, bitch. Can't have my mind unfocused," he shrugs, sitting back into his seat as the crowd cheered when one of the guys on our team earned a triple. "Besides," he briefly catches my eye before leaning down to grab his new water bottle, "You need to focus on not hitting like a little girl."

I bit my lip to keep from smirking as I watched him unscrew the top to his bottle. I figured he'd be a dick today, so I managed to slip some goodness into his bottle. Sadly, this time, he was smart enough to sniff the bottle beforehand. I roll my eyes, looking away from him as he turned toward me. The burn of his stare was enough to let me know he was giving me a mean look.

It was worth a try.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood to attention as they recognized the closeness of Carson before my mind did. I shivered, feeling his lips touch the helix of my ear as he whispered, "I'll try to be bearable." My lips split into a shy smile when he pulls away. Looking at him, I gave a silent thank you.

     It was my turn to bat next, so I began to stand, only to have his hand rest on my shoulder. Thank God it wasn't my thigh, or it was going to be extremely hard to focus while my panties being damp. "You got this," he mumbled, his voice deep with an underlying excitement. There goes my relief, though, because as soon as his husky voice registered in my mind I felt the pull in my tummy before that weird feeling of something dripping into my underwear.

Dang it.

Getting up on slightly wobbly legs, I made my way out of the dugout, squeaking when Vincent smacked my ass while the rest of the guys cheered for me. The stands were freaking packed, a hell of a lot of people cheering for me because I'm the only female on this field. It seemed like each step I took caused the volume to increase, butterflies batting their little, but powerful wings within my stomach as my palms grew sweaty and breathing turned ragged.

I was nervous.

Something that I rarely felt on the field because everything was so routine. I'd get taunted by the pitcher before hitting something along the lines of a double, my fame short lived after being shadowed by those damn dark cumulonimbus clouds that hovered over me each time Storm knocked the poor flat seamed ball out of the park.

This time, however, it felt different. I had a lot weighing on me. If I didn't hit it like I was supposed to, this would be it for me for the rest of the season. I'd just be tagging along with the guys like a damn cheerleader, watching as everyone added to the team, continuing on this hot streak we have while I sit on the bench, pouting, and worst of all, never hearing the end of the teasing from the boys. I could almost hear the insults now.

There was no way in heck I could let that happen. As I stepped up to the plate, twirling my bat in my hands a bit to attempt to rid my nerves, the crowd quieted down. The pitcher was staring at me. For the most part his gaze was focused on getting me to strike, but I could see the slight curve of his lips, almost highlighted with the shadows playing across his face with his hat being tilted downward. He believes he has an advantage over me.

I narrow my eyes at his form, the crowd almost dead silent before I heard that dreadful tone. "Yes, Raine Baby! You better swing!" My entire stance switched up as my eyes connected with the only person standing up in the damn place. Mom, really? People tried to ignore the outburst, but there was a hell of a lot of laughter coming from the crowds, even the announcer commented while chuckling:

"We have much support from Raine Carter's mother, if you didn't hear it she said, 'You betta swing!'" I could've died of embarrassment right there. The guys behind me in the dugout were cackling like wicked witches at this point. Assholes. After everyone settled down, I looked at the pitcher who nodded at me before drawing back.

Okay, this hoe had an arm on him.

"Strike one!" The annoying umpire yelled loud and clear, making me shrink.

"Carter, we're not starting this shit!" Spero-dick yells at me from behind, making my ears heat up. Two more damn strikes and I'm basically off the team. Okay, pull it together. Focus. Focus.

The pitcher looked at me, his eyes tracing down my body, and it caused me to stiffen just as Carson yelled, "Get mad!"

He pitched again, and I just knew that swing was off. The ball kicked off to the left, a foul. If I miss this next one I'm done. I was sweating at this point. I felt a bead run down my temple as I glared at the pitcher, who smiled, parted his lips, and said, "You know, if you're not mad at me after I strike you out, we can meet up after..."

That did it for me. Cocking my head to the side, ignoring Carson's obscenities he threw at me, I narrowed my eyes at the cocky male. "Choke on my dick," I growl, feeling my ears pulse with hot blood. My grip on the bat tightened as I focused on his stupid words.

"Language," the umpire chastises me.

I thought about every single time a guy said something remotely close to what the pitcher said to me. I thought about Carson, about my fling, about Hunter, Vincent, Isaiah, Ryker, and any other guy in college, in high school, on the street, online, in restaurants. I thought of it all...I even thought of that day. The day I lost my virginity. He pitched the ball after realizing I just wasn't going to respond to his worthless attempt.

It was as if it were all in slow motion.

I saw it coming, and I was hoping - praying - that my life would turn into a cliché moment; that I would smack that goddamn ball and it would fly across the stadium, out of its bounds and hit someone's car. I swung, turning on my toes in the right way, the way Carson showed me, drilled into my head. I think I put my entire body weight into that swing because when I hit the ball, it was loud. Everyone gasped. And so did I, my body still moving from the momentum as I followed through with my hit before dropping the bat softly, my eyes never leaving the ball as it got smaller and smaller. I could barely register when the announcer yelled, "Oh shit!" I knew there was going to be a nice fine getting taken out of his paycheck because this was being filmed and he just cursed on television. He mumbled a quick apology before yelling, "Home Run!" just as the ball landed in the section near my family.

My feet were ready, but the rest of my body wasn't because I was so excited. Instead of running like a normal human being, I ran in place, screaming as I realized I had did it. Just like I did in practice. Oh my God! "Carter, fucking run!" Coach hollered at me, watching me hop around stupidly. I took off, running, watching as the guy that hit before me makes it across the plate. I was practically skipping, I was so happy. I did it!

My blood was rushing through my veins, heart hammering loudly in my ears as I sprinted across the infield. It felt exhilarating, hitting and actually making an impact on the game. The score was 4 to 3 and I had bumped it to 6. I screamed, running into the dugout and was  practically jumped by many sweaty men - some women's wet dream.

The only guy that wasn't within the circle of celebration was Carson, since he had to bat after me. I cheered with the guys some more before quieting down, watching as Carson got ready to hit.

The game was basically an obliteration after my first bat. The morale of the team was extremely high after I went, and the poor boys from my home state had no chance of coming back.

When the game was over, I had made not one, but two home runs, effectively shutting our coach up about taking me off the team and I owed it all to Mr. Dick. I hadn't had the chance to talk to him since my turn, and I was itching to get his approval for some reason that made me question my thoughts about him. Before, thinking about Carson made my throat itch, it was annoying to think about him, and all I wanted to do was break his fingers with my cleats because he was such an ass to me. But now, I think to myself, my eyes trailing over to the big guy in the parking lot who's talking animatedly on the phone, hands flying everywhere with brief smiles making dimples crease his cheeks as he laughs, I feel conflicted...confused.

He's more than just a dude with a phallic personality, and the more I learn about him, the more my heart flutters around him, and the more I hate myself for feeling a little more connected to him in a way that I sure as hell would not like to be connected by. I pry my eyes away from him as I'm met with knowing looks from Bambi and Noah. "Noah!" I throw myself at him, ignoring Bambi as I hug her soon-to-be husband, once they get the kinks out of their relationship.

"Hey, Rainy," he hugs me tighter when I ruffle his hair. "I missed you," his lips press against my cheek, making me grin as I relished in the familiarity.

"I missed you too," I smirked at Bambi, "Watch out, I'm gonna steal your man."

"Girl boo," she waves me off before letting out an excited screech. "You did so fucking good today," she fans her face as her eyes water, "I feel like a proud mom."

"Yeah you were insane," Noah added in, "It was like you flipped the switch on your team. Everyone started hitting like crazy. Did you hear your mom going batshit?"

"I think all of Australia heard her."

"Well shit I didn't know it was a crime to cheer," the topic at hand pops up, brushing her hair out of her face with her sunglasses as she sat them on the top of her head. "You did amazing, Raine, I'm so happy!" She pushes my friends out of the way before wrapping me up into a hug, kissing me all over my face. I ripped away from her in horror as her last kiss was especially wet. Yuck, I know exactly where her mouth trots off to and I'd rather not have those germs on my face.

"Ew," I shivered for dramatic effect, and she rolls her eyes just as I was surrounded by my family members, all chattering about how I did so well.

"Mom fought a boy for your ball," Deon chuckled, everyone looking at my mother for an explanation, while my father just rolled his eyes at her antics. Deon's words were confirmed when she indeed pulled out a baseball from her purse, blush staining her cheeks.

"Okay, so I saw the ball coming and I knew the kid in front of me was going to get it because he was tall, so I jumped on him," she shrugs, "A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do."

I shook my head at her before a whistle caught my attention. Carson and Hunter were beckoning me over while my mother beamed at him as if he was Bryce Harper. My father, however, raised his eyebrows, "Did he just whistle at my damn daughter?"

"Dad," I started, but my mom halted whatever it was he was going to do as she pressed a hand to his chest when he took a step forward. "Guys, thank you so much for coming, it really means a lot to me," I lowered my gaze, feeling the love as I was group hugged.

"Aww, baby," Bambi cooed, pinching my cheek, "We love to support when you come home. And it was well worth the tickets - you were awesome."

Everyone agreed with her statement and I pulled away, knowing Carson was becoming impatient. "I love y'all!" I yell, taking a few steps backward in the direction of the boys.

My eyes watered a bit as they bid farewells and before heading off to their respective vehicles to do whatever it is that they needed to do next. I sighed, feeling two different arms drape over my shoulders as my family left. They were both quiet as we began our walk toward the bus where all the guys were talking, waiting for Coach to show up so we could head back to the hotel.

When we reached it, Hunter broke the silence between us, "Um..." he started, scratching his head as his eyes closed. When they reopened, he narrowed his eyes at me, "Who the fuck told you to kick ass today? I don't remember giving you a 'kick ass for free' pass."

I giggled before shrugging my shoulders, "I made my own coupon and cashed that bitch in."

This pulled a chuckle from both guys and Carson decided it was his turn to speak. "I am very much proud of you, my little student." Heat flushed through my body as his steely eyes connected to mine, honesty showing through them clearly.

"I owe it all to you, dick. Thank you for your services." I hold my hand out as he drops his arm from my shoulder, turning to face me. His big hand clasps mine, making me bite my lip as I felt more heat rush through me, a current flowing through us at the connection.

"Anytime, bitch," he grinned, showing off his pretty teeth and captivating dimples that made my heart skip a beat, especially as I saw the perspiration on his body, the small beads of sweat along his forehead, nose, and top lip. I wanted to lick the sweat off his face, and his body, which I know was probably drenched under that filthy uniform. "You really surprised me, and Gardner. Those first two swings made me nauseous, but you pulled it together beautifully."

"Why thank you," I curtsied as our coach came over, thrusting his clipboard up in the air excitedly.

"Everyone give it up for Carter making those home runs!" All the boys whooped and whistled. "And give it up for the big ass win we took!" He clapped his hands together, the cheering only getting louder as we let the victory settle in. "If you plan on celebrating, I'll turn my head as long as you all get back in one piece. We leave at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning, so keep that in mind while you're pursuing your late night escapades. "In the meantime, get your asses on the bus. I'm proud of you all, and yes, we did win, but we're still on a grind, so we'll be reviewing why those guys got four points, and figuring out how to tighten up on our defensive. Let's get rolling!"

I was forced to sit next to Carson as Vincent ditched me yet again for Isaiah. "Sorry, babe." He had blew me a kiss and congratulated me on my milestone, thinking that I would roll over and forget about him choosing Isaiah over me. He got a nice middle finger in return.

Carson turns to me in the seat on the bus, poking me in the arm after we had gotten on the road. "Yes...?"

"I just wanted to reiterate that I'm proud of you. If you would've turned to look at me after you hit, you would've seen my jaw on the ground; I knew you were going to pull through, but seeing it was" He makes a sound as if an explosion was happening, his hands moving from his temples as the noise came from his lips, "Mind. Blown."

I laugh, watching as his lips quirk up after the giggles bubbles up, "Thanks, really. You seriously helped me...I think this calls for a celebration."

"Want to go to a club?" He pitches the idea, causing my eyebrows to draw together in confusion.

"I thought you didn't drink..." I trail off, watching as his hand flies to the back of his neck, a slight grimace crossing his face before I blinked and it was gone.

"I don't anymore, but I figure what the hell, you know? We crushed this game, and you hit home runs. One night wouldn't kill me." He seemed a little hesitant about all of this so I pursed my lips.

"Under what conditions?" I ask, looking up at him from under my eyelashes as I rest my elbow on my thigh, my chin on my hand.

"You don't let me get fucked over."

"Hmm, you want me to be your guardian angel?" I reworded his proposition, and he nodded slowly before bringing his head down to whisper in my ear.

"Keep me safe."

I grin slightly, whispering in reply, "I got your back." He breathed out at this, asking me if I promised, and I took his hand in mine, feeling this was something deeper, and there is a reason why he doesn't let himself go anymore, why he doesn't let himself be vulnerable anymore. I looked him in his pretty eyes and promised, "I promise you, Carson." His eyes fluttered closed as I confirmed, "You'll let loose?" He nods his head. "Do you trust my promise?"

"Hell no," he breathes out, his minty breath fanning over my lips, making them part as I subconsciously seek after his. I quickly pull back, regaining focus.

"I love that you're going against your conscience," I smile, watching him flinch as I push his damp hair back from his face while taking off his hat. "Don't worry your cute little ass off, I'll protect you, Princess Dick."

"You flatter me," he says flatly before mumbling out a heartwarming, "Thank you."


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