Falling for you

By ThePersonalDonut

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Dion, the most loving animal addicted eleven year old goof ball, soon gets the news that his family and him a... More

Chapter: 2
chapter: 3
Chapter: 4
Chapter 5
Chapter: 6

Chapter 1

4 0 0
By ThePersonalDonut

Every night was the best night to Dion, especially the ones with lightning and thunder crashing through the sky up above. He loved it when the rain makes the "pat pitter patter pat" sound through his bedroom window, as a claming sound that helps him fall asleep. But darkness was the best in his opinion. He loved they way you could never see anything until moonlight would shine through the window and his little starts ubove his bed. He has had the stars ubove his bed since he was only five years old and his sisters think it's babyish but he loves the effect thay give to the bedroom in the night.

Dion had his pajama's on and he was ready for bed. "Bonne nuit maman" he called out to his mother from across the hallway. (Goodnight mom)

"Nuit." His mother responded. (Night)

Dion and his family lived in L.A but they were basically french. Dion's mother and father are both french and born in Paris. They uasually visit, but things have been really busy so they haven't been to Paris in a while. Dion knew english, he went to an english school but he also spoke french. His friends always wanted him to speak french but he only ever spoke his launguage at home.

Dion crawled into bed and grapped his blue surf blanket and layed it out over him. Dion just looked through his clear window beside his bed and wached the sun fade. He waited and waited, never getting tired of the veiw from his bedroom window. Soon came nightfall, were the moon started glowing through the window. Dion sighed, " I wish that i could just be a butterfly" He whisperd to himself as he watched the moon glow.

Dion felt his gaze slowly turning to his closet where the moonlight had been shinging off of. The boy's eye lid's coulden't take another moment to be opened, so Dion felt himself slowly fall asleep.

"Réveillez-vous tous! Tu as l'école aujourd'hui!" Dion heard his mother shout from downstairs in the kitchen, which woke Dion let alone scared him.

Dion's mother didn't know how to speak english so she would uasually be speaking french.

"Maman à venir" Dion said to his mom as he rubbed his eyes. (Coming mom) Dion hurried into the upstairs bathroom before any of his sisters got in. Luckly he was first in the bathroom today. Dion grabbed his toothbrush and started brushing his teeth.

"Je dois me mettre au travail, alors vous pouvez vous dépêcher et monter dans la voiture!?" He fainly heard his mother scream from downstairs. All she was saying was for everyone to hurry up because she had work today. Dion rolled his eyes and hurried out of his bathroom to get dressed before his mother started screaming again. Dion got his school uniform and fell down while hurrying to put it on, when he was finaly finished he grabbed his space hairbrush and brushed his hair like crazy.

Dion had very light brown hair and tan skin. His eyes where brown with a tint of green to them, he always refered his eyes to "poop colour" but his parents always dissagreed.

Dion had three sisters, two years old, seven, and twelve. Their names were, Alice, Chole, and Sarah. So with that Dion was the only boy in the family. Sarah was the oldest so she could speak english the best, so sometimes she says words that they don't even know just to tease them. But Dion got the biggest room in the house because he needs time away from girls.

"Vite vite!" My mother asked us to hurry so i quickly grabbed some books from my black desk by my blue window. It was mostly homework but some about my books on butterflies and and different types of mammals. I was in third grade when i began my intrest for studying animals and insects, but if i ever brough one into the house my mother would kill me.

I Got all my stuff and i stuffed it into my monarch backpack and sprinted downstairs.

"Tu ressembles à un gâchis! Ugh quoi que ce soit juste monter dans la voiture et apporter votre sac à lunch avec vous!" My mom basically said i was a mess and i needed to hurry into the car. I ran for the car, almost slipping on the cracks of the sidewalk numorus times before i made it to our car.

"Dépêchez-vous Dion d'entrer." My mom says as she opens the door. "Look who finally shows up." Sarah said while fixing her claws. (Basically her long nails) I roll my eyes, "Oh shut up!" I say as i sit in the back of our mini van and buckle up my seatbelt. I literally almost burned my fingers off becuase the seatbelt was so hot.

"Des gamins! Aucun combat ou nous serons en retard!" My mom asks us to stop fighting so we all keep quiet until we pull out of the driveway.

My father always get's to work at like seven in the morning and i never get to see him anymore, he used to be so fun until he got this new job, but now he's just... ugh i don't know it's just not the same without him. Like everyday i have to deal with a mean sister two little trouble makers and a mother who can't even speak english!

"Dion, mom says that daddy has a surprise for us!" Chole says so me. My eyes widen. "Really?" I ask in surprise.

"arrête de parler anglais je ne te comprends pas!" My mom warns us to stop speaking english so we stop, but i'm still curuous what Chole ment when she said our dad has a surprise for us. It's kind of unexpected, because he barely even likes surprises let alone has time for us!

"D'accord, dépêchez-vous, sortez!" My mom says as she parks in the school parking lot. I get out with my hands up saying "okay okay" to her as i run to school, with Chole and Sarah following behind.

I go to Leon Bay Elementry School, I've been going here for a really long time now. I love all my teachers but i don't really like my 'friends'. They always call me names and beg me to speak french, and when i don't they would call me a pussy or a baby and run off laughing. Also, whenever i have snacks they always ask me for some and i don't know why i cant say no so i barely eat anything anymore, even when i'm really hungry. I want to tell them i don't want to be there friends anymore but i'm too scared.

I open the school door and hurry to my classroom, I had the same class as my sister becuase we were in a grade six-seven split class, but Chole was only seven so she was in grade two so she was in the classooms downstairs.

"Hi student's please take a seat!" Mrs. Kristry said. "Bonjour madame" Sarah said and waved. "Hi" I say as i put my backpack in one of the cubbies in the back of the room. After i talk my seat right next to a girl nammed lyla and a boy nammed toby. I didn't know anything about either of them but i did know that toby used to bully people in the first grade.

" So now that everyone is in their seats, i thought that we could do something fun today. So i was thinking that we can get Sarah and Dion to teach us some french words!" She smiled.

"Shit!" I thought to myself, I didn't want to do this! But i could never ever say no to a teacher, it was like one of my biggest fears. I looked over to Tom and Marcus my 'friends', and they were smiling like crazy, because they wanted to hear me speak french for months now. My palms were sweaty and i played with my fingers.

"Sure we would love too! You know, french is a very soothing launguage!" Sarah smiled and got up from her seat. I sighed and got up too.

"Ah! What a great way to start the day!" she clapped. Meanwhile i was sweating buckets.

"Okay lets start with an easy one. How about: Hello how was your day?" She said. Everyone nod and then she pointed at me, "Okay now dion is going to say it in French!"

"Uh Bonjour comment était ta journée?" I said while looking down. "Wonderful!" The teacher smiled.

"Okay anyone else wan't to learn how to say something?" Sarah says. Tom put his had up, "How about a full very long sentance?" He said. I didn't want to do a full sentance but i had too.

"Okay how about: Hi my name is dion and i'm from Paris, i love my family and i'm obbsessed with animals!" She says.

I roll my eyes and say "Uh okay uh... Bonjour mon nom est dion et je suis de Paris, j'aime ma famille et je suis obsédé par les animaux." I said, still with my head loooking down.

"Such a beautiful launguage!" my teacher says. "Okay you two can sit back down." My teacher smiles and startes writing on the board. I sit back down and lyla was staring at me with ligit visible love hearts in her eyes. I sigh "Oh, frere."

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