Hell On Earth

By DreamDoll0V0

20.4K 2.1K 1.3K

"When you at the bottom, the only way is up. And ima do whatever it takes to make sure I get what I want" More

Twenty One:
Twenty Two:
Twenty Three:
Twenty Four:
Twenty Five:
Twenty Six:
Twenty Eight:
Twenty Nine:
Thirty One:
Thirty Two:
Thirty Three:
Thirty Four:
Thirty Five:
Thirty Six:
Thirty Seven:
Thirty Eight:

Twenty Seven:

335 50 7
By DreamDoll0V0

Egypt Hoskins
August 27
1:23 pm

"You seen Carson's other onesie I had in his diaperbag?" I asked Tremaine while I stripped him from the one he wore being that he threw up all over it

"Unt unt" Tremaine answered, more focused on his game. I sucked my teeth and looked over at the diaperbag handing on his bedroom doorknob

"Can you at least see if it's in the DIAPERBAG"

"Don't you got the diaperbag?"

"It's hanging on the door"

Instead of responding he continued to play the game and I rolled my eyes



"His diaperbag! I need his onesie"

He paused the game, grabbed the diaperbag and handed it to me before playing it again

"All you had to do was just hand me his shirt. You ain had to give me the whole thing but you wouldn't know that. You too focused on the game"

"You keep saying you need the diaperbag and when I give it to you issa problem"

"I said I needed his onesie out of it. But you to focused on the game to actually listen and that's my problem" I calmly told him while I changed Carson into his other outfit.

Once I was done I picked him up and he started smiling causing me to do the same. As the days went by, Carson really was starting to favor Christian more and more and all it did was stress me out even more. The hazel eyes, his nose, lips, the way he frowned up his face when he was irritated or upset. It was all Christian

"You almost done with that game?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Cause I hate it"

Tremaine paused the game again and turned around to look at me, grabbed Carson and from me and sat him on his lap while he finished playing

"Yo momma wanna be a hater right now but she'll be Ight" he told Carson so I got off of his bed and walked out of the room

"Where you going?"

"To talk to Mrs Gee since you obviously replaced me for Carson and that stupid game"

He laughed and waved me off. I went into the living room seeing Mrs Gee watching tv and she looked up at me with a laugh as I sat down beside her

"Tremaine must be on that game"

"And he took Carson too"

"Let him tell it that's his baby and you can't tell him otherwise.. both Carson and the game"

I smiled "well as far as the game, I'm getting ready to smash it apart"

"That's all Tremaine do when he's here. Play on that game but I don't mind it because he could be out doing other stuff. Plus he's been going through it lately. You know it's y'all senior year and I think he's just missing his momma more than ever lately"

"I could tell something was wrong with him but when I ask he never tells me"

"That's because Tremaine don't like for people to see him vulnerable. Even me. I haven't seen that boy cry or shed a single tear since he was little. I told him he gotta get outta that though but what do I know? This generation just believes expressing how you feel means you soft"

"Well I don't think he's soft. I just wish he'd talk to me"

"You'll probably have to pry it out of him.... so what y'all have planned for the day? I know y'all not about to sit in this house while he play the game"

"Well my momma and Mrs Angie wanted to take Carson and go shopping so while they do that I'll probably be at Akira's house while Tremaine go do whatever with his friends. I'm just waiting on him to finish that game"

"Egypt you ready?" Tremaine asked as he walked down the hall and into the living room with Carson and Mrs Gee laughed

"Look at Carson tryina hold up that big ol head"

"He think he grown. He better slow down"

"My boy is grown. Gone somewhere" Tremaine told me and I rolled my eyes while standing up

"You done with the game now?"

"Yeah now come on before I go play it again"

"Put him in his car seat for me and come on then"

4:54 pm

While I was at Akira's house after my momma and Mrs Angie left with Carson, India ended up coming over

"Girl tell me why Carlos want me to link with him tonight" Akira said to me while laying her head on my lap

"Christian's friend Carlos?"

Akira nodded

"I told him Christian gone kill him if he find out he still tryina fuck with me but that nigga don't care"

"Who is Carlos?" India asked

"he graduated last year"

"Oh... your brother graduated last year too ain it?"

"Yeah. Speaking of, that bitch ain text me back. And you been askin a lot of questions bout my brother"

" I mean he is cute. I ain gone lie"

I laughed which made India look at me


"Nothing" I shook my head and Akira looked up at me with a laugh as well then looked over at india

"You know what, go head. I already warned you but talk to him if you wanna"

"I'm just saying. He don't seem like a bad person though"

"Oh so y'all be talkin already?"

"I mean we text" India shrugged "just friendly conversation"

"And I'm supposed to believe that"

"Believe what?"

Akira sat up "I've known my brother all my life. I know how he is and I know damn well he ain just friendly texting you. That nigga either shooting his shot or he already did"

India started smiling which made it obvious that he must've already did. Akira shook her head while India spoke up

"Mannn yo brother fine Akira. I'm sorry"

"That's you girl. Just know I warned you"

"He can't be as bad as you make it seem"

Akira looked over at me causing India to do the same

"Is he egypt?"

"I plead the fifth" I answered and India kissed her teeth

"Ion think he that bad"

"Keep thinking that then" Akira told her with a snicker, laying back down on her lap and picked her phone up

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