We'll Be The Stars

By BabyGirl_Frost

390 15 0

Parker pierce the daughter of Katherine pierce and hades what can go wrong when the daughter of the underworl... More

This is the part where you run

some people just want to watch the world burn

105 6 0
By BabyGirl_Frost

          Parker's Pov

waking up this morning was a nightmare so let me fill you in on what happened, I woke today with no Hope which made me upset but then I remembered she had a thing with Emma so now I was getting ready for the game with Lizzie and Josie 

"It's game day," Lizzie said with the biggest smile ever while I groaned because every game day we have we have to lose.

"I'm not hungry," Josie said and I looked at her shocked because she knew how eating a nice meal was to Lizzie before game day 

"What," I asked 

"Well, uh, funny thing actually, Josette. This morning, as I was desperately trying to make this trash bag of a jersey look cute, I suddenly had the urge to purge. So I fled to the bowl, and lo and behold, I heaved up a gallon of black goo. So, seeing as I haven't been dabbling in any illicit black magic recently, I can only imagine it was a twin sympathy hurl. And here you are, denying the day's most important meal. So fess up. What did you do?" Lizzie said as I looked at Josie shocked

"Maybe you're pregnant, Lizzie," Penelope said and I chuckled but cover it with a cough when I saw Lizzie glaring at me 

"Oh, or maybe it's just how that jersey fits," I said not wanting to start problems 

"Go away, evil one," Josie said with a glare 

"Already gone. Hot tip: next time you burn your ex's hair off, make sure she can't rock a lob." She said and walked away swaying her hips

"Did she who shall not be named just fat-shame me?"Lizzie said in disgust 

"Hey, girls, listen," Alaric said jogging over to us 

"Don't," I said my hand up and he looked confused

"Don't say whatever it is you're about to say because you have Dad's face, and wherever Dad face goes, daughter disappointment always follows," Lizzie said 

"I'm sorry; I can't make the game today."

"But, Dr.S, you're the coach.," I said 

"I hate it as much as you do, but I have to find Landon Kirby." 

"so let's cancel the game, " Lizzie said 

"Yeah we lose every time," I said

"We can't use our powers, so we suck." Josie continued on

"Exactly. Which is a normal school for troubled rich kids thing to do This annual event lets the locals see you for what they think you are. And keeps them from asking too many questions."

" But they mock us," I groaned 

"Because they're insecure, small-town kids with small minds. So just let it be. Look, girls, with Landon running around, knowing all of our secrets, we have to protect our profile now more than ever. Can I count on you guys to do that?" 

We all nodded our head as in saying yes

"Alright I love you three" 

Alaric was like my father since my dad is always in the underworld 

"We'll be back as soon as we can."

"wait whose we" 

But he ran off before he could hear our question

"Dad loves Hope more than us." Lizzie groaned

"You're being melodramatic, okay? He's missing one game." I said 

"easy for you to say " Lizzie said 

" yeah your basically dating hope " Josie said backing up Lizzie

I looked at them shocked but didn't argue because me and hope are always attached to each other 

"We can show him how seriously we are taking this by making sure that our secret stays protected out there on the field. Today, we will lose even more epically than we normally do. Win by losing. That's the spirit." Lizzie said and that's all that was needed to say to get my cute ass on that field 

"All right, guys. Let's have a good, clean, entirely uneventful game." Dorian said 

"Like we do every year when we beat your asses down." This kid named Kyle said 

he then walked up to me said 

" How bout after we beat you I  can take your fine ass out" I looked at him grossed out

"I don't date people who have there head too far up in their ass," I said then walked away like a boss

"Kaleb. Come on, suck it up. We have to go through this every year, okay?" Josie said as we huddled 

"I was being recruited by D schools before I got here, all right? I don't lose." 

" aye you do you," I said and huddle with the rest of the group

"Remember the game plan, Kaleb," Josie said 

"Girl, I used to eat townie scrubs like this for lunch. That's before I was a vampire." 

I looked at him and chuckled at his self-awareness 

as we were playing defense Gavin on the other team threw me the ball which I caught and ran on my "ide to get a touchdown Gavin then looked at me and smile which I thought was cute and smiled back

" what are you doing " Lizzie yelled at me 

" Shes obviously saving your ass," Dana said 

" Yo don't talk to her like that," I said

then this bitch got all up in my face like she was boss

"Whatchu gonna do about it," She said and right when I was gonna soccer punch thus bitch Lizzie pulled me way 

"let's get back to playing, " Lizzie said as we walked way 

"We're getting our asses kicked." Kaleb said as we huddled again 

"which means we're doing good " Lizzie said and I looked at her dumb because she knows I don't like to lose the 

when Dana rushed Josie and she threw the ball to me I ran and made another touch down which made us tied with the other team

" Nice hands," Gavin said to me with a wink and cheeks turned a Bight pink as I looked away

"Your sisters sucks at football." She says to me about Lizzie and Josie

"You know what? We've been playing this game for years, and for years you have been digging at me. Is it because I'm prettier than you?" I asked 

"Honestly, I just get a thrill from tormenting all the crazies. Speaking of, it's been a while since you paid a visit to my mom's pharmacy. Maybe you're feeling a little delusional because you're off your meds, or is that Lizzie ?." She says and walks away

"New plan. The gloves are off." Lizzie says hearing mine and Danas covo

"Let's burn these bitches to the ground," I say 

" Lizzie, P No," Josie says

"We're gonna give these townies a taste of what we're really made of." Kaleb say

" you can count on my steel" Mg say

and Lizzie looked at him grossed out

we all in position 

"set.....hut," Lizzie says 

Lizzie tossed the ball to Kaleb 

"cadere" I said making Dana fall and eat shit

After we finally caught up with them again Josie told us to lose

We all look at her dumb 

then Penelope said something about door number three 

"What's door number three?" Kaleb said sounding egear 

"You win, without any of your supernatural special sauce." and that's what we did for a fat minute until

"Okay, guys, last play of the game. It's Hail Mary time" Lizzie said 

"Everyone but Josie, go long."

"Wait. What do I do?"

"It doesn't matter, 'cause there's no way I'm gonna throw you the ball."

"Lizzie. Look my way. I'll catch it" Mg said

"Probably caught something from Penelope Park, too." 

" Knock it off," Kaleb said 

"Look, we score, and those clowns can't say crap to us for an entire year. Y'all feel me?"

" He's right guys," I said and we all got into position 

and then we lost the games Thats right we lost the freaking game but hey I got that cute guys Gavins number 

but something else happened to 

"Suck it, loser." she said as she tried to spit in my face 

" Not now cocksucker," I said as I grabbed her bye her arm threw a punch at her

                            To be continued 

      Matthew Espinosa playing as Gavin Reed ( if you know where I got Gavin reed from tell me and ill love you forever)

he's not human but they don't know 

ill tell you what species he is soon  

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