Another Love | C.C

kayxo8 द्वारा

40.9K 597 126

After their brutal break up 10 months ago, Ava felt like she lost everything. She had to start from the begin... अधिक



666 10 3
kayxo8 द्वारा

Ava found herself waking up to the shining on her face. She squinted her eyes as she brought her hand to her face to shield them from the sun. Confused with where she was, she realised she had fallen a sleep on the floor in Sam and Colby's Hotel Room. Everyone had. Crawford was laying beside her with his arm draped over her waist, Sam and Colby were sprawled out in their beds comfortably, fast a sleep. Kian had fallen a sleep in one of the arm chairs, Corey L in the other and the rest of us had crashed on the floor.

We stayed up pretty late, we got caught up playing just dance the Wii the hotel room poshly had and then watched a horror film until about 3am. Ava noticed her phone laying beside her so she tapped the screen to see it was already 9am.

"Shit" she muttered to herself, realising her mother would be even more pissed off with her for not even returning home. She carefully removed Crawford's arm from her waist and gently kissed his cheek before quietly standing up. She grabbed her phone and silently left the room, ready to head back to her parents' house.

It was only a ten minute walk from the hotel, but along the way she quickly made a group chat with everyone in and sent them a message.

Gone home to get ready for the day. Make sure you're all ready for 1pm, I'm showing you all around. Also, can someone book our plane home please? :) thanks x

Once she arrived home, she noticed both her parents' cars were on the driveways. She realised because it was Saturday it must have meant they were both not going to work today.

She used the key to the house to get inside and once she pushed the door open, her mom immediately emerged from from the kitchen.

"Where have you been?! You said you were coming home last night!" She exclaimed, her face almost turning red as she yelled at her daughter.

Ava stood there and stared at her confused.

"I stayed out...sorry I forgot to say anything. Chill" she told her mother, not understanding why she was talking to her as if she was still 15.

"Don't tell me to chill, Ava. Ever since you've come back from LA you've caused me nothing but stress" she exclaimed before heading back into the kitchen. Ava scoffed and followed behind her but remained stood in the doorway. She spotted her dad sat at the table drinking a coffee and reading the newspaper, he glanced up at the scene in front of him, locked eyes with Ava and smirked before tilting his head down again. Ava tried to keep a straight face as she realised how her dad found this amusing and she leaned against the door frame.

"How have I caused you stress mum?" She asked curiously.

"By suddenly turning up on my door step, staying here all over again, I know you're gonna leave to go back to LA again! It's not nice"

"Mum you do realise I never came back here to stay, right? I was always planning on going back to LA. Mum, I'm sorry but LA is my home now. It has been for the past two years" she explained calmly to her mother. Her mother felt hurt, she'd missed her daughter and was low-key enjoying having her around again. She didn't want her to leave.

Her mother turned to face her, her expression was unreadable.

"Okay Ava. It's fine, I understand. LA has what we can never give you" she snapped.

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Turn everything in my life into a negative! I'm happy there. Can't you be happy for me? I'm living my life the way I want to, isn't that all you have ever wanted for me? You can't even bring yourself to supporting me anymore and that shit hurts more than when I miss you in LA" she vented to her mother, feeling anger towards her now.

"I support you" her dad said, not taking his eyes off of the newspaper.

"Adam" her mother warned him, causing a small smirk to sweep across Ava's face in amusement.

"Thank you dad. Now, if you don't mind imma go get myself ready for the day. My friends from LA are here and I'm showing them around town today" she explained before heading off to her room to start getting ready. However, before she started that, she noticed her phone was beeping and it was the group chat. Everyone was now awake.

Colby- bitch how'd you sneak out so easily
Sam- ^^^^
Chelsea- are we going shopping?🥳🥳
Kian- I'll book the plane home
Bobby- and I will supervise ^^^^
Franny- bro I'm so excited I've never been to London before
Crawford- where r u meeting us babe
Ava- be ready for 1, I'll meet you all outside your hotel :) x
Jc- exciting
CoreyL- it's supposed to rain today tho
Ava- and?
CoreyL- that's shit
Ava- stop whining. Get ready
CoreyL- why r u rushing me we literally have like three hours still
Ava- stop being a negative nancy

Ava decided to take a shower and start getting herself ready. Seeing as it was winter and British weather was much worse than LA's, she decided to go for blue Skinny Jeans, a black laced crop top, black trainers, and a white fluffy winter coat.

She done a full face of makeup which was something she often only did for days out and nights out and curled her hair slightly on the ends.

She jogged down the stairs and grabbed a slice of toast to eat as her breakfast before intending on leaving, however her dad was still sat in the same spot so strikes up conversation with her beforehand.

"Just give your mum time, she'll come round" he advised her. Ava shrugged.

"I know, it's just annoying" she told him. He nodded in understanding.

"I know. What are your plans today anyways?" He questioned her.

"Gonna show my friends around town" she shrugged, leaning against the counter.

"You should bring them all over here, it'd be good to meet them all" he told her. Ava started laughing.

"You do realise there's almost 14 of us" she told him, having an amused look swept across her face.

"Okay never mind" he laughed.

"I might bring Crawford over tonight though, if that's okay? You guys have only met him once...and that was two years ago..." she trailed, hoping he would be okay with it.

"Yeah sure, that's fine by me" he shrugged.

Ava thanked him excitedly before realising the time and how she had to start heading out.

She said goodbye to her dad and left the house, heading for the hotel the rest of the group were staying at. Once she arrived she lingered outside, waiting for them all to come down.

Ava- yo I'm outside. Hurry up
Jc- we're waiting for Kian and Jake
Ava- 🙄🙄
Colby- some of us r coming down now, chill
Ava- bitch

Ava noticed Sam, Colby, both Corey's, Franny and Crawford emerge from the building and start heading towards her.

"Hey girl" Franny smiled at her, hugging her also.

"Hey" Ava smiled.

She then hugged everyone else, Crawford last and continued to wait for the others.

"How are they late when they've been awake for a couple of hours now?" She questioned them. Crawford shrugged beside her.

"This is kian and Jake we're talking about" he laughed.

"Don't worry, Tara and Jc are yelling at them to hurry anyways"Corey S told her.

Maybe another 5-10 minutes had passed until they all headed out and met up. Ava decided the first place she was gonna take them was Central London so that they could go shopping. It was more exciting for the girls than it was for the boys, but they still enjoyed themselves. They then had lunch at Leister Square and had a drink in one of the local pubs after for a while.

It was a fun day for them all. Her friends got to explore London properly for the first time and and they all bonded a lot more. After many laughs, mess shouts, insults and deep conversations, they started heading back.

Crawford had already agreed with Ava he would go back to her place to see her parents whilst the others just chilled at the hotel. Kian announced he had booked plane tickets for 36 hours time, so she only had one more day in London before heading away again, but she was okay with that.

They all exchanged goodbyes as Ava and Crawford headed away to her house and once they were alone, they started walking hand in hand.

"So how's things even going with your mom?" He asked her curiously.

Ava shrugged.

"We kinda argued this morning, but even my dad said she'll calm down eventually. She basically admitted she just doesn't want me to leave again" she explained to him.

"I'm presuming your dad is all good with you then?"

"Yeah, he's perfectly fine with me. Bantering and everything, it's nice" she smiled slightly. He smiled too, looking down at her and admiring her.

"Thanksgiving is next week" he changed the subject.

"Yeah, you're all gonna be gone whilst I'll be chilling on my own innit" she laughed lightly, it was always the way when thanksgiving came about.

"Actually not true. Quite a few of us are staying in LA this year, I think Corey and I are planning on throwing a dinner for everyone" he informed her.

"You and Corey? Cooking thanksgiving dinner?" She asked, feeling very amused by this.

He rolled his eyes and laughed.

"We'll be hosting. Christian will be cooking of course. And besides, it's more the less for a video" he laughed, earning a laugh from her too.

"Fair enough, well, I'm glad I won't be alone then" she chuckled softly.

They soon arrived at her house and headed inside.

"Mum?! Dad?!" She called for them.

"Living room!" Her dad yelled back.

She glanced at Crawford and smiled at him before leading the way to the living room. He had only been here once and that was the one time he met her parents. This was when he came to help her pack her belongings for when she permanently moved over two years ago. So he only vaguely remembered the place.

"You hush remember Crawford right? Crawf, you know my mum and dad" she told him happily.

"It's good to see you both again" he smiled at them politely.

"You too man" her dad welcomed him with a smile.

"Hi Crawford" her mom smiled at him sweetly. That was the most kind she had been since Ava got back. But she felt relieved she chose to be nice and not a bitch to him. She could take her being a bitch to her but didn't want it happening to him.

And this was the start to a wonderful evening spent with her parents and boyfriend, something she always wanted to happen but never could. It went so much better than planned and that made her happy.

A/N: 3K reads! Tysm! Where'd my active peeps at?

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