Polar opposites (ON HOLD)

Av Lone_Beauty

443 119 81

I feel my heart racing super fast and a thousand butterflies in my tummy. With my back against the wall and h... Mer

chapter 1: unexpected call
Chapter 2: chapman
Chapter 3: sister
Chapter 5: nightmares
Chapter 6: Gabriel
Chapter 7 : bonding night 1
Chapter 8: bonding night 2
Chapter 9: drunk mistake
Translations (not an update)
Chapter 10: Fight for her
Chapter 11: Chips and icecream
Chapter 12: Roomates
Chapter 13: Tensions and Jelousy
Chapter 14: Fight
Chapter 15: Stay away from me
On hold

Chapter 4: respect

20 9 10
Av Lone_Beauty

The same good for nothing bitch is here looking at me with a very amused smirk on her face. "Ben leave" she says to whoever the guy is. The idiot walks over to me and says"I wonder how good you will be in bed." Very seductively I reply "I also wonder how good you will look like with a bullet in your head" he flinches and scurries away. Pussy.

"Now what are you doing here" "Can't an elder sister come to pay her baby sis a visit" "O please cut the trap and tell me what the fucking hell your doing here" I say with a very annoyed and dangerous tone. "Show some respect I am ur fucking sister for crying loud"

I don't know why but I just start laughing. You know all this laughs on TV that makes the person look like a maniac. Yup that's how I'm laughing.

"Did you just say respect. As in respect" I practically shout in her face as she flinches at the tone. The little restraint I managed to get has just snapped.

"You lost that respect when you introduced an innocent ten year old who looked up to you for guidance into your dirty life. You lost that respect when you made me go to juvie for a crime I didn't commit. You lost that respect when you made me lose the people I loved the most. You lost that respect when you practically forced me into a drug business that I so didn't want to join"

"You made me the heartless bitch I am today. You ruined my life okay. You ruined it. Did you know how it felt to go to rehab for a whole damn year while you're age mates where living normal lives. Did you. When your good for nothing boyfriends raped me when you weren't around did you." Taking a deep breath in I lowered my voice. "So you see you've lost that respect a loooooong time ago" I say and walk out but then I remember something.

"And please next time you really want to bang someone don't do it in the dining. At least I still have some respect for food."I say and walk out.

Staying in this god damn house isn't going to do me any good so I just get the keys to my power bike and my helmet and walk out. Call me whatever you want to but I love my life so much that I can't do without my helmet.

I come down stairs to hear her annoying voice ask me where am going to. I saw a flicker of emotion in her eyes but I didn't mind it. She really doesn't care so to me it's just a facade.

"I'm going out. I have lectures in an hour. The air here is toxic so don't wait for me because I am not coming tonight." I say and walk out.

It's like 10 minutes ride from Victoria island to Lekki beach. I know a beach is where your supposed to be happy but that's where I dump my frustrations.

I just sit and watch happy children playing around and lovely couples watching over their kids when I feel some one tap me.

"You again? Are you stalking me or what. First in school now here what next?" I say to the blue eyed guy who poured chapman on me. "I'm sorry ok. I came here with my little brother and I decided to apologize when I saw you" "apology accepted can you leave my fucked up life alone now" I inwardly flinch at my tone but I am frustrated and this poor guy just had to be at the receiving end of my frustration.

"One more thing" wait doesn't this bro understand. "I'm Dave" "If I tell you my name would you leave me alone?" "I'll try but no promises" "Princess" is what I say and storm off.

Sorry guys. I was about to publish this chapter when my data finished. Please remember to vote, comment and share. 😘😘😘

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