I Found A Robot Hiding In My...

By TransformersChick

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After Abigail saw her mother get killed in front of her by her abusive and drug addict father who also abused... More

The Day You Left was The Day I Changed
Hanging Out with Crosshairs and Friends
We Battle For Good! Not Evil! Unlike Him!
The Battle Between Good and Evil!
Gaining New Friends and Old
The Final Fight Between Autobots and Neutral
Relaxing with the Autobots
Hanging out with Sideswipe and Sunstreaker
The Day We Played Together
Getting sick
Girls day! with Chromia, Arcee, and Delilah
Singing a Disney song with someone part 1
First day of school
Bullies part one
Secrets kept. A New Journey and Enemies
Truth part one
How Prowl and Harley met (Bonus chapter)
Rescue Mission part one
Family Reunion
How Ariella and Joltstrike met eons ago (Bonus chapter)
Abby's trip to South Korea
Welcome back. Night Scares
Kim Family Temple
Halloween Party (Halloween special)
Thanksgiving day
Christmas in Korea
Hi guys.
New Year's Celebration
Teenage girl?! (Bonus chapter)
Abby's recovery and beach trip
Abby and Friends in High School

Enyo's Fun Day

1.6K 35 118
By TransformersChick

Abby's pov

I woke up when SunnySide started licking my face for me to get up. SunnySide barked quietly as he shuffled his two front paws waiting and I sat up while rubbing my eyes and yawned. I looked at my alarm clock and saw it was only 5:30 a.m. and decided to get up and take a shower so I can be ready for the day.

After my shower, I looked around my bathroom and smiled at how different it looked now. My parents thought I wanted to have my bedroom and bathroom remodeled so they decided to fix it to see if I liked it the way it looks now.

It turns out, I loved my new bedroom and bathroom makeovers. My shower was still the same but my bathtub had changed and had the colors of the ocean.

My bedroom and bed had changed too.

I even added two jellyfish night lights in my bedroom to make it look almost like it was real.

My ceiling was painted to match the theme of my room.

My wall where my vanity once stood had changed as well.

My other wall where the little mermaid wallpaper used to be had also changed.

I had a desk for when I need to do my homework between the bookshelf and the couch.
(Ignore the letter on the wall.)

My bedroom floor.

My bathroom floor.

SunnySide barked and whined as he scratched the door as if to let me know he wanted to be near me. He has become very protective over me ever since yesterday's scare over my bruises. He wouldn't let anyone near me, except my family.

I had changed into my clothes and dried my hair before brushing my teeth. I fixed my hair before I walked out of the bathroom and picked up SunnySide before I walked out of my bedroom.

I had to be really quiet as I knew everyone else was still asleep. I went downstairs and I put SunnySide on the ground and I went to the kitchen to fill his food bowl and water bowl.

SunnySide was eating his food as I grabbed some eggs and bacon out of the fridge before I started making four scrambled eggs and cooked the bacon as well as I make some toast for myself. I smiled to myself as I cooked the food, happy that the bruises were almost gone thanks to grandpa's suggestion of healing lotion that he had created. No one would be able to see the bruises when I get to school today. I should probably bring some for Enyo to use so no one laughs at her when they see her face.

No one's pov

Cris and Delilah woke up to the smell of something cooking and looked at each other before they got out of bed, threw their robes on, and walked out of their bedroom before they both walked downstairs to see their daughter making eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast.

"Abby, how are you feeling, sweetie?" Delilah asked her daughter, who turned around and showed her parents a smile that melted Crosshairs' spark when he first met her that day.

"I feel a lot better. My face still hurts though, but it'll feel better after today. I think." Abby said with a happy tone as her mother chuckled before she helped her daughter with breakfast and Cris grabbed the plates and glasses for drinks.

Soon, everyone else had woken up and they got ready for the day. They all smiled (Sunstreaker smirked) as the smell of bacon filled the air before they got out of their beds and got through their morning routine before they all walked downstairs and into the kitchen to see Abby was cooking food with Delilah.

They could tell her bruises were gone due to the lotion that Ratchet had made the day before. She was smiling with happiness as Sideswipe and Sunstreaker walked up to her before SunnySide barked and looked outside. Abby jumped off the chair she was standing on and walked to the back door and opened it as she looked at the dark blue sky.

SunnySide ran off and Abby exclaimed, "SunnySide! Come back!" She ran after her puppy and Sideswipe and Sunstreaker both ran after her.

"SunnySide!" Abby called out after she lost sight of her puppy. She ran in the woods and she could hear the twins shout out her name.

"Cutie, get out of there!" Sideswipe shouted out as he saw her silhouette figure before he saw her run in the direction where she thinks SunnySide went.

"Abigail!" Sunstreaker yelled as he was starting to worry about her.

The sun wasn't fully up yet, and there could still be nocturnal animals out and about.

"SunnySide, where are you? Come out! We got to get back home!" Abby said as she walked over tree roots that were sticking out of the ground to get to where she thinks SunnySide is at before she kept walking. She shivered as she realized she forgot her jacket back home.

She also felt like she was being watched by someone or something.

Abby looked around but found nothing. She found SunnySide in a dimly lit clearing and cautiously walked up to him.

"SunnySide! There you are. Why'd you run off like that, bud?" Abby asked as she stood near the pup. They both heard growls and snarls coming from all around and Abby looked up and noticed gleaming eyes and some sharp teeth. She took a step back in fear while SunnySide stepped in front of his human girl protectively as he snarled back at them.

Abby quickly picked up SunnySide and said to the wolves that are slowly walking out of the dark as she backed up, "I'm sorry for trespassing." She bolted and the wolves followed her as she ran.

Abby tripped over a root that she didn't notice as she had looked back to see if any of the wolves had gotten close to her and she almost fell on her face if she hadn't stuck one of her hands out to catch herself. Abby was catching her breath as she gently placed SunnySide on the ground. She turned her head when she heard a menacing growl behind her and slowly turned her head to see a wolf was stalking up to her, body lowering to the ground ready to pounce on her.

Just before the wolf could pounce on her, thundering footsteps could be heard as they ground shook under their feet. Abby was about to fall backwards but something caught her before she could hit the ground and she looked up to see Grimlock glaring at the wolf in his Tyrannosaurus rex form, snarling as he did so. The wolf was starting to whimper before Grimlock roared and the wolf ran off back to its pack and to its home.

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker ran up to where they were and saw Abby was okay along with SunnySide. Cris had followed as he was starting to worry himself to the brink of being put in a forced recharge if he didn't calm down by Ratchet. Cris ran up to his daughter before scooping her up in his arms and checking her over.

"I'm fine papa, thanks to Grimy." Abby said as she smiled at Grimlock, who smiled back.

My name is Grimlock. Not Grimy.

Cris didn't find any injuries on her and sighed with relief before he kneeled to the ground and let Abby grab SunnySide so she could hold him while trying to calm down.

"Sweetspark, don't ever do that again." He said as he carried Abby back to the house. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker followed while Grimlock went back to his group to probably catch up on sleep.

Abby looked at the ground in shame as SunnySide whimpered as his ears flattened to his head. Cris sighs as he hugged them both before he walked inside the house and sat at the table.

Everyone was chatting while Delilah gently grabbed her daughter and checked her clothes for any tears or stains, but found nothing as she sat down and set her daughter on her chair next to her parents while she gently picked up SunnySide and set him on the ground so everyone can eat.

Everyone had complimented the food and asked who had made them and Abby ducked her head in embarrassment and everyone started thanking her for the food. Abby smiled at her family before she started eating eggs and toast with a glass of milk that Cris had poured for her.

After they all ate, Abby had grabbed her backpack from near her desk in her bedroom before she went back downstairs to grab her jacket as well as a small bottle of lotion from Ratchet's medbay for Enyo to use. She hoped no one hurt her friend anymore, but with Karen and her group of friends, that'll be really hard for the two girls to avoid.

She had been told that Sideswipe would drive her to school and someone else would pick her up after school. Sideswipe started driving to the school as Abby told him all about her friend, Enyo Nakamura.

"I really wish SunnySide was here with us." Abby said as she watched the scenery change from trees to buildings.

"Cutie, I know you want to bring SunnySide everywhere, but you can't bring him on school campus. It's their rule, not ours. We have to follow those rules." Sideswipe said as he gently ruffled Abby's hair.

Sideswipe pulled up to the school and Abby was hesitant about getting out of the car since she could tell something was about to happen. She could clearly tell everyone would be shocked if they saw her step out of the Corvette stingray concept. She hoped no one in her class tries to ask her any questions about Sideswipe's car.

She heard an engine and turned around to see Enyo be helped out of Sergio's car. She smiled at her friend as she walked up with Sideswipe following her, probably making sure Sergio doesn't hurt her or anything.

Enyo's pov

I woke up to my alarm clock and sat up as I stretched and yawned. Momma walked in my bedroom and helped me out of bed before she grabbed my favorite Pokemon shirt and a pair of blue jeans with black and white converse.

After I was finished changing and brushing my hair and teeth, Momma pushed my wheelchair out to the dining room where Sergio was putting some pancakes on plates. He looked up when he heard my wheelchair and sadly smiled at me as he saw the bruises on my face.

I smiled at him before we all ate. The pancakes tasted yummy and fluffy as they had been baked with love and I smiled happily as I ate.

I couldn't wait to see Abby again. I wonder if we'll be partners for the project we have to do after school is finished. The project was to write about what we know about our partners and what they like.

I really want to be her partner as she is a great girl and is friendly. Her family was huge compared to mine but I didn't seem to mind. She has loving parents like I did when my dad was around. Sergio had helped me with my shoes as he grabbed my backpack and helped me to his car again like yesterday.

We left the house and were on our way to school. I was nervous, about the partner, about Karen and her friends, about everyone seeing my bruised face and laughing.

We arrived at the school and surprisingly, we were the first ones there along with Abby, who had been driven here by someone in a silver Corvette stingray concept. I heard cars like those are expensive! Sergio's car may be a Ferrari but I think it's a cool car! Sergio helped me out of his car and into my wheelchair just as Abby had walked up smiling and we started chatting about the project we will be doing.

Abby's pov

Enyo and I started talking about that project that we had to do with a partner while Sideswipe had started talking to Sergio about something. I handed Enyo the bottle of lotion I had grabbed before I left the house and she applied a little bit on her face.

"It should help the bruises be gone by the time school starts." I say to her before we chatted about what we will be doing if we became partners.

Everyone else had started arriving and Sideswipe, or as his holoform's name is Joey, said he had to leave so he would see me after someone comes to pick me up after school. I hugged him the best I could and he hugged me back before we let go and he got inside his car and drove off with Sergio following after he gave Enyo a hug as well.

"Do you still have the lotion or did you give it to Sergio?" I asked her as I pushed her wheelchair inside the building so we can go to our class.

"I gave it to Sergio." Enyo replied as I pushed her wheelchair into our classroom and to our table. We both wanted to be each other's partners because we had become best friends since we met.

Everyone else had arrived late when the bell rang and we were all sitting as Ms. Jones walked in and started explaining about the project we would be doing later today. She chose the partners and it looked like luck was on our side as she had picked me and Enyo to work together on this project.

During lunch, we were chatting about the project and laughing about random things when Karen and her group of friends walked up with what looked like smirks on their faces and Karen said, "prepare yourselves girls, because this day will be a fun one." She and her group walked off. Enyo and I were confused along with several other kids who overheard her saying that.

Enyo and I were playing catch with other kids when Karen ran up with bruises along with Janice, Finley and Primera and they pointed at us as they started crying to a teacher. We all looked at each other in confusion. But that quickly went away when the teacher walked up and crossed his arms before he said, "Abigail, Enyo. You two will come with me to the principal's office."

Third person pov

The girls were immediately taken to the office and were asked questions about what they were doing a few minutes prior to the four girls getting bruises on them. The two girls had answered honestly about what they had been doing. They were playing a game of catch with the other kids before Karen, Janice, Finley and Primera showed up crying. The principal could tell the girls were being honest and nodded her head saying, "All right. While I figure this out, I'm going to have to suspend you girls for two days. I will tell your parents about the events and I will also call the girls' parents about this problem." Both of the girls had nodded their heads before they were dismissed.

The rest of the day went on as normal.

After school, both of the girls had gone outside and Abby could see Sunstreaker's alt mode and Enyo could see Yemon's car. They both had noticed the two males were talking to each other. Abby immediately thought Sunstreaker had gotten in trouble for yelling at someone or the police officer and looked at the ground as she walked up while pushing Enyo's wheelchair.

Sunstreaker noticed Abby was walking up while pushing her friend's wheelchair up to Yemon and noticed she had a sad look on her face. That look didn't suit her at all. He kneeled down to her height.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Enyo and I got suspended for something we didn't do." Abby answered as tears started to sting her eyes.

Yemon had put Enyo into the backseat of his car while Sunstreaker picked up Abby and placed her inside his alt. He started trying to calm her down and kissed her forehead before he grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her. She looked like a cocoon as she snuggled into the warmth after she had taken off her jacket and backpack.

"Yemon and I will be right back. Okay. We just need to have a chat with someone." Sunstreaker said as his eyes flashed red for a second.

Yemon had walked up after he made sure Enyo was okay sitting in his car by herself before he said, "Someone needs to make sure no one hurts the girls. Justin, you will remain here while I have a chat with the principal about the bullying problem the girls are having."

Sunstreaker, or now known as 'Justin', looked about ready to argue, but one look in Yemon's flashing red eyes, he knew better than to argue. He heaved a sigh before he nodded and held Abby close to him while he got out of the car and sat on his engine.

Karen and her group of friends had noticed that Abby was being held by someone who was sitting on a lamborghini Aventador and immediately felt jealous of her. She got all these nice cars picking her up every day. It's not fair! I get whatever I want, and my parents are millionaires working for the same company, so how is she able to afford all these drivers? Karen thought to herself as she watched with hate blazing in her eyes.

Sunstreaker noticed someone was watching him and Abby and turned his head to see four girls were glaring and he returned the glare with his eyes flashing red and the girls ran off screaming. Abby had noticed Sideways made his presence known for a bit and looked up at him.

"Sideways, are you okay?" Abby asked as she tilted her head to the side a bit in a cute way.

"I'm fine young one. It's nothing to worry about." Sideways said as he glared at Karen and her friends with an evil smirk before he turned his gaze to look at Abby with gentleness.

She smiled at him and he smiled back before his eyes flashed blue once more.

With Yemon

He had walked in the school building with a stern expression on his face as he walked to the office of the school and knocked. He heard a voice say, "come in," and he walked inside and noticed the principal was meeting with a family with a woman who looked exactly like what the bully, Karen, had looked like who Sergio told him was bullying Abby and Enyo, except she looked like an older version of her. Everyone had turned to look at him as the entitled mom was saying how her daughter would never hurt anyone.

HOW DARE HE CALL THE POLICE ON ME?!?! DO THEY NOT KNOW WHO I AM?! Karen's mother shouted in her mind, enraged that the principal had called the cops on her.

"I believe it would be best if I stayed here to make sure nothing happens to the children while they are busy playing on the playground or eating from now on." Yemon stated as he gave the principal a stern gaze with a message behind it stating 'argue with a police officer, and it will be the last thing you do.'

"I think that would be best as Abigail Kim and Enyo Nakamura were seen with bruises and blood on their bodies a couple days ago." The principal stated and the entitled mom stood up in a huff before she stormed out muttering incoherent words as she passed Yemon. The mentioned man nodded his head before he walked out of the building and walked up to his car before getting inside and driving away.

Third person pov

Sunstreaker had gently placed Abby inside his alt mode and closed the door before he got inside the driver's seat and drove off. Yemon had already explained to him about what happened during his meeting with the principal and Sunstreaker is not happy about some entitled woman who thinks her kid could get away with what she wants whenever she deems it necessary. Sunstreaker could tell Sideswipe was wondering what happened to Abby and if she's okay.

Sunstreaker turned his com link on and heard everyone talking over each other and he became irritated, which made Abby laugh.

"Would you all be quiet! I have something to say." Sunstreaker sounded really serious as he said that.

Abby suddenly felt really nervous as he drove to the house. She felt really scared of what Cris and Delilah would do when they find out she's been suspended for something she hadn't done. Sunstreaker tightened the seatbelt like he was hugging her and she breathed out and calmed down as she hugged the seatbelt.

Sunstreaker immediately told everyone about what Abby had told him and what Yemon had said.

To say everyone was horrified would be an understatement, they were absolutely furious that their innocent little girl had been blamed for something she and Enyo had not done. Delilah had known Enyo and another person was coming and she had decided to make some snacks as she waits for her daughter to come home. Arcee and Chromia had decided to help while Bee, Ron and Henry (Hound's holoform's name) were cleaning the house so there was no mess.

Sunstreaker pulled up to the house and Abby had yawned as she looked at the house before she tried opening the door, only to find it locked.

"Sunstreaker? Why is the door locked?" She had asked.

"If you think we're mad at you squishy, we're not. We're mad at the four girls for pinning the blame on you and Enyo." Sunstreaker said as he looked at Abby.

Abby nodded her head and then Sunstreaker's holoform was outside the passenger door and opened it, gently grabbed Abby and her backpack before he walked away from his alt mode as the door closed.

With Yemon and Enyo

"Enyo, what happened during school?" Yemon asked as he drove to the young child's house.

Enyo broke down crying as she looked at her hands in her lap before she said, "Abby and I got blamed for something we didn't do. Karen and her friends blamed us for hitting them when we weren't anywhere near them during recess."

Yemon could tell Enyo was upset because of her suspension from school. He could also tell Mirage would have a fragging field trip when he hears about this.

They pull up to the house and Yemon helps Enyo inside the house and she starts gathering supplies for when she leaves to go over to Abby's house. Yemon had gotten the address from Sunstreaker, and was told to come over with Enyo.

The sound of small nails hitting the hardwood floors brought him out of his thoughts as he turned his head to see Enyo's little German shepherd puppy with blue eyes that she had gotten.

She had named him Conway. Conway is a blind puppy. But he was trained by Mirage in commands and also tracking scents that he knows.

Yemon had picked up Conway as he waited for Enyo to finish grabbing what she needs for the project.

Enyo had grabbed some things from her bedroom before she wheeled herself out and they went back to the car and drove off to Abby's house, unaware that someone had started to follow them in a black car with dark tinted windows.

Enyo was drawing while she held Conway in her lap. She kept having flashbacks about prekindergarten at her old school and how people kept laughing as they hurt her, kick her, call her names, etc.

Enyo threw her sketchbook at the dash before she holds her head as tears started spilling from her eyes. Yemon tightens the seatbelt as if hugging her to calm her down.

She tries to calm her breathing as they neared Abby's house. To say she was shocked at the sight of the house would be an understatement.

The house Abby was living in was deserted. No other houses were nearby or anything except trees. Her house had a lot of nice cars and a military truck. The house looked it was built a long time ago. Enyo could tell her best friend was hiding something. Before Yemon pulled away from the school parking lot after his meeting with the principal, she had noticed Justin's eyes flashed red, just like Sergio's eyes when he was pissed off.

She couldn't wait to see her best friend and work on the project together. She wondered what theme Abby's bedroom is.

With Abby

When Sunstreaker had walked inside the house, Drift asked if he could have some time with Abby before her friend arrives. He was granted the time to have a chat with Abby and they both walked outside to the backyard where they saw Drift's alt mode. He transformed and they started walking towards the trees behind the house.

Drift started talking about his life on Cybertron but left out a few details of what he was like on Cybertron when Abby had asked.

They were both talking so much about Cybertron that they didn't notice someone was following them.

They couldn't see him nor hear him walk up from behind them.

Not even his pedes made any noise as he walked.

The mysterious mech got behind Drift and attached a device on his backstruts and Drift stopped walking. He was looking at the floor as Abby had noticed Drift wasn't talking or walking anymore and looked back to see he's looking at the ground.

It would start to sink in some type of venom into his stream, like a chord had entered his body to place the venom.

His systems would malfunction a bit, as if a virus, causing Deadlock to force him back too his mind, with little control.

She realizes something was wrong. "Why did he stop walking and talking?" She asked herself as she starts to walk up to Drift and notices he's acting weird.

He'd just stand there as it continued to spread, up until his spark, who's has the side of Deadlock.

Abby had noticed a glint as the sun started to shine a bit, and she walked to where she stood behind him to see, and noticed a tiny little machine on his back and tries to tell him.

She would also ask if he was okay.

Drift turned to look at her, his optics a Decepticon red, only a tint of blue could be seen, it was just like the nightmare she had once.

Abby had tried to scream, but her voice was caught in her throat due to how scared she was for Drift.

"Oh, everything's fine... EXCEPT YOU!!" He would go and try to grab her. Getting tackled by Ironhide and Hound, to hold him before he does anything else.

Abby stood frozen. She didn't know what was going on.

Crosshairs had come and picked her up, backing her away from Drift.

Abby had asked Drift what was going on with him.

He looked away, not wanting to see her face, as both weapon specialists picked him up and put him down.

She asked both of them why they were doing that to Drift.

Crosshairs looked at his daughter sadly, before he passed her to Bumblebee, going to go help them with Drift.

Bumblebee knew he had to be the one to explain.

Abby would look at Drift with sadness, since she didn't know what was happening to him.

Bumblebee brought her inside where he transformed and onlined his holoform before he grabbed Abby from the passenger's seat and brought her upstairs to her bedroom, keeping her away from seeing Drift any longer, he could tell it was making her sad.

When they reached Abby's bedroom and she was set on her bed, she started crying because nobody would explain to her what was going on with Drift.

Instead of explaining, Bumblebee showed her the old Drift, explaining how he was a Decepticon before he joined the Autobots. Bumblebee told Abby how Drift had done things he shouldn't have, sometimes it comes back to haunt him.

Abby told her big brother that it was the old Drift. She said, "This Drift is different! I don't care if anyone tells me if he's his old Decepticon self or not! He's still Drift to me! He's family!" She had tears streaming down her face as she said this.

Bumblebee shook his head, telling her, "We can't help him. It's who he was. He could've done something to you if he were to grab you."

"How do we help him?" She asked as she wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

"Did you see anything weird on him? That could help us a lot." Bee asked her as he looked at her.

"I saw a weird device on his back, but I'm not sure where it came from." She did wonder where the device came from.

Bumblebee contacts the others via com link telling them about something on Drift's backstrut. "Do you still want Enyo to come over and work on the project?"

"Yeah. Will Drift be okay?"

"We're not so sure. Ratchet's trying his best to get that venom out of Drift. It already made it to his spark." Bee said as he sat on the floor.

"Is that... bad?" Abby asked hesitantly.

"We're not sure. Ratchet has put him in stasis just to check everything. He would've almost killed Ratchet if he was awake." Bumblebee informed her and felt a pang of guilt as he explained this to her.

Abby stood to her feet and bolted out of her bedroom.

Bumblebee tried to grab her, but she was too quick, he missed her by a hair. "ABBY GET BACK HERE!!" He ran after her, as she tried heading to Ratchet's med bay.

Hound caught her as he was standing in front of the door.

"Drift?" Abby asked.

Hound shook his head at her.

"I want to see Drift." Abby said as she looked at him.

Hound growled out, "No kiddo, we can't let you in. I know you want to see Drift, but all of us aren't allowed to see him either."

"Says who?" Abby asked as she tilted her head to the side.

"Ratchet. His med bay, we listen. All of us know what will happen if we don't listen to what he says." Hound shuddered at the image of Ratchet's wrenches being thrown at bots who didn't listen to him.

"What about me?"

"Same thing. Except smacking you with a wrench, but he still wouldn't want you in there to see Drift. Go get ready, 'Sergio' messaged me and told me that they're on their way." Hound told her as he was about to place her on the floor.

Abby sniffled and she nods her head, looking at the floor.

Hound hugged her close to him and rubs her back. "Kid, Drift wouldn't want you to see him like this. He saw how scared you looked when you saw his eyes. None of us could control that. If we're pissed, we can, but this, this is something he can't control out of will."

"I wasn't scared. I was worried. About him." She said as she tried not to cry again.

"I know. Now, go change into something new. Bumblebee, stay with her." Bee nods his head as Hound turned his gaze to the young teenaged boy.

Abby looks in the med bay and sees Drift.

She heard Ratchet say something, but she didn't get what he said, before poking something into Drift's arm, causing his optics to snap online, soon thrashing, trying to get out of his restraints.


"Kid, you weren't supposed to see that." Bumblebee took Abby in his arms, moving away, before he went back upstairs to her bedroom.

Abby would try to get out of his arms, but Bumblebee only tightened his hold on her before he walked in her bedroom, closed the door, and set her on her bed where he laid down on the bed and held her, trying to calm her down.

Abby started to cry again.

"I'm sorry, Abby. Just wait a little longer, Ratchet will tell me when I can allow you to go downstairs." Bee said as he rubbed his little sister's back.

"Why can't I see Drift? Is it because of him almost grabbing me?" Abby asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"Yes. He wanted to kill you. You're lucky SunnySide was able to tell you were in danger." Bee said.

"SUNNYSIDE!!!! Where is he?!?!" Abby asked, worried about her puppy.

"Right now with Crosshairs and Delilah. Don't rush, Drift is okay right now, just in recharge, you can go see him." Bee slowly lets her go as he sat up.

She quickly gets up and bolts out of her bedroom after she had changed her clothes in her bathroom.

"Why do I even try?" Bee asked himself, chuckling as he knew how worried Abby was about Drift.

Abby bolted into the med bay and Ratchet jumped from his spot as he was checking signs, signals, and signatures. He was not expecting her to bolt in the room like that.

"Grandpa! Is he okay? Is something wrong? Did you get that weird device out of his back?" She had fired one question after another. She was clearly worried about her uncle.

"Calm down, child. He is fine, just in need of a lot of recharge. His spark is beating slowly finally, no strain on it." He picked Abigail up and placed her near his chest plates.

Abby reached for Drift, making grabby motions with her hands.

Ding dong!

"Sorry little one, you can't wake him up. By tomorrow he will be up and running. Now your friend's here. I'll join you guys upstairs when I am done checking on him. I'd like to meet this friend of yours." Ratchet set Abby on the ground and gave her a light push out the door.

Enyo, Yemon and Sergio entered the house, being greeted by a lot of people there. Enyo looked around, trying to spot Abby.

"Where's Abby?" Enyo asked, still looking around.

Abby took one last look at Drift before she hugged Ratchet's ped and walked out of the med bay.

"ABBY!!" Enyo went over to Abby and the two girls hugged each other. "I'm mad we were suspended but Yemon had a stern talk with the principal and the principal allowed Prowl to stay near the school to make sure none of us are bullied." Enyo said as both girls pulled away.

"Really? That's great. Let's hope Karen and her friends leave us alone when they see him. Wait. You said Prowl? Who's that?" Abby was confused about the name Prowl. She had heard Jazz say that name before but the name didn't ring any bells.

"I guess we're all keeping secrets. Sergio, Yemon. You know them?" Enyo asked the two as she points to Ironhide, Hound, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Jazz, Arcee, Chromia, Crosshairs, Delilah, Bumblebee and Ratchet, who just walked in.

Abby saw the twins and smiled at them.

"Or should I say the second in command, Prowl and the Autobot spy, Mirage." Enyo said as she turned to look at the two of them.

Abby's eyes widened with shock and looked to her grandfather for confirmation.

Ratchet looked even more surprised along with the others. Jazz looked like he wanted to tackle Prowl in a death hug, knowing he's alive. "How?! Your signals were down?!?! We thought you were dead?!" Everybody (except Abby and Enyo) shouted at the two Autobots who were flicking their optics to Ratchet to see if he had a wrench on him.

"How long have you known them, Enyo?" Abby asked as she heard the other Autobots yelling at the two newcomers.

"'Two years. They've been with us for that long. My dad saved Mirage from certain death, Prowl was found stuck in mud and pretty damaged too." Enyo says as she and Abby listen to their own families chat.

"Oh." Abby said as she listened to her family.

"You know, Optimus would give you two a lecture for being gone for so long." Sideswipe says, crossing his arms, as Abby and Enyo finding the elevator, heading upstairs to her room to work on the project. "We know, but your signals were off and my comm was all static." Mirage answers back.

Abby giggled as she heard Sideswipe scold the two.

Two hours later

???'s pov

"David, I got it done. Abby and Enyo are friends. She's over at her house, working on a project while Mirage and Prowl are talking to the team." A feminine voice spoke into her cell phone as she watched the interaction of the family from her hiding spot in a tree, black clothes masking her with the shadows of the trees.

"Abby. That name of that child still leaves a disgusting taste in my mouth!" David said as he spoke with venom of the name.

"Drift also got the implant, almost killed her if it wasn't for the others. What shall I do next?" The woman asked as she saw a silver robot launch himself at Prowl, knocking him off his pedes as he did so.

"Hm. Keep an eye on how good their friendship is. We'll talk again sometime. Don't fail me, Asiana." David says and hangs up the phone.

"Soon Abby. You will be coming back home soon." David smiles sadistically as he turns around and looks outside a house that he had been hiding in for the last few years of his life.

"I can't wait." He laughed with a crazed smile.

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