Are You the One for Me ?

By dvlk2117

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*** COMPLETED *** 💕 "You are pregnant and you are coming from the clinic." Hunter stated in an emotionless t... More

A/N: Before You Read!!
A/N : AYTOFM Cast Set I
A/N : AYTOFM Songs!!
AYTOFM Prologue - Trust vs Insecurities!
Chapter 1: 'I do' - Promise!!
Chapter 2: Amelia & Evelyn
Chapter 3 : Elijah & Olivia
Chapter 4: Dress, Ring & Cake
Chapter 5: Skate With Me - Face Powder
Chapter 6: Meet My Sandal !!
Chapter 7 : Basic Needs of Life!!
Chapter 8: Momma's Little Warriors!!
Chapter 9: I Love You!!
Chapter 10: My Angel has a face now!!
Chapter 11: 100% Dramatic Daddy!! ;)
Chapter 12 : Our Picture Perfect Family !!
Chapter 13: Lucas and Zoey ;) !!
Chapter 14: What did 'I' do to deserve 'you'??
Chapter 15: Parents' love is always SELFLESS!!
Chapter 16: The Beauty and The Beast!!
Chapter 17: Playing your own 'Death Game'!!
Chapter 18: I want a normal - simple LIFE!!
Chapter 19: Pills or Condoms??
Chapter 21: 'Objection' My Lord!!
Chapter 22: Embossed Watermark!!
Chapter 23: Tampered or True?
Chapter 24: Web of Lies!!
Chapter 25: DNA TESTS??
Chapter 26: Who gave you the Right??
Chapter 27: Such an Erotic Lover!!
Chapter 28: Will You Marry Me??
Chapter 29: Who Framed 'MY' WIFE?
Chapter 30: You always have a choice!!
Chapter 31: Till 'I' found 'you'
Chapter 32: Wedding Night or Morning?
Chapter 33: From, the BUMP!!
Chapter 34: My '3' Requests to you both!!
Chapter 35: True Soul Mates !!!
A/N : Fun Time with AYTOFM Characters!!
Cover Request
A/N : Thank you ;) !!
A/N: Thank You!
A / N : Thank You!!
A / N : Thank You!!

Chapter 20: All the best Momma!!

5.8K 299 169
By dvlk2117

Hello All!

This is the next chapter and the other chapter will also be out in a few minutes!!

Will thank everyone tomorrow!

Christopher and Aria's Bedroom pic above!


Search for this + sign in the chapter to know where the mature part ends.

+++++++++++++++++++ HALF CHAPTER MATURE (Above 18 Only) +++++++++++++++++++++++



Aria shook her head a little in her sleep. Her eyes were still closed and the pretty brown iris' which were completely hiding behind those pretty doors started moving lazily. A small 'tch' sound came out of her beautiful blossom lips which were neither coated with lip gloss or lip stick this time; instead they were a little dry and a lot 'swollen'.

'Why was she feeling this heavy?'

With her eyes still closed, she exhaled loudly and let her tongue lace over her lower lip lightly. After a few involuntary breathing sessions and 'no change' in how heavy she felt, her left hand rested on her temples. As if on cue, her fingers pressed her temples for a few seconds while she opened her eyes slowly. Everything appeared hazy to her so, she closed her eyes and opened them again. However, this time she was successful in getting a good look at the wall in front of her.

'Well, where did that wall come from?'

Aria thought while curling her pretty lips in 'O' shape. Her eyes grew wide remembering what had happened last night and where she was. Wow!! The instant her mind registered what state she was in, her head immediately turned to his side. She frowned a little not finding his head rested on the pillow next to hers.

'Did he wake up early??'


She could sense his presence in the room. But where could he be? Was he thinking of playing hide and seek now? No way! He might have the energy to play such games but she was completely drained out. It would be an achievement if she could walk a few steps without limping. Thanks to Christopher and his rough love making!! Aria rolled her eyes thinking about the last sentence he spoke to her once they were done.

"Aria! I am so sorry! I am so sorry! Did that hurt? Sweetheart, I am so sorry if it hurt you darling. But believe me; I tried, I swear I tried being 'gentle'. And to some extent; I think I was gentle! Don't you think so?" He had said last night trying to roll away from her but she had stopped him and said "Stay!" He totally obliged her request and put his head on her belly. After dropping a few kisses there he dozed off not before saying "I love you so much Aria!"

The little thought about last night brought up a faint redness on her cheeks. She still couldn't believe the sweet, soft-hearted and insanely understanding man had turned into a complete beast last night. Wow, if he thought he was gentle last night then what would happen to her when he would go totally rough on her? She closed her eyes comparing their levels of gentleness. If Christopher was gentle then it was rough in Aria's language and if Christopher was rough then it was death for her! So no doubt he will be the death of her!!

'Yes, if he continues with his 'not so gentle' love making, he would be the death of her!'

And before she could go thinking of the possibilities of where he must be in this insanely vast room, she could finally understand why she was feeling this heavy 'again'. Letting out a sigh she turned her head towards the ceiling thinking about last night. Remembering how he had rested his head on her belly and dozed off, a shy smile took room on her beautiful tired face. She looked at herself expecting his head to be resting there on her stomach but the beauty was surprised at the sight her eyes met. Her mouth opened a little with a tiny gasp looking at him.

This man, the crazy beast was the reason she felt heavy all this while. The only difference was, his head was no longer on her belly instead his head was partly rested on her right arm and the base of her right breast. His face was in her direction while his eyes were closed hinting her how deeply he was asleep. Do you know the best part?




His mouth was totally latched on her right nipple!!

That's right it looked as if she was missing one of her nipples. So true, her right nipple was completely hiding in his gorgeous mouth. Oh, what a baby he was!! She swayed her jaw a little seeing how he was sucking on it too sometimes. Even thought it wasn't intentional it still set her body on fire. The mere sight of him caging this little bud in his mouth was enough for her to form a heavy pool down there. She smiled a little and tried to lift his head with her free hand. His mouth left her nipple with a weak 'pop' sound and wow, the little brown one was totally wet. Before she could turn his body he opened his eyes and looked at her face for a few seconds. He raised his body a little balancing on his elbows while caging her under him.

"Not so easy to let go of me darling!!" He said in a husky whisper and captured her lips with his own.


** A few minutes later **


"God, Aria! You are making me go completely crazy!"

** GROANS **

** GROANS **

"Christopher! Mmmmmm!"

** MOANS **

** MOANS **







"MMMMMMM" Aria's screams lost in his palm. The way she was moaning and screaming his name, no doubt was giving him a kick but still that was a risk.

"Shhh! Do you want to wake the kids sweetheart?!!" Christopher said in a hoarse whisper while pounding into her little curvy body. With his palm still curled over her mouth, he was awaiting the look on her face during her orgasm.

Her muffled moans and screams kept coming faster now while he responded by moving his body with equal fervour. And he knew if he kept going on like this, he would be the one to witness his own orgasm first.

And in no time, they both were panting and whispering 'I love you' to each other floating in the pleasures of their own orgasms and tingles.


+++++++++++++++ Safe to Read for all age groups +++++++++++++++++

** LATER **

P.S.: Aria's Dress

P.S.: Christopher's Dress

"Aria, are you ready?" Christopher asked while grabbing his coat from the closet and turning in her direction. She was standing in front of the huge mirror and putting her watch. She appeared lost in her own thoughts.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" He turned her curvy body towards him and asked while cupping her cheeks in his hands.

"I don't know! Something doesn't sit well with me. There is this feeling in my..." She said biting her lip a few times but was stopped when he put his index finger on her lips.

"It's nothing! Trust me! I am there to take care of everything. I can't let someone hamper my family's happiness. You're safe Aria. I am always there with you." He said in a soft and comforting tone. She gently smiled at him and he continued "Promise me that you won't break down there! If you feel uncomfortable anytime in the courtroom, just look at me or the best; think about our kids! Our kids are our strength! Never forget that!"

"Yes, I will remember that! I love you Christopher!" She said while hugging him and resting her cheek on his chest while he simply kissed her head and said "I love you too sweetheart! I love you!"

He broke the hug and grabbed her wrist making her giggle at him.

"Now come on, let's make that Hunter pay for his sins!!" He said while making his way out of the room pulling her along with him making her break into subtle laughter.

** Little Giggles **

** Little Giggles **

The kids were drawing and painting in the living room.

"Momma!" Elijah called and ran towards Aria.

"Mumma! See what we did!" Olivia said while throwing her little hands in the air. Her little palms were drenched in crayon colours.

"Mumma we made something for you!" Zoey said while handling the sheets to Olivia and the little one grabbed the sheet leaving her coloured finger print on it. Zoey laughed and gave the other sheet to Lucas.

"Hope, you will like it Momma!" Lucas said while scratching his head a little and handling the sheet to Elijah.

Christopher stood right next to Aria and was enjoying this little family time before the court drama today. He knew Aria needed this little boost from her kids to survive and the hit and fight back today.

P.S.: Good Luck card drawn by Elijah and Olivia.

P.S.: Good Luck Card drawn by Lucas and Zoey!

The kids all looked at each other and when Lucas nodded his head a little which appeared like a signal only they could understand.

"ALL THE BEST MOMMA!" All the kids screamed with big smiles on their faces.

"We know you have a huge exam today. We want to wish you all the good luck!!" Zoey said making Aria gasp and drop on her knees saying "Oh, my babies! Come here!!"

"Thank you so much sweethearts! I know I will pass this one! I promise to pass this exam and come back to you." Aria hugged them all and savoured the moment. This little support was enough for her to fight this nightmare.



"Aria, you have to be calm and composed in front of the judge. Remember, anything you say might be used against you. Okay?" Daniel said giving her an idea how she was supposed to present herself in front of the judge.

"Yes, I will! And I know I don't have to worry about anything. All I am relying on is 'our' family and the 'cunning' truth. The truth behind this entire drama! The truth of my life! My family is always with me so; I know I don't have to worry about anything." Aria said while looking at Daniel and saw Christopher who was standing right next to her.

"Yes! Family is what makes a person stronger!!" Daniel said in a soft tone secretly wishing all the happiness for the powerful couple in front of him.

"All the best Ria! We are always with you!" Evelyn said while hugging Aria while she replied in a soft tone "Thanks Evy!!"

"Good Luck Aria! Remember, you are not alone in this!" Ryan said while giving Aria a side hug while she replied back "Thanks Ryan!!"

"Excuse me Ms. Ferguson! You need to come with us for the court trial." An officer came with the manacles.

"That's the procedure. Don't worry I will be with her." Daniel said while looking at both Aria and Christopher nodding his head in 'yes'.

"Officer could you give us a minute please?" Christopher asked in a soft tone and the cop nodded his head in 'yes'.

"I know you are a strong woman. Remember the promise we made to each other, the promise we made to our kids. I know you will come back with flying colours and I will be waiting for you. I will always be with you and I will never let you fall. And I promise to make you mine! Mrs. Brentt!" He said in a promising tone and captured her lips with his own in front of everyone conveying how much this woman means to him and how he was proud of being hers.

"I love you!" Aria said once they broke the kiss.

"I love you too!!" Christopher said and the officer cleared his throat.

Once Aria left they all turned around to go into the courtroom in the other direction. The witnesses, lawyers and the accused were supposed to go from one direction and the others were supposed to enter the courtroom from the main entrance.

** Clapping Hands **

"WOW!! What a kiss! It touched my heart!" Hunter said while placing his hand on his chest and flashed his eye lashes. Christopher tightened his jaw and his finger curled into fists looking at the nasty man.

"Hunter, don't forget those 'I love youuuusssss'!" Amelia added with a sadistic smile playing on her face. Christopher was a little taken back listening to her. But he could understand if she loved a guy like Hunter then the way she was behaving now was quite reasonable. 'What a Sadistic Couple' he thought! Evelyn jerked a little to punch her but Ryan stopped her and nodded his head in 'no'. They didn't want one more drama in their plate.

"Hmmm! So she decided to fight me?" Hunter asked while crossing his arms across his chest but Christopher chose to ignore him.

"She is a liar Christopher! I pity you man. You are so blinded in her love!! God! Such a cliché moment!" Hunter said while scratching his jaw a little while Christopher simply scoffed and pulled out his glares.

"We will soon see who the blind one is! Oh, and one more thing..." Christopher said while raising the glares and continued "There is no need for you 'two' to worry about our kisses or our endearments. It's a feeling that comes from 'true love' which I am sure you guys have no idea about!" Christopher wore his glares and made way into the courtroom while the rest followed leaving behind two angry and sadistic people.


P.S.: Extremely Sorry for the Grammatical Errors!!

NEXT CHAPTER (21) is coming right up! 




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