Naya and the Last Airbender

By starstoplanets

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What if there was someone else who could bend all four elements? Someone who was meant to help the Avatar? M... More

i. The Beginning
ii. Imposibilities
iii. Lu Ten
iv. All Hail...
v. Fugitive
vi. Destiny
vii. The Storm
viii. The Blue Spirit
ix. The Fortune Teller
x. The Fates Align
xi. Bato of the Water Tribe
xii. Truth
xiii. Reunited
xiv. Zuko
xv. The Waterbending Master
xvi. Revelations
xvii. Siege of the North- Part I
xviii. Siege of the North- Part II
xix. Siege of the North- Part III
xx. Soul-Searching
i. The Avatar State
ii. Heart of Darkness
iii. The Cave of Two Lovers
iv. The Return to Omashu
v. Back to the Past
vi. The Swamp
vii. Connections
viii. Almighty Day
ix. The Blind Bandit
x. The Newcomer
xi. The Chase
xii. Hunted
xiii. Bitter Work
xv. Stolen
xvi. The Desert
xvii. Stranded
xviii. The Journey to Ba Sing Se - Part i
xix. The Journey to Ba Sing Se - Part ii
xx. City of Walls and Secrets
xxi. Long Feng
xxii. Lake Laogi
xxiii. Found
xxiv. The Earth King
xxv. Splitting Up
xxvi. Infiltration
xxvii. The Crossroads of Destiny
i. Welcome Back
ii. Hopeless
iii. Water
iv. Preparation
v. The Day of Black Sun - Part i
vi. The Day of Black Sun - Part ii
vii. The Western Air Temple
viii. The Bending Masters
ix. The Boiling Rock
x. The Southern Raiders
xi. The Spirit World

xiv. The Library

448 21 0
By starstoplanets

"WHAT'S out here?" Sokka questioned as we all stood in the center of a rocky landscape. Aang sat cross-legged on the dirt while the rest of us stood behind him and watched.

"A lot, actually. There are hundreds of little-" Toph started.

"Shh! I know you can see the underground, but don't ruin the surprise. Just watch," Aang interrupted. He blew into his flute-like instrument. A small animal emerged from a hole and mimicked the sound. Aang laughed and blew another note. "I'm putting an orchestra together!"

"Orchestra, huh? Well la-di-da," Sokka said. The animals mimicked his sound which caused me to giggle. My brother shot me a look.

Aang continued to play the pipe and the animals sang along. Katara, Toph, and I enjoyed the sounds of the cute little creatures, but Sokka wasn't having it. He ran up to Aang and clogged the instrument with his finger.

"This is great and all. but don't we have more important things to worry about? We should be making plans," Sokka told.

"We did make plans. We're all picking mini-vacations. Well, besides Naya since she wants to be a party pooper," Toph reminded and gave me a nudge.

"Hey, I'm totally fine with going along with what you guys pick," I argued.

Sokka rolled his eyes. "There's no time for vacations," he said.

"Naya and I are learning the elements as fast we can. The two of us practice every day with each other, and Toph and Katara. I've been training my arrow off!"

"Yeah. What's wrong with having a little fun in our downtime?" Katara asked.

"Even if you both master all of the elements, then what? It's not like we have a map of the Fire Nation. Let's hope Naya can remember how to get to the Fire Lord's house! Knock, knock. Hello, Fire Lord! Anybody home? I don't think so. We need some intelligence if we're gonna win this war," Sokka persuaded.

Aang blew his final sound and the last animal rose from the dirt. Katara giggled at that. "All right. We'll finish our vacations and then we'll look for Sokka's intelligence," Katara mocked.

"Burn, ponytail boy," I said to him. Sokka hit my arm.

Aang quickly pulled out his map and gestured it to Katara. "Where would you like to go on your mini-vacation?"

"How about the Misty Palms Oasis? That sounds refreshing," she suggested.

"Oh yeah, I've been there. It's a pristine natural ice ground. And I don't usually use the word 'pristine.' It's one of nature's wonders," Aang gushed.


FAST forward to Katara's mini-vacation, which was insanely disappointing. The five of us stood at the entrance to the oasis with our animals behind us, staring disappointedly at the scenery ahead.

"Must have changed ownership since I was here," Aang said awkwardly.

The sign collapsed from behind us, making me jump. We continued into the area, heading towards the ice in the center of the oasis. We briefly glanced at it before heading into a hut. Inside the hut, there were people at tables and at the bar relaxing. I licked my lips at the sight of the bartender cutting up delicious fruit and making it into a drink.

"I don't see anything wrong with having one of those fruity beverages while we plan our strategy," Sokka said for all of us. He ran towards the bartender. "Excuse me!"

The rest of us walked forward, where Aang and I bumped into a man holding a drink. The Avatar and I both got wet, but I didn't mind.

"No worries. We clean up easy," Aang assured. Simultaneously, we both blew ourselves off with air bending. I smiled in satisfaction at the fact that I've improved a lot over the past few days. I was lucky airbending came so easily to me, unlike waterbending which I still struggled with.

"Wow! I can't believe my eyes, you two are living relics," the man exclaimed.

"Thanks! We try," Aang gushed.

"Two Air Nomads right in front of me. Professor Zei, head of Anthropology at Ba Sing Se University. Tell me... which of the Air Temples do you hail from?"

"Uh, well, I'm not actually an Air Nomad, I'm the Akshata," I told.

"I'm from the Southern Temple," Aang said.

"Oh even better! Your origins are fascinating," he turned to Aang and inspected his head. "And you! What was the primary agricultural product of your people?"

"Uh, are fruit pies an agricultural product?" Aang asked.

"Oh, truly fascinating. That's one for the journal," he mumbled.

"So professor, you're obviously a well-traveled guy. Do you have a more current map? Our seems to be a little dated?" Sokka asked.

Zei smiled. "Certainly."

The professor handed my brother a map and we all walked towards a table. Toph and I both comfortably sat down while the rest peered over the map.

"What? No Fire Nation? Doesn't anybody have a good map of that place?" Sokka whined.

"You've made a lot of trips into the desert," Katara pointed out.

"All in vain, I'm afraid. I've found civilizations all over the Earth Kingdom, but I haven't managed to find the crown jewel— Wan-Chi Tong's library."

"You've spent years walking through the desert to find some guy's library?" Toph asked with her dirty feet in my face. I cringed and pushed them off of the table, earning a look from the earthbender.

"This library is more valuable than gold, Little Lady. It is said to contain a vast collection of knowledge. And knowledge... is priceless," Zei said.

"Hmm sounds like good times," Toph mumbled.

"Oh, it is," he said not realizing she was being sarcastic. "According to legend, it was built by the great knowledge spirit Wan-Chi Tong with the help of his foxy knowledge seekers."

"Oh, so this spirit has attractive assistants, huh?" Sokka asked.

"Really? Is all you think about girls?" I questioned.

"Not all the time, like 90% or so," he retorted.

Katara rolled her eyes. "Well, I think he means they look like actual foxes, Sokka."

"Well, you're both right. Handsome little creatures. Wan-Chi Tong and his knowledge seekers collected books from all over the world and put them on display for mankind to read so that we might better ourselves."

"That's one big library," I said as I glanced at the diagram Zei took out.

"If this place has books from all over the world, do you think they've got information on the Fire Nation? A map maybe?" Sokka asked.

"I wouldn't know. But if such a thing exists, it's in Wan-Chi Tong's library," Zei told.

"Then it's settled. Aang, I do believe it's my turn. I'd like to spend my vacation in the library!" Sokka said loudly.

"Uh, hey, what about me? When do I get to pick?" Toph questioned.

"You gotta work here a little longer before you're qualified for vacation time," Sokka informed. At that, Toph made a noise and slammed her drink on the table.

"Of course, there's the matter of finding it. I've made several trips into the Zi Huang Desert and almost died each time. I'm afraid that desert's impossible to cross," Zei said gravely.

"That sounds a bit morbid. But I think we'll be fine on Appa and Bonbi," I said thankfully.

Sokka smirked and glanced at the professor. "Would you like to see our sky bison and dragon?"

The man's eyes widened. I was almost sure they could pop out of his head at any moment. "You have a sky bison and a dragon? These animals are supposed to be extinct! How amazing!"!

He practically ran out of the hut. Aang and I followed along, giggling at the professor's curiosity. We walked outside, only to see a group of men near Bonbi and Appa. The two animals hissed and growled at the group. Zei ran forward.

"Sand benders, shoo! Away from the bison!" He cried.

The men quickly departed on their sand boat. Aang and I shared a look as we watched them ride away in the distance.


          WE traveled for a while now. We rode over nothing but endless desert. Even as a fire bender, I could feel myself suffocating underneath the desert sun. Bonbi was well aquatinted with the heat, which was good. Yue, on the other hand, seemed to struggle more than the rest of us in this heat. Every few minutes or so I poured water on her head to keep her cool. I hope we could find the library soon.

"It shouldn't be this hard to sport a giant ornate building from the air," Katara pointed out.

"Down there! What's that?" Sokka exclaimed.

Aang and I quickly steered out animals to land. We all jumped off and stood in front of the structure, which was nothing close to what the library looked like. From the map, it was supposed to be colossal, but this was only a tiny thing.

"Forget it. It's obviously not what we're looking for. The building in this drawing is enormous," Katara told.

I sighed in defeat, and my friends also looked equally as glum. Suddenly, a creature holding a scroll trotted over a dune.

"What kind of animal is that?" Sokka asked. It gracefully ran up the ride of the building and into the window of the spire.

"I think that was one of the knowledge seekers. Oh, we must be close to the library," Zei said happily.

"No," Sokka gasped. "This is the library. Look! It's completely buried."

"The library is buried? My life's ambition is now full of sand. Well, time to start excavating," the professor cried and began to dig at the sand with his tiny shovel.

Toph approached the building and placed her hand on it. "Actually, that won't be necessary. The inside seems to be completely intact. And it's huge."

I nudged her shoulder and she fell a bit, not expecting it. "You gotta teach me that."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, once we're out of this horrible desert. I can barely see anything."

"Guys, listen. That fox thingy went in through a window. I say we climb up there and give it a look," Sokka suggested.

"I say you guys go ahead without me," Toph told.

"You've got something against libraries?" Katara asked.

"I've held books before. And I got to tell you, they don't exactly do it for me."

Katara sheepishly smiled. "Oh, right, sorry."

"Let me know if they have something you can listen to."

Toph stayed back by Bonbi and Appa. I quickly ran towards my dragon and opened my arms for Yue. She jumped into them and I scratched her head.

"It'll be cooler down there for you," I said and she squeaked happily in response.

Sokka threw a rope into the window and the five of us, plus the small animals, climbed into the heart of the library. My eyes widened as we ascended, revealing the vastness of the structure.

"Oh, it's breathtaking. The Spirit spared no expense in designing this place," Zei said in awe. "Look at those beautiful buttresses." Aang and Sokka giggled at his words and I rolled my eyes. Boys will be boys.

"What's funny?" Zei asked.

"Nothing. We just like architecture," Aang responded.

"As do I," Zei sighed.

We all jumped off the rope and onto the bridge. Yue moved from my shoulders to my arms. The five of us stared up at the design on the wall.

"My word! The exquisite mosaic handiwork of this tile-rendered avian symbol— eh, nice owl," the professor said sheepishly.

There was a sound of rustling in the distance. We all looked between each other and ran behind two of the pillars at the end of the bridge. I hid next to Sokka and Katara and peered behind the structure. A large, horrifying bird approached.

"I know you're back there," he cooed.

The professor smiled and walked into the light and towards the bird. I let out a sigh.

"Hello! I'm Professor Zei, head of Anthropology at Ba Sing Se University."

"You should leave the way you came. Unless you want to become a stuffed head of anthropology," the bird threatened.

"Are you the spirit who brought this library to the physical world?" Sokka asked as the rest of us showed our faces to the creature.

"Indeed. I am Wan-Chi Tong, he who knows 10,000 things. And you are obviously humans, which, by the way, are no longer permitted in my study."

"What do you have against humans?" Aang asked.

"Hmm. Humans only bother learning things to get the edge on other humans, like that firebender who came to this place a few years ago, looking to destroy his enemy. So, who are you trying to destroy?" The spirit asked and got closer to Sokka's face.

"He's talking about Zhao," I growled to Katara.

"What? No, no, no destroying. We're not into that," Sokka lied. I cringed at how obvious he was.

"Then why have you come here?"

"Um, knowledge for knowledge's sake?"

"My Spirits," I mumbled.

"If you're going to lie to an all-knowing spirit being, you should at least put some effort into it."

"I'm not lying! I'm here with the Avatar and Akshata, the bridges between our worlds. They'll vouch for me," Sokka said and grabbed us, plopping us before the scary bird.

"Uh, yeah. We'll vouch," Aang started.

"We will not abuse the knowledge in your library, Wan-Shi Tong," I continued.

"You have our word," Aang finished.

"Hmm. Very well. I'll let you peruse my vast collection on one condition— to price your worth as scholars, you have to contribute some worthwhile knowledge," Wan-Shi Tong bargained.

Zei quickly stepped forward and kneeled before the spirit. "Please accept this time as a donation to your library."

"First edition. Very nice," the spirit complimented.

I quickly reached into the bag in my bag as I thought of something to offer. I looked down at the book in my hands with a knot in my stomach. I was about to offer up one of the only things known about my kind.

"I have an authentic waterbending scroll," my sister said.

"Oh, these illustrations are quite stylish."

I stepped forward. "This is a book on all past Akshata's and their powers," I told.

The spirit swept the book from my hands. "Very insightful. I think you'll be pleased with how much knowledge there is about your kind here."

"Uh, oh! I know!" Aang fumbled through his shirt and grabbed his wanted poster. "Ha!"

"I supposed that counts."

"Oh great spirit," Sokka said as he approached. "Check this out." He tied a piece of string into a knot. "Ta-da! It's a special knot! That counts as knowledge."

"You're not very bright, are you?" He grabbed the knot from Sokka's hands. "Enjoy the library." In a swift movement, he dove off of the bridge and flew hundreds of floors down, leaving us alone to break his trust.

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