Like Dandelions In The Wind

By Scribble_Maniacs

38.6K 2.1K 2.2K

For me, freedom has always been just a word without meaning. I found it's meaning amongst the crowd of Delhi... More

Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55 - FINAL
Thank You
When The Camellia Blooms

Chapter 45

466 34 33
By Scribble_Maniacs

Zivah's POV

The rush was too much today as there was Puja hosted by Dada and Dadu before marriage. Yes, the festivities will start in just a couple of weeks. The day is coming near and I don't know about Alizeh but it is making me anxious.

I was panicking and running around the house like crazy getting all the stuff and asking Guruji if he needs anything else. I already got ready in my salwar kameez as I don't want to waste time later on. There will be too much work and being the sister to be bride, I need to be present. Alizeh and Ahil are going to sit in Puja as it's basically for them.

Ved was also walking around instructing his team about everything as he held his own camera in hand. He looked dashing in the off-white kurta and pyjama. But I have no time to drool over him neither he has to talk to me. So I'll tell him that later when we will have our Sangeet practice together.

All the other people arrived already. Renee was helping Alizeh to get ready along with Tara. Sonia didn't come stating some reason and I hope that's not related to Ved anyhow. Kunal and Parth were helping me out and rushing along with me with preparations.

Laksh and Rupath were looking into something Dadi instructed. Vihaan was stuck with Ved as always. I still don't know how those two got along so well. Looking at them feels like they have known each other for the longest time.

I noticed Parth and Laksh ignoring each other. God knows what is happening but I got no time. I'm not selfish but I honestly don't have time in between running.

Cody was on loose, running around but as the function started and people started to pour in I took him to my room. People have different attitudes towards dogs and I can't take anyone hurting my baby in any way. So it was better to keep him safe in my room and he is the good boy that he is, willing stayed in, sleeping and playing in my room.

Dad called yesterday to tell that he and mom will be coming tomorrow. Just the thought of it scared me to death. I looked around to search Ved and I found him in no time as he talked seriously with one guy from his team. Just looking at him made me feel better. He is there with me. I am not alone.

What are you think Zivah? Hurry up.

Ahil's family arrived right on time. I adore these people. They never once were reluctant when the ceremonies were getting decided. They were equally excited and participated in all of the preparations for everything.

Sure the wedding is going to happen in both ways. All the ceremonies according to their rituals as well as ours. It's going to be hectic for Ali for sure to juggle with everything. But it's worth it as she is getting these people for a lifetime.

A couple of the moment sat before the fire as Guruji started with chanting mantras. I looked at Ali with a full smile. Even though it was just a Puja, it still made me feel emotional to see her along with Ahil. I shed a few tears and I felt a hand over my shoulder.

"She is not getting married right away," Ved said with a small chuckle as I pouted at him.

"I'm just emotional. I can't help it." I said putting my head over his shoulder. I didn't care about people around. He pulled me a little closer and rubbed my shoulder.

He stayed with me for some time but then the call for work came and I couldn't even stop him as Ali would kill me right away. So I just let him go.

Ali and Ahil were looking a million buck. The get-ups and jewellery were fine but the glow and happiness on their faces were priceless. They truly were made for each other. From beginning.

Ali was actually living her fairytale. She was getting married to the person she loved from her school. It's still hard to believe that. And I know a lot of people give them this shocked look when they mention how old their relationship is. I can't blame them either. In today's world, it's hard to maintain a relationship for so long. There are more failed relationships than successful ones but I'm glad my Ali made it to the list of few lucky ones.

I believed that I and Vihaan will be just like Ahil and Ali. But it was so stupid of me. I can't compare our story with theirs. Our love story was more of a lesson to both of us. It taught us a few important lessons in life and showed us that we are better off as best friends. While Ahil and Alizeh were truly in love, from the very beginning. I've known and witnessed their love and I can say that they are made for each other.

I remember times when I make Ali and Ahil narrate their love story to me. From those, I can tell that they both never had it easy. It may seem that everything went smoothly for them. But that's never the case. They have had many dark days. I know how much Ahil struggle to be where he is today and how much Ali has supported him throughout while achieving her own dreams. No one approved of Ahil right from the beginning, he earned that approval, he earned his respect through his hard work. Ali has fought for their love and believed in Ahil more than he believed in himself. Ahil has always been understanding and patient with Ali. She's never easy to handle but he knows how to manage her.

I remember the times when they used to have big fights and Ali calling me and crying through the phone. But they sort it out soon enough. They have faced separation in the past but still held on to each other stronger than ever before.

There was a time when everyone doubted if their relationship would last long as they both were poles apart. But today they are just a few days away from their dream wedding and I couldn't be more proud and happy for my most favorite couple. They have gone through a lot of things to deserve this fairy tale that they are living right now.

I felt emotional as I watched Ahil and Alizeh taking elder's blessings by the end of Puja. I don't know why but it felt peaceful to just watch them taking a step towards the actual big day. All the ceremonies will start soon and then on the wedding day. I know I'll be so emotional that day and probably cry a lot but I was still excited to see my Ali finally having her 'happily ever after' with the love of her life.


The choreographer took some of the new and old wedding songs mixtures. There were some 4-5 choreographers for all people. Yes, including the old clan. Dadu and Dadi looked the most excited as Chachu and Chachi were shying away when they were allotted some romantic old song to dance on.

I chuckled looking at them when the thought about my parents crossed my mind. Why can't they like this?

"You were looking beautiful," Ved said hugging me from the back.

"You remembered so early," I said rolling my eyes.

"Sorry, but I was too busy with pausing the moments for your sister," Ved said and kissed on my cheek. I looked around in terror but gladly no one was looking at us.

"Ved..." I said poking him lightly with my elbow. Ved chuckled keeping his head over my shoulder.

"People find some room. Please." Ved left me right away when Kunal shouted.

We looked at him. He was smiling widely as he approached us.

"Why didn't Sonia come?" I asked. Kunal looked at Ved for a brief moment.

"Is it because of Ved?" I asked again.

"She was a little upset but don't worry she will get better. She doesn't exactly know how to hold grudges." Kunal said smiling at me.

"I should apologize to her," I said as Ved looked at me.

"No. It wasn't your fault and neither Ved's. So no need to apologize." Kunal said. I shook my head a little.

"But I'm feeling bad," I said as Kunal let out a sigh.

"Ved, do something about her." He said further.

"You don't have to apologize on my behalf. I will do it." Ved said assuring me.

"You don't have to. It's fine." Kunal said.

"It's okay. I should." Ved said and looked at me as I smiled at him.

"What's going on with them?" Kunal asked looking away. We followed his gaze to see Parth and Laksh. Laksh was laughing along with some of Alizeh's girlfriends.

Parth was looking merely irritated as he ignored Laksh. I felt bad for him. He is the only one taking all the efforts. As long as I remember I haven't seen Parth with any girls ever. He never tried to hide his identity behind a lie. While Laksh has always been trying to showcase himself as a womanizer to escape from the truth about his gender.

"I got no clue. Anyway, it has been the same for days." Ved said letting out a sigh.

"I don't think they will be staying together for a long time," Kunal said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"They won't end up together," Ved said with a shrug. I felt some deep pain inside me.

I looked at Parth again with those sad expressions.

"But they love each other," I said looking back at Ved and then at Kunal. They exchanged a look before looking back at me.

"Yes but just love won't solve all the problems. Laksh is just not ready." Kunal said.

"People, buckle up as I don't like losing," Alizeh shouted as we moved our attention to her.

"Don't waste time. Come here." She said putting hands on her waist.

"Zivah..." She shouted looking at me. I let out a sigh.

"Yes, yes. Coming!" I said with a nod.

"She is not letting us go anywhere until Sangeet is over, right?" Kunal asked with horrifying expressions. I and Ved let out a chuckle and gave him a nod.

"Yes, get ready," I said patting his shoulder while making my way towards Ali. Kunal let out a sigh as he followed me along with Ved.


The moves were terribly tough as we danced on the high heels song of Kareena and Arjun. Forget Ved even I couldn't catch up to them. I struggled big time. But looking around made me feel better as that was the case with everyone.

"Alright, we will meet after the lunch break." One of the choreographers shouted and I let out a sigh of relief.

"It is tough!" Renee shouted sitting on the floor. I nodded and started sipping the water.

"Can't they just give some easy moves?" Vihaan whined sitting beside Ved, again. I am getting a doubt about him now.

Parth came and sat beside me.

"I'm tired. It's not my cup of tea." Parth said shaking his head and taking the bottle from my hands.

"Same here," I said.

Rupath just slept on the ground with Kunal beside him.

"Stop whining people. I asked her to give us some good moves." Alizeh said with a frown.

"There is a difference between good moves and tough moves, Al," Vihaan said.

"I don't even have the energy to eat," Kunal said shaking his head.

"Don't you guys go to the gym?" Alizeh asked again.

"But the instructor doesn't ask us to dance," Laksh said making us laugh. I saw Parth unaffected as he moved his gaze away.

"Shit! What if he does?" Kunal asked getting up. His expressions were of terror. I chuckled imagining the scene.

"Even if he does the moves won't be this tough," Ved said shaking his head.

"Even Kareena's dance was easy in front of this," Tara said sitting with Renee who nodded her head.

"No one is getting home today unless every move is perfect," Alizeh shouted again with anger.

"People just grab the sheets and bed. We are staying here today." Rupath said clapping his hands. We all let out a laugh hearing him as Ali threw a death glare at him.

"Rupath!" She shouted as he gave her a flying kiss making her even more irritated.

"Ved's problem is solved as he has got a whole room," Renee said. I threw a look at her to which she winked making me confused.

"I am talking about Vihaan. You two seem to be pretty close." She said further. I understood what she is doing right now.

Creating the jealousy. I like it. I looked at Rupath who was gritting his teeth but didn't look at Ved.

Ved and Vihaan had confusion written over their faces not knowing what was going on. Vihaan looked at me and I just gestured him to go along. He nodded in understanding.

"True," I said with a nod.

"I love your bond though," Alizeh said.

"What?" Ved asked still being confused.

"Yes, I mean Ved you have got a close friend now," Ali said again with a smile.

"No one becomes close with just a few days," Rupath said still not looking at Ved. He looked pissed. I looked at Renee who smiled widely.

"Why not?" Kunal asked with a shrug getting us. "I mean just look at Zivah and Ved." He said further pointing at us. Ved shook his head looking at me with a glare. I guess he caught us.

Rupath was grumpy. He gave Kunal a glare but that sure didn't make any change. Parth was containing his smile sitting beside me.

"Well forget us, Kunal. Look at Tara and Vihaan." I said.

"Yes, I agree. Time doesn't define relations." Tara said to everyone's surprise. She winked at Renee making her giggle.

"Don't you people have to eat anything?" Rupath asked with frustration. It was kinda cute I must say.

"Aww, are you getting jealous?" Renee asked making us chuckle.

"Jealous of what?" Rupath said with pure irritation and got up from the ground.

"I didn't know you were this possessive about Ved. I never have seen him getting insecure about us." Parth spoke finally.

"Maybe because he never thought me close enough," Rupath said glaring at Ved. Ved was about to open his mouth when Vihaan put his hand around Ved's shoulder.

"Ved." He said. "Let it be. Let's eat something. This Alizeh will start shouting again and then we have to stay hungry." Vihaan said further.

"Yes, let's go," Ved said without glancing at Rupath. He just got up and went away with Vihaan. Rupath clenched his fist as Renee followed by Tara and Alizeh approached him.

I thought of staying with Parth as he looked kind of disturbed. Kunal offered his presence as Rupath was pissed with him about his earlier comments.

Laksh was still shamelessly talking to girls. I thought about clearing his head by shouting at him but then I thought what's the use of anything anyway. So it's better to keep everything as it is.

We got seated around one round table kept in the garden with our plates.

I looked at Kunal who raised his eyebrows at me. I gestured him to ask Parth. Kunal let out a sigh and looked at Parth who was busy with breaking the roti.

"Dude, are you okay?" Kunal asked. Parth looked up at him.

"No." He said and I was glad that he spoke genuinely.

"What's going on?" Kunal asked again.

"He said he is not willing to take a step this big at this stage of his career. He is already famous with girls and he can't risk his popularity by admitting anything." Parth said smiling hopelessly. There was so much pain behind it. I kept my hand over his.

"Besides, his parents will be upset and will be the talk of the town. He is scared that people might try to hurt them." Parth said in a low voice.

"Why would anyone do that?" I asked looking at him and Kunal. Kunal just shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know," Parth said shaking his head a little.

"So what now?" I asked again.

"I guess it's the end. I can't keep on going along as he wants me to." Parth said as his eyes hardened looking at Laksh in the distance.

"So you guys have broken up?" Kunal asked.

"I told him that we should but he kept on insisting that we should act like before," Parth said.

"What? How can everything be like before?" Kunal asked again. Parth let out a sigh and shook his head a little.

"That's why he is flirting out there?" Kunal asked again gritting his teeth as he looked at Laksh.

"I don't know," Parth said.

"What the fuck was that?" We moved our gazes to irritated Ved standing between me and Parth.

All of us three exchanged smiles and looked back at Ved who looked purely pissed.

"Ved, come sit," Parth said with a smile.

"I'm serious," Ved said frowning at us.

"Sometimes jealousy works to get the relations on track," Kunal said winking at Ved. I let out a laugh.

"Dude, we are not dating," Ved said with irritation again.

"Rupath was clearly jealous," I said nodding my head.

"That's bullshit," Ved said again.

"Whatever you say, Ved," Kunal said with a shrug. Ved looked around taking a deep breath and back at Parth.

"Parth, are you punching that Laksh or should I do it for you?" Ved asked clenching his fists.

"Let him be," Parth said.

"Dude," Ved said with concern.

"Leave him, Ved. He needs to understand a few things on his own. I won't be taking efforts now. Let's see if he comes back." Parth said and gave an assuring smile. Ved nodded at him.

"Oh my god. These people scare me." Kunal said giving some looks at the choreographer duo walked in.

"Times up. Let's get back and kick those asses." The lady spoke with evil laugher.

"Kick those asses? It's a dance ceremony right?" Kunal asked again with horrifying expressions.

"Last time I checked it was," I said with a nod as we got up to break our bones again.


All the time I thought it's the only dance I will be performing but no! I am performing three dance. Three! No way in the hell I can do that.

One this group dance which has all of the members then one duet with Ved as a couple dance is necessary if you are in a relationship. Well, I don't know how mom and dad are going to take it. Ved was reluctant and refused but Ali gave him an emotional speech and then he couldn't say no.

The third one is the girl's dance and when I say girls it's just Renee, Ali, me and Tara. Yes, Tara is part of the gang now so why not. I like her. In fact, I love her. Vihaan has found a perfect girl for himself and I truly hope they end up together.

But yes, that's all. I hope you all note the sarcasm. I just hope I end up in one piece by end of this Sangeet ceremony.

"Hold her a little closer." The girl, whose name was Simran, said to Ved with a smile.

He gave me a look stating his displeasure but I can't do anything. So I just pouted at him. He shook his head and did what she said.

"Like this?" Ved asked holding my waist. She nodded her head with a smile.

"You two look perfect." She said winking at us. I chuckled.

"Alright, you practice. Till then, I will check on another couple." She said putting on a big smile and vanished somewhere.

"Sure," I said with a nod.

"This is not going to work," Ved said shaking his head.

"Relax, you'll be fine," I said as he let out a sigh.

"What are we going to tell your mom and dad? Do we want to create any scene for Alizeh?" Ved asked. He was right. I don't know how will they react seeing us dancing on a romantic song. It will be a shock of the century.

"I was thinking that," I said shaking my head.

"Then?" Ved asked raising his eyebrows.

"I will handle that," I said giving him an assuring smile. How? I don't know but I will find some way.

"You just focus on those steps. I want to hear claps and not laughs." I said glaring at him. Ved frowned at me.

"I'm trying. You know I'm bad with this." He said struggling with leg work. I smiled adoring him.

"Don't worry. We will manage." I said pulling him closer as my hands were already resting on his shoulders.

"Yup, We will," Ved said with a smile.

We moved our gaze as we heard the shouting. Everyone stopped from what they were doing and looked in the direction of the fight.

"What is your problem?" Laksh shouted at Parth. I looked at them in terror.

"What's my problem? What is yours?" Parth shouted back. Ved moved to Parth's side hurriedly. Kunal and Rupath did the same as they tried to stop them.

"You know what Parth? Just leave it. You won't understand me ever." Laksh said again.

"I won't understand? Isn't it like a joke of the century?" Parth said laughing and clapping his hands.

"You are such a pathetic loser," Laksh said. I widened my eyes and looked at Parth with concern. He was quiet as he didn't try to say anything further. His gaze held sadness and betrayal.

"Laksh, watch your mouth," Rupath shouted.

"Yes, I'm always the one who causes problems. Isn't it?" Laksh said as his tone became normal.

"Have any of you ever for once tried to talk to me? Huh?" He asked further as those boys looked at each other.

"Even once? You guys just consider everything. You feel bad for Parth but what about me?" Laksh asked again and I could see his eyes moist. He was hurt as well.

He was somewhere right. I don't know if anyone ever asked him anything but I didn't. I always considered everything about him. And believed in what others said.

"Just because I'm an asshole doesn't mean I don't get hurt," Laksh shouted and no one dared to speak. Ved was holding Parth and Kunal and Rupath were standing in between Parth and Laksh.

Parth just kept looking down. And others kept giving concerned looks.

"It hurts equally but I just don't like to put on the show and act victim," Laksh said through gritted teeth looking at Parth.

He then shook his head and started walking away.

"Laksh!" Rupath shouted but he didn't look back.

"I'm out," Laksh shouted again and got out of the venue.

"Parth?" Ved asked with concern. Parth wiped his eyes immediately and looked up at everyone around.

"Go back to rehearsal. I'm good." He said through a smile. Well, he was trying to act cool and normal but...

I felt my eyes moist by looking at him broken.

"Sangeet is coming and we need to get the moves perfect. Right, Alizeh?" He asked looking at Ali.

"It's okay..." Ali said but he didn't let her finish.

"No, it's not. Let's get back. Come on, guys!" Parth said again.

"I love you, bro," Kunal said hugging Parth. Rupath and Ved stood by his side as they talked to Parth about something.

Soon after everyone got back to normal and started with the practice again but my mind kept on repeating what Laksh said. I didn't feel right.

Everyone is here with Parth but what about him? Sure he has made many mistakes and he has been acting immature but what are his reasons? I don't know. I felt guilty for judging him just like that.

I didn't ask Ved anything about him nor anyone else. I will talk directly to Laksh when he is ready and till then I will just be by Parth's side because that's all I can do for now.

I jerked a little as Ali's voice brought me back to the present, pulling me away from those thoughts. I got back to the practicing immediately as I didn't want to face the wrath of Ms Alizeh Chandra and it's something that I need to focus at the moment. But I was quite determined about talking to Laksh and giving him a chance that no one even considered till now.


✨Author's Note✨

So that was all for now. Let us know what you feel about this one.

VOTE by pressing ⭐

With this, the countdown starts. Last 10 chapters remain to conclude the book. ☺️

Zivah will be back with another update soon.

Till then, Bye.

Loads of love.❤️

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