Wallflower Ink

By SMWagoner

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Literary Fiction/Drama Merri Lonán has nothing but a bucket list, a sketch, and a dark secret. Can tattoo art... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 13

457 33 1
By SMWagoner

· Jace ·

When I finally roll out of bed the next morning at nine, I'm greeted by the heavenly smell of frying bacon and fresh brewed coffee. My stomach grumbles appreciatively and as I dress I can't help the smile that tugs at my lips.

Though I hadn't told her anything last night, I still feel a bit lighter this morning, as though her offer alone had relieved me of some of my burden. And it's not just that, really. It's more the intimacy of her own declaration that has eased my mind.

It doesn't make much sense to me, but I'm not about to question it. In letting me know I'm not alone, she's bolstered my own courage to face this new day.

I run my hands through my hair to tame it before leaving my room and joining her in the kitchen. She stands at the stove, her back facing me, her long hair free and tumbling down to her waist, like a waterfall lit by the red glow of sunset.

I pull out a stool and sit down, content to just watch her in silence. When she finally turns to acknowledge me, it's with a warm smile and a wave of the spatula she holds in her hand.

"Morning," I say, the corner of my mouth turning up to return the gesture. "Sleep good?"

She laughs lightly and shakes her head.

"About as well as I ever do anymore," she answers softly. But the shadow that accompanies her words tells me more than she says aloud.

"Same here."

"So, do you have plans for today?" she asks without turning. Scooping the last strips of bacon from the skillet and laying it on an awaiting plate beside her, she deftly removes the pan and turns off the stove.

"I've got to run by the hospital in just a little bit, but aside from that I don't really have any plans. It's Sunday and the shop is closed."

Though I fight against the frown that tugs at my mouth, I know the worry line has reappeared between my eyes. She pauses in reaching for the plate, then turns and shoots a worried glance toward me over her shoulder.

"The hospital?" she prompts, returning to her task, as if trying not to seem too eager for more information.

I rub my eyes and let out a silent breath.

"It's my sister. She was admitted last night and I need to go check on her." I open my eyes to find her fixing both of us a plate.

"What's wrong with Katherine? Is she okay?"

The question startles me. Have I told her about Katie? If I did, I can't remember doing so.

"How'd you know my sister's name?" I ask warily, trying to sound more at ease than I actually am.

"You must have mentioned it," she suggests, shrugging her shoulders. But the immediate flush on her cheeks gives away the lie.

"I think I'd remember if I had," I say as I rise from my seat.

The easy feeling I'd had when I'd awakened is quickly ebbing. I hadn't told her about Katie, not even that I have a sister. Had I? I rack my brain but come up with nothing, not even a single conversation that could have led up to that, not that I'd been keeping it a secret. Per her own rules, I'd been focused on keeping things impersonal with her, so why would I have divulged anything of the kind to her?

I eye her warily now, searching for a clue. But aside from the flush that burns her face, she is the picture of innocence.

"I need to go," I finally say, backing away.

"But your breakfast--"

"I'll pick something up in town," I cut her off then turn away from the hurt I glimpse in her eyes.

She can feel offended all she wants, but that doesn't make up for the secrets she's still keeping, secrets that obviously involve me. If she doesn't want to tell me everything about herself --what she'd told me last night was more than I ever could have imagined she'd share--that's fine, but I won't sit here and pretend it's okay to be lied to. She has problems, but so do I. And last night ...

Last night was a fluke, I tell myself. She's no closer to being open with me than she had been in the beginning. It was her own misplaced guilt that had prompted what had happened last night, nothing more.

"I'll see you later," I say softly with a shake of my head before I leave the room without saying another word.


The drive across town is quiet and uneventful, but for the thoughts banging around in my head like a drunk locked in small holding cell. They've swayed this way and that, from one extreme to the other, until I am now even more confused by what had been said--and how I feel about it--than I'd been at Merri's house.

Could I be wrong? I've never been the type of person who won't admit it when I am. The hell of it is, this time I just can't be positive.

As I pull into the hospital parking lot then shut off my engine, I let out a long breath and shake my head. Even if I didn't tell her and she's found out from someone else, does that mean anything other than she wants to know more about the stranger she's invited into her home?

I swear under my breath as I open my door and step out. I'll think on it some more later, but for now there are more important things for me to worry about.

I pass through the waiting room and use the same stairs I'd used the night before, coming to Katie's room without speaking to anyone else. When I peek inside, my heart does a quick flip and a grin explodes across my face.

Katie is sitting up, cross-legged at the foot of the bed with her hands folded in her lap. The IV is gone, the heart monitor has been muted, and the only sound in the room is her voice as she whispers quiet assurances to Kyle.

Kyle sits in the chair across from her, looking up at her like some remote tribesman who's just witnessed the coming of a god. All thoughts of the oddity that is Merri Lonán disappear from my mind at the sight.

I cross the room in a few long strides, stopping by her bedside and offering her the grin I can't seem to reign in. She's okay. By the looks of it, whatever new concoction they've given her has worked in record time.

I had been prepared to see her, but I hadn't been prepared to see her quite like this. The weight I've been carrying rolls from my shoulders as she turns and offers me her mirror smile.

"You look a lot better."

"Was wondering when you'd get here, Captain Obvious."

Kyle chuckles at her jab but otherwise remains uncharacteristically silent.

"They'll be cutting me loose here in about another hour. Just gotta let them jab me one last time before they'll finalize the paperwork."

"So, what'd they tell you?" I cross my arms and study her face. She rarely ever lies to me, and on the few occasions when she has I've caught her just by her expression.

When Katie lies, her face kind of pinches in on itself, as if she's just taken a bite out of a lemon, or an under-ripe crab apple. It's a funny thing to watch, and she has long since learned it's better to go ahead and tell me the truth. I'll get it out of her in the long run, and it's not worth any argument it might start between us to lie.

"Same thing as before. Not much has changed." She looks down at her lap then folds her hands in it. Kyle lays his hand over them and they both remain quiet.

Bittersweet news, the same as always. Though it's not what I was hoping for--what we always hope for--at least it's not as bad as it could have been. At least it's not worse. That is a blessing we have to count these days, especially when blessings seem to be in such short supply.

I look out the window to the bright blue sky and try my best not to frown.

"So, how's it going with Little Red Crazy Hood?"

I turn to look at my sister with an imitation smile. That's Katie's way, always trying to cheer us up. She's been doing it for years, and half the time it actually works. Today it doesn't work quite the way she's going for, but it is still a good distraction from the reality we will never have the heart to face.

"I'm not sure," I admit and she gives me a confused tilt of her head.

"What do you mean, you're not sure? Has she gotten weirder or something?"

"I'm gonna roll with 'something'."

This draws both Katie and Kyle's attention, and as they both look at me, waiting, I wonder how much I should tell them.

About her not wanting to be friends, and that whole conversation? Yes.

About her odd comment to me this morning? Definitely.

About her confession last night? No.

That's a bit of information I'll keep to myself. At least the bulk of it, anyway. Whether or not I'm undecided on how I feel about her right now, some things are meant to be kept in confidence, and that feels to me like one of those things.

Sitting down on the corner of Katie's bed, I talk for a while and the other two listen, then all three of us fall into contemplative silence. It's Katie who finally breaks it.

"Okay, I know all that is kind of odd, but it might just be normal for her."

"What do you mean?" I ask, turning my attention to her.

"Well, she called herself a 'socially inept wallflower'."

She looks at me expectantly, as if that should mean something to me. When I don't respond, she just lets out a sigh and shakes her head.

"Do you know what either of those things mean?"

"Kind of. Socially inept means she's not good with people."

"Or, more to the point, she has no social skills. She doesn't know how to act around people. And wallflower means basically the same thing. She's an etreme introvert, Jace."

"That sounds painful," Kyle puts in and we both look at him. Katie just shakes her head, while I try not to laugh.

"You really are an idiot, aren't you?" Katie asks, though amusement dances in her eyes.

"I'm your idiot, and you love me for it."

She bends down and places a tender kiss on Kyle's forehead, then pulls away and gives him a pointed look.

"Yes you are, yes I do, and please shut up." Kyle grins as she turns back to me and continues. "Okay, so hear me out. Does she ever have any visitors?"

"Not since I've been there. Of course, I've only been there a few days."

"Okay, next question: does she ever get any phone calls?"

I shrug as I answer. "I don't really know."

"In the time you've been together, has she ever received a single phone call?"

I think about it, then answer, "No."

"She's either really bad with people, or she could be kind of like us. Maybe both."

"How do you mean?"

"Maybe she doesn't actually have anyone."

That idea gives me pause. I think about it for a long moment before I speak.

"Okay, maybe she is. But that still doesn't explain how she knew your name, Katie."

"Come on, Jace, use your imagination. If you didn't tell her, there are about a hundred other ways she could have found that out."

"Like what?"

"Social media," Kyle cuts in.

I had almost forgotten he was still here. But as I look at him, I find more animation in his face than I'd seen since before Katie's latest jaunt to this place. He straightens in his chair before he continues.

"You're getting a name out there. You've been doing some pretty awesome work. People like to share the hell out of that shit. And they'll find out other stuff about you if they like your work enough. Just look at the internet. There's not a person who's alive who does specialty work that you can't find some kind of personal information on."

Katie nods and offers her husband a proud smile before turning back to me and picking up where Kyle had left off.

"Then there's always the fact that Lagoda is a pretty small town, considering. She could have asked nearly anyone, and if they didn't know you or something about you, chances are they know someone who does."

"I guess you could be right."

"Or," Kyle puts in, a hint of his usual good humor peeking through, "she could be some kind of freaky psychic. You might want to consider walking around the house in a tin foil hat from now on, brother. No telling what kind of secret information she might steal from that magnificent brain of yours if you don't protect it."

We all laugh at that, and Katie leans over to kiss him.

"I love you, you big furry goofball."

"Love you too, Katie bear."

I smile at them, feeling a bit better about the whole thing. They're right, I think. There are any number of ways she could have found that out. Hell, I'm still not one hundred percent sure I didn't tell her myself. And what does it matter anyway? I would have said something sooner or later. And then there's always the possibility that Katie would eventually stop by the house itself, out of curiosity if nothing else.

I make a decision as I watch Katie and Kyle talk and laugh together: I'm not going to let it bother me either way.

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