Life goes on

By XxShimmyDelightxX

29.4K 917 57

What if Ricky didn't leave after Adrian cheated on him with Ben? What if he went to Amy for comfort instead... More

Chapter 1: Letting your Guard Down
Chapter 2: No resistance
Chapter 3: Keeping Secrets
Chapter 4: Take it slow??
Chapter 5: Love, heartbreak, and bliss
Chapter 6: Don't doubt my Love
Chapter 7: Groceries, Phone calls, and birthcontrol
Chapter 8: Movie and Burger kind of Guy
Chapter 9: Dramarama For Grant High Students
Chapter 10: I Think We're All Having a Bad Day
Chapter 11: I Can't Just Let Anyone In
Chapter 13: Pinky Promise
Chapter 14: Getting Back Up, After Falling Down
Chapter 15: Jealousy
Chapter 16: Madness
Chapter 17: I Just Want Her Back
Chapter 18: Sealing Promises Part 1
Chapter 19: I Love You Part 2
Chapter 20: Epilogue

Chapter 12: Being Left Behind, and Behind Left Alone

1.1K 44 2
By XxShimmyDelightxX

Amy abruptly awoke to the sounds of her year old son, crying in his bedroom. She groaned, wanting to go back into her deep slumber, but she knew that sleep wasn't a priority now.

It hasn't been for over a year.

She lifted the warm blankets off of her heated body, feeling the cold breeze hitting her bare legs. Maybe wearing shorts to bed wasn't the best idea. Amy shrugged and pulled herself out of her all-too-comfy bed to go and tend to her upset son. She walked through the hallways and walked into the nursery to find a fussy John, squirming about in his bed. Amy instantly smiled, her day already brightened just by seeing her son.

She walked over to him and his face suddenly calmed down, and his arms out stretched for his mother. She flashed a warm smile and lifted the infant out of his bed. She held him in her arms, and walked out of the nursery.

She jogged downstairs, already smelling the faint smell of pancakes. Today was Tuesday, not even half way through the week which was a down fall, but she would make the best of the day.

"Oh hey Ames!" George greeted. Lately, her parents had been really nice, and respecting the relationship choice of Amy and Ricky.

"Hey dad." Amy said while putting John in his high chair.

"We need to talk." her mom looked up from stirring the pancake batter.

"About?" Amy wondered.

"Sit down Ames, I'll take care of John." George spoke, Amy felt because he didn't like doing things for Amy but she would accept it anways.

She sat down, eyeing her parents as they scrambled to cook breakfast and feed John and Robbie. Amy grabbed a glass that was on the table and poured orange juice in it. She sipped slowly and looked up at her parents.

"What did you want to talk about?" she questioned.

"Well," Anne began, while flipping the pancakes inside a pan, "Mimsy has been in the hospital Ames, and we have to go and take care of her. We will be gone for a week."

Amy's jaw dropped.

"A week? Like a whole ENTIRE week? Seven days?" Amy couldn't get over the fact.

"Yes Amy, a whole week." Anne mocked Amy. She just rolled her eyes.

"So, me and Ashley are to stay here then?" she raised an eyebrow. Both her parents nodded.

"What about Robbie?" Amy wondered about her little brother.

"He will be coming along with us." George replied, feeding John and Robbie at the same time. He was quite skilled with it.

"Amy, there will be rules and we will be having Adrian's dad come and check on you." Anne warned. She was worried about her teenage girls being alone in the house.

"I know that mom, that is plainly obvious." Amy clearly stated.

"Okay, so no Ricky during late hours of the night. No parties, and definitely no sex." Anne spoke in an assertive tone.

"Mom, don't worry." Amy looked seriously into her moms eyes.

"Alright Amy, we are trusting you here." Anne did put all her trust into her daughter and she hoped she wouldn't ruin it.


Amy finished breakfast and went upstairs. Her dad said he would drive John to the daycare today, seeing as they were leaving this afternoon so he wasn't going to work.

Amy combed through her thick hair, and ran to her closet. She decided on a pair of light washed jean shorts and a black cardigan with a light purple tank top. She slipped on a pair of purple flats, and headed to the bathroom. She applied her make up lightly, and looked in the mirror with satisfaction.

She ran downstairs and grabbed her keys. She was in a rush to tell Ricky about this week.

"I'm going to school!" Amy yelled. She walked over to John, and lightly kissed the top of his head and whispered 'I love you' quietly. She grabbed her bag and walked out the door.

She got in her SUV and pulled out of the driveway quickly, somewhat anxious to get to school. She drove at a faster then normal pace, but slowed down when she realized she wanted John to have a mother, not one who died in a car accident.

She pulled into Grant High's parking lot, and rushed past all the other teens that congregated in the parking lot. She ran inside, her eyes scanning the crowds of people till she found the one she was looking for. She walked down the halls seductively till she reached Ricky.

"Ricky, my parents are going out of town for a week." Amy said with satisfaction. Ricky smirked.

Today, was a bad day for Ashley Jurgeun's. He was leaving today.

He was leaving her by herself.

She was strong and everyone knew it.

Hell, she was one of the most strongest, sarcastic, nice, and genuine teenagers you would ever meet.

But everyone has their moments.

THIS, would be Ashley's.

Grace rushed past everyone in the quad, avoiding the one person who she didn't want to see right now. She was alert, always looking around to see him, but she was glad he was no where in sight.

She walked in a hurry to her locker till she bumped into someone.

"You could watch where you- oh hey Grace!" Adrian realized it was Grace she had bumped into.

"Oh, hey Adrian." Grace looked down at her feet.

"Grace, you can't avoid Ben for long. Sooner or later you're going to have to talk about it!" Adrian told at her best friend, trying to knock some sense into her.

"No, Adrian! I don't want to talk to him. Ever." she simply stated, refusing to talk to him.

"Well you are going to have to because he is standing right behind you." Adrian's eyes were starring behind Grace. She groaned in frustration, and quickly ran forward.

As she began to run, she soon felt a warm hand grip her arm.

"Grace! Let's just TALK!" Ben yelled, frustrated with the whole situation.

Grace closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she turned around. She noticed he was holding purple and yellow flowers, neatly organized.

"I'm sorry Ben, but I can't see you anymore. Leave me alone." Grace walked away, leaving Ben standing there holding the over-priced flowers in his hands.

"I give up." Ben whispered while watching the blonde run off. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He didn't even bother to turn around. He felt warm breath on his ear, and the manicured nails rub against his shoulders.

He knew who it was, it was Adrian.

"Don't," was all she whispered.

"So you have the house all to yourself?" Ricky asked, leaning against Amy's locker as she put her books away.

"Yup, a whole week." she said simply.

"So what are we going to do?" Ricky raised an eyebrow.

"Oh Mr. Underwood, where did you get the impression we were even going to do anything?" she said teasingly. Ricky glared at her.

"Because I'm Ricky, and you are my girlfriend. It's simply mathematics really." he said, his usual cocky self.

"Well, I'm Amy and you are my boyfriend and the father of my baby, yet it is a little bit more complicated. We are algebra mixed with calculus, with just a few problems of advanced conundrums." Amy spoke, holding back laughter yet trying to make a point.

"I think it is a little more complicated then just simple mathematics." Amy put it into simpler words after Ricky raised an eyebrow.

"It doesn't have to be." he smirked.

Amy came home holding her tired son in her arms, and her back pack. She shuffled her feet over to the living room and set her son down on the couch where he didn't even blink once. He was in a deep sleep. She kept her eyes on him for a minute, just to see if he was going to wake but he just continued to sleep. Amy was grateful of course.

She walked back to the kitchen and only seen a note from her parents that was laying on the kitchen counter.


We left for Palm Springs at one o'clock pm, call us on our cells if you need anything AT ALL. We will be home right away if anything goes wrong. Take care of your sister, and we know you will take care of your son. No Ricky, no parties. Nothing of that sort. Be safe and don't set the house on fire.

Remember, we are just a phone call away.


Ps: NO RICKY. ( Only to see John of course)

Amy laughed, and threw the paper back down on the counter. She looked around and the house felt strangely empty. It was weird. She walked over to the phone and dialled Ricky's number.

"Hello?" his voice spoke softly on the other end.

"Hey, you want to come over?" Amy asked.

"Be there in five." he closed his phone before any other words were said.

He wasn't about to loose this opportunity to be in a house alone with her.

He's Ricky Underwood.

Ashley stood in her driveway, as the rain began to lightly drizzle. Grant stood in front of her, holding both of her hands as if their were the most precious things in the world.

He didn't like this. He didn't want to leave, but it isn't like he exactly got the choice.

"I'm sorry Ashley." he murmured only loud enough for her to hear.

"I know." Ashley only starred down at her feet, worried that if she were to look up she was going to break down.

"Ashley, look at me." he demanded. He hated that she didn't even want to look at him. Ashley shook her head, refusing to give into her emotions.

"Ashley, it will be fine. I'll visit and I am going to move back eventually. Just move on and be happy, but remember… I will always be here. I hope you wait for me." he spoke softly, his voice trying to make things better.

It wasn't convincing.

"Can we make this work, like a long distance relationship?" her voice was cracking.

"Of course we can, I will call you everyday and I will come and visit. Just look at me love." he said desperately. Ashley looked up at him through her thick lashes. He smiled warmly.

"I love you." he spoke, breaking the silence that filled the air.

"Good-bye Ashley." he said, running his hand along her cheek.

He kept one hand locked in hers while the other opened his door. Ashley refused to let go, but he looked deep into her brown eyes and nodded. She closed her eyes, feeling the burn of un-shed tears flood her eyes. She let go, and a tear slowly fell down her flushed cheeks.

He got in his car, and pulled out of the driveway.

Leaving Ashley, standing in the rain hoping that she would be happy.

It would take time though.

She just needed someone to help her get through that.

She gave into the fight she was giving the tears, and sobbed. She sat down on the street

curb, holding her head in her hands.

She hoped she would get pass this.

All she should think of what how she told herself she wasn't going to fall for him, or love him.

She broke her promise.

Amy and Ricky were laying on the couch, their lips locked. The kisses were intensifying, causing Amy to pull away.

"Oh come on! Can't a guy get a little action around here?" he asked, putting his hands in the air.

"Okay, I'm breaking the rules just by having you here for reasons other then being with John, so be thankful." she glared at him.

"You changed you know that Amy, maybe for the better." Ricky spoke oh-so-matter-a-factly.

"I have?" Amy pondered.

"Yeah, ever since you have had John you became strong, you stand up for yourself and you actually break rules. Now that you are dating me, you have become more sassy and stuff. You could say that I corrupted you." he laughed.

Oh wow. I really did corrupt Amy Juerguns. He thought, he shook his head.

"Change is good." Amy said, while in a daze. Silence filled the air while Amy starred at her feet.

"I never thought it would ever be like this." Amy spoke, still deep in thought.

"Like what?" Ricky asked her, wondering exactly what she was talking about.

"Like, me and you actually dating. Making out on my couch. Everything has changed so much in the last few months."

Amy looked over he shoulder to find Ricky starring at her beauty.

"Like you said, change is good." he used her own words against her.

A wide smile spread across her face. She leaned in closer to him and brushed her lips against his. She smirked, feeling his warm breath against her mouth and she got up. His eye brows furrowed and she laughed. She grabbed his hand and pulled him off the couch

with her.

She let go of his hand and rushed over to the stereo that was in the living room. She clicked play, not even caring what CD was in it, and turned to Ricky.

"Amy, I don't dance." he shook his head, refusing to make a fool of himself.

She moved her hips to the beat of the song, laughing at how much of a fool she made herself out to look.

Yet, she didn't care.

She grabbed his hand and pulled him close to her.

"I don't care what you do or not." she smirked. He raised an eyebrow.

"So you don't care if I do this?" he asked. He pulled her close against him, holding the small of her back causing her to arch against him. Her breathing became erratic and she bit her lip. He smirked and pulled her over to the couch.

Suddenly, she burst out into laughter and his hands tickled her body. Her laugh filled the house, and she fought against the source of the laughter but she was too weak to pull his hands off of her.

"Ricky! STOP!" she choked out between laughs. He laughed and stopped, she took a deep breath.

He looked her right in the eyes, and leaned forward. He crushed his lips to hers, making her jump at the action.

Not that she minded, at all.

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