All American - Jordan Baker

By Teenwolfstorysonly

18.7K 222 45

"I've had the biggest crush on you growing up and when u left I felt alone " "Well I'm back now pretty boy an... More

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3.1K 38 0
By Teenwolfstorysonly

The young girl held her mothers hand while she laid in a hospital bed connected to tubes and wired "mommy I'm scared " the mother looked sadly at her baby girl " I know sweetie mommy's a little sick right now and she might be going to be gone for a very long time " the little girl started crying

" where are u going to go mommy " she sighed and brought her little girl closer to her and gave her a long hug " I don't know I like to think a special place where theirs many people who are happy and at peace baby " the girl looked up " I bet that all people are all gonna want be your friend mommy " she smiles weakly "lets go to sleep baby" she nodded

few hours later

*beep beep beeeeep*

Doctors started running in along with nurses " mommy " the young girl walked in confused after running out to get a snack "mommyyyy" she yells running towards her " you can't be here sweetheart " the nurse said grabbing her taking her out the room " that's my mommy " she sobs

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